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1、- 1 -大学英语六级考试听力场景词汇完整版:职业篇办公室常见人物: boss 老板secretary 秘书front desk 前台employee 雇员employer 雇主interview 面试interviewer 面试官interviewee 面试者department 部门head of department 部门主管Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官办公室的常见表达升官 promotion你是我的顶头上司 You are my immediately boss. 加薪 get a rise为补偿生活起居费用上涨而实行的底薪 cost living ris

2、e资历 qualification证书 certificate经验 experience经历 experiences- 2 -离职 quit ones job / resign退休 retire失业 layoff接替别人的位子 take over工资 salary找工作场景:求职者 applicant成为一个好的 to make good worker. . . 全职 full time 兼职 part time申请工作 apply for接受 accept拒绝 turn down简历 resume/CV拒绝某份工作 turn down the job空缺 vacancy职位 post/pos

3、ition岗位空缺 opening经历 experience面试 interview你面试进行的怎么样了?How is the job interview?电面 telephone interview- 3 -饭面 dinner interview面对面的面试 face to face office interview寻找相关领域内有经验的人 look for people with experience in the profession面试的注意事项:穿着干净 wear tidy in the clean cloth. 回答问题要诚实 to respond truthfully to in

4、quiry诚实是最好的策略 Honesty is the best policy. 镇静点,别慌张。 Be yourself. 面试的典型问题:Which position do you think most appeal to you? 你觉得什么职位最适合你?Why would you like to get this post? 你为什么想来这里干活?What makes you think you succeed in this position? 你认为你的优势在哪里?Why do you think your mind like to work for our company? 你

5、为什么想来我们公司工作How do you rate yourself at professional? 在这个专业领域你是怎么评价你自己的?大学英语六级考试听力场景词汇完整版:电影篇电影名称: 电影 movie动作片 action film 战争片 war film恐怖片 horror film惊险片 thriller film动画片 cartoon- 4 -喜剧 comedy暴力片 violence西部片 western film电影院 theater电影院 cinema好莱坞 Hollywood梦工厂 dream factory电影 film电影 show演员 character演员 a

6、ctor看电影 to watch the movie对电影的评价与讨论:没那么精彩。Not that exciting. 无聊 to feel sleepy浪费时间,不值。Its a waste of time. 真不值。Its a waste of money大学英语六级考试听力场景词汇完整版:购物篇商店的常见表达:书店 book store杂货铺 drugstore百货商店 department store商店 grocery store- 5 -超市 supermarket购物中心 shopping mall价格便宜的说法:Its a real bargain. Its a good b

7、argain. Its cheap indeed. Its a good deal. Its a good buy. 价格合理的说法:Its affordable/acceptable. The price is fair/reasonable. 价格贵的说法:The price is steep. The price is high. 付款方式的说法:直接付款 pay in cash支票付款 pay by check 信用卡付款 pay with credit card分期付款 pay by installment头期款 down payment打折的常见说法:折扣 discount打七折

8、to give a 30% discount- 6 -打九折 to offer a 10% discount打五折 50% off降价出售 on sale便宜货 bargain讨价还价 to bargain with sb. 常见商品的表达:文具用品 stationery化妆品 cosmetics鞋类 shoes男士服装 Mes Wear女士服装 Womens Wear牛仔裤 jeans体育用品部 sportswear department休闲服装 casual wear体育用品 sports goods电子类产品 eletronic products播放机 DVD player数码摄像机 d

9、igital video camera二手车 second-hand car大学英语六级考试听力高频词汇总结1. schedule 时间表2. skip 跳,略过3. make sense 讲得通,有意义 4. fall shorts of ones expectation 出呼某人的意料- 7 -5. cater to 迎合,款待6. supervisor 监督者,管理者7. speak highly of 评价高8. a million things to do 许多事情要做9. discount 折扣10. coundnt have played worse/couldnt agree

10、more 玩得不能再差一点了/不能再多同意一点了11. I understand the way you feel 我了解你的感受 12. go in one ear and out the other 一个耳朵听另一个耳朵冒出来 13. distractions 分心您看到来自 www. 233. com 的新闻14. I wish I could help 但愿我能帮助15. submit 屈从,忍受16. staff/stuff n. 全体职员 vt. 为. . . 配备人员/材料17. register 登记,注册18. deadline 最后期限19. benefit 受益20. A

11、re you kidding 你在开玩笑吗21. credit 信用,信誉22. otherwise 否则23. budget your money 预算开支 24. put in(a lot hours) 花费,支出25. its up to you 取决于你,由你决定26. deserve(honor) 应受,应得,值得27. maintenance man 维修工28. stack of papers 很多文件29. out of the way(remote) 30. do with/do without建议大家最好把这些单词及词汇结合真题认认真真的看几遍,最好是查字典,字典上的注解全

12、一些,如果有英英词典最好也能看一看。大学英语六级考试听力常考重要习语总结above all - most importantlyaccount for - explainas a matter of fact - in fact ,to speak the truthas a rule - generally ;normallyabout to - be ready to;be on the point of doing somethingan old hand - be an experienced persomany day now -soon- 8 -approach sb -talk

13、to sbbe fed up with - be out of patience withbe on ones own - live independentlybe on the safe side - take no chancesbe out of something - have no longer in supplybe tired of - be bored with ,frustrated withbe up to onesears - be extremely busybe up to someone -be a persons responsibilitybe out for

14、-trying to getbe out of the question - be unacceptable ,impossiblebite off more than one can chew - take on more than one can handlebreak down - cease to functionbreak the ice - begin to be friendly wuth people one doesnt knowbreak the news - inform or give bad newsbrush up on - imporve noes knowled

15、ge of something through studybump into - meet unexpectedlyby and large - in generalby heart - by memoryby all means - absolutely ,definitelyby no means - in no waycall off -cancelcheer up - be happycome down with - become sick with- 9 -come into -receive,especially after anothers deathcome up with -

16、 think ofcount on - depend uponcount out - eliminatedie down - become quiet ,become lessdo without - manage without somethingdrop by - visit informally; pay a short visit every other - alternatefall behind - lag; fail to accomplish something on timefall through - fail to happen or be completedfar cry form - completely different from;a long wayfeel like - have a desire or wish forfeel up to - feel well enough to or be capabele offew and far between - not happening often; ratefigure out - determine; reason out by thinking


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