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1、唤起迅捷激情 震撼学子心灵2012 高考英语完形圣经秘诀教案透 过已知信息 推断未知信息不易策略,扫描选项,在万变中找到不变的规律! 简易策略,瞻前顾后,化繁为简,化难为易!变易策略,左顾右盼,以变制变,熟能生巧!首尾段首尾句,边做边看选项中与中心同现词或复现词!扫描选项 同义词 / 同类词排除高频答案词相反项有解同现思路 瞻前顾后 复现 逻辑结构左顾右盼 P 原则关联结构技巧归纳: 感情色彩 时态暗示法 动词综合法(主语/宾语是人是物 ? 及不及物?过程还是结果?.), . (略) 共 20 多项法则,交叉都指向同一个答案才最准确!满分策略: 五四运动法 串线交叉法 主线贯穿法, .(略)

2、节选教案试看!瞻前顾后 同现 复现 逻辑结构同现中心同现是指段落的首段的中心词或段落中反复出现的名词或名词词组,在被选空格内的句子中也重复出现或与其意思倾斜向;词汇同现是指属于同一词汇搭配范畴或者某一领域的词汇在文章中共同出现,达到语义衔接的目的。一般来说,上下文中词汇的范畴越小,上下文的衔接关系越紧密。首段首句一般都是中心句,名词是核对重点!Then , mountain - climbing began to grow popular as a sport. To some people, there is something greatly _28_ about getting to t

3、he _29_ of a high mountain: a struggle against nature is finer than a battle _30_other human begins. And then , when you are at the mountain top after a long and difficult _31_, what a _32_ reward ( 奖品 ) it is to be able to look _33_ on everything within _34_! At such time , you feel happier and pro

4、uder than you can ever feel down _35_. 与首尾句名词 动词 形容词 副词倾向!28.A.excited B. interested C.dangerous D.terrible 32.A.surprising B.excited C.disappointing D.astonishing Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her _1_ conce

5、rt. She had been waiting for this _2_ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her _3_ is.”The song made her _4_ to the days when she was Laurens _5_. As a young _6_, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied _7_ in France, Italy and in the United States. “

6、You can become a fine _8_ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be _9_ to study hard and work for many years. 3. A. voice B. face C. dress D. life7. A. French B. music C. piano D. dance8. A. actress B. student C. singer D. dancerK抓住中心意思-围绕什么话题 (在文章中出现频率最多的词 )Every Thursday afternoon,

7、my art history class meets not in our usual lecture hall ( 演讲厅 ) but in our university Art Museum. We spend our one-hour class discussing two or there of the _1_, many of which are by artists that we have already studied in class. The professor begins by selecting one _2_ of art. After giving us a q

8、uick background on the artist , he will open up for class _3_. 1. A. subjects B. paintings C. speeches D. lectures仅有技巧和词汇是不够的,高频答案词及短语,是突破的关键!但相当多的具体情况和难以处理的选项,做起来还是有些吃力,怎么办?吴军老师刚刚出炉的 2012 高考英语完形暗示点全归纳将使您傲视群雄!宾语从句是特殊疑问句 WH-或 whether/if 时,要选下列动词:ask, doubt, wonder, want to know, know, guess答题选动词:2011

9、全国新课标卷The professor 37 the lecture hall, placed upon his desk a large jar filled with dried beans(豆 ), and invited the students to 38 how many beans the jar contained. After 39 shouts of wildly wrong guesses the professor smiled a thin, dry smile, announced the 40 answer, and went on saying, “You ha

10、ve just 41 an important lesson about science.38. Acount B. guess C. report D. watch考察动词,或根据后文 wildly wrong guesses 的提示,考虑复现选 B。反过来选 WH-或 whether/if:2011安徽卷One afternoon. I walked into a building to ask 41 there were any job opportunities(机会 ),The people there advised me not to continue my job search

