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1、听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】参考译文 月球是太阳系最冷的地方Where would you find Grimaldi, Copernicus and the Sea of Clouds?你会在哪里找到格里马尔迪、哥白尼和云海?The Sistine Chapel, the Circuit de Monaco, the Orion Nebula or the moon?西斯廷教堂、摩纳哥赛道、猎户座星云还是月球?These are all features of the moon, the Earths natural sat

2、ellite.这些都是地球的自然卫星月球的特征。AZUZ: And that is our next stop today on CNN 10. To the moon!这是我们今天 CNN 10 的下一站。月亮 !Now, this here is what that satellite looks like in 4K, or ultra high definition resolution. It comes to us courtesy of a NASA mission launched in 2009 called the lunar reconnaissance orbiter

3、mission. Its cost is an estimated $583 million. Its goal is to make detailed maps of the moon.现在,这就是那个卫星的 4K 分辨率,或者超高分辨率。这是美国宇航局 2009 年发射的一项任务,叫做月球勘测轨道飞行器任务。其费用估计为 5.83 亿美元。目标是绘制月球的详细地图。So, this is a virtual tour. If youll kindly return your tray tables to their full upright position and direct your

4、 attention through the window.所以,这是一次虚拟之旅。如果你愿意将自己的餐桌处于完全直立的位置,并你的注意力从窗口引开。Youll see what the terrain looks like on the moon, and youll get a pleasant glimpse of the Orientale Basin which stretches about 580 miles wide.你将会看到月球上的地形地貌,你将会瞥见向东延伸约 580 英里的东方陨坑盆地。Our next point of interest is the Moons So

5、uth Pole, which is believed to be significantly colder than the Earths South Pole. In the years since this mission was launched, it sent back some highly detailed views and led to what scientists call some groundbreaking discoveries.我们的下一个兴趣点是月球南极,人们认为它比地球南极要冷得多。在这项任务启动后的听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,

6、练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】几年里,它发回了一些高度详细的观点,并致使科学家有了一些突破性发现。For instance, they believe the coldest spot in our solar system isnt on the planetoid formally known as the planet Pluto, but instead on the moon, where temperatures can plunge to negative 415 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if humans set off on the moon

7、 again, they wont be able to grill out.例如,他们认为太阳系中最冷的地方不是行星冥王星,而是在月球上,那里的温度可以降至零下 415 华氏度。所以,如果人类再次登上月球,那里是无法进行烧烤的。听力原文Where would you find Grimaldi, Copernicus and the Sea of Clouds?The Sistine Chapel, the Circuit de Monaco, the Orion Nebula or the moon?These are all features of the moon, the Earth

8、s natural satellite.AZUZ: And that is our next stop today on CNN 10. To the moon!Now, this here is what that satellite looks like in 4K, or ultra high definition resolution. It comes to us courtesy of a NASA mission launched in 2009 called the lunar reconnaissance orbiter mission. Its cost is an est

9、imated $583 million. Its goal is to make detailed maps of the moon.So, this is a virtual tour. If youll kindly return your tray tables to their full upright position and direct your attention through the window.Youll see what the terrain looks like on the moon, and youll get a pleasant glimpse of th

10、e Orientale Basin which stretches about 580 miles wide.Our next point of interest is the Moons South Pole, which is believed to be significantly colder than the Earths South Pole. In the years since this mission was launched, it sent back some highly detailed views and led to what scientists call so

11、me groundbreaking discoveries.For instance, they believe the coldest spot in our solar system isnt on the planetoid formally known as the planet Pluto, but instead on the moon, where temperatures can plunge to negative 415 degrees Fahrenheit. So, if humans set off on the moon again, they wont be able to grill out.


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