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1、Lesson 501Lesson 1-字彙、例句1. safe sef :安全的形It is not safe to swim in the sea. (在海裡游泳不安全。)You had better go with me because it is safer.(你最好跟我一塊去,因為比較安全。) 2. dangerous dendIDrDs :危險的形It is dangerous to go out on a typhoon day.(颱風天外出是危險的。)It is dangerous to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.(騎摩托車不戴安全帽是

2、危險的。) 記憶技巧 : dangerous=danger( :危險 )+ous(形容詞字尾 )名3. follow fAlo 動 :跟隨;聽從忠告My cat followed me into the kitchen.(我的貓跟著我進到廚房。)I followed her advice and stayed at home last night.(昨晚我聽從她的忠告待在家裡。)4. review r0vju :複習(功課);評論(新書)動Our teacher reviewed the old lessons before starting a new lesson.(開始新的單元之前,我們

3、的老師複習舊單元。)He reviews films for The Times.(他為時代雜誌寫電影評論。) 記憶技巧 : review=re-(表示 再 )+view( :察看 )動5. expensive 0kspGns0v :昂貴的;價格高的形Her Teddy Bear is expensive.(她的泰迪熊很貴。) The pants are more expensive than the dress (is).(褲子比洋裝貴。) 記憶技巧 : expensive=expense( :費用 ),去 e+ive(形容詞字尾 )名6. interest 0ntDr0st :興趣名My

4、daughter has an interest in sport.(我的女兒對運動感興趣。)That story has no interest to me.(我對這個故事不感興趣。)7. December d0sGmbQ :十二月名December is my favorite month.(十二月是我最喜歡的月份。)2My birthday is in December.(我的生日在十二月。)8. famous femDs :出名的;著名的形She is a famous actress.(她是出名的女演員。)Taroko is famous for its cliffs. (太魯閣以峽

5、谷著名。)9. hard-working hArdw“k0H 形 :努力工作的Peter is a hard-working person. (彼特是個努力工作的人。)10. team tim :球隊名Which team is Chien-Ming Wang on?(王建民在哪一個球隊?)She doesnt know which team won the game.(她不知道哪一隊贏了比賽。) Lesson 1-練習1. ( ) Is it _ to drink water here?(A)safe (B)happy (C)sad (D)fashionable2. ( ) It is _

6、to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. (A)excited (B)dangerous (C)special (D)safe3. ( ) London is _ for its fog(霧).(A)dangerous (B)interesting (C)famous (D)terrible 4. ( )You will become a good learner if you _ the tips which your teachers talk about. (A)do (B)ask (C)follow (D)answer(取自 90 學年度第一次基本學

7、力測驗 )5. ( ) The coat is _ than the jacket.(A)expensive (B)more expensive (C)expense (D)very expensive6. ( ) You should _ the old lessons.(A)notice (B)wrote (C)review (D)reviewed7. ( ) Soccer is a kind of _ sport. That means you cant play it by yourself.(A)popular (B)team (C)favorite (D)enjoyment(取自

8、90 學年度第二次基本學力測驗 )8. ( ) Hes always been _ and conscientious(小心謹慎的).(A)hard-working (B)caring (C)smart (D)famous9. ( ) Christmas is in _.(A)August (B)November (C)December (D)AprilLesson 50310. ( ) He has an _ in music.(A)importance (B)excited (C)expensive (D)interestLesson 2-字彙、例句1.present prGzDnt :禮

9、物名Did you get many presents?(你收到很多禮物嗎?)My friend gave me a toy bear as a birthday present.(我的朋友給了我一個玩具熊做為生日禮物。)2.fault fClt :過錯;錯誤名I am sorry for breaking your glasses. Its all my fault.(我很抱歉打破你的眼鏡。都是我的錯。)There are many faults in this book.(這本書裡有很多錯誤。)3. different d0fDrDnt :不一樣的;不同的形My hometown look

