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1、An Intermediate Course of Interpretation,主讲:王春燕,课程对象,中级口译课程是针对通过大学英语六级的非英语专业本科生,有志提高英语实际应用能力的学生开设的专业技能拓展课。,教学目标,理论熏陶帮助学生了解口译的性质、分类、特点、主要理论,从而促进对口译活动的认识技能培养指导学生熟悉并掌握常用的交替传译技能,如口译准备、听力理解、短时记忆、速记、视译、顺句驱动、长句切分、数字口译、信息重组、演说等职业准备督促学生参加上海市英语中级口译岗位资格证书考试,为今后的职业发展搭建更高的平台,Differences between interpretation an

2、d translation,口译的标准,Accuracy /preciseness (准确)faithful to the original speech and the feeling of the speaker. In specific, it means preciseness in topic, viewpoint, words, sentences, numbers, spirits, style, tone, etc., Fluency /Smoothness(顺畅)expressive, idiomatic and harmonious with the genre of th

3、e original speech; in accordance with the idioms of a language. Speed / Quick response (迅速)words must be condensed, simple-structured; fluent and eloquent, skillful in using language.,FluencyHappily 兴高采烈、 upset 七上八下Practice: Not attentive、 Messy三心二意 乱七八糟 Speed这本书太难,我读不懂。 The book is too hard for me

4、to read.-The book is beyond me.Practice: 他有他的太太,我有我的先生。 He has his wife, and I have my husband.- Both of us have got married.,口译日常练习,Listening: BBC VOA NPR CNN CCTV9 UNradio 汉语访谈 新闻节目等 双语同进 方法:C-E-C 慢速 常速Speaking: 出声跟读 边看边试译Reading: 环球时报 China daily Economist News Week 网络双语资料Writing: 记录讲话者的逻辑信息 口译笔记

5、Interpreting:演讲 发布会 谈判等题材 总理答记者问 国新办的发布会 国外的政府部门的发布会 大会演讲等,口译人员的知识结构,1. Language Competence 2. Encyclopedic Knowledge3. Skills = Professional Interpreting Skills + Artistic Presentation Skills 译员应该掌握的知识 =双语知识+百科知识 +技能(职业口译技能 +艺术表达技能 ),口译技能训练,口译短期记忆(short-term memory)、口译笔记(note-taking)、口译笔记阅读(note-re

6、ading)、连续传译理解原则(principles of CI understanding)、言语类型分析(analysis of speech-type)、主题思想识别(identification of main ideas)、目的语信息重组(reconstruction)、数字传译技巧(interpreting figures)、口译应对策略(coping tactics)、译前准备技巧(preparation)、演说技巧(public speaking skills)、跨文化交际技巧(cross-cultural communication)、口译职业准则(professional

7、standards)等,中级口译技能训练一览表1,中级口译技能训练一览表2,中级口译技能训练一览表3,1.宾馆入住2.机场接待3.口译速记4.演讲比赛5.面试访谈6.礼仪祝酒,口译课堂训练话题,7.餐饮宴请8.观光旅游9.数字口译10.中国文化11.商业谈判12.口语表达,口译中的听辨与短时记忆训练Listening and information receiving and short-term memory training,口译中的听辨,“听辨” (Listening and information receiving)不仅要“听”还要“辨”,即思考、分析。“听辨”是口译过程中的第一阶段

8、。接收到源语信息,并通过种种分析手段把接收到的信息纳入到我们的理解范畴,以便储存和输出。,口译时该如何听?,从听字词转变为听意思 listen for the ideas instead of the words从听语言形式转变为听内在含义 listen for sense从语音听辨转变为语流听辨听的时候经常问自己:发言人要说什么意思?,一般来讲,记忆的效果与记忆材料的类型有一定的关系。比如逻辑关系清晰、结构紧凑的语料记忆起来就比较容易、记忆保持的效果也比较理想。另外,记忆的效果还与待识记语料是否具有形象性有关。人们对贴近生活实景生动、形象的描述记忆起来会比较容易,印象也比较深刻。一、信息视觉

