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1、 大话西游精彩对白(双语版 2)(至尊宝剃了胡须,穿上书生的服装,站在桥上等晶晶姑娘的出现。) 白晶晶:什么人?Who? 至尊宝:长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来晶晶姑娘你也睡不着啊!It“s a long night, no mood to sleep. I thought I am the only one. But Jing Jing, you“re sleepless, too?白晶晶:是啊!不知道帮主为什么睡不着?Yes, why can“t you sleep?至尊宝:就是因为晶晶姑娘你啊。Just because of Jing Jing!白晶晶:我!?Me?至尊宝;

2、不错。自从看到晶晶姑娘之后,我决定改过自新不再作贼,为了表示对姑娘你的诚意,我不要再看见以前的我(回头一笑)好看吗?Yes, when I saw you, I made up my mind that I wouldn“t be a robber. I just wanna show my sincerity. I can“t face my past. Do you like it?!白晶晶:是你这个臭猴子!You“re a monkey?!至尊宝;啊?猴子?Monkey?白晶晶:孙悟空啊。Monkey King.至尊宝:孙悟空?Monkey King?白晶晶:你变成人样就行了?You t

3、hink you“re alright with a human face?至尊宝:人样?!Human Face?白晶晶:看来我不用三昧白骨火你是不会承认的!(玉手一指,至尊宝的手马上起火)I have to use Skeleton Fire on you.至尊宝:哇,还用得着吗?又烧!何苦呢?何必呢?You gonna burn me again! Why? Why?白晶晶:难道我搞错了?(飞身上前将火扑灭)Did I make a mistake?至尊宝:哇!干吗用火焰来烧我?Why did you use flame bomb to burn me?白晶晶:你把胡子剃光干什么?你知不知

4、道你少了胡子一点性格都没有了?Why did you shave off your beard? You“re just another guy without the beard.至尊宝:是吗?Really?白晶晶:唉,文也不行武也不行,你不做山贼,你想做状元啊?You can“t do anything. Do you want to be a scholar instead of a robber?至尊宝:我有想过I“ve thought about this.白晶晶:省省吧你!改变什么形象,好好地做你山贼这份很有前途的职业去吧!Please stop changing image. B

5、eing a robber is a good job.至尊宝:我知道了,我一定会继续努力的!(转身奔去) I know. I“ll try my best! 白晶晶:什么不好象,偏象个臭猴子!(至尊宝回到房中。)You look like that thing!至尊宝:真失败!原来晶晶姑娘喜欢粗犷一面的我!(把剃掉的胡子重新贴在脸上,窥镜自视,美甚)虽然乱了点,不过总算恢复了几分风采!(又在脑门上贴了一丛胡子) So pathetic. Jing Jing loves my violent side. Having the personality again.(至尊宝洗完脚将洗脚布蒙在脸上睡

6、着了,睡梦中又回到了水帘洞。) 画外音:你又回水帘洞来了。You come back to Waterfall Cave again?至尊宝:什么?水帘洞!你是谁啊你?怎么老是带我到这里来干嘛?Waterfall Cave? Who are you? Why do you bring me here?画外音:没有人带你来,是你自己要回来的,一个人离开家太久了总是想要回来的!No one brings you here. You come here on your own. It is normal to miss your home.(至尊宝刹那间仿佛看见自己变成了猴子的模样。) 至尊宝:你不

7、要耍我啦,我的家在五岳山第四面一百零一号 B One,你搞错了你听见没有,以后不要再烦我了拜托!Don“t scare me! My home is at Mt. Wuyue. You have made a mistake, can you hear me? Don“t annoy me, please!(突然至尊宝被瞎子叫醒,梦就此结束。) (斧头帮去查看过路人的脚底板,至尊宝捡到一串葡萄,却原来是菩提老祖化身前来救他,并给了他一把照妖镜去照白晶晶,至尊宝吓得魂不附体,回到房间后) 至尊宝:菩什么老母,菩什么老母!Who? Who the hell! Who the hell?菩提老祖:我

