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1、七年级英语上册语法专项练习题一、be(am、 is、are) 的基本用法,区别及其引导的一般疑问句和回答。am 接在 I 之后,is 放在单数的名词或代词之后, are 放在复数的名词或代词之后,否定句在 be 后加 not,一般疑问句将 be 提前。回答 :Yes,人称代词+be./No, 人称代词+be+not.如:1)He is Mr. Chen. He is nit Mr. Chen.-Is he Mr. Chen? -Yes, he is./ No, he isnt.2)I am a student. I am not a student.-Are you a student? -Y

2、es, I am./ No, I am not.3)They are teachers. They are not teachers.-Are they teachers? -Yes, they are./ No, they arent.练习:(一)用联系动词 be(am、is、are) 的正确形式填空。1. you from? 2.I Mr. Chen.3. she your mother? 4.- they from Japan? -Yes, they .5.You a teacher and she a doctor.6.Where Jack from? 7.I fine, too. T

3、hanks.8.-Who this? -This Wang Kang.9.- you a student? -Yes, I am.10.-Where is Beijing? -It in China.11.- Ronaldo a Brazilian? -Yes, he is.12.“I“ is also a letter. 13.You and I student.14.He and she friends. 15.He and I teachers.(二)将下面的句子变成一般疑问句并做出问答。1.That is my football.2.Those are his books.3.Jim

4、and Tom are good friends.4. My birthday is on November 1st.5.His son is twelve years old.(三)将下面的句子变成否定句。1.His card is on the tables.2.These are my parents.3.Bob and Tony are our friends.4.These things are five dollars.5.The girl is his sister.(四)划线部分提问。1.Our teachers are in the classroom.2.The girls

5、 telephone number is 032-55746.3.Her pen is black.4.These socks are five yuan.5.They are thirteen years old.二、可数名词的复数:(1)规则变化1)一般在名词词尾加-s,如: carcars; appleapples2)以辅音字母 s, x, ch, sh 结尾的词,在词尾加-es,如: boxboxes; busbuses; watchwatches.3)以辅音字母+y 结尾,变 y 为 i 再加-es,如:familyfamilies.4)以 fe, f 结尾,变 fe, f 为 v

6、再加-es,如: lifelives.(2)不规则变化:如: mousemice; toothteeth; footfeet; ChineseChinese; JapaneseJapanese; manmen; womanwomen; childchildren.练习:写出下列名词的复数形式或选择填空。1.teacher 2.class 3.name 4.orange 5.number 6.apple 7.bus 8.eraser 9.photo 10.tomato 11.country 12.friend 13.knife 14.foot 15.boy 16.mouse 17.toy 18.

7、sheep 19.family 20.monkey 21.wish 22.There is some on the plate.A.cakes B.meat C.potato D.pears23.The has two .A.boys; watches B.boy; watch C.boy; watches D.boys; watch24.The little baby has two already.A.tooth B.tooths C.teeth D.teeths25.How many can you see in the picture?A.tomatos B.tomatoes C.to

8、mato D.the tomato26.- is the meat, please? -Ten yuan a kilo.A.How much B.How many C.How old D.How long27.Would you please pass me ? A.two paper B.two papers C.two pieces of paper D.How long28.“What would you like, Ann?“ “Id like two .“A.glass of milk B.glasses of milk C.glass of milks D.glasses of m

9、ilks29.These are my . A.box B.a box C.boxes D.the boxes30.There are three and seven in the picture.A.deers, sheeps B.deers, sheep C.deer, sheep D.deer, sheeps三、a,an 的用法 :a/an 都表示“一,一个“,放在可数单数形式的名词前,如果单词以元音音素开始的,我们在前用 an,如 :an apple/ an interesting book/ an English boy/ an old man 等。练习:选择填空1.The trai

10、n is running fifty miles .A.an hour B.one hour C.the hour D.a hour2.-Whos this? - Wang Yu.A.Thiss B.Shes C.This is D.He is3.-Whats that? -Its egg.A.a B.the C./ D.an4.Whats that in English. Its car. Its orange car.5.My sister often after class.A.play the piano B.plays the basketball C.plays the piano

