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1、读报常识, The three most influential metropolitan newspapers in the States:The New York Times 纽约时报 (1851)Motto: All the News thats Fit to Print”The Washington Post 华盛顿邮报 (1877)The Los Angeles Times 洛杉矶时报1881. the three most influential newsmagazines in the States:TIME 时代杂志 (1923)Newsweek新闻周刊(1933)U.S. N

2、ews & World Report美国新闻与世界报导1948. The only national daily in the USAUSA Today (1983). The three most important business magazines in the States:BussinessWeek 商业周刊1929 Forbes magazine福布斯 ,1917, well-known for its lists, including its lists of the richest Americans the Forbes 400 and its list of billio

3、naires. Its motto: “The Capitalist Tool”Fortune 财富杂志,1930 (the Fortune 500, the Fortune 500 Outside the U.S., the Largest Banks Outside the U.S., the Largest Industrial Companies in the World). Two world-famous bussiness newspapers in the worldThe Wall Street Journal (American) 华尔街日报 (美国)(1889)The F

4、inancial Times (British) 金融时报 (英国)(1888)(CF. 中国也有一份金融时报 ,英文名是 Financial News). The Times (1785) 泰晤士报and the Sunday Times星期日泰晤士报The Times was published in broadsheet format for 219 years, but switched to compact size in 2004 partly to attempt to appeal to younger readers and partly to appeal to commu

5、ters using public transport. The two major political parties in the U.S.The Democratic Party (Democrats)民主党;a Democrat 共和党人The Republican Party (Republicans)共和党;a Republican 民主党人. The three most important parties in the U.K.The Conservative Party 保守党The Labor Party 工党The Liberal Democratic Party( Th

6、e Liberal Democrats)自由民主党The Conservative Party and the the Liberal Democrats formed a coalition governement after the May 6, 2010 fail to give any one party an overall majorittionter and the Liberal Democratic leader Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime MinisterBritains Conservatives and Liberal Democrats fo

7、rmed a coalition after the May 6 2010 General Election failed to give any one party an overall majority. Its the first coalition in Britain since WWII . US Government:The United States of America 美利坚合众国The Separation of legislative, executive and judicial powers 立法、行政与司法三权分立The Congress 国会 consists

8、of the Senate 参议院 and the House of Representatives 众议院The Senate has 100 senators,参议员 each serves six years a term with no term limitations.Sen.is short for Senator The House of Representatives has 435 representatives 众议员 , each serves two years a term.10.The American presidential election also call

9、ed general election)Election Day. 选举日 Tusday, Nov. 2nd 8th Popular election 普选Electoral College 选举团 Presidential electors 总统选举人 (435 + 100 + 3 = 538 electors)Electoral vote 选举人票, also called electoral college votesPopular vote 普选票,民选票The President-elect 当选总统Vice-president- elect 当选副总统Term limit for

10、the president: two terms(each term four years)Mid-term election(美国)中期选举11, The British GovernmentThe United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国Constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制 Cf: parliamentary democracy 议会民主制Constitutional monarch 立宪君主THE Parliament consists of the House of Lor

11、ds and the House of Commons and the Monarch The House of Lords (the Upper House) The House of Commons (the Lower House)12. From the British Empire to the Commonwealth (of Nations)英联邦William the Conqueror, the Duke of Normandy, invaded and conquered England and the Anglo-Saxons in the year of .the Br

12、itish Empire 大英帝国The British Empire began with the colonization of Newfoundland in 1583. At its height in the late 19th and early 20th century, it included 25% of the worlds population and area. Today it is replaced by the Commonwealth of Commonwealth of Nations, originally called the British Common

13、wealth of Nations.The Commonwealth now has 54 member statesThe figurehead: the British monarch, now: Elizabeth II.13. Two most famous queens in the British history:Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), Queen of England (1558- 1603)Cf Queen Elizabeth II (1926- )Queen Victoria (1819-1901) Queen of Great Brit

14、ain (1837- 1901)14. The ABC of newspaper readingquality newspaper 讲究质量的报刊, serious newspaperBroadsheet newspaper 大开张的报纸Tabloid(以轰动性报导为特点的,多图画的,小开张的)小报, 如 the SunDateline(标明日期和地点的)新闻电讯的电头Byline 报刊文章头上用 by 标出作者姓名的一行Lead 导语Cover story 封面故事,封面文章Pulitzer Prize 普利策奖Soft news 软性新闻Hard news 硬性新闻Newspapers p

15、ublish both soft news and hard news articles, each type calls for a different commitment, approach, and result from the writer.15. Abbriviations 缩略词GDP,Gross domestic product 国内生产总值MBA Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士CEO Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官IPO Initial Public Offering 首次公开发行,原始股GOP

16、Grand Old Party 老大党(指共和党)CNN Cable News Network (美国)有线新闻网16. Linguistics 语言学2007s Word of the Year: subprime 次贷The language family 语系The Indo-European language 印欧语系Baby boom, referring to the higher birth rate between 1946 and 1964The British Council 英国文化委员会Lingua Franca 混合语,交际语The French-only policy 只允许用法语的政策


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