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1、七年级上册英语口语、句子、短文集锦一、疯狂的口语(二十天如痴如醉烂熟上册英语口语!)1、 互相打招呼:(1)-Good morning/afternoon/evening.-Good morning/afternoon/evening.(2)-How do you do?-How do you do?(3)-Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you!(4)-Hello!-Hello!-Hi!-Hi!2、 问候及回答:-How are you?-(Im) fine,thanks.And you?-Im OK./Just so-so.3、 询问及回答物品:(1)-Wha

2、ts this (in English)?-Its an orange.-Spell it,please.-O-R-A-N-G-E,orange.(2)-whats that?-Its a quilt.-Can you spell it?-Yes,Q-U-I-L-T, quilt.(3)-Is this a pen?-Yes, it is.-Is that a ruler?-No,it isnt. It is a book.(4)-What are these?-They are pencils.(5)-what are those?-theyre cups and rulers.(6)-Ar

3、e these/those/they jackets?-No,theyre shirts.4、 询问及回答物品颜色:(1)-What color is this/that/the pen?-Its red. Its a red pen.(2)-What color are these/those/the jackets?-they are black and white.(3)-Is this/that coat blue?-No,it isnt. It is brown. It is a brown coat.(4)-Are these/those coats green?-Theyre o

4、range. They are orange coats?5、 询问及回答姓名:(1)-Whats your name?-My name is Alan./Im Alan./Alan.(2)-Are you Dale?-Yes, I am./No,(Im Not.) Im Alan.(3)-Whats her name?-Her name is Cindy./She is Cindy./Cindy.(4)-Whats his name?-His name is Jack./He is Jack./Jack.(5)-Is she Mary?-No,(she isnt.)She is Alice.

5、(6)-Is he Bob?-yes,he is.6、 询问及回答电话号码:(1)-Whats your telephone number?-(My telephone number.is) 0818-3340123.(2)-Whats her telephone number?-Her telephone number is 0818-3341112.(3)-Whats Tonys telephone number?-His telephone number is 0818-3340008.7、 询问及介绍人物:(1)-This is my friend Jane.Jane,this is

6、my sister cindy.(2).-This is my brother Dale,and thats my mother Nancy.(3)-These are my brothers Dale and Jack.Those are my parents.(4)-Whos she?-Shes my sister (Lucy).-Whore they?-Theyre my grandaparents.8、 询问物品地方及回答:(1)-Wheres my schoolbag?-Its under the table.(2)-Wherere the books?-Theyre on the

7、sofa.(3)-Is my computer game on the desk?-No,it isnt. Its in Nancys schoolbag.-Are the keys on the table?-I dont know. Maybe they are on the floor.9、 询问物品所属关系及回答:(1)-Is this your pencil?-Yes,its my pencil./Its mine.(2)-Is that his green pen?-No,.Its her pen./Its hers.The blue pen is his.(3)-Are thes

8、e your books?-No,they arent.theyre Erics.(4)-Are those her keys?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.theyre mine.10、询问某人是否有某物及回答:(1)-Do you have a baseball?-Yes, I do./No,I dont.I have a volleyball.(2)-Does she have a tennis ball?-Yes,she does.-No,she doesnt.She has a baseball.(3)-Does Dale have a soccer ba

9、ll?-Yes,he does.-No,he doesnt. He has two ping-pong bat.(4)-Do they have a basketball?-No,they dont.They have a volleyball.11、询问及表达喜好:(1)-I like oranges.What do you like?-I like apples.(2)-Do you like salad?-Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like Pears.(3)-Does she like tomatoes?-Yes,she does./No,she doesnt.

10、(4)-Does your brother like ice-cream?-No, he doesnt.-What does he like?-He likes fruit.But he doesnt like pears.(5)-We dont like hamburgers.We like rice and carrots.12、询问物品价格及回答:(1)-How much is the hat?-Its five dollars.-It looks nice.Ill take it.-How much is that brown sweater?-Theyre eighty dollar

11、s.-Its too dear.(2)-How much are these socks?-They are two dollars.-OK,Ill take one pair of socks.(3)-How much are the black trousers?-Theyre nine dollars.-Great!Ill take two pairs.13、询问生日及回答:(1)-When is your birthday?-My birthday is on May 2nd.(2)-When is Alices birthday?-Her birthday is on Septemb

12、er 5th.(3)-When is your fathers birthday?-His birthday is on April 21st.(4)-Is your birthday in July?-No,it isnt.Its in June.Its on June 3rd.14、询问喜好及原因:(1)-Whats your favorite subject?-My favorite subject is science.-Why do you like it?-Because its intereting.(2)-Whatre Franks favorirte subjects?-Hi

