1、1进军中国五大宝典总结以上多位马来西亚企业家进军中国市场的成功经验,可以简单概括为以下几点: 1.要到中国投资,必须要深入了解中国当地的商业文化与经商手法,简单而言,先认识中国,再开始投资 金狮集团总执行长钟廷森:“你必须要实地了解清楚,这是一种习惯问题,而且购买力也不一样,有差距是理所当然的” 2.国有国法,家有家规,中国有中国本身的条例,再加上中国国土庞大,各个地区无论是在发展水平运作或是法律上都有很大的差异,因此马来西亚商人不能以马国的法律来衡量中国的政策 高雅国际美容集团总执行长吴世才:“在不同的国度里,很多外商不能异中求存,反而要求得到一些不符合当地国情的优惠但是,在别人的国家,外资
2、很多时候都不能意气用事” 3.选择合作伙伴代理商分销商供货商时,要小心翼翼,事先做好调查,同时也要考验商家的观察与判断能力 海鸥企业董事经理陈凯希:“花点精神与时间慢慢找小心选,别怕慢了半拍,钱就因此而跑进别人口袋了,可能到时更加得不偿失” 4.面对中国的制造业竞争,马来西亚中小型工业转型势在必行,将对2手转化为合作伙伴,是中小型工业未来的方向 苌菁集团董事经理刘国泉:“如果我不做出改变,肯定将会被淘汰,是环境逼我走向中国这条路,我没有选择的余地” 5.目前的中国是一个竞争激烈的市场,除了要面对中国的传统业者,也必须硬撼跨国外资集团,因此,缺乏资金的企业不妨找个伴相随 王朝信息科技集团董事经理
3、陈宥池:“中小型业者在经过了联盟集资后,将会成为一个不大不小的财团,人多好办事,业者一定有所作为” The successful experiences of the above Malaysian companies may be summed up as follows: 1) It is essential to have an in-depth understanding of the local commercial culture and business operation prior to making investment in China. In a nutshell, k
4、now China well before investment. 2) Every country has its own rules and regulations, so does every household. China makes no exception either. Furthermore, with the wide territory of China and big differences in development levels, operations, and local laws in different regions within the country,
5、 Malaysian businessmen are advised not to measure Chinese policies in the view of Malaysian laws. 33) It should be carried out with great caution to choose a partner, sales agent, distributor, or supplier,and it should be done after a detailed investigation and test on the candidates insight and jud
6、gment have been conducted. 4) It is imperative for small-and medium-sized enterprises in Malaysia to make transition in the face of competition from Chinese counterparts and the right direction is to change rivals into partners. 5) China at present is a market full of fierce competition where a business may not only take up the traditional Chinese counterparts but clash with multinational corporations as well. It is advisable for those companies which are short of capitals to start with a partner. (Translated by Zhang Xiaoyan)