11、 in that 42 .41. A. why B. wherever C. whether D. whenever一天,作者走进一座大楼去问“是否”(whether) 有自己能做的工作。选 C。A 项为“为什么”;B 项为“ 无论在那”;D 项为“无论何时”怎么样?这样做题快吗?为了让您更加深信不疑,我们再免费发布一个法则,你可以马上用下列真题或你学校的模拟练习题来验证一下,好使,就要赶紧预定呦!每省仅限定 10 套,额满即!止正面的,积极的,肯定的, 还是负面的,消极的,否定的?“Im sorry, but we have enough 27 for the newspaper alrea

12、dy. Come back next year and well talk then.” Jenna smiled 28 and left. “Why is high school so 29 ?” she sighed.叹气 sighed 说明是勉强的,选消极的 weakly28. A. widely B. weakly C. excitedly D. brightlyTired and sad,she told her story 38 ,not to anyone in particular.38.A.tearfully B.seriously C.carefully D.calmlyI

13、t seems funny that we are _40_ for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are _41_, but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes _42_ .41. A. uncertain B. unhappy C. not pleased D. careful 2011四川卷I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my futur

14、e as a happy wife and businesswoman. When Mum 21 in October 2007, I was a cook. In December that year. while I was working for a wedding, a pearl necklace Mum had left me 22 . I was distraught(忧心如焚的) .Some days later, I was 23 that a guy who was working with us that day. “could probably have made a

15、fortune 24 he necklace he found.” 25 , he returned it. 22.A. burned B. disappeared C . broke D. dropped 22 空就近 distraught(忧心如焚的)是负的,只有 disappear 是负的;burn 燃烧;break打破;drop 降低,落下。有后文的我感到 “忧心如焚”及“ 归还”(return)可知此处是指项链丢失了。B2011安徽卷Nearly ten minutes later, he 45, He asked me about my plans and encouraged m

16、e to stay 46 . Then he offered to take me to Royal Oak to 47 a job. 积极的!I was a little surprised. but had a 48 feeling about him. Along the way ,I realized that I had 49 resumes(简历). Seeing this, the man 50 at his business partners office to make me fifteen 51 copies. He also gave me some 52 on dres

17、sing and speaking. I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very 53 . The following day, I received a 54 from a store in Royal Oak offering me a job.46. A. silent B. busy C. positive D. comfortable他问了问我的打算,鼓励我要振作起来,不要灰心。选 C。A 项为“沉默不语的”;B项为“忙绿的”;C 项为“积极乐观的,有信心的”;D 项为 “舒适的,舒服的”。48. A. dull B. goo

18、d C. guilty D. general作者对他的主动帮助感到有点惊奇,但是对他充满了“好感” (good feeling)。选 B。A项为“阴暗的,无趣的” ;C 项为“内疚的”;D 项为“一般的,普通的”。53. A. lonely B. funny C. disappointed D. satisfied我分发完简历回到家感到非常“满意”(satisfied) 。选 D。A 项为“寂寞的,孤独的” ;B项为“滑稽的,可笑的” ;C 项为“失望的,沮丧的”。2011四川卷Some days later, I was 23 that a guy who was working with

19、us that day. “could probably have made a fortune 24 the necklace he found.” 25 , he returned it. Hearing how Id 26 Mum for six months before her death, he said, “Christmas is going to be 27 why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks?27.A.long B. hard C. merry D. freedeath.在 27 空附近是负的,B 项对应。在万家

20、团圆的圣诞节,母亲刚去世,对我来说一定很难熬。B吴军英语高分密码真的有这么神奇吗?是!一点儿没错!效果是绝对的真实!作为一种标准化考试,选择题本身是有很多缺陷的,这些缺陷就是暗示点,就是解题的突破口!吴军英语高分密码通过对历年真题的长时间的研究,对这些暗示点进行了全面、深入、细致的挖掘和整理,将其转化为超级解题秘诀!每一个秘诀的准确率都在 95%以上,甚至是 100% 吴军英语高分密码,真正做到了立竿见影!甚至是一剑封喉!马上用吴军英语高分密码对照历年所有的高考真题进行逐一的验证吧! 遇到吴军老师,您太幸运了!请上 或上百度, 输入“沈阳高分英语家教吴军“查询!现在预定吴军 2012 高考英

