1、Bone 第二个切口是后路切口 , 用来进行股骨准备 , 切口位置与股骨髓内钉的切口类似。 该手术方式不需切断臀中肌和臀后外旋肌 , 手术从肌肉间隙进入 , 组织损伤小,能保留关节囊,是真正意义上的微创 THA 手术。 缺点:麻烦,常需要透视。Bone&Joint Center, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical SchoolMinimal-invasiver anterolateraler Zugang in der Hftendoprothetik Reported in 2004Orthopd
2、ische Chirurgie (OCM), Mnchen OCM approach -The modified Watson-JonesBone&Joint Center, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical Schoollateral aspect of the hip jointBone&Joint Center, The Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical SchoolWatson-Jones入路介绍Watson-Jones 入路OCM入路Watson-Jones 切口暴露髋关节方法