8、又变成葡萄啦!I was turned into grapes.至尊宝:你在那里?Where are you?菩提老祖:我在你的裤档里面!In your trousers.至尊宝:哇!这么大一坨!Big grapes!菩提老祖:那坨是你的,我在你后面!(至尊宝从后腰上发现了葡萄。)It“s yours. I“m at your back!至尊宝:再见到你太好了!That“s great to see you.菩提老祖:你现在相信了?You trust me now!至尊宝:相信了相信了!我这里为什么会有妖怪出现呢?Yes Why do we have devil here?菩提老祖:笨蛋!(从

9、里屋走出来,摘了至尊宝手上一颗葡萄吃)我告诉你,这些妖怪是在等唐三藏重现人间。五百年前孙悟空被观音大士所消灭,他师傅唐三藏为了救他,用自己的性命换取孙悟空一次重生的机会,希望这只猴子能改邪归正。Stupid fool, listen to me. These devils are waiting for the Longevity Monk. Longevity Monk?500 years ago, Monkey King was destroyed by Goddess. His master Longevity Monk wanted to save him. He exchanged

10、the monkey“s life with his own. He hoped this monkey would be good.至尊宝:唐三藏为什么在这儿出现你还没告诉我Why does the Longevity Monk need to appear?菩提老祖:唐三藏当年为了普渡众生不怕千辛万苦去取西经,就是为了借此经书感化世人,满天神佛都被他这种精神所感动,因此如来佛祖给了唐三藏一次五百年后重生的机会,好让他徒弟孙悟空保护他再取西经,为什么那么多妖怪在这儿出现你明白了。He wanted to save the whole world, so he went to India an

11、d tried to get scriptures. He hoped they would do good to the people. All devils were impressed by his spirit. Heaven Emperor saw that. He gave the monkey a chance to revive. He planned the master and the disciple to meet here. Then they can finish the journey to the west. Now, you know why there ar

12、e so many devils here.至尊宝:噢,怪不得我长久以来都在做同样的一个恶梦,在一片漆黑孤独的环境里面,一对一对非常色迷迷的眼睛一直在盯着我看,看得我都非常不好意思,就是你这种眼神,有好几次还盯得我脸都红了。原来注定我今天撞妖!So I am having the same dream. In a pitch-dark area, a pair of seductive eyes looking at me, make me embarrassed. Your eyes look like the eyes in my dream. Sometimes, my face bec

13、omes red. I have to face the devils tonight!(菩提老祖帮至尊宝捉妖,正斗间牛魔王来了,至尊宝想冒充孙悟空求得牛魔王的保护,不料牛魔王却是为了孙悟空勾引铁扇公主来找他算帐的。蜘蛛精和白骨精听说他是孙悟空又反过来保护他,孙悟空趁乱溜走,却看见刚才被“打死” 的瞎子等人也在逃命) 至尊宝:喂,瞎子,你不是死了吗?Blind Bing, you“re still alive!瞎子:我们刚刚是装死的!We are in trouble.至尊宝:我 Kao!I 服了 You!You“re so great.(春三十娘和白晶晶打不过牛魔王,只好带至尊宝和二当家躲进

14、盘丝洞。白晶晶与春三十娘反睦成仇,混乱中春三十娘将“催情娃哈哈”施在了二当家身上,至尊宝带受伤的白晶晶逃到一座悬崖上。)至尊宝:你中的毒越来越深,再不解会死的。You“re poisoned. You“ll die if you don“t cure yourself.白晶晶:解了又怎么样,不开心长生不死也没用,开心就算只能活几天也足够了。What for even if I“m cured? Living long is meaningless if you are unhappy. Even your last few days are memorable if you“re happy.

