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1、2018 年中朋友圈十大热词互联网简直就是一台庞大的“热词” 生产机,每天都有大量言简意赅、好玩有趣的词语出炉。当我们读到这些词语时,时而会心一笑,时而陷入沉思。像前些年的“人艰不拆” 、“细思极恐”、“累觉不爱” 、“不明觉厉”,已经成为现代人日常表达的“潮词”。2018 年在网上也涌现了一批好玩的热词、潮词,下面我挑选了十个我认为最好玩的,并对其进行了英译,还加上了我的英文点评,供大家阅读。1. 隐形贫困人口The invisible poor定义:指有些人看起来每天有吃有喝有玩,但实际上非常穷。侃哥点评:Some people seem to live a good life, eati

2、ng, drinking and being merry every day, but actually they have serious financial problems.*merry:adj. 欢愉的、嬉戏作乐的*invisible:adj. 隐形的2. 排遣式进食Eating to dispel loneliness定义:一点也不饿的状态下,总想吃点东西,仅仅因为嘴巴很寂寞。侃哥点评:Some people eat not because they are hungry, but because they want to dispel the loneliness of their

3、 mouths.*dispel:vt. 排解、驱散*loneliness:n. 寂寞3. 快消品Things prone to disappearance定义:购买后总会很快消失不见的物品,比如雨伞、指甲刀等。侃哥点评:Strangely, some newly-bought things are always gone without any trace, such as umbrellas and nail clippers.*prone to:(形容词短语)有倾向的*trace:踪迹4. 一望无际No hairline in sight定义:一眼过去,看不到发际线。侃哥点评:Do you

4、 think of someone who is so bald that no hairline is in sight?*in sight:在视线中5. 赤裸裸的威胁An absolute threat定义:身材完美的人发布过于裸露的秀身材的照片,从而对肥胖人士造成压力与不安。侃哥点评:Some people never know the pictures of their perfect bodies they share on social media may hurt the feeling of their fat friends.6. 间歇性迷信Intermittent supe

5、rstition定义:有些人看自己的星座分析时,看到夸自己的内容便不住地点头,看到说自己不好的便迅速跳过。侃哥点评:It usually happens when people read the analysis of their constellations. When they read something good, they will believe in it, but when they read something bad, they will sneeze at it.*intermittent:adj. 间歇性的*superstitious:adj.迷信的*constella

6、tion:n. 星座*sneeze at:对嗤之以鼻7. 蚊爱Mosquitos love定义:指蚊子对某一类人的特殊感情。一群人坐在一起,蚊子不咬别人,光咬你。侃哥点评:Its a very special emotion from mosquitos. When a group of people sit together, a mosquito only sucks your blood.8. 回光返照式的友情Flash-in-the-pan friendship定义:有些朋友要么不联系,一联系起来恨不得把这辈子的话都说完。侃哥点评:Some friends seem “dead” in

7、 your contact list. But once a conversation is started between you two, nothing can stop it.*flash-in-the-pan:昙花一现的*contact list:通讯录9. 万能杠律Almighty contrarians定义:只要“杠精”们想抬杠,就没有他们找不出来的角度。侃哥点评:There are a kind of people called “contrarians”. If they like, they will find any possible angle to contradict you.*almighty:adj. 全能的*contrarian:n. 持相反意见者(杠精)*contradict:vt. 反驳、否定10. 好运绝缘体a jinx定义:指抽奖抽不到,恋爱谈不上,睡觉睡不着,学习学不好,游戏菜到爆反正做啥啥不成的人。侃哥点评:Be nice to unlucky ones around you. Maybe they are experiencing “the unbearable lightness of being”.*jinx:倒霉蛋*the unbearable lightness of being:生命不能承受之轻


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