21、语高分秘诀系统教案巨划算!2012 高考英语 完形圣经 秘诀教案 原价 3200 元 现 5 折 1600 元2012 高考英语 3 天提分秘诀教案 原价 6000 元 现 6 折 3600 元2012 高考英语高频答案词汇教案 原价 5000 元 现 5 折 2500 元2012 年 4 月初恢复原价!“值”言不讳 “笑”益无穷我们是高考高分英语的实践者;我们是高考快速提分的挑战者; 迎接 2012 高考,我们信心十足!我们是一群眼界开阔的国际人! 加油,Come on!2012 吴军高考英语 3 天提分秘诀辽宁卷总结一、知识点和词汇全部押对!举几个 2012 高考英语辽宁卷单选的例子:吴军

22、老师帮您筛选的 30 多个形容词和副词,大家看一看,是不是都下列备选项中?22. We used to see each other , but I havent head from him since last year. A. especially B. regularly C. particularly D. approximately有些连知识点都不用,只是通过吴军老师教你的正负 / 过程和结果解题法就所向披靡了!通过正负,可知 A 和 D 可选!再通过过程和结果,可知 A. with pleasure 强调的是结果,说明借过后,表示荣幸,所以不符!电话还没借呢,故只有 D 符合。23

23、. Im terribly sorry to interrupt, but may I use your phone? Its rather urgent. Yes, . A. with pleasure B. no burry C. it doesnt matter D. of course2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-1 第 25 页,Shall 用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。这儿是说根据学校规定学生在校时都必须要穿校服。24. One of our rules is that every student wear school

24、uniform while at school. A. might B. could C. shall D. will2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-2 第 25 页,有宾语主动,无宾语被动!follow 后面有宾语,with 的宾语后面可加形容词、副词、分词、不定式、名词等作宾补,这儿 pet dog 与 follow 构成主谓关系,所以用 following.25. The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog them. A. to follow B.

25、following C. followed D. follows2012 吴军高考英语高频答案词一本通第 108 页,Rod 喜欢拆卸钟表,然而,他从来都不能再重新装好。所以选 B 项。另外 However 两边句子相反,看到 put together, 当然相反的就是 taking apart 啦!26. Rod loves clocks. However, he never manages to put them together again. A. taking apart B. giving away C. making up D. turning off2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单

26、项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-1 第 6 页,one 作“一个”, “一本”,“一件”等解,用来代替上文提到过的 paper。相当于 a copy of paper.28. If youre buying todays paper from the stand, could you get for me?A. one B. such C. this D. that2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-2 第 13 页,把你的钥匙留给你的邻居,以防你把自己锁在外面了。所以选 C 项。30. Leave your key with your neighbor you lock

27、 yourself out one day. A. as long as B. even though C. in case D. as if 2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-3 第 4 页,Not until 位于句首时句子要倒装,consider having a holiday abroad 这个动作发生在 retire 之后,所以用一般过去时。32. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago having a holiday abroad. A. he had considered B. had h

28、e considered C. he considered D. did he consider2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分密码 B-1 第 26 页,在句型 “Its high/ very time that”中, 从句中的谓语动词用 did 或 should do.所以选 D 项。33. Jack is a great talker. Its high time that he something instead of just talking. A. will do B. has done C. do D. did 2012 吴军高考语法与词汇单项选择题 3 天提分

29、密码 B-2 第 18 页,名词性从句 4 个高频答案词,介词 for 后面加的是宾语从句,且从句中 find 缺少宾语,故用 whatever,选C。34. The newcomer went to the library the other day and scarched for he could find about Mark Twain. A. wherever B. however C. whatever D. whichever二、完形技巧+高频答案词,挑战高分!举几个 2012 高考英语辽宁卷完形填空的例子来回忆一下吴军老师的完形易经,骄傲一下自己当时精明的选择!首尾或上下段落