9、化和现实化训练Visualization二、逻辑分层记忆训练 (Categorization, generalization and comparison),口译记忆的常用方法:,澳大利亚和中国在生态环境上有很大的差别,我认为原因很多。首先是由于中国的人口密度较大,其次是经济情况不同。澳大利亚的经济主要依靠第一和第三产业,比如农业、旅游业,它们对环境的污染相对较小;而中国的经济更依赖于第二产业(工业),第二产业对环境污染最大。另外,澳大利亚是一个发达国家,在经济上有能力制定比较严格的环境保护法规。第三是历史的原因。虽然澳大利亚的土族居民有六万多年的历史,但是他们是游牧民族,所以对生态环境没有重

10、大影响。澳大利亚重要的人类活动只有两百年的历史。在中国,重要的人类活动已有几千年之久。第四,中国的环境保护还没有受到应有的重视。第五个原因是澳大利亚人和中国人的社会文明意识有所不同。,提纲式记忆: Example,澳、中生态环境差别原因: 1 人口密度 2 经济情况: 澳:第一、三产业(两例、结果) 中:第二产业(结果) 此外,澳:发达国(环保法规) 3 历史:(重要人类活动史比较) 4环保重视程度 5文明意识,提纲式记忆: Example,宾馆入住,迎宾接待常用词汇,价目表预定金 标准间豪华套房托运的行李行李推车客满未经预约的客人 叫人按钮餐桌转盘,hotel tariffreservati

11、on deposit standard roomluxury/ deluxe suiteChecked baggageLuggage cart / trolleyno vacancywalk-in guest room service buttonLazy Susan,单人间 single room双人间 double room单人套房 chambers标准间 standard room普通套房standard suite豪华套房luxury/ deluxe suite总统套房 presidential suite带浴室的双人房 a double room with a bath山庄别墅 mo

12、untain villa,迎宾接待常用词汇,迎宾接待常用表达,一路辛苦了。久仰久仰 我一直盼望着您来谢谢你不远万里来到我们公司。我很荣幸认识您为您接风洗尘对不起,我们已经客满了,Is your journey enjoyable? I have heard a lot about you. We have been expecting your arrivalThank you for coming all the way to our company.Im glad to have the honor of knowing youHost a reception banquet in you

13、r honorSorry, we have no vacant(spare) room for you.,有什么特殊要求吗? 朝阳面/阴面如果可能我想要一个不临街的安静房间请填好这张表并预付一百元钱请问您什么时候结帐退宿?我有衣服需要送洗。欢迎您再度光临.,Do you have any preference?(with) a front / rear view Id like a quiet room away from the street if it is possible. Would you mind filling in this form and play a hundred y

14、uan in advance. May I have your check out time, please? I have some laundry. We hope to see you again soon.,迎宾接待常用表达,Check in(登记入住),实战演练,A: Hi, I have a reservation under the name of Sandals.B: Could I see your ID, please, sir?A: Of course! Let me take it out of my wallet. Sure. Here you are. B: Tha

15、nk you, sir. Now, do you have a credit card, sir?A: Yes, of course. Is American Express okay? How about American Express? B: Im sorry, Mr. Sandals. Only VISA or MasterCard.Regrettably, sir, we accept only MasterCard or VISA. A: In that case, heres my VISA.I thought American Express was accepted ever

16、ywhere. Never mind. Heres my VISA. B: Thank you. Your room number is 507, queen bed, nonsmoking. Is that okay /agreeable to you, sir?A: Yes, Im easy to please. / Yeah, thatll be fine. Yes, thats just what I wanted. B: Very good. Here is your room key, sir. If you need anything at all, please dial 0.

