译林英语八年级上八上Unit 1-Unit3 复习资料 (1).doc

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1、英语周末作业根据句意及提示,写出正确的单词1. Why dont you _ (come) with me ?2. Who is _(slim), Lily or Kate?3. English is one of the most important _(subject) of all.4. Among all the subjects , I like English _( well).5. Kim (邀请)me to spend my winter holiday with him in Tibet(西藏)last year.6. Of all the girls, she has _(

2、few) friends.7. This book is not so _ (interesting) as that one.8. He spends _ (little) time on study than his brother.9. The number of the students in our school _( be ) over 3,000.10. Why not keep on _(read) when the teacher doesnt come ?11. Its time to have a (休息). Lets go out for a walk.12. When

3、 something _ (worry) me, I can always go to her. 13. Jim is _(good) at English than Peter. 14. Now, you can enjoy (免费的)Wi-Fi in many places.15. It takes me _(差不多) an hour to get there by bike. 16. After the football match, the players were very_ (口渴的) and tired.17. We are going to have an English (测

4、试) on Friday.18. Sally wants to be a _ (社会的) worker when she grows up.19. The (重量) of the dog is only ten kilos.20. Could you tell me your _ (高度)? 21. I think Millie is_ (勤奋的) and helpful.22. Please be_(耐心的). She will be here soon.23. Children should learn to keep (they)safe when they go on a trip.2

5、4. (lucky), we caught the last bus and didnt miss the match.25. Mary got hurt in PE class. We sent her to the hospital (quick).26. How about (practise) swimming this summer vacation?27. The firemen (拉)the boy out of the room before the wall fell down.28. Traveling can help us learn about different (

6、文化).29. Without my parents (支持), I cant be the winner.30. Our (主要的 )problem is that we know little about the place.31. I decided to (加入)the group to clean up the park.( )1. Lily is _ honest friend. She shares happiness and worries with me. A. an B a C. the D. /( )2. Tommy can speak Chinese as as his

7、 English. A. well B. good C. better D. best( )3. Dont forget to take your bag when you the bus. A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. put off( ) 3. She is _ to help any time. A. willing B. wills C. will D. willed( )4. They usually get there a little _ than we do. A. earlier B. early C. more early D.

8、 most early( )5. Dont forget the lights when you leave. A. close B. closed C. turning off D. to turn off( ) 6. It took us two hours _ basketball yesterday. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )7. Nobody could solve this difficult problem alone others help. A. with B. for C. without D. from( )8

9、. Its Sunday. Lets just relax and enjoy . A. herself B. yourself C. ourselves D. himself( )9. - something to drink ? A. Shall I B. Would you C. What about D. Why not( )10. Class 8 has _ students than Class 7. A. many B. more C. little D. less( )11. Did you finish _ the magazine last night? A. readin

10、g B. reads C. to read D. read( )12. We have_ money than you. A. fewer B. less C. much D. many ( )13. Our classroom is _ larger than theirs. A. much B. more C. very D. quite( )14. -I failed in the exam again. I am sorry to let you down, Mum. - ,dear. I know youre doing better now.A. Youre welcome B.

11、Not at all C. I am sorry to hear that D. Come on( )15. It was _ to listen to the strangers talk. I felt _, too.A. boring; bored B. bored; boring C. boring; boring D. bored; bored( ) 16. This kind of wine(白酒) is made grapes and these wine bottles are made glass.A. of; of B. from; of C. of; from D. fr

12、om; from( ) 17. What is your friend like? _. A. He likes reading B. He is a worker C. Hes friendly and helpful D. He is tall.( ) 18. -Do you take exercise every day ? -Yes , I always _half an hour walking after dinner.A. take B. spend C. pay D. cost( ) 19. -I think English is as as Maths. I agree wi

13、th you.A. more interesting B. most interesting C. the most interesting D. interesting( ) 21. - the river is ! I dont think anybody can swim across it.A. How long B. What a long C. How wide D. What a wide( ) 22.Today Mr. White looks _. Look! He is looking _ at his son.A. happy ; happy B. happily ; ha

14、ppily C. happy ; happily D. happily ; happy( ) 23. My parents are busy. So every day I come to school .A. by myself B. for myself C. with myself D. on myself作文:(一)根据中文提示,写一篇介绍你好朋友的短文。不少于 70 词。 1、May 是我最好的朋友,圆脸,长着长直发,笑咪咪的眼睛使她看起来很友善。2.她很慷慨,她愿意与朋友分享一切,任何时候都乐于帮助别人。3、她很有幽默感,常讲笑话,让我开心,与她在一起时从不会无聊。4、她想要和孩子

15、一起工作,长大后她想当一名教师。 My Friend_二、以 My ideal school 为题,写一篇英文短文,介绍你理想的学校。提示:1. 我理想的学校每天 8 点开始上课,中午有一个小时的午餐时间,下午 4 点放学。 2.有一个大操场,一个大图书馆,一个足球场和一个游泳池。 3. 学校有 3,000 多名学生和 200 多名老师。 4. 我们可自由选课,每天只有半小时的家庭作业,每个月都有郊游。 5. 我们每天都很开心。My ideal school_一、My Friend May is my best friend. She has a round face. She has lon

16、g straight hair. Her smiling eyes make her look really kind. She is generous. She is willing to share things with her friends. She is ready to help people any time. She has a good sense of humour. She often tells funny jokes and makes me happy. I never feel bored with her. She wants to work with chi

17、ldren. She would like to be a teacher when she grows up. 二、 作文My ideal school starts at 8:00 a.m. and finishes at 4:00 p.m. We have an hour for lunch at lunchtime. In our school, there is a big playground, a big library, a football field and a swimming pool. There are more than 3,000 students and more than 200 teachers in our school. We can choose subjects to study. We only have an hour of homework every day. We can go on a school trip every month. We have a good time every day.


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