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1、Welcome to Xiang an Campus!翔安校区欢迎您!,Important Hints重要提示Selected from A Handbook for Overseas Students of Xiamen University,Admissions Section 招生科 OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2186211, 2182451,Ms. Liu Wanyu 刘婉玉 (Grace)In charge of OEC admissions section招生科科长Ms. Ding Luyan 丁鹭燕 (Christine)Mr. Zha

2、ng Feng 张峰Enrollment consultation, visa application form (JW202), admissions notice, email & phone, etc入学咨询、外国人签证申请表(JW202表)、录取通知书、电子邮件或电话回复。,Admissions Section 招生科 OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2186211, 2182451,Admissions Section 招生科Address: RM. B207, Overseas Education College Office Building

3、, Xiangan campus of Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian Province, China 361102Tel: 2186211, 2182451Fax: 2093346Mobile: 18959286211QQ: 1079109171E-mail: Website: http:/ Wechat: xmuoec1956,Admissions Section 招生科 OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2186211, 2182451,1. application for study 入学申请Admissions

4、section issues Admissions Notice and visa application form (JW202) which are necessary for your applying for X visa in your country.申请入学及学生签证所需的录取通知书和签证申请表2. Admissions notice copy and the yellow page of visa application form (JW202) necessary for visa extension (X1 visa exempt)获取录取通知书和签证申请表(202表)黄联

5、(X1签证除外)Please inform us at least in one month advance if you need new JW202 for your visa extension, for it takes about 3 weeks to apply for a new JW202. 延长签证时,如需我们办理新签证申请表(202表),请提前一个月告知我们。,Student Affair Section 学生事务科OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2187478,2181012, 2182450,Mr. Eric Jiang 蒋玉塔:T

6、el: 2187478Office Mobile: 18959287728 (Emergency)E-mail: In charge of OEC student affair section.学生事务科科长,Student Affair Section 学生事务科OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2187478,2181012, 2182450,Mr. Chen Yixin 陈艺新:Tel: 2181012Office Mobile: 18959287728(Emergency)E-mail: Advisors for student affairs

7、like visa and accommodation, etc. 签证事务、住宿安排等,Student Affair Section 学生事务科OEC Office Building RM. B207, Tel: 2187478,2181012, 2182450,Ms. Guan Liwen 关丽文: Tel: 2182450Office Mobile: 18959287728(Emergency)E-mail: Advisor for student affairs like everyday life information, student attendance and studen

8、t activity etc. 生活咨询、考勤、学生活动等,Teaching affairs 教学事务 OEC Office Building RM. B206-2, Tel: 2187728, 2187707, 2187412,Ms. Li Yanghui 李洋慧: Tel: 2187728 E-mail: Secretary of teaching affairs of Chinese language programs, regarding curriculum, courses, teachers, exams, grades, transcripts, HSK test, cert

9、ificates, etc. 华文系教学秘书,负责协调华文教学方面的事务,涉及课表、课程、教师、考试、分数、成绩单、HSK、在学证明、结业证书、毕业证书等。,Teaching affairs 教学事务 OEC Office Building RM. B206-2, Tel: 2187728, 2187707, 2187412,Ms. Wang Bihua 王碧华: Tel: 2187707E-mail: Secretary of teaching affairs of postgraduate programs 研究生教学秘书,Teaching affairs 教学事务 OEC Office

10、Building RM. B206-2, Tel: 2187728, 2187707, 2187412,Ms. Hong Ling 洪玲: Tel: 2187412E-mail: Secretary of teaching affairs of distance education 远程课程教学秘书,Student Visa 学生签证 (X visa),X1 visa: Student visa for long term study. Students holding an X visa must apply for the residence permit within 30 days

11、after entering China. X1签证必须在入境30天内更换居留许可X2 visa: Student visa for short term study, e.g. valid for 150 days or 180 days. 短期学习签证,常见有效期为入境后150天或180天,适用于一学期以内的短期进修。Please refer to the visa instruction sheet in the new student package that you received after finishing registration. 签证办理程序,请参考注册信封内的签证指导

12、,Changes in personal information个人信息更改,Passport number 护照号码Email 电子邮件Address 住址Mobile number 手机号码QQWechat 微信Please inform us timely of the changes in the items above so as to stay in contact with the university and also to receive the latest information from the college.You may also change it on the

13、 college website:上述信息如有更改,请尽快告知R207办公室。也可自行登录学院网站修改:http:/,Class Attendance 上课出勤,Attend the class on time. 准时上课For a leave request, please come to Ms. Guan Liwen in Rm. B207 to take an application form, fill it and get the class head teachers and the Chinese departments approval with signature, then

