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1、项目名称:植物适应逆境的生理生态学研究申报奖种类型:国家自然科学奖推荐单位:教育部项目简介:该项目针对中国西部地区典型的寒、旱、盐和强辐射等环境条件,围绕植物抗逆的生理生态学及分子生物学机理,对逆境下植物生长发育规律和适应机制进行了长达 20 年的科学研究工作。取得的主要研究成果包括:、阐释了高寒冰缘植被的生态特征及其与环境的关系,揭示了冰缘植物适应极端环境的生理生态学机制;确立了高山离子芥是研究抗冻性的模式植物,建立了组织培养、悬浮细胞培养和植株再生的技术体系;在基因组水平上鉴定了一批新的抗冻基因,揭示了这些基因参与代谢、转录调控、逆境防御和应答等重要生理过程,阐明了冰缘植物适应高寒环境的分

2、子生物学机制;丰富和发展了植物抗冻性研究的实验体系和理论体系,推动了抗冻基因工程和低温生物学的发展。、提出了荒漠植物适应干旱环境丰富多样的繁殖对策,阐述了干旱、盐生环境下植物的形态多样性与物种多样性,揭示了荒漠生态系统稳定的内在机制;阐释了典型植物在干旱、盐生环境下离子转运、能量代谢和光合作用适应特征,揭示了植物对干旱、盐生环境的适应对策和生理生化机制;丰富和发展了植物抗旱和抗盐生理生态学理论体系。、发现了 NO 是 UV-B 辐射信号转导的第二信使,证明了参与 UV-B 辐射的多种信号分子及其转导途径,揭示了植物个体和生态系统结构与功能对 UV-B 辐射的响应机理;科学评估了 UV-B 辐射

3、增强对生态系统所产生的生态学效应,对科学评价臭氧层减薄的生态学后果做出了重要贡献。、从群落及种群水平揭示了逆境条件下的植物群落构建机制及植物间相互作用,提出了生态位过程与中性过程之间的动态平衡决定群落结构观点,建立了基于正负相互作用动态平衡的植物生长速率方程,并将正相互作用融入至生态学理论研究;系统阐明了正相互作用对逆境条件下植物种群个体大小及自疏轨迹的影响作用。该项目共发表论文 650 篇,其中 SCI 收录 222 篇。20 篇核心论文他引 1052次,其中被 SCI 他引 540 次,单篇最高 SCI 引用 100 次。在国际会议上多次做特邀报告。部分研究成果曾获教育部自然科学一等奖和甘

4、肃省自然科学一等奖各 1 项。该项目研究成果极大地丰富了我们对植物抗逆机理的理解,为农作物遗传种质改良提供了新的抗逆基因,为中国西部地区的生物多样性保护、农业发展和生态环境建设提供了科学支撑。主要完成人及学术贡献:1. 安黎哲(兰州大学):对研究成果、有重要贡献2. 王锁民(兰州大学):对研究成果有重要贡献3. 王刚(兰州大学):对研究成果有重要贡献4. 冯虎元(兰州大学):对研究成果有重要贡献5. 毕玉蓉(兰州大学):对研究成果有重要贡献代表性论文目录:1. An, LZ; Liu, YH; Zhang, MX; Chen, T; Wang, XL. Effects of nitric ox

5、ide on growth of maize seedling leaves in the presence or absence of ultraviolet-B radiation. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2005, 162:317-326.2. Chu, CJ; Mawstre, FT; Xiao, S, Weiner, J; Wang, YS, Duan, ZH; Wang, G. Balance between facilitation and resource competition determines biomassdensity relat

6、ionships in plant populations. Ecology Letters, 2008, 11:1189-1197.3. Chu, CJ, Weiner, J; Maestre, FT; Xiao, S; Wang, YS; Li, Q; Yuan, JL; Zhao, LQ; Ren, ZW; Wang, G. Positive interactions can increase size inequality in plant populations. Journal of Ecology, 2009, 97:1401-1407.4. Chu, CJ; Wang, YS;

