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1、英语作业批改用语大全(精华版)A. 一个词: Great! / Nice! / Perfect! / Good! / Very good! / Wonderful! / Correct! / Excellent! / Careless! / Unclear! / Untidy! B. 短语 :Well done! / Neat and tidy! / Very nice! /Quite correct! /Quite OK (Okay)! /Well-written! /Just so- so. /Far from correct. /So careless! C. . 语气 : Your E

2、nglish is excellent. I wish you would work harder. How I wish you would be more careful. Pay attention to your spellingE. 句型 :Thats OK! / Thats all right! / Thats wrong. What a good job you have done! /What a good boy you are! / How carefully youve worked! /How nice your work is! Now you can do bett

3、er than before.Your handwriting is excellent! Your English will become better if you work harder. It is clever of you to do so. /Its nice of you to say so. /Its careless of you to write this way. Youve done so nicely. /Youve made such a careless mistake! Try to do better next time! /See what youve d

4、one! / Correct your mistakes. /Dont do that again! I find youve made a lot of progress! I think you can work more carefully next time. I m sorry youve made so many mistakes in your work. Your handwriting is not so nice as Maggies. Youve done better than last time. You can do best of all if you try h

5、arder. F . 段落 :Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your spoken English. G.“What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful!” (多漂亮的书法呀!要是作业再仔细一点就好

6、了!) “Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?”(做得很好!再设法改善一下你的书 法怎么样?) “Im so glad to see your great progress in your exercises.” (你的作业进步这么大,我真高兴! ) “Im pleased that you have made so great progress now. Thank you! (很高兴看见你现在取得 这么大的进步。谢谢你!) “Try again; Im sure you will do better next t

7、ime!” (再努一把力!相信你下次会做得更好!) “Well done! Try to be better next time, will you?” (真棒!争取下次更好,行吗?) “If only your handwriting were better! ”(要是你的字能写工整点该多好啊! ) “How I wish you did your homework all by yourself! I think you can!”(我多希望你能自己 完成作业啊!我相信你能做到。 ) “Would you please pay attention to?” (请你注意好吗?) “Im af

8、raid you used Chinglish here, do you think so?” (恐怕你在这儿用的是中国式英语, 你说呢?) ( “Chinglish ”是 “Chinese English” 的幽默说法) “Ive found your handwriting is better than before. Thank you!”(我已发现你的字比以前 好了,谢谢你!) “Wonderful in spite of a few mistakes! You have made progress now!” “ I believe you can do it better next

9、 time! ” “ You must believe in 英语作业批改用语大全(精华版)yourself! ” “ You have made much progress , work harder and you will realize your dream.”“Excellent! ” “ Perfect! ” Well done! Its excellent you havent made any mistakes, but its much better to be creative. 而对那些中等程度的学生,就要抓住优点,用略为夸张的感叹句进行肯定和赞扬,顺带提出希望,这样效

10、果较好。例如,对字迹工整、认真但作业却有错,或是作业基本正确但书写不够工整、认真的学生,笔者的批语是 What a beautiful handwriting! If only be more careful! Well done! But would you please improve your handwriting?这类评语富有感情,能打动学生的心,而且他们认为老师已看到且承认了他们的努力进步,为获得更多表扬,通常会努力做得更好。2.真诚的鼓励性的评语心理学认为,每个人都有被赏识的欲望。通过赏识、鼓励,一旦潜在的积极向上的心理动机被激发出来,他们具有的潜能将如火山喷发一样,淋漓尽致地发

11、挥出他们的本色。学生更是如此,他们更需要受到不断地鼓励,以展开奋飞的翅膀,增加前进的信心。笔者经常会在学生的作业本上写这样的评语:You have made great progress! Good job! Congratulations! I wish you success in the coming examination. 等等。尤其是学习后进生,经常得到老师真诚的关爱,学生会产生一种积极向上的情感动力,促其奋进。因此写评语时,要客观、公正地对待每个学生,更应该注意他们的点滴进步,及时给予鼓励,并保持一定的连续性。例如:I have found your handwriting is

12、 better than before. Thank you!Dont lose heart! Failure is the mother of success.Where there is a will, there is a way.No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in the future. Im so glad to see your work has improved! You will catch up with others soon!3.灵活的启发型的评语。对于一些重要问题和学生经常出现的错误,我们也