14、 return it to B207. 请假须到B207办公室找关丽文老师,填写后请班主任签字和华文系签字,最后交回B207You will not be permitted to take the final examination and will be rejected from registration in the next semester if the absent rate of the course exceeds 40%. 出勤率低于60%将不允许参加期末考试,且不允许注册下一学期学习。,Riding on campus 校内骑车,Most of the students

15、here have a bicycle. 建议买自行车 When leaving school, you are encouraged to donate your bike to the college and it will be painted green and be used free by freshmen of the next semester. 离校时,你可以把自行车捐给学校,改造成小绿公共自行车,供下学期新生使用。Students are prohibited from riding motorcycles or electronic bicycles or fix-gea

16、red bikes on campus. 禁止骑摩托车或电动车或死飞自行车To drive a car on campus: apply for vehicle entrance permit, consult Mr. Chen in Office B207 开汽车进校园,须办理车辆通行证,请咨询B207办公室陈老师,Electricity safety 用电安全,Electrical appliances prohibited in dormitory宿舍禁用的电器:Electric cooker 电饭锅Electric kettle 电热水壶Electric heater 取暖电器Powe

17、r higher than 500W 功率高于500瓦的电器Temporarily allowed items 目前允许使用的电器Electric hair drier 电吹风 Washing machine洗衣机Fridge 电冰箱Photos of a fire accident in an overseas student dormitory in October of 2015 火灾照片(2015年10月) Photos of dormitory inspection 宿舍用电安全检查图片,No pets 禁养宠物,Pets prohibited 禁养宠物:dog, cat, bird

18、, snake, mouse, cockroach, ant, etc.狗、猫、鸟、蛇、鼠、蟑螂、蚂蚁Pet temporarily allowed 目前宿舍允许养的宠物:Gold fish金鱼Size of fishbowl no bigger than鱼缸大小不超过,Fish鱼,Pet temporarily allowed 目前宿舍允许养的宠物:Gold fish金鱼Size of fishbowl no bigger than鱼缸大小不超过,No Smoking禁止吸烟,Class bldg. 教学楼Office bldg. 办公楼Canteen 食堂Library 图书馆Dormit

19、ory bldg. 宿舍楼School bus 学校车辆and any other roofed structure 以及其他有顶结构教育部关于在全国各级各类学校禁烟有关事项的通知(教基一函20141号)教育部办公厅 卫生部办公厅关于进一步加强学校控烟工作意见(教体艺厅20105号)厦门市文明委办公室 厦门市爱卫办关于做好室内公共场所和工作场所全面禁止吸烟工作的通知(厦爱卫办201113号),Dormitory Inspection宿舍检查,Routine: 7th day every month 通常为每月7日Other necessary period 其他必要时间E-mail notif

20、ication in advance usually 通常会提前电子邮件通知Items inspected include 检查内容:Dormitory environment 宿舍环境整洁Dormitory facilities 宿舍设施完整Electricity safety 用电安全Unauthorized persons accommodated 未经允许住宿的人员Pets 宠物Other prohibited items, including but not limited to cutting tools, weapons, flammable, explosive, poison

21、ous/corrosive chemical substances, radiation);其他禁止进入宿舍的物品,如刀具、武器、易燃、易爆、有毒、强腐蚀性或放射性等违禁或非法物品;,7th,Telephone numbers Xiangan Campus 翔安校区电话号码,Campus office 校区值班室, 2886110Security office 保卫办, 2888110Medical service 医务室, 2886120Psychological consultation 心理咨询, 2886525Student affair center 学生事务大厅, 2886250F

22、inance office 财务办, 2886217, 2886219Library & E-card office 图书馆&校园卡中心, 2886616Dormitory management 公寓管理, 2888108Water & electricity 水电服务, 2886115, 2886116,Emergency calls 紧急电话号码,Fire 火警: 119 Police 警察: 110Emergency Ambulance 救护车: 120 Telephone Directory 电话号码查询: 114,Physical Examination Reminding 身体检查

23、提醒 已隐藏,Take the university bus to Xiamen Quarantine Bureau 坐学校大巴车去厦门市检验检疫局Please gather in front of Fengting cafeteria at 7:50 a.m. Sept. 17th. 集合:丰庭餐厅门口,9月17日(明天),7:50 Passport, 4 two-inch photos, 700RMB, no breakfast 带护照、四张两寸照片、700元、空腹To go or not to go, please consult Mr. Chen Shaorong in B207 如不

24、确定是否需要身体检查,请咨询B207室陈老师,Thank you! 谢谢!,下载链接Link to download the file:http:/ More information available at:如需更多信息:Admissions & Student Affair Section RM. 207, OEC Office BuildingTel: 2186211, 2182451, 2181012, 2182450, 2187478Mobile: 18959286211 (招生Admissions), 18959287728 (Stu. Affair)E-mail: Wechat: xmuoec1956 Web: http:/,


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