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1、青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)1初二英语(上)师生共用讲学稿(1)课题:Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section A 总第( )课时课型:新授 时间:2010 年 9 月执笔:韩鹏 审核:初二集备组一学习目标知识目标:1. 我们要学会在语言交际中运用下列句型,如:What are you doing for vacation?Im babysitting my sister.When is he going?Hes going on the 12th。2.要掌握短语有:visit my gran

2、dmother/cousins, spend time with my friends, relax at home, go camping, go to the beach. 技能目标:能听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,能与他人沟通信息,参与讨论。情感目标:能体会英语学习的乐趣,能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。重难点:使用现在进行时表示已安排要进行的动作,以及特殊疑问词what, when, who 等在现在进行时态中的运用。二学习过程预习导学会正确拼读本课所学单词(P100)正确理解朗读并使用以下句型(Section A )- What are you doing for

3、 vacation? -Im babysitting my sister.3)同学们仔细观察下面的三组句子1.What are you doing for vacation?Im visiting my grandmother.2.When is she going? Shes going on the 12th.3.Who are you going with? Im going with my mother.这三组句子都出现了_时态,其结构形式是 _。它既可以表示正在发生的动作,也可以表示已安排要发生的动作,意思为青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)

4、2_。此外,还应注意要根据动作、时间、人称、和地点等采用不同的特殊疑问词_,_,_,_等来进行提问。练一练:1.他这个周末要去哪里?_2.他们要和谁去野营? _二)课堂学习活动检测预习学习新单词听力训练( 1b on P13, 2a and 2b on P14)重点句型归纳并练习5)用本课所学句型,自编对话(小组讨论并表演)三)反馈练习:1写出下列动词的“ing”形式:play_ carry_ take _ babysit _begin _ lie _ try _ show _relax _ stay _2单项选择:1. Listen! They are talking about scuba

5、 diving on the radio now.- Hmm It _ interesting.A. hears B. listens C. sounds D. sounds like2. How about going _?A. fish B. fishes C. fishing D. to fishing3. “ When are you going there?” “ I am going there _ May 12th.”A. in B. on C. at D. for4. “ We are going bike riding, Kate.” “ That sounds _.”A.

6、well B. happily C. nice D. beautiful5. The Blacks are moving to Shanghai _ next month.A. / B. is C. on D. at6. What are you doing _ vacation? Im going shopping.A. in B. at C. on D. for1.Jill is leaving home this afternoon.(就划线部分提问) Jill home ?2.She is going to Beijing with her parents.(同上) she going

7、 to Beijing with ?3.They are staying in the mountains for 3 days. (同上) they staying for 3 days?4.The Greens are going camping for vacation. (同上)青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)3 the Greens for vacation ?四)小结: 总结本课所学单词及句型五) 。作业:1。复习单词及对话 2。小组表演对话 3。预习下一课单词课后记:初二英语(上)师生共用讲学稿(2)课题:Unit 3 What are

8、 you doing for vacation? Section A 总第( )课时课型:新授 时间:2010 年 9 月执笔:韩鹏 审核:初二集备组一学习目标1、掌握下列生词和短语:New words: Tibet, hike, Hong Kong, yeah, away, send, postcard, San Francisco, HawaiiKey phrases: go hiking, in the mountains, just for four days, how long, go away for too long, have a good time, send sb. sth

9、.=send sth. to sb., get back, sports camp2、掌握重要句型:How long are you/is he(she) staying?Im/He(She) is staying for二学习过程:一).预习导学:1)能熟练准确地背出所学单词。2) 能熟练准确地背出所学句型并拓展运用。二).课堂活动:1)检查预习情况。朗读、背诵单词。熟练地运用所学单词口头造句。2)小组练习表演对话(2c on P14)3)完成 3a 并结合前面两组对话练习( 3b)4)进行 4 Vacation Dreams5)英汉互译:去徒步旅行 送他一张明信片 青岛 44 中八年级英语

