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1、大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P01 表示开始begin, start, commence, get down to 着手,set off/out 出发,动身 set about 开始做,着手处理, take to 开始从事、喜欢, take up开始从事02 表示发生、出现、出席、发明、发现的词happen, occur, take place, come true, come into being, come in to view/existence, appear, attend, be present, turn up, show up, spring up(涌现 ),co

2、me off, discover, find, detect, notice, catch sight of, invent, devise, come out, break out03 表示建筑、构建的词build, construct, establish, create, found, set up, architecture04 表示由组成,由构成,组成的词整+ be made up of +个,整+ be composed of +个,整+ consists of +个, 个+ constitute+整,个+ make up +整05 表示增加、增长、扩大的词increase, ad

3、d to, go up, enhance, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, be on the rise, be rocketing06 表示减少,削减、压缩的词abridge, compress, reduce, subtract, relieve, decrease, cut down, cut out(删去)07 表示在进行中in process, under operation, under way08 表示继续、持续、坚持的词carry on, go on (with), go ahead, continue, continual, continuou

4、s, keep on doing, keep up doing, hold on, hang on , keep to , insist, cling to, adhere to, stick to, persist, carry through, on an end09 表示前进、进步、开往方向progress, proceed, process, make for, make progress, advance, go ahead, make ones way to, be bound for大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P10 表示打断、介入、打扰、干涉的词interrupt

5、, interfere, intervene, cut in, disturb, bother11 表示遭受、经历、忍受、忍耐的词encounter, suffer, bear, stand, endure, experience, persist, undergo, tolerate, go through, live through12 表示停止、结束、完成的词close, stop, end, finish, complete, terminate , be over, expire, drop, be over, bring sth to an end, put an end to,

6、die out, cut off, break off, go out(熄灭), put out, leave off (停止,中断),wind up, wipe out(消灭)13 表示取消、延期的词cancel, call off, defer, postpone, put off, hold up(延迟)14 表示损坏、破坏、摧毁、废除的词go wrong, break down(抛锚),damage, destroy, destruct, undo, upset, kill, get rid of, do away with, overthrow, smash, shatter, cr

7、ush, crash, clash, ruin, submerge, break through(突围), break up15 表示消失、缺席的词disappear, be absent from, vanish, die down 便弱,逐渐消失, die out灭绝,消失, wear off 逐渐减少,逐渐消失16 表示撤退、放弃、后退、抛弃、屈服、失败、逃脱的词retreat, withdraw, back off/ down , suffer a setback, abandon, reject, throw away, discard, give up, drop out, giv

8、e in, surrender, yield, lick sbs boots , fail, fall through, come to nothing, make nothing of, in vain, be unsuccessful, not succeed, escape, flee, slip away, break away from,get away with/ get off (逃脱惩罚), let sb off 17 表示阻挡、阻拦、禁止的词prevent sb form doing, stop sb from doing, prohibit doing, hold sb b

9、ack from, forbid sb to do, ban sth, deny doing/sth, keep sb back18 表示镇压、压迫、压抑oppress 压迫、压抑, suppress 镇压, repress 镇压, depress 使沮丧,大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P使萧条, put down 镇压19 表示释放、解散、驱散、摆脱set free, release, give off(气体), discharge, dismiss, expel, dispel, shake off20 表示胜过、优于、超过、过多的词gain/have an advantage

10、 over, defeat, excel(as,at,in), surpass,exceed, be well above, go beyond, get the better of sb(占的上风) , get the best of(战胜), in excess, profuse, excessive21 表示支持、赞成、喜欢、同意的词support, sustain, maintain, back sb up, behind sb , agree, in favor of, assent,consent, fall in with(同意,依从),like, love, be fond o

11、f, prefer A to B, feel like doing, would rather(宁愿), stand up for ones rights(支持,维护,捍卫)22 表示提议、建议的词suggest, make a suggestion, propose, make a proposal, recommend, put/bring forward23 表示决定、下决心的词decide, make a decision, determine, be determined to do, resolve, resolve on/ against doing, make up ones

12、mind to do 24 表示不赞成、不同意、反对、拒绝的词disagree with, against, refuse, reject, resist, object, protest25 表示教育、培养的词educate, cultivate, bring up, civilize, refine, instruct26 表示照顾、照料、关心的词care for, look after, take care of, have/keep an eye on, see to, be concerned about, show concern for27 表示执行、采取行动、措施,生效的词pe

13、rform, execute, carry out, enact, enforce, fulfill, launch, conduct, take actions, take measures, put into practice, bring/carry/put into effect, come into effect, take effect大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P28 表示管理、处理的词manage, administer, control, under the control of, take control of, take over(接管), take/in

