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1、 翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物A dying man trusted you to save his baby垂死之人求你救救孩子The Pakistan floods have devastated a nation already reeling from violence and poverty. Unless the West steps up its aid, the Taliban will fill the void.被暴力和贫困蹂躏的巴基斯坦遭受洪水的洗劫。如果西方国家不施以援手,塔利班将填补这个空白。Pakistan celebrated it

2、s 63rd birthday yesterday. Its the country I feel I grew up in, arriving 15 years ago almost to the day as a 21-year-old bride and emerging a decade later a more questioning and conflicted person. I now have children who support the national cricket team and who visit every school holiday. I am stil

3、l maddened by Pakistans faults, but I am inextricably connected to it and become defensive if others criticise.昨天,巴基斯坦庆祝建国63周年。自从21岁嫁到这里,15年过去了,在我的心目中,这里就是我成长的地方,而我却对它心存怀疑,矛盾丛生。我的孩子们加入了国家板球队,在每个学校假期都去训练。尽管我仍会为巴基斯坦的错误而愤怒,但我与它已经密不可分,无法容忍别人对它指手画脚。I still go there often. Last year I visited the refugee

4、camps close to the Swat valley where the army was fighting the Taliban. At that time there were up 翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物to 2.5m internally displaced people as a result of conflict in the northwest of the country. I heard how every child in the camp had witnessed public beheadings.我仍然会经常去那里。

5、去年,我访问了靠近斯瓦特河谷的难民营,政府军在那里抗击塔利班。由于巴基斯坦西北部的武装冲突,250万人流离失所。我听说难民营里的每个孩子都亲眼目睹过公开斩首。A few years earlier I was in Pakistan in the aftermath of the earthquake that killed about 75,000 people. On top of the war against the Taliban, with almost daily suicide bombings, a separatist uprising in the province of

6、 Baluchistan, a hostile neighbour, recession, inflation and unemployment, Pakistan seems to face a natural disaster almost every year.几年前,我曾到巴基斯坦处理震后事宜,那一场地震夺去了75000人的生命。在俾路支省,分裂主义者几乎每天都会制造自杀性爆炸袭击。除了打击塔利班之外,巴基斯坦还要对付充满敌意的邻国、经济衰退、通货膨胀和失业率,而且,这个国家似乎每年都要遭受自然灾害。Nothing, though, compares to the catastroph

7、e of the floods. Friends recount tales of a few heartening miracles but without much conviction a one-year-old baby found alive inside a floating water cooler reunited with its mother, a newborn rescued after being bound by his dying father to the top branches of a tree.但是,相比洪水带来的灾难,这一切都不算什么。朋友们向我讲述

8、了几个令人振奋的奇迹故事,但缺乏可信度,比如一岁的婴儿被放在冷却水箱里,顺流而下,最终与母亲团聚;父亲临死前将刚刚出生的孩子绑在树顶的枝条上,使孩子获救。The death toll, amounting to 1,600 people, has, Alhamdulillah (praise to God), so far been low relative to the magnitude of the disaster facing Pakistan. Mostly, though, the stories are grim. My ex-husband Imran Khan, whom

9、I spoke to after he visited flood-hit areas in the northwest, sounded uncharacteristically defeated; more so, I thought, than even after his cancer hospital was bombed in 1996. “Pakistan could implode, Jem,” he said. “We are already on the brink of bankruptcy. The poverty and the suffering will be u

10、nimaginable. Best not to send the children this weekend. Theres too much to do.”死亡人数已经升至1600人,感谢上帝,相对巴基斯坦面临的严重灾害来说,这个数字算是比较低的。但形势总体看来相当严峻。我的前夫翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物伊姆兰汗,在参观了西北洪水灾区后,一反常态,我觉得,比1996年他的癌症医院被炸时的态度更加消极。 “巴基斯坦可能会内乱,杰姆,”他说。 “我们已经处于破产的边缘。贫穷和痛苦不堪设想。这个周末最好不要送孩子们去学校。有太多的事情要做。 ”There are

11、 reports of fights for food at distribution points, with widowed women and the weak left empty-handed, of survivors attacking government officials, of babies with nothing but contaminated water to drink, of herds of dead water buffalo floating in flood water, of acute diarrhoea.有报道说,在物资分发点,人们为争抢食物而打

12、斗,丧偶的妇女们赤手空拳,为了生存攻击官员,儿童饥肠辘辘,只能喝被污染的脏水,淹死的水牛漂浮在洪水中,急性腹泻流行。Two million people are now homeless, electricity grids have been closed down to prevent electrocution, water supplies are contaminated, livestock drowned, 1.7m acres of crops destroyed, bridges, roads, schools, whole villages swept away. Expe

13、rts have warned of the high risk of a cholera epidemic and further monsoon downpours are forecast. Unlike in the aftermath of the 2005 earthquake, when people jumped into their cars crammed with whatever supplies they had in their kitchens and drove to the affected areas, this time there is no volun