10、讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)4把你的照片给我看 在山区 多久、多长时间 go away for too long Im staying just for four days 祝你玩得开心 三) 反馈练习:1)单词词组:发送;寄_ 明信片_ 宿营_在山里_ 多久_ 回来_去远足_ 祝玩得愉快_2)练习题:1. My little sister is too young to look after herself. I have to b_ her at home.2. We are going on s_ camp. We can play all kinds of ga

11、mes.3. Im going to my _.A. uncle B. uncles C. uncles family D. uncles4. Please look after the baby when I _.A. am away B. am going away C. went away D. leave away5. Tony is planning _ his friend in Jinan.A. visits B. visit C. visiting D. to visit6. 他们将要回美国。They are _ _ _ America.根据首字母提示或按括号内的要求填空。1、

12、Could you please send a postcard (介词) me (介词) Hong Kong ?2、He doesnt like going a for too long.3、She often b her little brother on Sundays.4、The old man died (介词) a cold winter morning. 5、My family are leaving for Zhangjiajie (介词) July. We are staying _(介词) a wee k .6、The poor boy came from a poor m

13、 village(村庄).四)小结: 总结本课所学单词及句型五) 。作业:1。复习单词及对话 2。小组表演对话 3。预习下一课单词青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)5课后记:初二英语(上)师生共用讲学稿(3)课题:Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? Section B 总第( )课时课型:新授 时间:2010 年 9 月执笔:韩鹏 审核:初二集备组学习目标1、掌握下列生词和短语:New words: bike, ride, sightseeing, fishing, rent, Italy New phras

14、es: go bike riding, go fishing, go sightseeing, take walks, rent videos2、掌握下列重要句型:Whats the weather like there? Hows the weather there?Can I ask you a few questions about your vacation plans?二学习过程:一).预习导学:1)能熟练准确地背出所学单词。2)能熟练准确地背出所学句型并拓展运用。二).课堂活动:1 学习新单词, 并会朗读及汉语意义2 完成 1a, 连线3 听力练习4 对话练习三)反馈练习:1翻译:

15、骑自行车_ 去观光_ 去钓鱼_出租;租用_ 著名的_ 假期计划_散步_ 意大利南部_青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)6你打算去哪里度假?_那里的天气怎么样?_你打算和谁一起去?_你打算呆多久?_2. 练习:1)I live in school. So I often go home _ Friday afternoon.A. in B. at C. to D. on2) -What are you doing for vacation? -I am _ time with my friends.A. visiting B. staying C. sp

16、end D. spending3) She often _ after supper with her son.A. takes walk B. taking a walk C. takes walks D. is taking a walk4)-_ are you going? -Beijing.A. When B. Where C. How D. What5) -_ are they going? -On Feb.12th.A. Where B. How C. When D. How long6)- Who are you going _?A. to B. with C. at D. in

17、翻译句子1)-你假期里打算干什么?_-我打算拜访我加拿大的朋友。_2)你妈妈将和谁一起去? _3)李蕾什么时候去北京。 _句型转换(对划线部分提问)1、 Im visiting my friend in Hong Kong.2、 Hes staying in San Francisco for two days. 四)小结: 总结本课所学单词及句型五) 。作业:青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)71。复习单词及对话 2。小组表演对话 3。预习下一课单词课后记:初二英语(上)师生共用讲学稿(4)课题:Unit 3 What are you doing f

18、or vacation? Section B 总第( )课时课型:新授 时间:2010 年 9 月执笔:韩鹏 审核:初二集备组学习目标1、掌握下列生词、词组:New words: famous, Greece, Spain, Europe, something, lake, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finishKey phrases: take/have a vacation, think about doing sth, decide (not) to do sth, decide on sth, do something different,

19、 forget to do, forget doing, cant wait to do sth, finish doing sth, ask sb about sth.2、掌握下列重要句子:(1)He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decide on Canada.(2)I want to do something different.(3)Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside, I love nature.二学习过程:一).预习导学:1)能熟练准确地背出所学单词