14、charge of, in the charge of, at the mercy of, handle, cope with, deal with, dispose of, see about(Its time for me to see about dinner)29 表示负责的词be responsible for, answer for, take up/shoulder/bear the responsibility of, see to(Ill see to it whether we could supply if from stock)30 表示上交、呈递hand in, su

15、bmit, turn in, present, send in31 表示储存、积蓄、保留、省、节省的词conserve, preserve, reserve, save, spare, put aside, lay aside, accumulate, economic, put away(收好、放好)32 表示雇用、租用hire, employ, rent, let33 表示解雇、解散fire, unemployment, lose ones job, dismiss, be laid off, lay off34 表示遗漏、省略、忽视、忽略的词neglect, ignore, omit,

16、overlook, leave out( I left out the most important point in the report)35 表示独自的、各自的、孤独的、孤立、本身、单身、亲自alone, lonely, sole, isolate, single, leave sb.alone (let alone, not to mention 区别), respective, private, personal, individual, privacy, personality, individuality, by oneself, on ones own, in itself,

17、in person36 与一致,与相符,服从to be in line with, comply with the law, conform to the customs, obey the law, follow, in agreement with, in accordance with, correspond with/ to the regulations, be in conformity with, live up to 37 表示合计,总数的词add to, add up to, live up to, reach, in total, in all, run into(his

18、income 大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏Pruns into 5 figures), be up to38 表示代表的词on behalf of sb, on sbs behalf, as a representative of, representing, stand for, short for39 表示纪念、纪念品in honor of sb., in memory of sb., commemorate sb., celebrate, monento, statue, monument40 表示利用、充分利用take advantage of, make use of,

19、 draw on, make full use of, make the best of , make the most of41 表示依靠、指望的词depend on, rely on, count on, by means of(we make money hard work)42 表示应该、最好还是,是可行的,可取的,有利可图的 had better, should, ought to , it would be wise of sb to do, may as well, would rather(宁愿), feasible, advisable, profitable, practi

20、cal 43 表示拜访、访问的词visit, call on sb, drop in/ by, drop in on sb.44 表示意外、偶然遇见meet with, run/bump into sb., meet sb. by chance/accident, come up against45 表示苏醒、复苏的词come round/around, come to , become conscious, come to ones senses46 表示能够can, be able to, have the ability of doing/ to do sth., be capable

21、of doing, have the capability of doing(derog)47 表示买卖、交易、订合同的词buy, purchase, sell, sale, deal in, retail, wholesale, transaction, sign/conclude a contract/ agreement/treaty with sb., bargain, negotiate 大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏Pwith, trade, commerce, company, venture, corporation, enterprise, factory, ma

22、nufacturer, plant, firm, fund, estate, property, legacy, loan, in debt, pay off, owe sth. to sb., owe sb. sth., arbiter, tax, duty, clear the customs, import, export, produce, manufacture, make, product, outcome, operate at a loss/a profit, supply, in/ out of stock, be on sale(出售,廉价出售)48 表示“看”的词look

23、, see, read, look at, watch, look back, look up to sb, respect, look down upon sb., contempt, scorn, stare at, gaze at, inspect, supervise, look for, look forward to , expect, anticipate, unexpected, look into, visit, look on, look out, watch out, run/ look through, look up, examine, go over, go thr

24、ough, prospect, perspective, catch sight of, in sight, out of sight, regardas 49 表示命名、称作、把当作name, call sb , entitle, refer to as , regard as , take for50 表示比较compare A to B, compare A with B, draw a comparison between A and B51 表示处于困境当中be in difficulty, in a dilemma, in a catch-22 situation, in the

25、water/soup52 表示困惑、迷惑、不知所措confuse, confused, confusing, at a loss, be puzzled53 表示面对be faced up with, face, face up to, confront, in the face of54 表示求助、帮助turn to sb. for help , fall back on(转而求助), assist, assistant, be of great help, helpful55 表示与人相处关系的be particular about, be on good/bad terms with s

26、b., get along/on well with sb., be in good relationship with sb., keep in touch with sb.大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P56 表示着火,放火set fire to, catch fire, on fire57 表示说清楚,讲清楚,解释明白,详细阐述的词make clear, get across, put across, make oneself understood, explain, elaborate, interpret, throw/cast light on/upon58 表示想到,

27、想出,想明白,认清楚have an idea, come up with an idea, hit upon an idea, an idea occurs to/ hits me, come into ones mind, make out, figure out, understand, identify, recognize, perceive, tell A from B, pick out59 表示考虑到takeinto consideration, take into account, considering, allow for, make allowance for60 表示记