10、s very different now. It has changed a lot.(我的家鄉現在看起來很不一樣。它改變了很多。)John is very different from his brother, isnt he?(約翰和他的哥哥不同,不是嗎?)4. take a trip 動 :旅遊;旅行She will take a trip to Spain this summer. (今年夏天她將去西班牙旅行。)He took a trip to America last winter.(去年冬天,他去美國旅行。) 5. dictionary d0kNDnGr0 :字典名She alw

11、ays takes a dictionary with her.(她總是隨身帶著一本字典。)She uses her dictionaries to look up any word she doesnt know.(她用她的字典查她不懂的單字。) 6. accident $ksDdDnt 名 :事故、意外She had a car accident last week.(上星期她出了一場車禍。)In 1991, there were about 2,482 traffic accidents in Taiwan. (1991 年,台灣有 2,482 起交通事故。) 7.take pictur

12、es :拍照動They took many pictures in Kenting National Park.(他們在墾丁國家公園拍了很多照片。)4She took many pictures when she was in Sydney.(她在雪梨的時候,她拍了很多照片。) 8.find fa0d :找到 (find-found-found) 動Where did you find my watch?(你在哪裡找到我的手錶?) They found a baseball last night.(他們昨晚找到一顆棒球。) 9. be going to 動 :計畫;打算 They are go

13、ing to the museum tomorrow.(他們明天計畫去博物館。)What is she going to do tomorrow?(她明天打算做什麼?)10.drive dra0v :開車 (drive-drove-driven)動He drives a black sports car. (他開一台黑色跑車。)His son is learning to drive a car.(他的兒子正在學習開車。)Lesson 2-練習1. ( ) Mary has an _ and was badly hurt. The doctor says it is impossible fo

14、r her to go to school today. (取自 90 學年度第一次基本學力測驗)(A) example (B) embarrassment (C) accident (D) party2. ( ) Tony gave me many flowers as my birthday _. (A) party (B) present (C) place (D) poster3. ( ) My father _ me to school every day. I dont walk to school by myself. (A) drives (B) drove (C) calls

15、 (D) moves 4. ( ) Henry _ to buy some socks tomorrow.(A) are going to (B) is going to (C) am going to (D) was going to 5. ( ) Paul: What did you _ under his desk?Tom: Oh, there were all kinds of things, basketball, pencils, a hat and fries! (A) found (B) finded (C) find (D) fix(取自 90 學年度第一次基本學力測驗 )6

16、. ( ) They _ many pictures when they were in Yamingshan. (A) take (B) watch (C) took (D) taked7. ( ) She is going to _ to Mexico(墨西哥) next week.(A) take a trip (B) took a trip (C) taken a trip (D) take 8. ( ) John is an active language learner. He always takes a _ with him. Lesson 505(A) story (B) s

17、entence (C) dictionary (D) conversation(取自 90 學年度第一次基本學力測驗) 9. ( ) I am sorry to break your window. Its all my _.(A) fault (B) idea (C) joke (D) question(取自 90 學年度第一次基本學力測驗) 10. ( ) Her second book(第二本書) is _ from her first book(第一本書).(A) busy (B) different (C) dangerous (D) dictionaryLesson 3-字彙、例句

18、1. across DkrCs :橫過;從一邊到另外一邊介She is walking across the road.(她正在橫越馬路。)They built a new bridge across the river.(他們建造了一座橫跨河流的橋。)2. cook k?k :煮飯、烹飪動Who is cooking now?(誰正在煮飯?)Our grandmother cooks well.(我們的祖母煮一手好菜。)/ (我們的祖母手藝很好。) 3. sell sGl :賣(東西) (sell-sold-sold)動He sold watches on the street corner

19、.(他在街角賣手錶。)I saw him selling watches.(我看到他在賣手錶。)4. near n0r :在附近介I live near my office.(我住在我的辦公室附近。)He lives near his school so he walks to school.(他住在他的學校附近,所以他走路去上學。)5. favorite fevDr0t :最喜愛的形Who is your favorite singer?(誰是你最喜愛的歌手?)My favorite singer is A-mei.(我最喜愛的歌手是張惠妹。)6. exercise eksDsa0z :運動