20、。2)能熟练准确地背出所学句型并拓展运用。二).课堂活动:1 学习新单词, 并会朗读及汉语意义2 阅读 3a 短文, 理解短文内容,掌握词组短语青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)8三)反馈练习:1翻译:度长假_ 考虑_ 一些不同的事_骑车旅行_ 在美丽的乡村 _计划做某事 等不及了做某事 决定做某事 做完某事 考虑做某事 因而著名 向某人打听某事 2. 练习:一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1、Im thinking about (get) a part-time job this summer vacation .2、When did he finish

21、 (read) that story book?About 4 days ago.3、Dont forget (close) the window when you leave the room.4、Which video would you like (rent).5、My mother decided (buy) my father a new coat.6、The little boy didnt stop crying until the stranger(陌生人)_ (leave).二、单项选择。( )1、The summer vacation is coming.Lets ask

22、Lin Tao his vacation plan.A、about B、for C、with ( )2、We thought about going to the West Lake in Hangzhou, but finally decided the Great Wall.A、at B、on C、in ( )3、 “Theres with your ears”said the doctor.A、anything wrong B、wrong nothing C、nothing wrong ( )4、The little girl couldnt wait her present(礼物).A

23、、open B、opening C、to pen ( )5、The famous singer is wellknown people all over China.A、to B、as C、for 青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)9( )6、The children planned camping the next weekend.A、going B、to go C、go我将在乡下呆到开春。Im _ in the countryside _ spring comes.别忘了把这件事告诉吉姆。Dont _ _ _ Jim _ it.四)小结: 总结本课

24、所学单词及句型五) 。作业:1。复习单词及对话 2。小组表演对话 3。预习下一课单词课后记:初二英语(上)师生共用讲学稿(5)课题:Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation? 总第( )课时课型:展示课 时间:2010 年 9 月执笔:韩鹏 审核:初二集备组学习目标1、掌握两个单词:Thailand,tourist 2、掌握词组: leave for, leave A for B, take sth with sb, the Great Wall.3、掌握句型: (1) I want to ask you about places to visit in C

25、hina.(2) Im planning my vacation to Italy this weekend.(3) Where are you leaving from?4、复习巩固本单元所学的单词、短语、句型预习导学熟记单词.熟练背诵所学句型和短文.各小组预习任务:1 组) 归纳词组 ( 至少 20 个 )青岛 44 中八年级英语讲学稿人教版 新目标 2010-2011 学年(一)102 组) 讲解现在进行时态的构成,动词变 ing 的方法。3 组)讲解现在进行时表将来的用法。4 组)采访一位小组成员,将他/她的度假计划写一份报告。5 组)句型转换:Mary likes going sho

26、pping with her sister. ( 划线提问 )The Smith are going to New York on May 10th. ( 同上 )He decided to buy a new house. (改为同义句)That idea sounds good. (改为同义句)We hope that we can visit this place again. (改为同义句 )6 组) 自编对话并进行表演.教学过程Free talks Revise the new words and then have a dictationReading the sentences

27、and the texts任务展示Discussions 各组展示任务, 必要时给予指导.单项选择1Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had .A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily2. Would you please us your pictures taken in Europe?A. take B. bring C. show D. find3. What are we going to do on Sunday?” “ How about _ ?A.

28、 to go bike riding B. going bike to ride C. going to bike riding D. going bike riding 4. “My father has bought a new car.” “ ?” “Its blue and beautiful.”A. What do you like? B. Whats it like? C. How is it like? D. How do you think of it?5. I had wanted to go to England for vacation, but at last I de

29、cided Canada.A. on B. over C. in D. about6. The doctors said that there was wrong with Janes legs. They could not do_ to help her.A. something; something B. something; nothingC. nothing; anything D. everything; something7. a great party! delicious the food is!AWhat; How B. How, How C. What, What D. How, What8. “Im sorry I forgot the letter for you!” “It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.”


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