1、服饰招生课Step 1:Greeting Say hello to everyone!(先交学生多读几遍老师的名字,并且逐个向生 Say hello)Step 2:Warm-up(先教学生熟读单词 hands feet,然后分开联系 one two three 的口令)One-Clap your handsTwo-Stamp your feetThree-turn aroundStep 3:Presentationdress-拍卡纠音-板书-Chantcoat-夹卡纠音-板书-Chantpants-顶卡纠音-板书-Chantshoe-踢卡纠音-板书-Chant(dress dress-拍手)(
2、coat coat-做拉拉链的动作并发出兹兹的声音)(pants pants-拍腿)(shoe shoe-跺脚)Step 4:Practice1 将男孩和女孩的贴画贴在白板上,让学生理解。2 利用弹钢琴的游戏,引出单词 Pass,让学生理解。3 老师先示范一个,并且将其贴在贴画相对应的位置,剩下的将由学生来完成。4 教唱歌曲 Pass me the dressPass me the dress,ok ok Pass me the coat,ok ok Pass me the pants,ok okPass me the shoe,oh no!Step 5:Sum-up1.回忆单词,齐做 Cha
3、nt2.Byebye song:see you later byebye.五官Step1: Greeting:hello everyone。 (say hello to everyone)Warm up: clap your hands,stamp your feet.Step2: Presentation:闪卡引出四个单词Eyes-拍卡- 板书-chant (eyes eyes shua shua shua)Ears -顶卡-板书-chant (ears ears 弹舌三下 )Nose-挂卡 -板书-chant (nose nose 哼 哼 哼)Mouth-亲卡-板书-chant (mout
4、h mouth 亲嘴三下)Touch your _(句型呈现)Step3 Practice:游戏: I say you do/I do you say.Chant: eyes eyes touch your eyes.ears ears touch your ears.nose nose touch your nose.mouth mouth touch your mouth.白板游戏Step4 sum-up 一起练习两个 chantStep5 bye-bye 单词(逐个)Bye-bye song.热身、游戏创新,单词,句型的游戏Warm-up1、One two three。I say one
5、 you clap your hands,I say two you stand your feet,I say three you turn aroun2、Clap your hands,ererybody clap your hands3、One two three four,4、Shake shake up,shake shake down,shake shake lets turn aroundlets sing a song.5,Big thum up,big thum dowm,big thum lets turn around.6、Two little black birds s
6、itting on the hill,one names jack,one names jill,7、歌曲:Pass me theok ok ,pass me theok ok,pass me theok ok,pass me theoh no8、Hello hi ,hello hi hello, hello hello hi hi hi 老师说 hello,学生说 hi,说 hello 时拍手,说 hi时拍大腿。9、Up up pia pia(拍手),down down 砰砰(跺脚),up pia.down 砰,up down pia 砰.有动作. 单词纠音游戏拍卡、顶卡、踢卡、夹卡、刮卡、
7、弹卡、金手指、高低声、上下左右、平立单词卡、吹气球、大小声、放风筝、向左向右转、斗牛、抛声音、看手势、红绿灯巩固单词游戏炸弹游戏、弹钢琴、打地鼠、扔气球、运皮球、照镜子、背靠背、心有灵犀、藏宝藏、向左走向右走、泡泡糖、POSE 王、抢椅子、换凳子、抱团游戏、过河游戏、植物大战僵尸、折报纸、萝卜蹲、单词保龄球、跑单词、伦敦桥、接物传龙、Guessing game、Whats missing、Catch、Bingo句型游戏老狼老狼几点了(练习时间)、金手指、连词成句、分组问答、师生问答、传传看、POSE 王分组游戏山顶夺钻、警察抓小偷、杀小人、麻子脸、飞行棋、植物大战僵尸、十星连珠、串串香、吊死鬼、水漫金山、爬山顶、悬崖惊魂、我不会游泳结束歌曲:See you later bye bye, See you later bye bye, See you later bye bye,See you later bye bye.教师双手向大家摇晃(生日快乐歌调子)No.1 变色龙吃苍蝇。 No.2 剪羊毛。 No.3 老牛除草。No. 4 小猫玩毛线球。No.5 拯救小猪。 (获胜队得剪子) No.6 小猫吃蛋糕。 (获胜队得一块砖头)