13、可以加一些提示型的评语。笔者经常利用作业批语,为学生搭建“梯子” ,点燃他们的创新火花,诱发他们的创新思维: You are different from the others, excellent!I dont know the way you put forward, I should from you. You are so clever, your answer is better than mine. 等等,这样能充分调动学生主动自觉学习的积极性,引导他们自主增强探索学习的能力。4.运用格言(谚语)警句,拓展学生语言实践恰当给学生的作业写评语,会使学生的内心油然而生一种希望, 进而产

14、生一种动力,从而感到自身的价值所在。如:Where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成。) Actions speak louder than words.(说到不如做到。 )Today must borrow nothing of tomorrow.(今日事今日毕。 )Never put off what must be done today till tomorrow.(不把今天的事拖到明天。 )Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。 )With time and practice the leaf the mulberry bec

15、omes satin.(只要功夫深,铁锤磨成针。 )Time flies. (光阴似箭。 )Idle young , needy age. A young idler, an old beggar./An idle youth, a needy age.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 )类似这些简单明了的格言(谚语)警句,不仅会给学生以启迪,还可帮助学生巩固所学知识,让学生在不知不觉中都能恰当准确的运用它们,从而达到提高学生的英语交际能力英语作业批改用语大全(精华版)和书面表达能力。5.委婉的劝勉式的评语在这类评语中,教师要用很委婉的语气,提出自己的看法或建议,并指出今后如何复习巩固所学知识,如何

16、做各种类型的作业。常用评语有:Could you spend more time reading and reciting the text? Please use the sentence structure that we have learned in this unit.三、平等地与学生开展评论性的讨论我们要尊重学生的个性、人格和创新精神。教师要以学生的学习伙伴、益友身份加入学生的自主学习中,而不要总以“长者”的姿态居高临下地指手画脚,以教训的语气评头论足;要以平等的态度与学生开展评论性的讨论,营造平等、自由的学术气氛,让学生与教师能在作业和评语中自由地交流思想,让学生拥有创造性地运用

17、所学知识的机会和自由。例如:What do you think about this? Is that right? It is only a suggestion. Dont you think so?Nothing is more precious than time. Do you agree with me? Would you like to tell me your own opinions and your timetable?总之,一个恰当而适时的评语,不仅是对学生作业完成质量的评价,更是给了他们一份鼓励、一份信任,让他们对学习英语时刻充满信心与兴趣,并积极努力、勇往直前。正如

18、人们常说:“教师的语言如钥匙,能打开学生心灵的窗户;如火炬,能照亮学生的未来;如种子,能深埋在学生的心里。 ”因此我们要学会提高自己的业务能力,在语言上精雕细琢,在形式上力求和谐统一,争取让评语创造出一种意境。这样,学生会从教师评语的字里行间中受到美的熏陶,在潜移默化中陶冶自己情操,净化自己的心灵,从内心深处赞赏、欣赏每一位学生,通过作业评语加强师生间的交流,促进学生各方面协调发展,从而达到教育、教学的效果。A.Good! Marvous! Pleasant!B.Well done ! Neat and tidy! Well written !C.Well done!You have used

19、 a lot of what we have learnt in this passage.Glad to know you are interested in English study now.D .What good work you have done! How carefully youve worked !二、及时建议、忠告性评语教师应及时批改学生的作业,以便及时了解他们的学习效果。学生也就能够及时得到老师的帮助和指导。再者,教师要及时应用学生新学到的词汇和语法知识来为学生写评语。这样教师也就能够及时帮助学生巩固知识,教师的评语也才更有意义。如:A I advise that yo

20、u should listen and speak more at school and do more reading after school .B Try to do better next time英语作业批改用语大全(精华版)C I find youve made a lot of progress.D You can do better if you try harder .E The harder you work ,the better you will be .三、真情实感感动性评语评语是师生进行沟通和联系的方式之一。学生在英语书面表达中,常常写到学习、生活等各个方面的情况,

21、有成功和喜悦,也有失意和悲伤,细心的教师从他们的作业中就能察觉到。学生同样也能从教师的评语中体会到教师对他们的责任心和真情实感。教师要把英语教学与情感教育有机结合起来,对学生所作的一切努力一定要实事求是地鼓励;对他们所取得的进步和成绩,也一定要有来自内心的喜悦和赞赏;面对学生在作业中的疏忽和错误,教师要用恰当的方法诚心诚意地为他们指出。教师的评语就好像在和学生说悄悄话,和他们进行面对面交谈。如:A.You have done your homework better this time .I believe nothing is impossible if you work hard ,Practice makes perfect.B.Though you were a little late in achieving ,you have caught up with your classmates now.I hope you will do better in your English studies.C.Happy birthday to you,my dear student.Hope to share in your pleasure


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