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1、1上海海关力促国际快件物流发展12 月 19 日,记者从上海海关获悉:作为 APEC 中国海关示范通关点的上海海关国际快件监管中心,积极采取既符合快件“方便快速安全”的特点,又能满足海关监管需要的管理运作模式,努力提高海关的整体监管效能,为把上海建设成为航空快件转运中心起到了积极的促进作用据统计,今年 1 至 11 月,上海海关国际快件监管中心监管上海口岸空运进出境快件共 1789 万件,与 2004 年同期相比增长 28.8%,国际快件吨位数由 2004 年同期的 7 万吨上升到 10.8 万吨 随着国内物流行业实施对外资开放,作为物流行业一个重要组成部分的快件业,将面临外资涌入带来的新一轮

2、洗牌,这一巨大的市场机遇也引起了国外各大快件企业的关注进出境快件业务量占上海口岸进出境快件总量 95%的国际四大快件公司FEDEXUPSDHL 和 TNT 都将目光聚焦在了中国市场,纷纷加大在华投资力度日前,DHL 开通了上海-东京的夜航班,使其在上海浦东国际机场的货运量进一步增加,并将继续扩大投资,使上海成为 DHL 通往欧洲美洲及亚洲其他地区的重要门户;FEDEX 也把每周的进出境航班总量由初期的 10 个增加到 58 个,并计划继续增加;UPS 正在规划其业务中心的构建,并在服务上给予客户更大的优惠,以获取更大的市场份额;TNT 把区域中心设在上海,但其派送网络覆盖了中国 140个操作点

3、,并将扩展一系列进口快件的转关业务四大国际快件2“巨头”的这些举措显现出国际快件企业为全面进入中国市场已做好了充分准备 与此同时,快件监管中心积极与企业建立合作伙伴关系和对话沟通机制,已与包括 FEDEXUPSTNTDHL 四大国际快件“巨头”在内的 9 家快件企业签订了合作谅解备忘录(MOU),并积极开展风险管理试点,对高风险货物信息实施重点查验,打击快件渠道的走私违规行为,让守法快件企业享受便捷快速通关 (於武进) On Dec.19th, sources have that Shanghai International Express Goods Management Center un

4、der Shanghai Customs, as the demonstration Customs of China Customs for APEC, implemented operation patterns which both enjoy the typical feature of express service, namely fastness, convenience, safety and ensure smooth supervision of the Customs, aiming to enhance overall supervision of the Custom

5、s and to play an active role in building Shanghai an Air Express Goods Transport Center. According to statistics, from Jan. to Nov. this year, Shanghai International Express Goods Management Center under Shanghai Customs has witnessed that entry-exit express goods via Shanghai airport totaled at 17,

6、890,000 pieces, a 28.8% increase compared with the same period of last year. The total tonnage 3of international express goods has risen from 70,000 tons in 2004 to 108,000 tons this year. With the opening to foreign capital in Chinas logistics industry, as a key component of logistics, Chinese expr

7、ess services faced with a new round of shuffling along with the influx of foreign capital. Express service providers, home and abroad, big or small, turned their attentions to tremendous market potentials. FEDEX, UPS, DHL and TNT, occupying 95% of the total entry-exit express goods volume in Shangha

8、i airport, laid their eyes upon Chinese market and escalated their investments to China. Recently, DHL opened an evening flight between Shanghai and Tokyo,continuously increased its business volume in Shanghai Pudong International Airport and expanded its investment in Shanghai, making Shanghai DHLs

9、 main gateway to Europe, America and other areas in Asia. FEDEX also increased its entry-and-exit flight from 10 to 58 every week, expecting more in the near future. UPS is planning to build a business center, providing more favorable policies to clients and acquiring bigger market share. TNT has ma

10、de Shanghai its regional center and its service network was spread to 140 operation centers in China. It also planned to expand customs-to-customs business for imported express goods. Theses moves 4taken by the four international express service giants represented a full preparation by international

11、 express service providers to enter Chinese market in all-round way. Meanwhile, the Shanghai International Express Goods Management Center is keen to establish partnership and dialogue mechanism with enterprises, having signed Memorandum of Understanding with 9 express service providers in which FED

12、EX, UPS, TNT and DHL were involved. They also took effective measures to speed up clearances for those law-abiding express service providers, including opening risk management trial spot, placing great emphasis upon examination of high-risk goods, cracking down against smuggling and illegal activities. 编辑:李琳


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