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1、美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B5B (Page 5-24)23. baby 1) American baby boomers are struggling to buy houses. 在美国“生育高峰期” 出生的美国人正在为买房子奋斗。 2) Have you ever listened to Val play his baby grand? 你听见过瓦尔演奏他的小型钢琴吗?3) Whos going to baby-sit the kids tonight? 今天晚上谁照顾孩子们? 4) Were not going to baby him anymore. 我们将不再像对待孩子一样对待他。5

2、) Rob and Tim are going to go meet some babes. 罗布和蒂姆要去和一些小女孩约会。 6) You dont have to be a big baby about it. 你在那件事情上表现得应该像个大人。24. back1) Our neighbors keep going back and forth to Denver every week. 我们的邻居每周都来往于家与丹佛市之间。 2) Well never back down on this issue. 在这个问题上,我们是决不会让步(或:妥协)的。 3) The gunman told

3、the police to back off or hed shoot a hostage. 哪个持枪歹徒让警察向后退,否则(他)就要枪杀一名人质。4) We want to back out of the deal. 我们想退出这场交易。 5) Could you please back your car up 10 feet? 请你把车向后倒 10 英尺,可以吗? 6) The traffic is backed up for miles. 由于交通阻塞,车子排了好几英里。 7) I hit a telephone pole while backing out. 我倒车的时候撞到了电线杆。

4、 8) Your friends are talking about you behind your back. 你的朋友们在背地里议论你。9) Mom is flat on her back in the hospital. 妈妈生病躺在医院里。 10) I told my boss to get off my back. 我告诉老板不要对我指指点点的。 11) Are you gonna go back on your word? 你要违背你自己说的话吗? 12) The garbage can is in back of the garage. 垃圾桶在 车库的后面。13) Please

5、 dont turn your back on me. 请不要不理睬我。 14) My backs against the wall; theres nothing I can do. 我走投无路,什么也干不了。15) Youre going to have to put that on the back burner till you return. 在你回来之前,你得照原样将它保管好。 16) This has got to be back-door censorship. 这要被秘密审察的。 17) All of our plans seem to have backfired. 看起来

6、我们所有的计划都失败了。18) Jill doesnt want to take a backseat to anyone. 吉尔不愿意落人之后。 19) I cant stand driving with a backseat driver. 我无法忍受和一个爱对司机瞎指挥的人一起开车。 20) Just what we need-another back-slapping politician. 这正式我们需要的另一个(与我们)关系亲密的“友好” 政治家。 21) Be careful what you say around Mary. Shes a backstabber. 在玛丽旁边说

7、话时要小心,她是爱在背地里恶语伤人(或:说闲话)的人。25. bad1) Michael Jordan is so bad! 迈克尔。 乔丹真棒! 2) These potatoes are not bad. 这些土豆不错。3) Jason wants to play guitar like a bad dude. 贾森希望能非常娴熟地演奏吉他。4) Is there some bad blood between you and your brother? 你和你哥哥之间有敌意吗?5) I dont appreciate you bad-mouthing me. 我不喜欢你在背地里说我的坏话。

8、美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B66) You look kike youre having a bad day. 你看起来好像是度过了很不愉快的一天。7) Would you stop giving her a bad time. 你能别再折磨她了吗? 26. bag1) Kents wife took off and left him holding the bag. 肯特的妻子把责任推在他的身上,自己却拔腿跑了。2) Weve got this new contrast in the bag. 我们已经把这份新契约搞定了。3) Lets just bag it. 我们把它(偷偷地)占为己有吧。

9、27. balance 1) This decision leaves many lives hanging in the balance. 这个决定使很多人的生活仍摇摆不定、悬而未决。 2) The U.S. has a trade imbalance with Japan. 美国对日本存在着贸易逆差。 3) My mother always told me to eat a balanced diet. 我母亲常告诉我(应该)吃营养均衡的食物。 4) Raising six children is definitely a balancing act. 抚养六个孩子确实是一件困难的事。28

10、. ball1) Your secretary is really on the ball. 你的秘书真内行。 2) Mr. Suzuki likes to carry the ball. 铃木先生喜欢事事(都由自己)领头。 3) Now that weve started this tradition, we need to keep the ball rolling. 既然我们现在已经开始了这个传统,我们就要把它继续下去。 4) As a manager, Mike really has something on the ball. 作为一名管理人员, 迈克的确很有本事。 5) The n

