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1、- 1 -Part VI Translation 01. The substance does not dissolve in water _ (不管是否加热). 02. Not only _(他向我收费过高) ,but he didnt do a good repair job either. 03. Your losses in trade this year are nothing_(与我的相比). 04. On average , it is said , visitors spend only _ (一半的钱) in a day in Leeds as in London.05. B

2、y contrast , American mothers were more likely to _ (把孩子的成功归因于) natural talent. 06. Its necessary that the authorities concerned _采取适当措施解决环境问题). 07. _ (他做兼职的原因) is that he wants to shoulder some of his parents burden. 08. Whether I can have this cat _(部分取决于我父母对它的态度). 09. I always have the faith that

3、 he _ (能在地震中幸存下来).10. _ (无论流行趋势是什么) , I always choose those comfortable clothes to wear. 11. If you have any healthy problems , _(请毫不犹豫地与你的医生取得联系) . 12. It is a famous website to_ (提供最新的国内信息). 13. _(无论财富与地位) , we should work together to prevent the rise in crime. 14. Even if we are faced with a lot

4、of difficulties , _ (我们绝不应该放弃对幸福的信仰). 15. _ (要是我们没有犯错误多好) , we would be in a different position today. 16. Not until his friend left him _(他才意识到遵守诺言的重要性). 17. Your payment has been received , and we _(感谢您对我们产品的信任).18. Listening to soft music_(使我们感觉放松) when we are tired. 19. Because it is in tourist

5、season , we insist that _ (应该提前预定房间). 20. _(由于全球经济危机) , this international sport convention is canceled. 21. We should apply market mechanism and our policies _(与经济增长一致). 22. The student took a part-time job during summer vacation _(以便于他积累工作经验).23. It is necessary that_(他提前预定一个单人间). 24. According to

6、 a survey , Asian parents_把学业成绩归功于努力).25. _(贸易好转) is apparent in nearly all aspects. 26. _(无论形势多么复杂) , we should always have faith in ourselves. 27. Please forgive what we did to you and _ (接受我们真诚的道歉). 28. This card entitled you _(在这免费打高尔夫). 29. Only in this way _ (我们才能得到消费者的反馈). 30. _ (你做的准备越多) , t

7、he more likely you will succeed. 31. I said sorry to her , for I_(把她误认为是我以前的同学). 32. Following the doctors advice , she _(不得不每隔三小时服一次药). 33. Im sorry. _ (恐怕你拨错电话了). 34. Please accept his strange way of celebrations ; we cant_(把我们的宗教信仰强加于他人).- 2 -35. _(暴露在危险的射线下) may lead to fatal disease , such as c

8、ancer. 36. I dont think it necessary_ (每遇到一个生词都要查字典). 37. We are all for your proposal that _ (应该推迟这次讨论). 38. The economic reforms announced by the government _ (可能会对该国上涨的物价有直接的影响). 39. The more effort we put into our work ,_(我们就能够取得越大的成功)40. _(在出现紧急情况时) , the first few minutes after you dial 999 ar

9、e the most critical. 41. After she moved to this coastal city , she_(很快适应了新的气候). 42. The market of our product is expanding _(以每年 30%的速度增长). 43. It should be noted that _(这个条款不适用于外国人).44. _ (火不会蔓延到另一个房间) if he had closed the door. 45. It is totally beyond our expectations that _(这个申请者拒绝了我们的邀请). 46.

10、The room is in a terrible mess , so it _(肯定没有打扫过). 47. The traffic police told the surrounding people that the truck driver _ (对这起严重的交通事故负责任). 48. Many big cities in the world _(正面临着淡水资源短缺的问题).49. Wed better struggle for the future _ (而不是为过去而懊悔). 50. _ (给我印象最深的) were her liveliness and sense of humor. 51. Because she _(对自己缺乏信心) , she failed in her job interview. 52. He is so excited that he_ (完全失去控制). 53. _(只要你耐心对他) , he will come up to your expectations. 54. She _ (被提升为) the vice president of the local university. 55. We _ (本应该采取有效的预防措施 ) to prevent international economic crisis.


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