喜羊羊与灰太狼剧本 中英文对照.doc

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1、喜羊羊与灰太狼Pleasant goat and big big wolf单位:潞城镇中心小学From: LuCheng primary school故事:The story :红太狼让灰太狼去抓羊,灰太狼犯懒,结果被赶出去了,正好赶上小羊们正在训练无线电测向,灰太狼躲在树丛里,把跑过来取信号台的的沸羊羊抓走了,沸羊羊急中生智,在最后时刻把信号台藏在了身上。灰太狼询问沸羊羊他们在干什么,沸羊羊按照商量好的说他们在练习寻宝,说树林里有一本传说中的捕羊秘笈,怕被灰太狼发现,就赶紧开始搜寻。灰太狼信以为真。 ,便开始研究测向机。喜羊羊一伙人通过无线电测向机找到了沸羊羊,并成功救出了沸羊羊。灰太狼发现

2、之后拿出研制好的测向机沿路追赶喜羊羊他们,喜羊羊早有准备,它把信号台藏在了一个包裹里,并在包裹里放了一枚炸弹,当包裹被打开时,炸弹就会引爆。灰太狼终于找到了信号台,发现是个包裹,以为是传说中的捕羊秘笈,打开之后便被炸回了狼堡,喜羊羊再一次取得了胜利。Red wolf made Grey wolf catch the goats , Grey wolf was driven out of home because of his lazy .However , he met the goats who were training the RDF .He hided in the bush ,and

3、 catched the goat who was taking the racon. Fit goat had quick wits , he hided the racon with him .Grey wolf asked what they were doing , Fit goat said the story .Grey wolf believed and started makeing it .Pleasant goat find Fit goat through the RDF and saved him .Grey wolf went to catch them with t

4、he RDF when he found the goats away .P was ready for it ,he put the racon into a box ,and there was also a bomb . The bomb would go off at the time when someone opened the box.Grey wolf found the box at the end .He thought it must be the cheat .Obviously,he was fooled and failed .The goats won the g

5、ame again .剧本:The script :红:还不快去抓羊!Red:To catch the goats now !灰:老婆,休息一下可以吗?Grey:Honey , can I have a rest ?红:休息?我的肚子可不能休息!Red:Rest ? My stomach can not rest!灰:现在的小羊们都太狡猾了,实在是不好抓啊。Grey:The sheep are too foxy!Its really hard to catch !红:从嫁给你我就没见过一次羊肉!你给我滚!抓不到羊就再也别进这个家门!(把灰太狼轰了出去)Red:I never eat a bit

6、e of goat since I had married you!Go out !Dont come back until you catch a goat !灰:(无奈的在树林里走着,想着抓羊的计策,突然听见了小羊的声音,便赶紧躲进了边上的树丛里) 。美:喜羊羊,如果灰太狼在这里埋伏着可怎么办啊?Beauty:What can I do if Grey wolf hide in the forest?沸:我们有这么多人,怕他干什么!Fit:We have so many goats !Dont be afraid !懒:那就叫灰太狼大叔和我们一起玩吧!Lazy:Let the Grey w

7、olf play with us !美:灰太狼会喜欢这种游戏吗?Beauty:Will he like this game ?喜:那你就说我们在找捕羊秘笈他不就喜欢了!Pleasant:You could say that :We are looking for the cheats of catch a goat!众羊:哈哈哈。 。 。All:Hahahaha.喜:找到了!应该就在那个树丛里,沸羊羊,你去看看吧!Pleasant:Get it !Go to the bush !F ,go and see!沸:好的!交给我!(说完便冲着灰太狼隐藏的树丛过去了。 )Fit:My pleasure

8、 !灰:哎呀,还真有守株待羊的好事啊,今天可以跟老婆交差了!Grey:Ah,I just sit back and wait!I can make my wife happy this time !(旁白)沸羊羊刚走进树丛就被灰太狼制服了,灰太狼,为了不打草惊蛇,悄悄地带走了沸羊羊。沸羊羊急中生智,把信号台藏在了身上。喜羊羊一伙人看沸羊羊半天还不归队,就在附近搜找起来,通过无线电测向机,发现沸羊羊的位置一直在变,喊了半天沸羊羊也不回应,他们意识到有可能是被灰太狼抓走了。(aside)Fit goat was catched by Grey wolf when he got into the b

9、ush .Grey wolf took Fit goat away stealthily because he didnt want to wake a sleeping dog . Fit goat had quick wits , he hide the racon with him.The goats looked for Fit goat with the RDF,they understood that it must be Grey wolf .美:沸羊羊懒:沸羊羊All:Fit !喜:糟糕,有可能是被灰太狼埋伏了!Pleasant:Thats bad !It must be Gr

10、ey wolf !美:那怎么办呢?Beauty:What can I do ?懒:沸羊羊会不会有危险啊。Lazy:Will Fit goat be dangours ?美:哭。 。 。Beauty:Crying喜:不要着急,我们先商量一下对策。Pleasant:Dont worry !Lets talk about it !懒:那你们先商量,我先睡一觉补充一下体力,商量好了再叫我起来。Lazy:You talk about it !Ill have a sleep first to recovery my physical.(旁白)喜羊羊想起来刚才说的捕羊秘笈的笑话,想到灰太狼问起时沸羊羊有可

11、能会这么说。一伙人便决定先回村,然村长做一个藏有信号台的包裹,看起来像是什么宝物,其实里面装好炸药,让灰太狼自食其果。(aside)Pleasant goat remembered the word they just saying , he thought Fit goat may tell it to Grey wolf.So he decided to go back to the villige ,and asked for a box with bomb from Slow goat.With the box ,Grey wolf must reap as he has sown .