11、ew global economy has made everything a whole new ball game. 新的全球经济(模式)使一切都进入了新的状态。 6) Your estimate isnt even in the ballpark. 你估 计(或:预算)太离谱了。 7) Could you give me a ballpark figure on this home? 你能给我这个房间的大概价格吗? 29. bang 1) Jeff got banged up in an auto accident. 杰夫在一场车祸中受了伤。30. bank 1) You can ban

12、k on his abilities. 你可以指望(或:信赖)他的能力。 2) Monday is a bank holiday. 星期一是银行的休息日。 3) My uncle is gonna bankroll this venture. 我的叔叔准备向这个冒险事业投资。 4) Ted broke the bank when he bought his new Porsche. 特德买了他的那辆保时捷牌新车后就身无分文了。31. bar 1) When are we going to go bar-hopping? 我们什么时候去喝“ 串家酒”?(注:在日本的一些繁华街区,分布着很多小酒店

13、,人们常常在这儿一家酒店接一家酒店地喝酒,俗称 “串家酒” 。)2) Did you pass the bar exam? 你通过律师资格考试了吗? 3) Smoking has been barred in this establishment. 这座楼里是禁止吸烟的。32. bare 美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B71) The police ordered the men to come out barehanded. 警察命令那个男人空手(注:意指不准拿武器)走出来。 2) Toddlers like to run around the house bare naked. 刚会走路的孩子喜

14、欢光着脚在房子周围跑来跑去。 3) Susan wanted to bare her soul to me. 苏珊想向我表明她的心思。 4) The delirious woman was arrested for baring all. 那个疯女人因为“ 暴露癖”而被捕了。 33. bark 1) I think youre barking up the wrong tree. 我想你是完全估计错了。 2) The sergeant barked an order. 那士官吼叫着发 号施令。34. barrel1) My ex-wife has me over a barrel. 我的前妻随

15、心所欲地操 纵我。35. base 1) I think Dales thinking is a little off base. 我认为戴尔的想法有些错误。 2) We need to touch all the bases before making a decision. 在做出决定之前,我们不得不考虑一切可能性。 3) I just wanted to call and touch base with you. 我只是想拨通电话和你聊一聊。4) Billy is still trying to get to second base with Sara. 比利仍旧试着想和萨拉发展到“第二

16、阶段” 。(注:在美国, 这是一具有约 定俗成意义的短语,在男女之间的关系中, “first base”指拉手、接吻等;“ second base”指抚 摸等;“third base”指做爱。)36. bash 1) I was bashed in the face by a mugger last night. 昨晚我被一个强盗重重的一拳打在脸上。 2) We got home at 2:00 a.m. from our companys bash. 我们凌晨 2 点才从公司的狂欢会回到家里。 3) I wish youd stop Japan-bashing. 我希望你能停止对日本的攻击与

17、责难。37. basket 1) Im afraid my uncles stressful job has turned him into a basket case. 我担心叔父的压力沉重的工作会使他变成一个毫无气力的废人。38. bat 1) I need to know more information before I go to bat for you. 在我帮你之前,我需要了解更多的情况。2) Right off the bat I knew she was the girl for me. 一瞬间,我明白了,她就是我的心上人。 3) Linda is as blind as a

18、 bat without her glasses. 琳达不戴眼睛的话什么也看不见。 4) Roger can drink a six-pack without batting an eye. 罗杰可以眼都不眨一下地(或译为:面不改色地)一口气喝掉半打啤酒。5) Those teenagers like to drive like a bat out of hell. 那些十几岁的青少年喜欢飞一般地开快车。39. bath 1) My boy took a bath last night. 我儿子昨天晚上洗澡了。美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B82) We really took a bath in

19、that venture. 那次商业冒险中,我们实在损失惨重。40. bay 1) Everyone must learn to keep their temper at bay. 每个人都应该学会保持心绪平静。41. beach1) Carlos has been a beach a bum in San Francisco since the 1960s. 卡洛斯从 60 年代就一直是个在旧金山海滨闲荡的人。42. bead1) The hunter drew a bead on the large bird. 猎人瞄准了一只大鸟。43. bean1) Who spilled the be

20、ans about Jill being pregnant? 是谁把吉尔怀孕的事不小心说出去的?2) Mr. Lee has been a bean counter at our company for nine years. 李先生在我们公司做了 9 年的会 计。44. bear1) I hear that hiking up that mountain is a real bear. 我听说攀登那座山是非常不容易的。2) My batting trainer told me to bear down on my swing. 我的棒球教练告诉我挥棒时(应该)往下压。 3) Triathle