11、 D.play basketball6.Tianan Men Square and Great Wall are two of the places everyone should see in Peoples Republic of China.A.the the B./ / C.the / D./ the7. old man is English teachers.A.The; an B.An; an C.The; the D.A.a8.She is English teacher.A.an B.a C.the D./四、区别 has/have 与 am/is/are 的用法:has/ha

12、ve 表示“ 有“,即“某人有某物“,am/is/are 表示“是“ ,即“是“五、有实义动词的一般现在时态的用法:动词原形和动词第三人称单数形式(一)动词第三人称单数形式:动词+s/es,规则:1)一般情况以及以 e 结尾的动词,直接加 “s”,如:make-makes; come-comes2)动词以 o,s,ch,sh,x 结尾,加“es” ,如:do-does; watch-watches; wish-wiahes; miss-misses; guess-guesses3)以辅音字母+y 结尾的动词。先把 y 改为 i,再加 es,如:study-studies4)特殊情况:have-

13、has(二)句型转换:1)主语为第三人称单数,否定句,在动词前加 doesnt,再把动词改回原形。一般疑问句,在句首加 does,再把动词改回原形。回答用:Yes,人称代词 +does./No,人称代词+doesnt.如:She has small eyes.She doesnt have small eyes.-Does she have small eyes? -Yes, she does./No, she doesnt.2)主语为除第三人称单数之外的人称,否定句,在动词前加 dont。一般疑问句,在句首加 do,回答用 :Yes, 人称代词+do./ No, 人称代词+dont,如:Th

14、ey have small eyes.They dont have small eyes.-Do they have small eyes? Yes, they do./ No, they dont.练习:( )1.- he American? -Yes. He comes from America.A.Are B.Does C.Do D.Is( )2.-Do you have a sister? - .A.Yes, you do B.Yes, I do C.Yes, I am D.Yes, you do.( )3.Ellen an old book and her brother many

15、new books.A.has, has B.have, have C.have, has D.has, have( )4.What color he like. A.is B.do C.has D.does( )5. he have a big nose or a small one?A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are( )6.I am sorry I know her.A.isnt B.doesnt C.dont D.havent根据句子意思,用 is,are,am ,do ,does,have,has 填空。1.I a Chinese teacher.2. you from C

16、anada?3. they have many friends?4. he from Hainan?5.- Jack have a good friend? -Yes, he .6.- he a good teacher? -Yes, he is.7.He and his sister in different grades.8. your mother a doctor?9.I an old friend. His name is Allan.10.Kangkang a panda. It is very cute.11.You a nice house. I like it very mu

17、ch.12.Bruce Lee many books.13.Do they fifteen apples?14.Does Bruce many friends in China?15.Jerry a big nose.16.He a map of Hainan. He doesnt a map of China.17.-Does your father a wide mouth? -No, he not.18.My friend, Li Ming only one sister. 用所给的动词的适当形式填空。1.He often (get) up at half past six.2.- sh

18、e (like )noodles? -Yes, she .3.Jack (not play) soccer.4.Jane (have) a new pen. But Tom (not have) one.5.We (study) in No. 1 High School. Mike (study) in No. 2 High School.6.Maria (try) on the new dress.7.They often (fly) kites. Kate often (fly) a kite, too.8.Rose often (cry). But her brother (cry) a

19、 lot.9.Kangkang often (carry) water for the old man.10.His uncle often (buy) some delicious food for him and he often (take) it to the school to eat.11.Lucy and Lily (go) to school at 7 oclock, Jim (go) at 6:45.12.I (teach) math here. My father (teach) English.13.- Mary often (watch)TV? -Yes, she of