14、tary mobilisation. “People dont even know where to begin,” Imran says wearily.200万人无家可归,为防止触电,电网已经关闭,供水受到污染,牲畜被淹死,170万英亩农作物被毁,桥梁、道路、学校、整个村庄被洪水一扫而光。专家们警告说,有爆发霍乱疫情的危险,预报将有更严重的暴雨降临。与2005年地震不同,那时,人们把厨房里能找到的东西都塞进车里,运往受灾地区。而现在没有志愿者。 “人们甚至不知道从哪里开始救援, ”伊姆兰疲倦地说。Every province in Pakistan has been affected an

15、d 14m people about one in 10 of the population need help.巴基斯坦的每一个省都受到洪水的影响,1400万人受灾,全国约1/10的人口需要帮助。That is more than the total affected by the Asian tsunami, the 2005 Pakistan earthquake and the Haiti quake combined. Dr Mohammed Rafiq, the Pakistan programme specialist for Unicef, the United Nations

16、 childrens organisation, says: “This is the worst challenge I have seen in my lifetime, 翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物far worse than the earthquake. That was contained in one area so the rest of the country was able to help. This has affected everyone and what we are seeing now is only the beginning

17、. This is a long-term emergency.” There are 6m children in urgent need of help.这次洪灾的影响大于亚洲海啸、2005年巴基斯坦地震和海地地震的损失总和。联合国儿童组织巴基斯坦计划专家穆罕默德拉菲克医生说:“这是我有生之年见过的最严重挑战,远比地震的情况更糟。那时只有一个地区受灾,其他地区能够救助。而这一次是每个人都受灾,我们目前看到的局面只是开始。紧急情况将长期持续。 ”有600万儿童亟待帮助。Yet the response from the international community has been des

18、cribed as “sluggish”, a diplomatic euphemism for depressing, inadequate, pathetic. So far it has committed funding that works out at just over $3 (1.90) per flood-affected person, according to the BBC. The commitment per person after the 2005 Pakistani earthquake was, by comparison, $70 and for this

19、 years earthquake in Haiti it was $495.然而,国际社会的反应只能被描述为“苍白无力” ,这是令人沮丧、微不足道和可悲的委婉说法。据英国广播公司的报道,到目前为止,它所承诺给予每位灾民的援救金额只略高于3美元。2005年巴基斯坦地震后,每个人获赔70美元,今年海地地震的赔偿金为人均495美元。Friends I have spoken to in Britain are keen to donate but are concerned that their money will line some corrupt officials pocket or go

20、 to some organisation that is a front for terrorism. You only have to look at the blogs to see theres not much sympathy left for Pakistan in the West.我在英国曾与朋友们谈及此事,他们热衷于捐款,但却担心他们的钱会落入一些腐败官员的腰包,或者被用来资助恐怖主义组织。你只要看看博客就能知道,西方社会对巴基斯坦的同情已经所剩无几。Corruption and terrorism have become synonymous with the count

21、ry, not helped by David Camerons recent remarks in India that Pakistan must not be allowed to “promote the export of terror” nor the publication of documents by WikiLeaks linking ISI, Pakistans intelligence agency, to the Taliban.腐败和恐怖主义向来是巴基斯坦的代名词,大卫卡梅隆最近在印度发表讲话,要求巴基斯坦不能允许“输出恐怖主义” ,维基解密揭露,巴翻译评论 QQ

22、群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物基斯坦的情报机构三军情报局向塔利班泄漏情报,而这一切都无法巴基斯坦的国内局势得以改观。Its not just the international community that is wary. Pakistanis themselves have failed to donate to the emergency fund set up by their own government. Many are choosing to give hand-outs directly instead. Theres widespread anger in t

23、he country against the government, exacerbated by the presidents ill-timed and costly jaunt to London to see our own prime minister earlier this month. As Imran says: “No one trusts the government to administer the funds properly. No one knows where to give or where to even begin to help. Its so hug

24、e.”不只是国际社会持谨慎态度,巴基斯坦人自己也无法通过政府设立的紧急基金进行捐款。很多人转而选择直接赠与。全国上上下下都对政府义愤填膺,本月早些时候,巴基斯坦总统不合时宜地花费高昂旅费,到伦敦造访英国首相,更使民众的愤怒升级。正如伊姆兰所说:“没有人相信政府会管理好资金。没有人知道要对哪里实施救援,甚至不知道如何开始救援。灾难太巨大了。 ”There are good reasons to be cynical. Pakistan has a president formerly known as Mr 10% (upgraded since his presidency to Mr 110

25、%), who is alleged to have acquired up to $1.5 billion (960m) through corruption. Seventy per cent of the money given by the World Bank to be spent on flood prevention has been embezzled or spent badly, according to Syed Adil Gilani at Transparency International Pakistan, the non-governmental organi

26、sation.人民有很好的理由表示怀疑。巴基斯坦前总统因为惯于收受贿赂,被称为10% 先生(自从他担任总统后,升格为110% 先生) ,据说已经因腐败受贿达15亿美元。非政府组织、巴基斯坦透明国际的赛义德阿迪尔吉拉尼认为,世界银行用来资助防灾建设的70% 款项已经被挪用,或使用不当。What many forget is that ordinary Pakistanis have suffered more as a result of corruption and terrorism than anyone else. Before 2002, when President Pervez M