21、tes must be bears for punishment.“铁人三项”运动员一定是(那种)自个儿愿意去备受折磨(的人)。 4) I believe that Nancys claims will bear up soon. 我相信南希的主张不久就会成为现实。5) Since hes been cross-training, Mike has become a real bearcat. 迈克开始艰苦的训练以后,变成了一个体格强健的人。 45. beat1) Dont beat around the bush! Just come out and say it. 别拐弯抹角的,直说好了。

22、 2) The sun beat down on the sand, making it painful to walk barefoot. 阳光照射着沙子,光着脚走上去甚至感觉到疼。 3) I want you kids to beat it! 我要你们给我滚开。 4) The man was arrested for beating up on the children. 那男人因殴打孩子而被捕了。 5) Last night we were partying to beat the band. 昨晚我们聚在一起简直玩疯了。46. beauty1) That diamond is a re

23、al beauty. 那钻石实在太美了。2) Nicole is a real beauty. 尼科尔是个真正的美人。47. bed1) How much is bed and board for a night? 膳宿一晚多少 钱?2) Where should we bed down for the night? 晚上我们睡在哪儿恩?3) You look like you got up on the wrong side of the bed. 你看起来早上一起床就心情不好。4) Luke wants to go to bed with Debbie. 卢克想和戴比上床。美国口语惯用法例

24、句集粹 B948. beef1) Whats your beef? 你的不满(或牢骚、抱怨)是什么? 2) You need to beef up your portfolio. 你需要加强你的业务能力。3) Mens cologne ads are notorious for featuring beefcake. 男士用化妆水的广告因使用半裸体男模特而臭名远扬。 49. beg1) Im afraid I am going to have to beg off from your dinner invitation. 我恐怕不得不请求原谅不能赴您的晚餐邀请了。2) You certainl

25、y dont have to go begging to get something to eat around here. 这里好吃的东西多得不得了。 3) I beg your pardon? 您能再重复一遍吗?(注意升降调的不同含义) 50. behind1) Our team came back from behind and won the game. 我们队转败为胜赢得了比赛。2) A bee stung me in the behind. 一只蜜蜂蜇了我的屁股。3) My new job has got me behind the eightball. 我的新工作使我陷入困境。4

26、) Were running behind schedule. 我们正在赶进度。(注:指已落后于原定 计划之后。)5) My dad always dresses behind the times. 我父亲总是穿过时的衣服。6) Danny is getting behind in school. 丹尼赶不上课程进度。7) could you tell us whats behind the story? 你能告诉我事情背后的真实情况吗?8) Who is the girl that he left behind? 被他抛弃了的女孩是谁?51. being1) Well keep the sc

27、hedule the same for the time being. 我们暂时会将计划保持原样。 2) Dr. Dayton is a wonderful human being. 戴顿博士是个了不起的人。 52. believe1) Children love to play make-believe. 孩子们喜 欢玩“ 过家家”的游戏。2) That story is simply unbelievable. 哪个故事根本不可信。3) I cant believe you did that. 我无法相信你做了那件事!4) Seeing Mr. Martin speak in person

28、 has made me a believer. 目睹了马丁先生本人的演讲,我成了他的忠实追随者。53. bell1) Does the name “Schindler“ ring a bell?“辛德勒 ”这个名字能让你想起来什么吗?54. belly1) The XYZ company went belly up last summer. XYZ 故事去年夏天破产了。2) My stomach is still sore from the belly up I did yesterday. 昨天跳水时,我的腹部撞在水面,今天肚子还在疼。3) Ive had a bellyful of th

29、ese stupid jokes. 这些愚蠢的笑话我已经听够了。4) Charles let out a belly laugh in the middle of the meeting. 查尔斯在开会时捧腹大笑。55. belt1) Sam really belted the ball out of the park. 萨姆真的把球打到公园外边去了。美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B102) Your remarks are certainly below the belt. 你的评论确实是不公正的(注:原指拳击比赛时攻击对方规定部位一下)。3) Were going to have to lear

30、n to tighten our belts since I took a cut in pay. 既然我断绝了收入,我们不得不缩衣节食了。 4) Bill has 10 years of experience under his belt. 比尔身怀十年的经验。56. bench1) Judge Taylor has been on the bench for two decades. 泰勒已经做了 20 年法官。2) Greg has been warming the bench all season long. 格雷格在整个赛季里一直是坐冷板凳(注:指做替补队员)。3) He has a