20、ten (watch) it on Sunday.14. you want (eat) some hamburgers?15.-Would you like (sing) some songs with me? -Yes, Id like.16.Dont forget (bring) your clothes.17.Could you ask her (have) supper with me?18.Its 6:20. Its time (get) up now.19.-Do you like (speak) English? - Yes, I do.20.-May I (take) your

21、 order? -A bottle of apple juice.21.-Can I (sit) down now? -Sure.22.-Why not (come) to China? -Good idea.23.Let me (help)you.24.-How about (swim) this Sunday? -No problem.25.Mr. Chen asks him (come) to school on time.六、人称代词和物主代词主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词I me my mineyou you your yourshe him his hisshe he

22、r her hersit it its itswe us our oursthey them their theirs人称代词要注意它们在句子中是主格位置还是宾格位置,来确定用什么格,并注意变化。人称代词主格,位于句首,做主语。宾格位于动词和介词的后面,做宾语。名词性物主代词起着名词的作用,它后面不要再加名词了。而形容词性物主代词要修饰名词,句中没有被修饰的名词,就应该用名词性的物主代词。( )1.-Is that coat ? -Yes, its coat.A.his, hes B.yours, your C.her, hers D.mine, your( )2.Our books are

23、here. are over there.A.Theyre B.Their C.Theirs D.Your( )3.She is a girl, name is Mary. A.she B.his C.her D.shes( )4.- dress is it? -Its hers.A. Whos B.Whose C.What D.Which( )5. color is yellow? A.Its B.Its C.Is it D.Yours根据汉语写单词。1.Could (你)ask (他)to call (我)back?2.Dont forget (我们).3. (我们)would like

24、to buy (他们).4.Could (你们)help (她)out?5.Theres one dollar in the floor. Pick (它)up.6. (他们)are friendly to (你们).7. (我)like (她)a lot.8. (她) brings (他们) to (我们).9.Does (他) give (它) to (他)?10. (他) does (他的) homework on Sunday.11. (它) cant find (它的) way home.12. (她) looks after (她的) grandmother.13.This is

25、(我的) pen. Thats (你们).14.These coats arent (我的). I think theyre (你们的).15. (他的) jacket is blue. (她的) is white.16.-Whose bike is this? -Its (他的).17.Those are (我们的) desks. (他们的) are over there.18.-Are these TV (我们的)? -No, theyre (他们的)TV.七、名词所有格名词所有格表达形式,构成在名词后加“ s”,意思是“的“ ,如:my classmates bag, Jims gran

26、dfather。“ s”通常用于有生命的。 ,而无生命的常用结构of,如: a photo of my family 一张全家福 the face of the clock 钟面 a map of China 一张中国地图。注意:当名词后面已有 s,所有格只加“ ”,如: 我父母的照片 my parents picture, 同学们的单车 the students bikes区别: Tom and Jims father 汤姆和吉姆的父亲(汤姆和吉姆是兄弟)Toms(father) and Jims father 汤姆的父亲和吉姆的父亲。( )1.How do I look this dres

27、s? A.on B.for C.in D.with( )2.Would you like to try another pair? A.on B.for C.in D.with( )3.- ?-I am just looking, thanks.A.What can I do for you B.Could you do me a favorC.May I take your order D.What would you like( )4.This house is sale. A.on B.for C.in D.with( )5.I am a jacket for my son.A.look

28、ing at B.looking after C.looking for D.looking like( )6.Could you do some shopping for me, we need thing.A.a little B.little C.much D.a few ( )7.- ? -Two hundred yuan.A.How much is this apple B.How is your dog C.How much is that recorder D.How do you like this recorder( )8.-What is she? - ?A.Fine, t

29、hanks. B.A waitress C.Shes Jane D.Shes thin and tall.( )9.You can buy a in a clothes shop.A.hat B.recorder C.fridge D.VCD player( )10.This is umbrella. A.a B.the C.an D./( )11.Please tell me it. A.on B.about C.in D.with( )12.- ? -I am having an English lesson.A.What are you doing B.What are you C.Wh