12、(旁白)回狼堡的路上(aside)On the way to wolfsburg.灰:你们刚才在干什么?Grey:What were you doing just now?沸:(想起来喜羊羊说捕羊秘笈的笑话)我们。 。 。我们。 。 。我不能告诉你!Fit:I .I.I cant tell you .灰:小羊,告诉我,我或许会放你一条生路哦Grey:Tell me ! Maybe you can get away !沸:(装作相信的样子)真的吗?Fit:Really ?灰:那当然!我灰太狼大王是言出必行的!Grey:Sure!I had never told a lie !沸:那好吧!(说出捕

13、羊秘笈的事)Fit:All right.Slow goat said :There was a cheat of catch a goat !Ancestor hided it into the forest to stop the wolf finding it .We were looking for it just now .灰:只有你们手里拿的那个东西能发现?Grey:Only that instrument?沸:恩!Fit:Yeah !(旁白)到了狼堡(aside)Arriving to wolfsburg.灰:老婆!你看我带什么回来了!Grey:Honey ! Look !红:哦,

14、亲爱的!你真是最聪明的狼!今天我要亲自下厨给你做个羊肉火锅!(说完便去准备)Red:Oh,dear!You are the smartest wolf !Ill cook the lamb for you tonight .灰:(感动中。 。 。 )老婆对我这么好,我一定要找到那本捕羊秘笈,让老婆每天都吃上羊肉!先把小羊藏起来!Grey:What a wonderful wife !I must find the cheat to make my wife happy every day !Take over the goat first !沸:灰太狼先生,你不是说我告诉你就不吃我了吗?Fit

15、:Grey wolf,do you remember what you said ?灰:我是说,不吃,但是我老婆吃啊!哈哈Grey:I wont eat you ,but my wife will!Hahaha.(旁白)喜羊羊等人找到了村长,村长为他们做好了看死宝物的包裹(里面有信号台和炸弹)他们便向狼堡赶去。在路上,他们按照被沸羊羊带走的信号台的频率走到了狼堡门口,他们趁灰太狼和红太郎都在忙的机会带走了沸羊羊。(aside)The goats find Slow goat .Slow goat made the special box for them .They went to wolfs

16、burg at once .On the way ,they used the RDF to find Fit goat .Grey wolf and Red wolf were busy . So they took away Fit goat .沸:你们总算来了! Fit:Im so glad to see you again !懒:灰太狼大叔呢?Lazy:Wheres Grey wolf?沸:我跟灰太狼说我们是在找捕羊秘笈他也去研制测向机了!Fit:I tell him the sory .喜:哈哈那真是再好不过了!我们已经有了计划教训他,咱们先快走吧!Pleasant:Great !W

17、e got a plan to give him a lesson !(旁白)喜羊羊一伙人悄悄地离开了狼堡,当红太狼发现羊不见了时,边冲灰太狼发起了脾气!(aside)The goats were away from wolfsburg quietly. When Red wolf found it ,she was angry with Grey wolf.红:灰太狼!我的羊呢?Red:Grey wolf!Wheres my goat !灰:咦?刚才明明还在啊!Grey:Is it not here ?红:你这个废物!连只羊都看不好!Red:Damn it !You cant even wa

18、tch a goat !灰:(一副无所谓的样子)老婆,别生气,这是我新研制出来的无线电测向机!有了他,小羊们跑到哪我都能找到!Grey:Honey,take it easy !Look ,this is my new invention !I can catch the goats easily with it !红:那你还在这干嘛!还不快去!Red:So what are you doing now! Go out !灰:(跑出狼堡)老婆你就等我的好消息吧!Grey:Waiting for me !(旁白)喜羊羊一伙人在出了狼堡之后把提前埋伏好的炸弹藏在了狼堡附近的树林里。之后便在附近找了个

19、位置藏起来,关闭了他们自己的信号台,等着看灰太狼找到有炸弹的信号台然后被炸飞。灰太狼搜寻到了有炸弹那个信号台的频率,以为是喜羊羊他们。便找了过去。结果。 。 。 。 。 。(aside)The goats hided the box into the forest when they got away from wolfsburg .And then they took over nearby .They were waiting for Grey wolf .They wanted to laugh with Grey wolf .Grey wolf find the racon with

20、the RDF.He thought it must be the goats .But .灰:小羊们,我来啦!Grey:Im coming !Mydear goats !灰:咦?怎么不是小羊?这个包裹是什么?(突然惊醒)啊!难道是传说中的捕羊秘笈!Grey:Whats this ?Ah!The cheat !喜:灰太狼先生,一路顺风!Pleasant:Grey wolf,have a good trip !灰:可恶的喜羊羊!Grey:The damn goat !灰:我一定会回来的!Grey:Ill be back again !(旁白)随着一声巨响,灰太狼被炸回了狼堡(aside)With a sound of bang ! Grey wolf failed again !结束THE END


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