31、 reputation for being a bench jockey by the opposing teams. 他有喜欢给对方队员喝倒彩的名声。 4) Our company has been the benchmark for sports gear since 1975. 本公司的产品从1975 年起一直是(保持)体育用品的( 优质)水准。 57. bend1) I think we could bend the rules just the once. 我想我们这次可以将制度变通一下。 (注:含有“ 下不为例”之意)2) I saw your car coming a round

32、 the bend. 我看见你的车拐弯了。 3) Albert says he is constantly bending over to please you. 艾伯特说他在不断地竭尽全力地使你高兴。 58. bent1) Tony is a little bent in the head. 托尼的脑子有点问题。 2) Theres no reason to get all bent out of shape over this. 没有理由为这件事如此大怒。 59. best1) We wish you all the best. 我们祝你一切顺心如意。2) Everything turne

33、d out for the best. 最后,一切都有了最完美的结局。3) We can only walk about 5 miles an hour at best. 我们 1 小时最多只能走 5 英里。4) Were trying to succeed as best we can. 我们正在尽最大努力获得成功。5) Sue is at her best when shes in a crowd of people. 苏在众人之中的时候是她状态显得最好的时候。6) Im not gonna let her get the best of me. 我不想让她得胜。 7) Lets make

34、 the best of the situation. 让我们充分利用(目前的)情况。8) Max can ski with the best of them. 马克斯滑雪是他们中最好的。9) Lets save the best for last. 让我们把最好的留在最后吧!10) Have you given it your best shot? 你已为它尽你的全力了吗?60. better1) I think youd be better off without her. 我想,没有她你的情况(注:尤指 经济境况)会较好。2) It would be for the better if

35、you stopped drinking. 如果你不再饮酒,那就更好了。3) Im not going to let him get the better of me. 我不想让他胜过我。4) I hope youll get better soon. 我希望你能很快好起来。5) This steak is okay, but Ive had better. 这牛排还可以,不过我吃过比这更好的。6) You had better leave now. 你最好现在就离开。美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B117) Its not much, but its better than nothing. 这(

36、虽然)没什么了不起的,但总比什么也没有强。8) Wheres your better half? 你爱人在哪儿?61. between1) Just between you and me,I hate company parties. 我只是对你讲(注:意指你别告诉别人),我讨厌公司的聚会。2) Right now Im in between jobs. 目前,我正在找工作。62. Bible1) John lived in the bible belt for 4 years. 约翰在 “圣经地带”(注:指美国南部严格信奉圣经的地带)住了四年。 2) Im not interested in

37、 bible-bashing. 我对圣经 批判没有兴趣。 63. bid1) The high sale of the antique chair at the auction turned out to be a bid in. 那个被拍卖的高价老式椅子,结果证明是被拍卖人故意出高价买了下来。2) Another buyer kept bidding up the price. 另外一个买主继续哄抬价格。3) Mary cried when I bid her farewell. 我向玛丽道 别的时候,她哭了。64. big1) I dont want to go to work for s

38、ome big shot. 我不象去为什么大人物工作。2) All the company bigwigs meet here every Tuesday. 公司的所有要人每周二都在这碰头。 3) Cindy finally hit the big time with her third novel. 辛迪终于凭借她的第三部小说出了名。 4) Rhonda is looking for a Big Daddy to take care of her. 朗达想找一个大靠山来照顾她。 5) Ever since he got that promotion, Daves had a big head

39、. 自从得到那次晋升以来,戴夫就自高自大起来。 6) Your mother is a big-hearted woman. 你的母亲是一位心胸开阔的女性。 7) Jack is a big-league pitcher. 杰克是一支一流(棒球)队的投手。(注:在美国的各种组织中,按等级来分,最重要、最有影响力的称为“ big league”,其余的依次称为“bush league ”、“minor league”等等)8) He is also a big-league real estate agent. 他是一个重要的房地产机构代理人。 9) Many people are wonder

40、ing if the President has told the big lie. 许多人想要知道总统是否撒了弥天大谎。10) I apologize for opening my big mouth. 我为我的多嘴道歉。 11) The Rolling stones are one of the big-ticket acts touring this summer.“滚石”是今年夏天巡回演出中最卖座的乐队之一。 65. bill1) Larry works two jobs to pay his bills. 为了付清账单(注:指应付开支),拉里做二份工作。 2) What are we

