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1、地址:远大路世纪城远大园五区 9 号楼 电话:88594404英文美文欣赏:If I Had My Life to Live Over如果我能再活一次 一切都会不一样If I Had My Life to Live OverI would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I werent there for the day.I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a r

2、ose before it melted in storage. I would have talked less and listened more. I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded. I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fir

3、e in the fireplace. I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed. I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass sta

4、ins. I would have cried and laughed less while watching televisionand more while watching life. I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldnt show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime. Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, Id have cherished every moment

5、and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle. 地址:远大路世纪城远大园五区 9 号楼 电话:88594404When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.” There would have been more “I love yous”. More “Im sorrys”

6、. But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute. look at it and really see it . live it . and never give it back. Stop sweating the small stuff. Dont worry about who doesnt like you, who has more, or whos doing what. Instead, lets cherish the relationships we have with those who

7、 do love us. Lets think about what God has blessed us with. And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually. Life is too short to let it pass you by. We only have one shot at this and then its gone. I hope you all have a blessed day.如果我能再

8、活一次 一切都会不一样生病的时候我就卧床休息,不会假装自己一天不工作,地球就会停止转动。我要将雕成玫瑰花状的粉红蜡烛点上,而不让它在闲置中溶化。 我要自己少说话,多听别人说。 我要请朋友来家里吃饭,地毯弄脏了,沙发褪色了又何妨? 我要在“讲究” 的客厅里吃爆玉米花。倘若有人在壁炉生火带出了炉灰,我不会操那么多闲心。 我要从从容容听爷爷讲他年轻时候的事情。 我决不会因为夏天头发刚刚梳理过、喷过发胶,就一定要把车窗玻璃摇起来。 我要和孩子们一起坐在草坪上,不担心衣服上会染上草渍。 看电视我要少哭一点,少笑一点,看生活我要多哭一点,多笑一点。 地址:远大路世纪城远大园五区 9 号楼 电话:88594

9、404我买东西不会只看它很实用,不显脏,或能保证用一辈子。我不会在盼望中度过 9 个月妊娠期,我要珍惜每一刻,要意识到体内生长的神奇是我今生帮助上帝创造奇迹的惟一机会。孩子们毛手毛脚地亲我,我决不会说:“等等。先去洗手洗脸,准备吃饭。” 我要更多地说“我爱你”“对不起 ”但总的来说,如果再让我活一回,我要把握好分分秒秒,留心生活,真正关注生活,品味生活,决不使岁月蹉跎。 不为小事烦心。不担心谁不喜欢我,谁比我富有,或者谁在干什么。让我们珍惜与真心关爱我们的人之间那份感情。让我们多想想上帝赐予我们的福分。 多想想我们每天做了哪些有益于自己思想、身体、感情和精神的事。 人生短暂,不可虚度。每个人只能活一回,然后生命就消失了。祝愿大家生活幸福。


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