27、usharraf sent the Pakistani army into the tribal areas at the behest of America, there had never been any suicide bombings and there was no Pakistani Taliban. Since then more than 8,000 civilians have been killed in suicide bombings and 30 militant groups are operating illegally in the country.翻译评论

28、QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物被很多人忘记的是,与世界上的其他人相比,普通巴基斯坦人承受了更多的腐败和恐怖主义的后果。 2002年当总统佩尔韦兹穆沙拉夫在美国的要求下,将巴基斯坦派往部落地区之前,从未爆发过任何自杀爆炸事件,也没有巴基斯坦塔利班。从那以后,已有超过8000名平民在自杀爆炸中被炸死,30支军事组织在国内从事非法活动。Pakistan has lost more than 2,000 soldiers fighting militants inside its borders. Seventy American Predator drone attacks th

29、is year alone have killed 200 Pakistanis with no leading terrorists among the dead. Pakistan has become both the collateral damage of the war in Afghanistan as well as the Wests favourite whipping boy now that it looks unwinnable.巴基斯坦在边境丧生的士兵人数已经超过2000名。今年,美国猎食者无人飞机发动了70次空袭,共打死200名巴基斯坦人,其中并没有恐怖主义者。巴

30、基斯坦既要承受阿富汗战争的伤害,又要成为西方穷兵黩武的替罪羊,而这场战争看起来将无法取胜。Meanwhile, the Pakistani Taliban and the banned Islamic charity Jamaat-ud-Dawa have called on the government to reject western aid. They have a vested interest. The danger is that charities with ties to militant groups will step in to provide relief to th

31、e affected communities as happened after the earthquake.与此同时,巴基斯坦塔利班和被取缔的伊斯兰慈善机构贾马特-乌德- 达瓦已呼吁政府拒绝西方援助。他们已从中获得利益。危险的是,慈善机构与激进组织的联系将对受灾社区施加影响,这种情况在地震后也出现过。I travelled to the quake-obliterated areas a year later. I saw two things: first, that the international donor agencies such as Unicef, which are a

32、lready established in Pakistan and have a proven track record at operating in disaster zones, do an exemplary job working with local partners with logistical knowledge. I visited Unicef schools and well-run camps where children were sheltered, fed, inoculated and educated.一年后我前往地震破坏地区,看到了两件事情:第一,联合国

33、儿童基金会等国际捐助机构已在巴基斯坦建立了分支机构,在受灾地区的工作成绩斐然,利用后勤知识与当地伙伴合作,发挥了示范作用。我访问了联合国儿童基金会学校和难民营,孩子们在那里被收容、喂养,接种疫苗和接受教育,一切运转良好。翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物Second, in areas where aid agencies do not have a presence, we heard reports of unaccounted-for missing children and saw painted signs outside several madrasahs

34、 some of which were Saudi-funded advertising the fact that they had absorbed earthquake orphans who had nowhere else to go.其次,在缺少援助机构的地方,我们听到关于儿童下落不明的报告,在几个沙特资助的伊斯兰学校里,有油漆粉刷的标志,显示这里可以收留地震后无家可归的孤儿。Jihadi-linked charitable organisations have been very effective at providing aid in times of crisis. The

35、 2m children in Pakistans madrasahs are provided with free shelter, food and limited education where there is no government-funded alternative. In Mianwali, Imrans constituency, 70% of all government schools are closed “20% are ghost schools which exist only on paper, the other 50% have no teachers.

36、 Its not surprising that poor people send their children to madrasahs”. There is a danger that those same charities will step into the void and gain credibility in the face of the governments ineptitude.与圣战组织有联系的慈善团体在危急时刻提供了非常有效的援助。在没有政府资助的地区,他们为伊斯兰学校的200万儿童提供免费住宿、食品和有限的教育。在伊姆兰的选区米安瓦利,70的公立学校被关闭, “2

37、0的学校只在纸面上存在,另外50的学校没有教师。穷人送子女到伊斯兰学校不足为奇。 ” 这就是危险之处,当政府缺乏公信力时,相同的慈善机构将步入这个空档,取得人们的信赖。The floods are likely to lead to massive poverty and unrest in an already volatile nuclear-armed country. There are two reasons why this should concern us here. In the geopolitical sense an impoverished, unstable, un

38、governable Pakistan, with no control over militant extremists, would be a disaster that would make the floods look like rising damp. More importantly, it should concern us as human beings: a dying father tied his newborn child to a tree trusting that someone would help. That someone should be all of us.这次洪水很可能在本已动荡不安、拥有核武器装备的国家,导致大范围的贫困和动乱。有两个原因应该引起我们的关注。从地缘政治意义上说,贫困、不稳定和治理不善的巴基斯坦,无法对武装极端分子进行控制,将是一个灾难,洪水更使其雪上加霜。更重要的是,作为人类的我们应该注意到:垂死的父亲将新生的孩子绑在树上,希望有人翻译评论 QQ 群:54592418牛斯狗评论 系列双语读物能够救助。我们每个人都应该伸出援助之手。


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