41、 going to do in order to fill the bill? 为了解决问题,我 们做些什么呢? 3) Would you please bill me for the jacket? 你能 给我开一下茄克的账单吗? 4) That dishonest salesman sold us a bill of goods. 那个奸商把商品高价卖给了我们。 5) The doctor gave my father a clean bill of health. 医生为我父亲开了健康证明。66. bind美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B121) Im kind of in a bind, f

42、inancially. 我在经济上陷入了困境。(a bind 在这里是:A difficult, restrictive, or irresolvable situation: 困境困难的、束缚的或无法解决的情况。)2) This is a binding contract. 这是具有约束力的契 约。( bind 在这里是:The state of being bound. 被束缚的状态) 67. bird1) All the executives band together like birds of a feather. 所有的行政管理人员都是一丘之貉。(birds of a feathe

43、r 同类的人;一丘之貉)2) Kyoko eats like a bird. 京子饭量极小。3) This job is for the birds. 这工作毫无意义(或:荒唐可笑)。 (for the birds 美口 荒唐可笑的; 沉闷无聊的; 毫无价值的; 只能骗那些轻信的人的)4) Have you told your son about the birds and bees? 你给你儿子讲过有关性的基础知识了吗? 5) Bob is such a bird brain. 鲍勃是个大笨蛋。(bird 在美俚语中是:傻瓜; 蠢货 )6) I hired a bird dog to fin

44、d my lost brother. 我雇了一个探子去寻找我失踪的弟弟。(bird-dog在美国俚语中做动词是 watch closely or to seek out 细心观察、调查的意思。 bird dog 在这是做名词用是 one (as a canvasser or talent scout) who seeks out something for another 意为“ 探子”。)7) Steve scored a birdie on the seventh hole. 史蒂夫在 7 号洞打出了低于标准杆(注:高尔夫球)的一击。(这个 birdie 大家如果爱看高尔夫球就会很熟悉,即

45、所谓的“ 小鸟球” a golf score of one stroke less than par on a hole 即低于标准杆一杆,把它和老鹰球做对比?Eagle: a golf score of two strokes less than par on a hole?)8) Your new office sure gives you a birds eye view. 你的新办公室的确可以让你鸟瞰风景。68. birth 1) My wife just gave birth to a 10 lb. baby boy. 我妻子刚刚生了个 10 磅重的男孩子。 2) My trip t

46、o Canada gave birth to a new book. 我的加拿大之行促成了一本新书的诞生。 3) Are you practicing birth control? 你施行节育了吗? 4) Our two-year old likes to run around in his birthday suit. 我们两岁的孩子喜欢光着身子到处跑。 69. bit 1) Dont you think hes a little bit strange? 你不觉得他有一点奇怪吗? 2) Give me just a bit of cake, please. 请给我一点儿蛋糕。 3) Bit

47、 by bit, I finally finished memorizing the play. 一点一点地,我终于背下了那部剧本。 4) I want you kids to eat every bit of your vegetables. 我希望你们把蔬菜吃得干干净净的。 5) We bit off more than we could chew when we started this business. 我们刚开始做这笔生意时太好高骛远了。 70. bite 1) Were gonna have bite the bullet this time. 这回我们不得不做好面对巨大困难的准

48、备。 2) Regarding your boss, you shouldnt bite the hand that feeds you. 至于你的老板,你不应对他恩将仇报。 3) Would you like to grab a bite to eat? 你想抓紧时间 去吃点东西吗? 4) It looks like Larry has been bitten by greed. 看来拉里由于贪婪而上当受骗。 美国口语惯用法例句集粹 B135) Our insurance payments have really put the bite on us. 我们的保险费确实成了我们的负担。71.

49、 black 1) The blackout caused more rioting in Los Angeles. 停电使洛杉矶市内发生了更多的骚乱。(这里的 blackout 是: a period of darkness (as in a city) caused by a failure of electrical power. riot 的意思是: a) public violence, tumult, or disorder b) a violent public disorder; specifically a tumultuous disturbance of the public peace by three or more persons assembled together and acting with a common intent。)2) Sare blacked out for a miniute when she stood up. 萨拉站起来时眼前一阵发黑。 (我们可能都有过这样的经历。那么就用 black out 吧。即:


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