7、 Du, GZ, Maestre, F, Luo, YJ, Wang, G. On the balance between niche and neutral processes as drivers of community structure along a successional gradient: insights from alpine and sub-alpine meadow communities. Annals of Botany, 2007, 100:807-812.5. Feng, HY; An, LZ; Chen, T; Qiang, WY; Xu, SJ; Zang

8、, MX; Wang, XL; Cheng GD. The effect of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on growth, photosynthesis and stable carbon isotope composition (13C) of two soybean cultivars (Glycine max) under field conditions. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2003, 49:1-8.6. Feng, HY; Li, LH; Hou, ZD; Wang, XL. Ef

9、fect of enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation on pollen germination and tube growth of 19 taxa in vitro. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2000, 43:45-53.7. Gong, HJ; Zhu, Xy; Chen, KM; Wang, SM; Zhang, CL. Silicon alleviates oxidative damage of wheat plants in pots under drought. Plant Science, 200

10、5, 169:313-321.8. Gong, HJ; Chen ,KM; Chen, GC; Wang, SM; Zhang, CL. Effects of silicon on growth of wheat under drought. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2003, 26:1055-1063. 9. Guo, FX; Zhang, MX; Chen, Y; Zhang, WH; Xu, SJ; An, LZ. Relation of several antioxidant enzymes to rapid freezing resistance in

11、 suspension cultured cells from alpine Chorispora bungeana. Cryobiology, 2006, 52:241-250.10. Liu, YG; Wu, RR; Wan, Q; Me, GQ; Bi, YR. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase plays a pivotal role in nitric oxide-involved defense against oxidative stress under salt stress in red kidney bean roots. Plant an

12、d cell physiology, 2007, 48:511-522.11. Wang, CM; Zhang, JL; Liu, XS; Li, Z; Wu, GQ; Cai, JY; Flowers, TJ; Wang, SM. Puccinellia tenuiflora maintains a low Na+ level under salinity by limiting unidirectional Na+ influx resulting in a high selectivity for K+ over Na+. Plant, Cell Liang, XL; Wan, XM;

13、Bi, YR. Ethylene and nitric oxide are involved in maintaining ion homeostasis in Arabidopsis callus under salt stress. Planta, 2009, 230:293-307.13. Wang, SM; Wan, CG; Wang, YR; Chen, H; Zhou, ZY; Fu, H; Sosebee, RE. The characteristics of Na+, K+ and free proline distribution in several drought-res

14、istant plants of the Alxa Desert, China. Journal of arid environments, 2004, 56:525-539.14. Wang, SM; Zhang JL; Flowers, TJ. Low-affinity Na+ uptake in the halophyte Suaeda maritima. Plant Physiology, 2007, 145:559-571.15. Xue, LG; Zhang, Y; Zhang, TG; An, LZ; Wang, XL. Effects of enhanced ultraviol

15、et-B radiation on algae and cyanobacteria. Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 2005, 31:79-89. 16. Yang, TW; Zhang, LJ; Zhang, TG; Zhang, H; Xu, SJ; An, LZ. Transcriptional regulation network of cold-responsive genes in higher plants. Plant Science, 2005, 169:987-995.17. Yang, YL; Xu, SJ; An, LZ; Chen

16、, NL. NADPH oxidase-dependent hydrogen peroxide production, induced by salinity stress, may be involved in the regulation of total calcium in roots of wheat. Journal of plant physiology, 2007, 164:1429-1435.18. Zhang, JL; Flowers, TJ; Wang, SM. Mechanisms of sodium uptake by roots of higher plants.

17、Plant and Soil, 2010, 26:45-60.19. Zhang, MX; An, LZ; Feng, HY; Chen, T; X; Chen, K; Liu, YH; Tang, HG; Chang, JF; Wang, XL. The cascade mechanisms of nitric oxide as a second messenger of ultraviolet B in inhibiting mesocotyl elongations. Photochemistry and photobiology, 2003, 77:219-225.20. Zhang, TG; Liu, YB; Xue, LG; Xu, SJ; Chen, T; Yang, Tw; Zhang, LJ; An, LZ. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel MAP kinase gene in Chorispora bungeana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2006, 44:78-84


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