13、s favorite subjects are art and history.-Why does he like them?-Because they are fun.(3)-Does Bob like maths?-No,he doesnt.-Why doesnt he like it?-Because he thinks its boring.二、疯狂的句子(二十天似癜似狂嚼碎上册句子)1.-Hows it going?Everything is OK.2.-How are you doing?Im OK.3.You must look after your things!4.This

14、is an orange.The orange is orange.5.This is a black and white jacket.6.Tony and Bill are brothers.7.You,he and I are from China.8.Miss Li is our music teacher.She teaches us music.We all like her very much.9This is my friend.His last name is Brown,and his first name is Jack.His full name is Jack Bro

15、wn.10.Seven and one is eight.11.His name is Bill.He is one of my good friends,too.12.Here are two nice photos of my family.Here goes the bell.13.Thanks for your help.Thanks for the photo of your family.14.They live in a very big house in Shanghai.Tey are a big family. 15.I live in sichuan.My uncle l

16、ives in Beijing.My aunt deoesnt live in Beijing,she lives in Chongqing.16.These books arent mine.They are theirs.17.This is Lucy and Lilys bedroom.The twin sisters like it very much.18.They are Jacks and Tonys mothers.They like playing baseball.19.His little brother often asks his parents for junk f

17、ood.20.I must find/look after my little sister.21.Please call me at 0818-3340123.22.Im tidy,but Gina is not.I like vegetables, but he doesnt.23. We have nothing to do but wait.He has nothing to do but watch TV.24.I always clean the house once a week.But Nancy always cleans her house twice a week.25.

18、My schoolbag is under the desk.On the sofa is my computer game.There is a pencil box on the floor.26.Open the door,please.Dont close the window,please.27.He needs a cup of tea,he doesnt need a glass of water.28.-Lets play soccer!-That sounds great./Thats a good idea./Its boring.29.Its kind of you to

19、 help me a lot.Its easy for me to learn English well.30.There are a few carrots in the fridge,but there are few other vegetables in it.31.There is a little milk in the bottle,but there is little bread in the dish.32.-What do you have for breakfast?-I often have bread and milk. But I had noodls for b

20、reakfast this morning.33.-What vegetable do you like?-Broccoli.-what movies do you like?-Action movies.34.This coat is too large for me,but that one is too small for me.35.Look at the flowers!They are in different colors.36.-Whats th price of the dictionary?-Its ten dollars.37.Our shop has clothes i

21、n all colors at a very good price.38.I cant afford the car.39.I want to buy a bag for sports.But Lily wants to buy a pair of shoes for sports.Betty would like to buy a glass.40.Welcome to our party!I hope you all can have a good time here.41.-Whats your date of birth?-October 1st.42.Friday is the si

22、xth day of the week.September is the ninth month of the year.43.Im very busy on Friday.I am busy doing some cleaning in the morning and busy with my homework in the afternoon.44.He has a toothache and cant speak.45.English is difficult but interesting.46.Our teacher is very strict with us in English

23、.三、疯狂的短文(爱上读英语,作文也简单)1.Grace 在下午上学时遇到了王老师。请编一段小对话,描述他们打招呼的过程。2.玲玲想知道“尺子”这个单词用英文怎么表达,于是她去询问同学 Tony。请编一段小对话,描述他们问答的过程。3.Tony 在书上看到一种动物的图片,但他不知道它是什么动物,于是他向大明询问,请编一段小对话,描述他们问答的过程。提示词:panda(熊猫)4.编写一段话,向全班同学作自我介绍,内容包括自己的姓名、父母的姓名、家庭电话号码等。5.假设你是亭子职中的 LiLei,请拿着一张全家福向你的朋友介绍你的家人。词数在 40 左右。6.根据以下所给信息,分别写一则寻物启事和

24、招领启事。(1)Peter 丢失了一块手表。他的电话号码是236-6587。(2)Jenny 捡到一个红色的背包。她的电话号码是 251-5583。7.以 My room 为题,介绍自己房间的物品及位置。要求:字迹整洁,语句通顺,有逻辑性,词数 60 词左右。8.你有一个好朋友叫 Frank White,他在七年级二班,他搜集了许多体育用品。他有 7 个篮球、6个棒球、3 个排球、4 个足球、8 个网球拍、2 个乒乓球拍。他每天都进行体育运动。他非常喜欢打篮球。他也在电视上看足球赛。请根据以上内容写一篇 50 词左右的短文。9.请以“My Three Meals (餐) ”为题写一篇短文,让我

25、们来借鉴一下你的饮食习惯吧。要求:语句通顺。40 词左右。10.根据你去商店购买学习用品的情景编写一则对话。想一想你都需要些什么?提示:school things。11.假如你是 Violet 服装店的老板,请你为自己的商店写一则吸引人的广告吧,词数不少于 50 词。12.根据下列信息,以“My English Teacher”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必须全部表达出来。Name: Yu shangfengDate of birthday: Sept.27th Age:36Nationality: ChinaJob: English teacherFavorite sports: pingpon

