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1、问候语 Greeting1、您好。 How do you do.2、您好吗? How are you?3、见到您真高兴。 Nice to meet you.4、早上(下午、晚上)好。Good morning, (afternoon, evening).欢迎语 Welcomes5、欢迎光临 *KTV。Welcome to * KTV6、欢迎您到我们 KTV 来。Welcome to our KTV.答谢语 Thanks7、非常感谢。 Thank you very much.8、感谢您的到来。 Thanks for your coming.9、多谢。 Thanks a lot.10、您太客气了。I

2、ts very kind of you.11、您的心地真好。Thank you for your kindness.12、感谢您的建议。Thank you for your suggestion.13、感谢您的合作。Thank you for your cooperation.14、感谢您的夸奖。Thank you for your praise.15、我真不知道要怎样感谢您才好。 I dont know how I can thank you enough.16、我真是感谢您。I do appreciate your help.17、花费您宝贵的时间了。 I appreciate your

3、precious time.18、一点也不。Not at all.19、不客气。You are welcome.道歉语 Apologies20、对不起。Im sorry.21、劳驾。Excuse me.22、对不起,这是我的错。I m sorry, its my fault.23、抱歉让您久等了。Sorry to have kept you waiting.24、抱歉打扰您了。Sorry to disturb you.25、抱歉打扰你了。Sorry to interrupt you.26、对此我很抱歉。Im very sorry to this.27、我为此道歉。I apologize for

4、 this.28、抱歉占用您一些时间。 I am sorry to take a few minute of your time.29、对不起,我没明白您的意思,我马上请我们经理过来。I m sorry, I dont understand. Ill get the manager.30、抱歉给您添麻烦了。 Im sorry to have given you so much trouble.31、我为我刚才所说的话道歉。 I apologize for what Ive said just now.32、给您带来的不便我们表示抱歉。 We are sorry for the inconven

5、ience.33、没关系。Thats all right.34、算了吧。Lets forget it.35、对不起,我马上就办。 Im sorry, I will do it right away.36、听到这件事我很抱歉。 Im sorry to hear that.征询和问答 Answers37、我能帮你吗?May I help you?38、我能为你做什么?What can I do for you.39、我有什么能为你做的? Anything I can do for you?40、这样可以吗?Is that all right.41、是的,当然。Yes, of course.42、明

6、白了。I see.43、我马上把它取过来。 Ill get it at once.44、这是我的荣幸。My pleasure.45、很乐意为您效劳。Im at your service.46、恐怕不行。Im afraid not.47、请稍等,电梯马上就到了。 Just a moment, the elevator will be here.48、服务员马上就到。The waiter will be with you in a minute.49、没问题。Thats no problem.50、先生,还需要点别的吗? Anything else, sir?51、让我来帮您一下吧。 Let me

7、 give you a hand.52、我可以进来吗?May I come in?53、坐这里可以吗?Would you like to sit here?54、您要去哪里,先生。 Where are you going, sir?55、我领你去包房,好吗? Shall I show you your room?56、能告诉我您的名字吗? May I have your name?57、给您。Here you are.提醒用语 Notice58、请走好。Mind your step.59、请小心。Please be careful.60、别担心。Dont worry.61、放心好了。Take it easy.62、请稍等。Just a moment, please.电话用语 Calling63、*部门,我能帮你吗?* department. May I help you?64、您能再说一遍吗?I beg your pardon?65、请稍等,我叫他接听电话。 Just a moment, Ill get him at once.指路用语66、请走这边。This way.


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