20、名Swimming is my favorite exercise.(游泳是我最喜歡的運動。)6Exercise is good for health.(運動有益健康。)7. hungry hKHEr0 :飢餓的形I am not hungry now. I will eat later.(我現在不餓。我待會兒吃。)I am hungry. Lets have dinner together.(我肚子餓。我們一起吃晚餐。)8. sing s0H :唱歌 (sing-sang-sung) 動She sings a song for her son every night.(她每晚唱一首歌給她的兒

21、子。)That is a great song! Who sang it? (取自 90 學年度第一次基本學力測驗 )(那是一首好歌!誰唱的?)voice vC0s :人所發的聲音名She has a beautiful singing voice.(她有一副好歌喉。)I heard a voice.(我聽到一個人的聲音。)9. train tren :火車名When is your train?(你的火車是幾點?)We can go to Taipei by train.(我們可以搭火車去台北。)Lesson 3-練習1. ( ) Eva: Whats your ideal mate lik

22、e?Ada: Well, I want a husband who _ well. I enjoy eating, but I hate kitchens.(A) cook (B) cooks (C) cooking (D) to cook(取自 91 學年度第一次基本學力測驗)2. ( ) A: How many shirts did you _ yesterday?B: I sold ten shirts.(A) sell (B) sold (C) selled (D) salt3. ( ) A: Which subject is your _ subject? B: English. I

23、 enjoy learning English. (A) like (B) famous (C) favorite (D) fast 4. ( ) Mrs. Kao: Raymond, there was a phone call for you.Raymond: Oh? Who was it?Mrs. Kao: I dont know, but it was a girls _. Lesson 507(A) wish (B) voice (C) answer (D) number(取自 91 學年度第一次基本學力測驗) 5. ( ) Henry: Are you _? David: No.

24、I will eat later.(A) hungry (B) fat (C) fine (D) bored6. ( ) Joe: When is your _?Alice: At two oclock.Joe: Then you have to hurry! Its one-thirty already. It takes about 25 minutes to get to the station. (取自 91 學年度第一次基本學力測驗) (A) train (B) flight (C) lunch time (D) new semester7. ( ) I saw Mr. Wang w

25、alking _ the road yesterday.(A) pass (B) below (C) in (D) across8. ( ) A-mei is my favorite singer. She _ well. (A) sing (B) sings (C) speaks (D) dance9. ( ) Henna: How do you go to school?Tom: I walk to school because I live _ the school. (A) after (B) before (C) near (D) between10. ( ) I want to l

26、ose weight(減重;減肥). I need to do more _. (A) exercise (B) boat (C) danger (D) baseballLesson 4-字彙、例句1. refrigerator r0fr0dIDretQ :冰箱名I put the milk in the refrigerator.(我把牛奶放在冰箱裡。)She kept the meat in the refrigerator.(她把肉存放在冰箱裡。)2. be able to :能;會;可以動She is able to play the piano.(她會彈鋼琴。)He cant pla

27、y baseball, but he is able to play soccer.(他不會打棒球,但是他會踢足球。)3. last l$st :最後的;上次的形My daughter ate the last piece of cake.(我的女兒吃了最後一片蛋糕。)How did you spend your last Christmas?(你們如何過上一個聖誕節?) 4. decide d0sa0d :決定動8We decided to see a movie together.(我們決定一起去看電影。)I decided that I would not go abroad.(我決定不

28、出國了。)5. early “l0 :提早地副I usually get up early in the morning.(我通常起得早。)You should get up early. You cant be late for school.(你應早起。你不能上學遲到。)6. rose roz :玫瑰花名She likes roses very much. (她很喜歡玫瑰花。)There are ten roses on the table.(桌上有 10 朵玫瑰花。) 7. finish f0n0N :完成動My son finished his homework at 8:00 P.M