15、至尊宝:如果我告诉你我不是孙悟空你会怎么样?If I tell you I“m not the Monkey King, what do you to do?白晶晶:我会杀了你!I will kill you.至尊宝:我真的不是孙悟空!这块真的是照妖镜,照照看就知道了。I“m not him, really. This is a magic mirror. You should use it.白晶晶:什么?你不是他!You“re not him, really?至尊宝:不是。I“m not.白晶晶:你不怕我杀了你吗?Don“t you scare that I will kill you?至尊

16、宝:怕!不过没办法,因为我不希望你看到我的时候,心里面却想着另外一个人。Yes, but I have no option. Because I don“t want you to look at me while you“re thinking of another.白晶晶:我把你给杀了!I would like to kill you.至尊宝:来吧!就象你说的,做人不开心就算长生不死也没有用!You said living long was meaningless if you were unhappy.白晶晶:哇!(大哭)(至尊宝想上前安慰,又恐唐突佳人,不料晶晶却主动投怀送抱,俩人感情

17、冲动,一触即发。)至尊宝:来吧!Yes, I“ll!白晶晶:来就来!(俩人宽衣解带。) 至尊宝:他母亲的,是谁绑的,那么紧!Shit! Who make this knot?白晶晶:我来解!(解着解着突然推开至尊宝,大哭起来)Let me do it!至尊宝:对不起啊,我不是故意的,我是看你那么冲动,配合你一下而已,我虽然不是什么正人君子,但也不至于趁人之危啊!Sorry, I don“t mean it. You do it strongly. So I wanna do it with you. Although I“m not a righteous man, I won“t take

18、advantages from the others.白晶晶:白天我不习惯,晚上再说。I“m not used to do it at daytime. Let“s wait till night.至尊宝:晚上也好白天也好,以后你随时需要随时吩咐,从今天开始,我会一直陪着你。No matter when, call me if you need me. From now on, I“ll be with you.(至尊宝见白晶晶伤势严重,回去请春三十娘相救,但第二天返回已不见晶晶,只拾得玉佩一只。)(春三十娘对二当家误用了“催情娃哈哈”而怀了身孕,俩人感情渐生。至尊宝被春三十娘软禁,无意间从地

19、下挖出可以利用月亮光华穿梭时空的月光宝盒,突然一股神秘的力量将至尊宝引到了水帘洞。)(至尊宝在洞中找到一幅图画,图画自行点燃飘在半空。)画外音:孙悟空,你当年罪恶滔天,希望你今生会大彻大悟,痛改前非!Monkey King, you“d committed serious offences. I hope you know you“re wrong.至尊宝:谁在说话?Who“s talking?画外音:五百年前你师傅唐三藏为了赎你一命,牺牲了他自己,玉皇大帝特意安排你五百年后重投人间,希望你能学你师傅一样舍己为人,把你过去的一切罪孽洗清,只要你肯自愿带上金刚圈,肯改过自新,就可以变回法力无边的

20、齐天大圣,到时候你就要负起取西经的重任,把历史重改,不过从此人间一切与你无关,再不能有半点情欲半点留恋,要全心皈依我佛。你还没有变成真正的孙悟空托世,这是因为你还没有遇上那个给你三颗痣的人,当你遇上他之后你的一生就会改变。500 years ago, your master Longevity Monk sacrificed his life to seve you. Heaven Emperor planned that you revive after 500 years. I hope you“ll be like your master. Making sacrifices to sa

21、ve the others. To clean the sin that you“ve made before. You should put on the Gold Ring on your head. Admit your sin. Then you“ll become the super Monkey King. You“ll take the responsibility to get scriptures in the west. Rewrite teh history. All things in human life is then none of your business.

22、You can“t have any desires anymore. Worship Buddha whole-heartedly. You haven“t turned into the Monkey King because you haven“t met the guy who gives you the 3 birthmarks. After you see him, your whole life will be changed.至尊宝:跟我说话吗?不是跟我说的吧?认错人啦!Are you talking to me? I don“t think so. I think you have made a mistake. Crazy!I had totally different feelings whenever and wherever I have ever watched this movie


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