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1、1六级真题词汇考前串讲班北京新东方 金凌虹 一、 元音三律1、 元音互换 approachprut v.靠近, 接近; 动手处理 n.途径 , 方法Child experts discourage a one-size-fits-all approach to parenting. the trade deficit 赤字 亏空in June approached $50 billionpeerpin.同龄人,同地位的人;贵族 vi.仔细看people who remain at work have lower death rates than their retired peers.Peer

2、 pressure boast bustvi.(of, about)自夸 vt.夸口 n.自吹自擂2the University boasts that 40% of its new enrolment 注册登记 is female一一 一一 一一一一一一一Linger lig vi.逗留,留恋徘徊;继续存留,缓慢消失lingering racism plausible pl:zbla.似乎正确的,貌似可信的Earlier this year a report by 20 obesity experts set out the 7 most plausible alternative 供选择的

3、 explanations for the epidemicportion p:nn.一部分 (a small portion )Proportion prp:nn.比例;部分,份儿;均衡,相称the proportion of black Americans increased from 11% to12.3%proportioned disproportionate Attorney 2011.6T t:ni n.律师,(业务或法律事务上的) 代理人= lawyerCompatible kmptbla.兼容的;能和睦相处的,合得来的 2007.6lCThe couple separated

4、 because they were not compatible.3Wrestle reslv.摔跤;使劲搬动,用力举起;努力解决 with 一一 wrestle with a problem, a difficultyModify mdifaivt.修改,更改;( 语法上)修饰 2010.6 KYmodify recruitment policy.= change / adjust / alter /vary incur ink:vt.招致,遭受,引起teleworking policies might incurthe additional expenses adolescentdles

5、ntn.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的formidable f:midbla. 可怕的;难以克服的,难对付的a formidable task/ opponent simulate simjuleit vt.模仿,模拟;假装,冒充simultaneous simlteinis, sai-a.同时发生的,同时存在的,同步的4assimilatesimileitvt.吸收,消化;使同化 vi.被吸收The USA has assimilated people frommany different countries seminarsemin:n.(大学的)研究班,研讨会assemblesemblv

6、i.聚集 vt.集合,召集;装配Barack Obama assembled a racially and ideologically diverse 不同的 coalition同盟 with his message of hope and changedetach ditt vt.(from)拆卸,使分开,使分离detachment 冷漠 makes people feel theres a bit of ice in the heartinsult inslt, insltvt.侮辱,辱骂 n.侮辱,凌辱whistling by listeners is a sign of approva

7、l while in other courtiers it is a form of insult. assault s:ltvt.(武力或口头上的 )攻击,袭击5Men commit(犯) nearly 90 percent of violent crimes in the United States and almost all sexual assaultsripe raipa.成熟的 ruptcorrupt krpt a.堕落的,腐败的 vt.腐蚀,使堕落political corruption bankrupt bkrpta.破产的;彻底缺乏的 vt.使破产 n.破产者eruptio

8、n irpn n. 爆发, 喷发,disruptive disrptiva.破坏性的;制造混乱的;捣乱的interrupt intrptv.打断,打扰;中止,阻碍prominence prminns n.突出物, 突出, 声望Some hoped Obamas rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans revealrivi:lvt.揭露,泄露;展现,显示 disclose What does a recent investigation reveal?condemn kndemvt.谴责;判刑,宣告有罪Onlin

9、e message boards were soon full of people both applauding and condemning his decision 2009-66applaud 一一 一一 一一 damn dm a.该死的paralysis prlisisn.瘫痪,中风furious fjurisa.狂怒的,暴怒的;强烈的,激烈的Einstein would furiously play his violin as a way to think through a knotty 复杂的 physics problem.Knot 结 节疤 Modestymdisti n.

10、 谦逊, 虚心 modest 适度的 recruit rikru:tvt.招募,吸收 n.新兵,新成员Recruit more medical students by offering them loans 贷款 .linguistic (linguist )ligwistika.语言的,语言学的nominate nmineit7vt.提名,任命Mechanicmiknikn.技工-s力学,机械学 pl.过程,细节Throughout the body of the speech, Juan dealt only with the basic mechanics of the earthqua

11、kesSome women are uninterested in repairing cars, yes! But some are enthusiastic mechanics. Mechanical miknikla.机械 (制造)的;力学的;呆板的mechanism meknizmn.机械装置;机制,机理;办法,途径humans evolved with an elaborate 详尽的 复杂的 mechanism for processing information about potential threats. the elaborate mechanism in the hum

12、an brain for retrieving informationarrogant rgnta. 傲慢的,自大的regal ri:gla.帝王的Many Europeans may view the U.S. as an arrogant superpower that has become hostile to foreigners. 82、 元音脱落Teenagerti:neidn.(1319 岁的)青少年Adolescent exotic egztik 2006-12a.奇异的,外(国) 来的,异国情调的 =foreign Will space be an exotic retrea

13、t 撤退,隐居处reserved for only the wealthy? 9Nutrient nju:trintn.营养品,滋养物 a.营养的,滋养的(nutrition, nutritious)concentrate knsntreitvi.全神贯注 vt.集中;浓缩 n.浓缩物(液)the drawbacks of illegal immigration are concentrated.dubious dju:bisa.怀疑的,无把握的;有问题的,靠不住的Im dubious about his promises to change his ways.Transplanttrnspl

14、:nt, -plntvt.移栽;移植;使迁移 n.(器官 )移植humans wont have to donate organs for transplantationmany nine-year-olds are ready for independence like taking public transportation alone.A quarter of the worlds energyis used for transportation10Sometimes this anger translates into physical aggression 侵犯 进攻 or viol

15、encedomestic violence these producers savings probably translate into lower prices at the grocery storethe policy interventions of the past decade have helped transform the performance of UK universities.Transfer to market department Technology transfercounter contra encounter inkauntvt. n.遇到,遭遇,遭到T

16、hey are more likely to encounter interracial conflicts.Counterpartkauntp:tn.与对方地位作用相当的人(或物)counteract kauntrktvt.对 起反作用,对抗,抵消those trying to address issues of racial inequality need to constantly remind people of the inequalities that still exist to counteract the Obama effectcontrast kntr:stn.对比;反差

17、 vt.对比 vi.(with)形成对比contrary kntrria.(to)相反的,对抗的 n.the 相反(事物)contradiction kntrdiknn.矛盾,不一致;否认,反驳affluence also creates new complaints and contradictionsThe traits that characterize him are very contradictory to the racial sterotypes that black people are aggressive and uneducatedcontroversy kntrv:sin.争论,辩论a controversial film


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