17、,口译速记Note-taking, the same as, that is to say, in other words, be equal to; match/rival/competitor, counterpart大约, about/around, or so, approximatelybecause of, owing to, due to, thanks to因为,由于,多亏 so, therefore所以,因此,结果 表示“人”people/person,因为“”看上去像个人头,它通常被写在一个词或符号的右上角。例如:日本人:J。,笔记符号系统和缩略语, contact, ex

18、changes conflicts, disputes, contradictions belong to, is of ,of: victoryO 圆圈代表地球,横线表示赤道,所以这个符号就可以表示国际的、世界的、全球的等: international, worldwide, global, universal, etc.表示开心:pleasant, joyful,happy,excited, etc. 表示不满、生气unsatisfied, discomfort, angry, sad, etc.,笔记符号系统和缩略语, 表示转折but yet however 表示“重要的”状态:impo

19、rtant,exemplary(模范的) best,outstanding,brilliant,etc.& 表示“和”,“与”:and,together with,along with, accompany,along with,further more,etc.$ 金钱,利益,如: interest , benefit , money , fund , capital 表示“结束”:end,stop,halt,bring sth to a standstill/stop, etc.,笔记符号系统和缩略语,cf = compare e.g. = example prs = presentati

20、on sbj = subject ind = individual cns = conservative,Abbriviation and 3-letter rule,Welcome to Shanghai, Mr. and Mrs. Collins. Im Meng Shiqi, Manager of the Overseas Marketing Department of the Shanghai Lianhua Garment Manufacturing ( Group) Corporation. /,Its my pleasure to meet you and your wife h

21、ere on behalf of Mr. Chen, General Manager of the company. I hope our arrangement for your stay with us meets your requirement. /,Mr. Chen would like me to represent the company at our business talks in the next few days. /,I will talk with you about the establishment of the companys overseas sales

22、network. Your advice will be very much appreciated.,请允许我今晚在此重申,让我们以相互尊重、互惠互利的原则,以尊严与公正共存的原则为行动指南。/同中国人民进行贸易往来, 同中国人民交朋友, 必定符合我国人民的根本利益。/贵国的现代化建设给我们留下了深刻的印象, 这一雄心勃勃的伟业,使我们未来的合作关系前程似锦。/据我所知,今日中国采取了一种务实的、行之有效的方法。我们祝愿你们取得成功,并愿意在这项伟大的事业中与你合作。,口译速记演示,礼仪祝酒,Types Of Ceremonial Speeches,1)Opening ceremony or

23、 closing ceremony speeches 开幕/闭幕辞 2) Toasts 祝酒词3) Graduation Speeches 毕业演说4)Awards acceptance speeches 获奖感言5)Welcoming Speeches 欢迎词6)Condolence and Memorial speeches 哀悼词/kndulns/,称呼:从最高级别开始,贵宾们, 女士们,先生们各位贵宾,尊敬的合作伙伴,女士们,先生们陈校长,任书记,迟副校长,韦副部长,谢谢你们顾校长,感谢您充满赞誉之词的介绍. Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentl

24、emenExcellencies, Valued Partners, Ladies and GentlemenThank you, President Chen, Chairman Ren, Vice President Chi, Vice Minister WeiThank you, President Gu, for that most flattering introduction.,称呼,各位同事 各位嘉宾 尊敬的来宾 同志们 青年朋友们老师们、同学们、朋友们 亲爱的运动员们,Dear colleaguesDistinguished guestsHonored GuestsComrad

25、esYoung friendsDear faculty and staff members, students and friendsDear athletes,Your /His/Her Majesty. 陛下 Their Majesties have arrived. 国王与王后陛下已驾到 Your/Her/His Highness殿下, 阁下(用作对皇室成员的尊称) Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Kent 肯特公爵和公爵夫人阁下 Your/His/Her Excellency/Honor 阁下 His Excellency

26、the French Ambassador 法国大使阁下.,感谢的各种表达,ThankExpress my gratitude to/be grateful forPay tribute toAcknowledge Appreciate Owe,Thank sb. for sth. 感谢你们热情而慷慨的欢迎Thank you for your warm and generous welcome.Id like to extend/ express my sincere /heartfelt thanks to sb. for sth.在这里,我谨向你们并通过你们,向所有为北京奥运会作出贡献的人

27、们,表示诚挚的谢意!I would like to express heartfelt thanks to you and, through you, to all those who have contributed to the Beijing Olympic Games.,欢迎/Welcome,Welcome sb. to someplaceExtend/offer my warm welcome to sb to someplace首先,请让我代表_向_,致以热烈的欢迎和崇高的敬意。First of all, on behalf of _, I would like to extend