30、呼应,复现解决问题!When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon connection between him and the small black cat. He 36 her Inky. “ I grew up on a hundred-acre farm and had only cats 37 playmates,”Kruger,The

31、 seventy-year-old man,says. “My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm epuipment , so I learned to connect with 39 . 39. A. animals B. friends C. farmers D. neghbors46 in a pool of blood on the basement floor, Kruger felt 47 going into shock(休克). He shouted for help , 48 his wife, Brenda , was asleep

32、 in their bedroom at the opposite end of the house. 49 Kruger noticed Inky watching from the top of the stairs. “Go get Brenda, ” Krugger said to Inky. Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 Brenda found her husband 53 the stairs and called 9

33、11. 52. A. bedroom B. basement C yard D. house通过同现解决问题!看到 rushed 后就知道很匆忙,故 50 空纠结时,通过同现校正答案,就不能误选 C 了,ran 与 rushed 同现;51 空是 C 还是 D 呢?Inky 是猫,madly 更贴切;53 空,叫 911 送医院了,说明掉楼梯底下了。Inky 50 to the bedroom door and scratched 51 until Brenda opened it. Then Inky led her to the 52 Brenda found her husband 53

34、 the stairs and called 911. Kruger was rushed to the hospital.50. A. walked B. ran C. returned D. withdrew51. A. rapidly B. suddenly C. madly D . urgently53. A. at the bottom of B. in the middle of C. at the top of D. in the front of通过正负解决问题!“My hearing was damaged by the 38 of farm epuipment , so I

35、 learned to connect with 39 . They react to what they see and what you do. ”38. A. sound B. alarm C. noise D. voice三、吴军英语阅读迅捷技巧+矩阵法则,挑战满分!找不到主旨句或四个选项都带中心词时,看出题点,即每段首尾句和有汉语标注的地方等,然后通过复现和同现就解决了!Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that bre

36、ak times are often used to finish the days work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do thi

37、ngs on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, isternet phone and throhgh Private video conferenes. While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game o

38、r a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activetics that they can still enjoy. Before a mission. The family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for The astromauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers

39、above the Earth. During their missiom, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters . And as from early 2010, the internet became available on the ISS , giving astronaouts the chance to do some “web surfing (冲浪) ”in their personal time. Besides relaxing with th

40、ese more commom entertainments, astromauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space. Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earths vast land mass and oceans. 63. The passage mainly discusses how as

41、tronauts . (2012 辽宁卷阅读 B 篇)A. work for longer missions in space B. connect with people on the EarthC. observe the Earth from space D. spend their free time in space词汇 13 大解题思路使您茅塞顿开!本题仅用代入法就解决了问题!Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that

42、 break times are often used to finish the days work. This type of schedute is far too demanding for long missions on the Internaitional Space Sttation(ISS). ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do

43、 things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework.60. What does the word “minic”in Paragraph 1 probably mean?(2012 辽宁卷阅读 B 篇)A. Find B. Copy C. Change D. Lose 找到 minic 这个动词的宾语 way,way they do things 做事的

44、方式,Find 发现?;Copy 模仿?Change 改变?Lose 失去?way they do things 做事的方式,当然是 模仿做事的方式喽!A 大于 B,则选 A。In the past two decades, the Chinese studies programs have gained huge popularity in Western universities. More recently, the Chinese government has set up Confucius Institutes in more than 80 countries. These sc

45、hools teach both Chinese language and culture. The main courses of Chinese culture usually included Chinese art, history and philosophy(哲学). Some social scientists suggest that Westerners should take advantages of the ancient Chinese wisdom to make up for the drawbacks of Westerners philosophy. Stud

46、ents in the United States, at the same time, are racing to learn Chinese. So they will be ready for life in a world where China is an equal power with the United States. Businessmen who hope to make money in China are reading books about Confucius to understand their Chinese customers. 65. We can learn from Paragraph 4 that American students_。 (2012 辽宁卷阅读 C篇)A. have a great interest in studying ChineseB. take an active part in Chinese competitionsC. try


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