29、. (我的兒子在晚上八點完成他的功課。)She has finished reading that novel.(她已經讀完那本小說了。) 8. picnic p0kn0k :野餐名We will go on a picnic tomorrow.(我們明天將會去野餐。)Lets go on a picnic.(我們去野餐吧!) 9. seldom sGldDm :很少;不常副I seldom watch TV at night.(我很少晚上看電視。)She seldom exercises because she is too busy.(她很少運動因為她太忙了。) 10. swing sw0

30、H :擺動;搖動 (swing-swung-swung) 動The lantern is swinging in the wind.(燈籠在風中搖動著。)She swings her arms when she walks.(走路的時候,她擺動雙手。) Lesson 4-練習1. ( ) Harry: Tomorrow is Moms birthday. Lets buy some flowers for her.Lesson 509Cindy: Good idea. I know she likes _ best. (A) chocolates (B) dresses (C) rings (

31、D) roses(取自 98 學年度第一次基本學力測驗)2. ( ) I cant believe you ate the _ piece of pizza and didnt even leave one bite for me.(A) last (B) least (C) less (D) most(取自 98 學年度第一次基本學力測驗)3. ( ) He _ his homework and watched TV.(A) finishes (B) finished (C) finish (D) finishing4. ( ) Would you like to go on a _ wit

32、h us tomorrow?(A) paint (B) picnic (C) play (D) rose5. ( ) Henry: Can you play the piano?Betty: No, but I am _ to play the guitar.(A) interested (B) excited (C) able (D) can6. ( ) She likes having cold drinks, so she always put her Coke in the _ before drinking it. (A) house (B) box (C) bottle (D) r

33、efrigerator7. ( ) Yesterday we _ to go there by taxi because we were late.(A) decide (B) decided(C) able (D) finished( ) She doesnt like watching TV, so she _ watches TV at home.(A) often (B) seldom (C) swings (D) listens 8. ( ) Lisa: Did you get up _ this morning?Peter: No, I was late for school to

34、day.(A) early (B) fast (C) happily (D) late9. ( ) Her dog _ its tail when it feels happy.(A) sings (B) rose (C) swings (D) playLesson 5-字彙、例句1. careful kGrfDl :細心的;謹慎的 形Be careful! That knife is very sharp.(小心!那把刀子很利。)You should be careful when you use that knife.(你應該謹慎當你使用那一把刀。) 記憶技巧careful=care( :

35、關心)+-ful( 形容詞字尾)動2. look for :尋找動What are you looking for?(你正在找什麼?)10I am looking for my key.(我正在找我的鑰匙。)3. get up :起床動When did you get up today?(今天你幾點起床。)My son usually gets up at seven oclock in the morning.(我的兒子通常早上七點起床。)4. bright bra0t :明亮的、顏色鮮豔的形Her room is small but bright.(她的房間小但是很明亮。)My favor

36、ite color is bright yellow. (我最喜歡的顏色是亮黃色。)5. convenient kDnvinjDnt :方便的形The new supermarket is convenient for us.(新的超市對我們來說是方便的。)Traveling by THSR is convenient. (搭高鐵旅遊很方便。) 備註:THSR 是 Taiwan High Speed Rail(台灣高速鐵路)的縮寫6. right ra0t :右邊 ( 左邊:left) 名The post office is on your right.(郵局在你的右手邊。)Please ha

37、nd the pencil on your right to me.(請將你右邊的鉛筆遞給我。)7. several sGvDrDl :幾(個、天、年)的;數(個) 的形It has rained for several days.(雨已經下好幾天了。)She went to Japan several years ago.(幾年前她去過日本。) 8. enter GntQ :進入 ( 離開:exit) 動I cant enter my house because I lost the key.(我不能進家門因為我弄丟鑰匙了。)He entered my room without knocking at the door.(他沒敲門就進到我的房間。) 9. possible pAsDbDl :有可能的形It is possible that you left your key in the car.(有可能你把鑰匙掉在車裡了。)Is it possible to finish this work by yourself?


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