28、 our warmest welcome and highest respect to _sb._.欢迎各位朋友光临今天的“ ”论坛开幕式。Welcome to todays opening ceremony for the forum of “ .,祝酒/propose a toast to/to,预祝圆满成功提议祝酒 共同举杯 为友谊,合作,健康干杯 干杯,wish a complete successpropose a toastjoin us in a toast topropose a toast to our friendship, cooperation and healthch

29、eers,祝酒/propose a toast to/to,现在我祝酒,为阁下的身体健康,为所有中国朋友们的身体健康,为我们永久的友谊,干杯!May I propose a toast,To the health of Your Excellency,To the health of all the Chinese friends,To our lasting friendship.Cheers!,Vocabulary Preparation,主持晚宴 preside /przad/ at this dinner主持讨论会 chair a discussion/seminar请发言 Give

30、the floor toLet s welcome to give a speech请颁奖 Lets invite to present the award,C-E Interpretation,女士们、先生们、同志们、朋友们: 新年的钟声即将敲响。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞和澳门特别行政区同胞,向台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友,致以新年的祝贺!,Ladies and Gentlemen, Comrades and Friends, The New Year bell will be rung

31、soon. At the moment of ringing out the old and ringing in the new, Im very happy to extend New Year greetings to Chinese people of various ethnic groups, including our compatriots in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macao Special Administrative Region and in Taiwan, as well as all overseas C

32、hinese people, and friends from various countries in a message broadcast by China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television.,数字口译,Figure Interpreting,个 百十个 百十个 百十个 百十个1,2 3 4, 5 6 7, 8 9 1, 2 3 4 T b m th个 千百十个 千百十个 千百十个1, 2 3 4 5, 6 7 8 9, 1 2 3 4万亿 亿 万,1万: 10T10万: 100T

33、1000万: 10M1亿: 100M100亿: 10B1000亿: 100B,百分数、小数、分数的口译,8% eight percent15% fifteen percent42% forty-two percent4.35% four point three five percent0.5% point five percent4.032 four point naught three two71.006 seventy-one point naught naught six,1/2one half; a half1/3one third1/4a quarter3/5three-fifths

34、7/8seven-eighths1/10one-tenth1/100one-hundredth;one percent1/1000one-thousandth14/1000fourteen-thousandths1/10000one-ten thousandths2-1/2two and a half4-2/3four and two-thirds,8. 增/减倍数的口译,英语用times 表示倍数。A is N times larger(longer,heavier)than B.A is larger(longer,heavier)than B by N times.A is N time

35、s as large(long,heavy)as B. A is N times the size (length, weight, amount,)of B“A的大小(长度、重量)是B的N倍”或 “A比B大(长、重)N-1倍”,表示倍数:“英文数字” +times或 +fold,2倍 Double 3倍 Triple 4倍 Quadruple 5倍 Quintuple 6倍 Sextuple 7倍 Septuple 8倍 Octuple 9倍 Nonuple 10倍 Decuple,TwofoldThreefoldFourfoldFivefoldSixfold.TenfoldHundredf

36、old,9. 百分比的翻译1: “增/减了%”,IncreaseRisegrow go up %,DecreaseDropFallsink %,IncreaseRiseGrowgo up by %,DecreaseDropFallgo down by %,数字口译练习1,请用英语和汉语分别朗读出下列整数数字2872 3245 3657 7650 654251234 43257 66549 97896 15436 37648 8456372 231435 324538 532978 95316521 232 456 31 343 678 41 243 569 87 679 765,199,096

37、,565 725,178,877 784,885,825 339,650,760 247,818,747 671,319,200 263,380,064 408,970,120 700,963,040 838,456,253 295,400,746 496,902,938 186,336,657 657,034,467 963,362,818 328,168,406 662,385,997 868,919,060 633,334,674 998,710,232 183,405,596 903,302,542 413,296,287 634,356,974 899,187,474 907,447

38、,210 717,389,107 558,113,468 906,934,481 796,518,424,考试样题:Number interpretation (30%=6*5),(1) eight million four hundred fifty-one thousand seven hundred(2) seven hundred forty-four million two hundred one thousand forty-five(3) 67亿7981万8753(4) 508万(5) 96亿,Chinese Cuisine Translation,中国菜的烹饪方式主要有:,煎,

