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1、定语从句一、 概述在复合句 (有主句有从句的句子) 中,修饰某一名词或代词,用作定语的从句叫做定语从句(attributive clause) 。关系代词 The man who lives next to us sells vegetables.先行词 定语从句被定语从句所修饰的词叫做先行词(antecedent)。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。关系代词和关系副词的作用: 连接作用 指代先行词 在句子中充当一定成分引导定语从句的关联词有:关系代词 who、whom、whose、which、that 、as关系副词 when、where、why关系代词作主语指人 who that不可省指物 wh

2、ichthat 关系代词作宾语whom指人 thatwho (口语) 可省指物 whichthat 关系代词作定语Whose 指人指物A plane is a machine( that 、which)can fly. 飞机是会飞的机器。 (引导词 that、 which 在句中作主语)The foreigner (who 、that) visited our class yesterday is from Canada.昨天到我班来访的外国人来自加拿大。 (引导词 who、that 在句中作主语)They planted the trees (which、that ) didnt need

3、much water. 他们种植了需水不多的树木。(引导词 which、that 在句中作主语)The noodles (that、which、) I cooked were delicious. 我煮的面条美味可口。 (引导词that、 which 可省略 作宾语)The fish (which、that 、) we bought were not fresh. 我们买的鱼不新鲜。 (引导词作宾语)The girl (that 、whom、 who 口语、) we saw yesterday was Jims sister. 我们昨天看到的女孩是吉姆的姐姐。 (引导词作宾语)特殊请况:人+介

4、词+whom 不可省,不可用 that物+介词+whichThe person to (whom) you just talked is Mr.Li. 刚才你与其交谈的人是李先生。 (引导词whom,不可省略)The person t (whom、that 、who 、) you just talked to is Mr.Li.The knife with which we cut the bread is sharp.我们用来切面包用的刀子很锋利。The knife (which、that、 ) we cut the bread with is sharp.指人 Whom that who(

5、口语)+介词(可省)指物 which that题:She was educated at Beijing university, _she went on to have her advanced study abroad.A.after which B. from which C.from that D.after that 做题技巧:把现行词带到定语从句中变成一完整合理的句子,答案就出来了。Whose+n 物 = t he +n+of whichOf which +the +n人 = the +n+of whomOf whom +the +nThe room whose windows f

6、ace south is mine.the windows of which face south is mine.of which the windows face south is mine.He is a teacher whose name is Tom.the name of whom is Tomof whom the name is Tom.只用 that,不用 which 的情况(先行词指物除 5、6 条)当先行词是不定代词或被它们修饰时。all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little 等不定代词时(something

7、 之后也可用which) 。All that glitters is not gold. 闪光的不光是金子。Is there anything that I can do for you? 有什么要我做的事吗?He answered few questions that the teacher asked.他几乎没有回答老师的那些问题。当先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰时;或现行词本身就是形容词最高级或序数词时。This was one of the most interesting books that were sold in this book store.这是这家书店售出的最有趣的书之

8、一。The first thing that should be done is to get some food.该做的第一件事是弄点吃的。当先行词有 the very,the only,the right 等修饰时。Thats the only thing that we can do now.目前我们只能这样了。Those are the veryright words that he used.那就是他的原话。This is the best that I have.这是我所拥有的最好的。当先行词是一个既指人又指物的并列词组时。They were talking about the p

9、ersons and things that they saw in the factory.他们在谈论在工厂里看到的人和事。They talked for about half an hour of things and persons that they remembered in the school. 他们聊起他们所能记得起的学校里的人和事来,聊了约半个钟头。当关系代词在定语从句中作表语时。China is not the country that it was.中国已经不是过去的中国了。He is not the boy that he used to be.他已经不再是以前的那个男

10、孩了。当要避免与疑问词 which,who 重复时。Which is the car that was made in Beijing?哪辆车是北京制造的 ?Who is the man that is standing by the door?站在门口的那个人是谁?在 there be 句型中,先行词为物时用 thatThere is a book on the desk that Im very interested in.桌子上放着一本我感兴趣的书。(若指人用 who eg. There is lived a king in the castle who was very wise.)

11、This is the first time thatThere be 不定代词序数词,The very ,the only, the right;即有人又有物,作表语 which who.(3)用 which,不用 that 的情况(先行词指物)引导非限制性定语从句。(which 在限制性定语从句中可以指代一个或一些物,在非限制性定语从句中即可指主句一部分也可指代整个主句。)Football, which is an interesting game, is played all over the world.全世界都踢足球,它是一项有趣的运动。Carol said the work wou

12、ld be done by October, which personally I doubt very much. 卡罗尔说这项工作将在十月前做,对此我个人表示怀疑。Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which ,of course, made the others unhappy. 桃乐茜总是吹嘘她在戏剧中的角色,这当然使别人不高兴。直接放在介词后作宾语时。Language is the most important tool without which people cant communicate w