28、住、记得、想起、回忆起、提醒remember to do/ doing, remember sb. to sb., memorize, recite, have in mind, bear/ keep in mind, impress, give/ leave sb. a good impression, think of, recall, remind sb. of sh/ to do sth61 表示想、仔细考虑、深思熟虑think, ponder, revolve, consider, reflect, turn/ think over62 表示镇定、冷静calm down, be ca

29、lm, collect oneself, compose oneself63 表示不用急take ones time, take it easy64 表示睡觉和困倦、厌倦sleep, have a sleep, be sound asleep, drop off, fall asleep, take a nap, sleepy, drowsy, drawn(憔悴的) , tired, be tired of, weary, exhausted, boring, tiresome65 表示赠送、捐款、贡献、授予的词give away, donate, contribute, subscripti

30、on, grant, award, bestow66 表示分发、分配的词give out, hand out, distribute, assign, appoint, allocate大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P67 表示从事于,致力于,为贡献work at, commit oneself to , dedicate oneself to 68 表示代替、取代、转换、交换的词replace, take the place of, in place of, in stead, in stead of, substitute, exchange, shift, switch, g

31、ive way to(Her tears gave way to smiles)69 表示追求、寻求pursue, chase, follow, go after, hunt, seek, look for70 表示蔓延、流传、流行的词spread, extend, scatter, sprawl, go around/ round, prevail, popular71 表示保证、确保promise that, secure, ensure, assure, see to it that, see to it that you are here on time72 表示违背、食言、犯法的词g

32、o back on ones word, eat ones word, break ones promise, violate the law, break the law73 表示欺骗、陷阱、陷害deceive, cheat, trap, entrap, undermine, take in74 表示检查、监督、控制、指挥的词examine, inspect, go over/ through, search, investigate, observe, survey, supervise, administer, command, control, direct, govern, lead

33、, manage, regulate, rule75 表示方便的、在手边的handy, convenient, at hand, nearby, come in handy76 表示像be like, asas, be similar to, resemble, take after, a chip off the old block, as if/ though77 表示除了、不包括的词apart from, aside from, except, except for, excluding, but(all came but him), other than(we could do not

34、hing other than wait)大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P78 表示正要,即将的时候be about to do sth, on the point of doing, on the verge of , be around the corner, be on its way79 表示切题的:to the point, relevant表示离题的:beside/ off the point, irrelevant80 表示原因的连词,介词because, because of , due to, owing to, on account of , since, as

35、 for, for the reason that, in view of , in light of(鉴于)thanks to, account for, derive from, be derived from, attribute A to B, A can be attributed to B, result from, but for, in consequence of , on the grounds that/of, but for,now that, in that81 表示结果so, therefore, hence, consequently, as a result,

36、result in, thus, bring about, give rise to, turn out to be 82 表示首先、其次、最后at first, above all, firstly, in the first place, at first sight, for one thing;then, after that, secondlyat last, at length, finally, eventually, in the end, conclusively83 表示总之、以一语蔽之、换言之、简言之all in all, to sum up, as a conclusi

37、on, in short, in a/one word, in brief, in other words84 表示平均、一般、总体上讲on(the/ an) average, in general, generally (speaking), as a whole, on the whole, at large(在逃)85 表事先、先于、在前in advance, prior to , previous, preceding, be preceded by, the former the latter86 表示几乎、差不多almost, nearly, all but, approximat

38、ely, or so, about, more or less大学英语四级考试词汇、词组分类总复习 韩鹏P87 表示几乎不hardly, scarcely, barely, rarely88 表示无论如何都要at any rate, by all means89 表示无论如何都不要(后边用倒装)on no account/ by no means/ under no circumstances/ in no case/ at no time/ in no way should you 90 表示也too, either, also, as well, as well as91 表示一点也不no

39、t at all, anything but92 表示关于、至于as for/ to , as regards: He is second to none intellect. with/ in regard to , regarding, with reference/ respect to 93 表示目的的连词in order to, in order that, so that, for the sake of94 表示尤其、特别especially, particularly, in particular95 表示尽管、不管even though, despite, in spite

40、of, regardless of96 表示假设if, if only, what if, even if/ though, on condition that, provided that, so/ as long as, in case that, in the event of, in the face of(They would not retreat in the face of danger), suppose, assume,97 表示很可能,毫无疑问very likely, very probably, possibly, mightno doubt, beyond any doubt, out of question, unquestionably, indisputably98 表示事实上、实际上in fact, in reality, in effect, virtually, in practice


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