30、at do you like D.What would you like( )13.-May I speak Jim? -Sorry, he isnt.A.to, on B.with, in C./, in D.to, in( )14.-Hello! Is Jack speaking? A.he B.this C.that D.you( )16.Lets discuss it tomorrow. Whos that? A.on B.in C.this D.at( )17.-Hello! Kangkang. Whos that?A.I am B.This is C.Thats D.Thiss(

31、)18.Could you ask her me back this afternoon?A.call B.calls C.to call D.calling( )19.-What are they doing? -They .A.have supper B.has lunch C.are having a meeting D.having dinner( )20.Lets swimming tomorrow. A.go B.going C.to go D.went( )21.Please call her 65556788. A.to B.going C.at D.for( )22.Dont

32、 in the sun. A.look B.look at C.read D.reading( )23.Jerry often dishes at home. A.in B./ C.on D.with( )24.Why not go out for a picnic Sunday morning?( )25.Sixty minutes is hour. A.an B.a C./ D.the( )26.- . -Sounds great!A.What about you? B.Lets go to the zoo?C.Whats your favorite book? D.What would

33、you like?( )27.They are talking the film. A.to B.with C.on D.about( )28.Is it time us to have supper? A.to B.of C.for D.with ( )29. the bus, they are talking and laughing. A.on B.Under C.In D.Oh( )30. is this pair of shoes? A.How much B.How many C.How old D.How long( )31- do tigers live? -Sorry, I d

34、ont know.A.How much B.How many C.How old D.How long( )32.Oh, its ten oclock. Its time .A.to go to bed B.to have supper C.have lunch D.to go to school( )33. Whats the time? A.Sorry. B.Excuse me. C.Hi. D.I am sorry.( )34.- is Baby monkeys home? -Its over there.A.Which B.What C.Where D.Why( )35.The dog

35、 is playing a ball. A.to B.with C.at D.about( )36.- bags of milk do you want? -Two.A.Which B.How C.How many D.How about( )37.What does your sister look like? She is tall and thin big eyes.A.with B.and C.or D.in( )38.The boy is acting a monkey. A.at B.like C.of D.likes( )1.-Thank you very much. - .A.

36、Welcome! B.You are welcome. D.Sure. D.Of course.( )2.My friend Billy lives China.A.with B.from C.under D.in( )3. he like the English corner?A.Does B.Do C.Is D.Are( )4.Do you always speak English the English corner?A.in B.on C.with D.at( )5.-May I know your fax number? - .A.Yes B.Sure. C.Yes, I do. D

37、.No, I am not.( )6.Does Bobby want home?A.go B.goes C.to go D.going( )7.Please call Mike. A.his B.he C.him D.her( )8.Books are helpful us. A.from B.on C.in D.to( )9.I have a pet, name is Polly. A.its B.it C.its D.my( )10.-Where trousers are they? - .A.They are here B.They are green C.They are their

38、D.They are theirs.( )11.- ? -Hes a doctor.A.What is his name B.What does he look likeC.What does he do D.What does he like( )12.My aunt is office worker. A.a B.an C./ D.the( )13.Micheal works a farm. His sister works a factory.A.in, in B.on, on C.in, on D.on, in( )14. he study? -In a middle school.A

39、.Where is B.What does C.Where do D.Where does( )15.-Come in and make yourselves at home. - .A.Yes B.Sure C.Good D.Thanks.( )16.Lindas aunt and uncle workers.A.are all B.are both C.both are D.is both( )17.- ? -In a factory.A.Where does he work B.Where is he fromC.What does he do D.What does he like(

40、)18.Lisas cat her hat.A.looks like B.looks after C.looks the same D.looks at( )19.Those are my clothes.A.children B.childrens C.parentss D.parents( )20.I am an boy. A.Chinese B.Japanese C.American D.Brazilian( )21.- ? -Yes, please.A.What would you like? B.What does he look likeC.Would you like some apple juice D.What does he like( )22.Id like .A. a apple B.a bread C.a bottle of water D.two cup of tea( )23.What would you like


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