13、ith each other.语言是最重要的工具,没有它,人们便无法交流。先行词本身是 that 或 those 时。ThatThose which you told him about is are what I want to know.你告诉他的事情也是我想知道的。(注意:若 those 指人要用 who eg.Those who are for me, put up your hands. 同意我的人请举手。 )the same that 同一物as 同类eg. This is the same bike that I lost yesterday。.这是我昨天丢的那辆自行车。as I

14、 lost yesterday. 这辆自行车和我昨天对的那辆一样。Way 作状语 in which that_作主语、宾语 whichthat_ I dont like the way (in which that_)he speaks to me.(状语)This is the way(that which)really works. (主语) I did it in the way( thatwhich_) he told me.(宾语)题:I,_your friend,will try my best to help you.A. that is B.which am C.who is

15、D.who am注意:关系代词在从句中作主语是,从句中谓语的人称和数必须和先行词保持一致。That is one of those books that are worth reading.That is the (only) one of those books that is worth reading.As :1)引导限制性定语从句: 作关系代词可指人,物;可作主,宾,表语;常译成“正如”构成固定搭配:the same.as; suchas; soas; as.as(as 不可省)I should like to use the same tool as you used yesterd

16、ay.我想用你昨天使用的那种工具。(作宾语)Dont read such books as are not worth reading. Read such books as you can understand.不要读那些不值得读的书,只去读那些你能读懂的书就可以了。Repeat this as often as is necessary.根据需要反复这样做。(作主语)I gave him as much as he could eat. 他能吃多少,我就给了他多少。 (作宾语)It is so big a stone as no one can lift.(定语从句) 这是没人能举起的一块

17、大石头。that no one can lift it.(结果状语从句)这是如此大的一块石头以至于没人能举起它。He is such an honest man that we respect him.他是一个如此诚实的人以至于我们都尊敬他(“如此以致” ,引导结果状语从句)He is such an honest man as we respect.他是我们所尊敬的这种诚实的人。(suchas“像这样的”,引导定语从句)引导非限制性定语从句1)可放句首、中、末;常指代整个主句( which 只能放在主句后)He is a good student, as we all know.(which

18、 语法合但不能用)As we all know, he is a good student.He, as we all know, is a good student.2)as 有“正如,就像”之意,表符合人们的认识事情的发展的,所以主从句语义往往一致,若不一致,用 whichThey remarried , as we had expected.which we hadnt expected.固定搭配:As we all know=as is known to all 众所周知As is expected 正如所料As I rememberunderstand 正如我所记得的、明白的那样As

19、 is reportedsaidannounced in the newspaper 正如报道的那样As he often was 正如经常那样As is usual 正如往常那样As is clear 正如很清楚的那样 As is clear, he is right.关系副词先行词为 时间 在从句中作状语时 when=适当介词( in、on 、at.)+which地点 where= whichReason why= for whichJuly and August are the months when the weather is hot. 七八月是天气很热的月份。=in whichTh

20、is is the house where we lived last year.=in whichThis is the reason why he did so. 这就是他这样做了的理由。= for which当 point、stage、spot 、case 、situation 等作先行词表抽象地点时,常用 where 引导定语从句。Can you think out a situation where this word can be used?Her illness has developed to the point where nobody can cure her.并非先行词是

21、时间地点 reason 时都用关系副词当 时间 which地点 在从句中作主、宾时用 thatReason 省去This is the factory that/which we visited last year.这是我们去年参观的那家工厂。I wont forget the time that which-we spent in the countryside.我永远不会忘记我在农村度过的那段时光This is the reason thatwhich-give me.选关系代词还是关系副词?从句中缺住、宾、表、定时用关系代词从句是完整句子缺状语(时、地、原因)时用关系副词。介词+whic

22、h+不定式。此种用法多见于正式文体中,相当于一个带有主语和谓语的定语从句。She had only 1.87 with which to buy(=she could buy)Jim, her husband, a present.她只有一元八角七分钱,用这些钱给他的丈夫吉姆买一件礼物。At last he had something about which to write (=he could write) home. 他终于有给家写信的内容了。当先行词为 the way, the time, the period 等时,关系代词常用 that,但通常被省略。I dont like the

23、 way(that)you speak to her.我不喜欢你对她说话的方式。_ who have questions to ask, raise your hands.A. Anyone B. Those C. Someone D. HeI have finished reading a large part of the book, _is more difficult.A. the other B. the rest C. the other part D. the rest of whichWhich:和 whose 一样 whose+n 可作关系 adj,引导非限制性定语从句,译为

24、“这样的,这个,这些”They stayed with me three weeks, _they drank all the wine I had.A. which B. during which time C. which time D. during whichWater boils at 100certigrade degrees, _it changes to gas.A. at which temperature B. at whichDont call between 1210, (during which time) I am usually having lunch.(3 There are forty students in our class in all , most of whom are girls. 定语从句,and most of them are girls. 并列句, most of them girls. 独立主格结构, with most of them girls. With 的复合结构题There are 51 students in Class TWO,_ failed in the test. A all of which B all of them C none of whom D none of them


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