39、煸,炒 (saute /sute/ )炒(stir-fry)炸 (fry;deep-fry)爆(quick fry)蒸 (steam)炖/焖/煨(Braise/stew/simmer)烤 (roast /broil (AmE) /grill BrE )烘烤(bake)broil a chicken 烤鸡. grilled steak 烤肉排 an electric grill 电烤架,中国菜的切功和形状主要有:,丁 dices块 cubes片 slices末 minces丝 shred条 straps段 chunks柳 fillets/filet AmE肉馅/鱼糜/虾糜 minced meat

40、 /fillet/shrimp a chunk of bread, meat, ice, wood, etc 一大块面包/ 肉/冰/木头等.,椰菜/西兰花 broccoli / brkl/ 甘蓝 Chinese broccoli 菜花cauliflower/klflau / 甘蓝; 卷心菜cabbage 大白菜 Chinese cabbage 莴苣/生菜 lettuce /lets/ 甜菜 beet菠菜 spinach /spnt/,中国常见菜名,芥菜 mustard/mstd/ 韭菜 Chinese chivetav 韭黄 leek shoot韭葱 leek 洋葱 onion 大葱 spri

41、ng onion / scallion (US) /skljn/ 大蒜 garlic蒜苗 garlic stem 豆芽 bean sprout,酸菜虾米虾龙虾羊腿羊排羊肚,pickled dried shrimps prawnBrE/ shrimpAmE Lobster Lamb Leg Lamb/mutton ChopsLamb Tripe,猪蹄猪肘子猪肝猪腰子猪肚肥肠猪排骨.,Pork trotter /pig feetPork hock Pork liver Pork kidney Pork tripePork Intestines Pork chop,牛腩牛柳牛蹄筋 牛肋骨 牛仔骨牛排

42、腊牛肉,Beef Brisket Beef Filet Beef Tendon Beef Ribs Calf Ribs Beef Steak Preserved Beef,菜名翻译方法,一、以主料开头的翻译方法 二、以烹制方法开头的翻译方法 三、以形状或口感开头的翻译方法四、以人名或地名开头的翻译方法五、菜单英文译法中汉语拼音的使用原则六、菜单中的可数名词单复数使用原则 七、介词in和with在汤汁、配料中的用法,一、以主料开头的翻译方法,1.介绍菜肴的主料和配料主料(名称/形状)+ with + 配料如:白灵菇扣鸭掌 Mushrooms with Duck Feet2.介绍菜肴的主料和配汁主

43、料 + with/in + 汤汁(Sauce)如:冰梅凉瓜 Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce,二、以烹制方法开头的翻译原则,1.介绍菜肴的做法和主料做法(动词过去式)+主料(名称/形状)如:火爆腰花 Sauted Pigs Kidney2.介绍菜肴的做法、主料和配料做法(动词过去式)+主料(名称/形状)+ 配料如:地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes3、介绍菜肴的烹法、主料和味汁: 烹法+主料(形状)+(with,in)味汁例:红烧牛肉braised beef with brown sauce,三、以形状或口感开头的翻译方法,1、

44、介绍菜肴的形状(口感)和主料、辅料公式:形状(口感)+主料+(with)辅料例:芝麻酥鸡 crisp chicken with sesame陈皮兔丁 diced rabbit with orange peel时蔬鸡片sliced chicken with seasonal vegetable,2、介绍菜肴的口感、烹法和主料公式:口感+烹法+主料例:香酥排骨crisp fried spareribs水煮嫩鱼tender stewed fish香煎鸡块fragrant fried chicken 酥炸鸡条 Crisp fried fish strip,3、介绍菜肴的形状(口感)、主料和味汁公式:形状(口感)+主料+(with)味汁例:茄汁鱼片sliced fish with tomato sauce椒麻鸡块cutlets chicken with hot pepper黄酒脆皮虾仁crisp shrimps with rice wine sauce蒜泥白肉 Sliced side pork with spicy garlic sauce,1、菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料公式:人名(地名)+主料例:麻婆豆腐Ma Po beancurd 四川水饺Sichuan boiled dumpling 左宗棠虾 General Zuo shrimp,


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