26、g ball and badmintonFavorite food: meat and cabbageFavorite fruit: applesFavorite color: black and white. 13.同学们,你一周当中都参与了哪些活动呢?仪的生活是否丰富多彩呢?快拿起你的笔来描绘你一周的生活吧!词数:6080.1.G: Good afternoon,Miss Wang!W: Good afternoon,Grace!G: How are you,Miss Wang?W: Fine,thank you.And you?G: Im fine,too.Thanks.2. L: He

27、llo,Tony!T: Hello,Lingling!L: Whats this in English?T: Its a ruler.L: Spell it,please.T: R-U-L-E-R. L: Thank you!3. T: Excuse me,Daming! Whats this in English?D: ITs a panda.T: Can you spell it?D: P-A-N-D-A.T: What color is a panda?D: ITs black and white.T: Thank you!D: Thasts OK.4.Good moring,class

28、!Im Lucy King.Lucy is my first name.King is my last name. And My fathers name is John King. My morthers name is Mary King.My telephone number is -10-8648965.Thank you!5.Hello!Im Lilei,Im a student.Im 12 now.There are 5 people/persons in my familymy parents,my sister,my brother and I.Look!This boy is

29、 my brother.His name is Liming,and he is 5 years old.This is my sister,Lifang,and she is 9.She is a student,too.Who are these?They are my parents.My fathers name is Lifeng,and he is a teacher.My mothers name is Weifeng,and she is a doctor.I love my family.6.(1)Lost: My watch.My name is Peter.Please

30、call 236-6587.(2)Found: A red backpack.Is this your backpack?Please call Jenny at 251-5583.7. My RoomHere is my room.There is a bed,a table,a chair,a desk and some other things in the room.My bed is near the door.My computer is on the desk. My backpack id on the chair.Some flowers are on the table n

31、ear the window. My basketball is under the desk on the floor. An alarm clock is on the bed.There are some pictures on the wall.My room isnt big, but it is very clean.And I like it very much.8. I have a good friend.His name is Frank White.He is in Class 3,Grade 7 in No.14 Middle School.He likes sport

32、s. He has a great sports collection.He has seven basketballs,six basketballs,three volleyballs and four footballs.He has eight tennis rackets and two ping-pong bats.He plays sports every day.He likes playing basketball very much.He also watches football maatches on TV.9. My Three MealsMy name is Dan

33、,and I have two brothers,Bob and Ray.I like chicken for breakfast.I dont like apples for breakfast,but Bob and Ray do.They think apples are healthy food.Bob and I like broccoli, but Ray doesnt like.We like carrots and salad for dinner.Sometimes we drink some orange juice.We are all strong because we

34、 all like healthy food.Do you like them?10. A: What can I do for you?B;Yes,please.I want some school things.A:We have all kinds of school things.And what wouldd yu like?B:I want to buy some ball pens.A:We habe all kinds of colors. Which one do you like,please?B:I dont like black.Can I have a look at

35、 the yellow ones?A:Yes.Here you are.B:How much is a ball pen?A:Its 2 yuan.B:OK,Ill take 3 ball pens.A:What other school things do you want to buy?B:Id like a bag for sports.How much is it?A:Well,the big one is 20 yuan and the small one is 15 yuan.B:The big one,please.A:Ok.Here you are.B:Here is 26 y

36、uan.Thank you.A:You are welcome.11. Violets Clothes Store Sale!Come to Violets Clothes Store.We have all kinds of clothes for men and women, old and young.For young ladies,we have beautiful skirts in red,yellow,white and blue for only $35.For men, we have bags for business. For boys,we have shorts f

37、or sports.And we have warm shoes and socks for the old. At my store,you can buy all the clothes at a very good price.The shoes are$10.The shorts are also$10.Each bags is $15.They are cheap,strong and nice.Come and see for yourself.The chance will never come if you lose it.12. My English TeacherYusha

38、ngfeng is my English teacher.His birthday is on September 27th.He is thirty-six years old.He is from China.He likes ping-pong ball badminton.His favorite food is meat and cabbage.He likes apples best.And he likes black and white best.W all liker him very much.13. This week, I am very busy because I

39、have something to do.On Monday morning,I have english.I think English is interesting and I like it very much.Then on Tuesday afternoon,I have science.Its difficult but I like it,too.Next on Wednesday morning,I have biology.Its boring.But on Thursday afternoon, I practice music at our school music cl

40、ub.I think music is my favorite.On Friday afternoon,I practice English at our school English club.I am very happy there.On Saturday morning, I go shopping with my mother.I think shopping is very fun.On Sunday afterniin,I play football with my friends.I think Its very exciting there.What a busy but fun week I have!


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