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1、湖南外国语职业学院外籍教师管理条例 Rules and Regulations for Foreign Teachers Working at Hunan College of Foreign Studies 第一章 总则 I General Principles 第一条 为规范和加强外籍教师的招聘、教学、生活、安全等方面的管理,根据 国家教育部、国家外国专家局发布的高等学校聘请外国文教专家和外籍教师的规定及湖南省外国专家局外籍教师管理条例,结合学院实际情况,特制定本条例。 1. Rules and regulations are hereby stipulated according to

2、“Rules of Employment of Foreign Experts and Teachers in Higher School“ issued by Ministry of Education and Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of State and “Regulations of Foreign Teachers of Foreign Experts Bureau in Hunan Province“, and the actual situation of college, in order to regulate a

3、nd strengthen foreign teacher employment, teaching, livelihood and security management. 第二条 本条例中所称外籍教师是指在我院从事教学工作的外籍专业人员。 2. The term “foreign teachers“ in these rules and regulations means who are engaged in the teaching of foreign professional in the college. 第三条 聘请外籍教师来校任教是为了帮助学院及各专业学生了解国外文化,学习外国

4、语言和国外先进的科学技术及现代化管理知识。 3. Employed foreign teachers serve the students and college to learn and understand foreign language and its related culture and foreign advanced science technology and modern management skills. 第四条 外籍教师聘请及管理的基本原则是:按需聘请,择优聘请,加强管理,完善服务,注重效率,保护外籍教师在我院工作期间的正当权利和利益。 4. The basic pr

5、inciples of employment and management of foreign teachers are the following as: employing who is required and best qualified, strengthening management, perfecting service, attaching importance to efficiency, and protecting foreign teachers legitimate rights and interests in the college 第五条 外籍教师的管理:学

6、院外事办公室在主管院长的领导下负责外籍教师的管理。 5. Foreign Affairs Office under the guidance of the director and the dean is in charge of foreign teachers management in the college. 第六条 外籍教师的管理方式:实行聘用合同管理制。 6. Contract management system is applied. 第二章 权利和义务 II Rights and Obligations 第七条 外籍教师有权了解中国的法律法规、中国外事管理制度 、以及我国教育方

7、针、政策。具体为: 中华人民共和国外国人出境入境管理法、 实施细则和中华人民共和国教育法 7. Foreign teachers have right to know Chinese laws, statutes and decrees, foreign affairs management system, and educational policy such as “Laws of the Peoples Republic of China on the Entry and Exit of Aliens“, “Rules Governing the Implementation of th

8、e Law of the PRC on the Entry and Exit of Aliens“ and “Education Act of the Peoples Republic of China“. 第八条 外籍教师有 权了解和熟知我院外籍教师管理条例, 教职工岗位职责及部门岗位责任制 ,教学事故认定及其处理 及工作作息时间安排表。 8. Foreign teachers have right to well know the rules and regulations of the college, such as “Foreign Teachers Administrative S

9、tipulations of Hunan College of Foreign Studies“, “Staffs and Departments Position Responsibilities“, “Identifying and Conducting Teaching Offences“, and “Time Schedule“. 第九条 外籍教师拥有聘 用合同中规定的权利。 9. Foreign teachers have the rights stipulated in the “Employment Contract“. 第十条 外籍教师有权保 持个人宗教信仰。但不得宣扬和推广个

10、人宗教信仰。 10. Foreign teachers religious beliefs shall be respected and protected. But preaching and promoting ones religious beliefs is forbidden by the government. 第十一条 外籍教师应当遵守中国法律法规,不得干预中国内部事务。 11. Foreign teachers shall observe Chinese laws, statutes and decrees, but shall not interfere in Chinas

11、internal affaires. 第十二条 外籍教师应当遵守学院规章制度, 不得在课堂上散布影响学 院教学秩序的任何言论、不得通过集结等任何形式干预学院内部事务。 12. Foreign teachers shall observe rules and regulations of the college, but shall not spread any speech that affects the teaching order and not interfere in colleges internal affaires by massing or any other way. 第十

12、三条 外籍教 师应当接受学院合同规定的教学工作安排,教学指导、检查和评估,未经学院同意,不得兼任与学院教学无关的其他业务, 不得接受其他单位或个人联系而从事如采访、经商、咨询服务等活动 。 13. Foreign teachers shall accept teaching work assignment, teaching guidance, inspection and evaluation formulated in the contract by the college. Unless approved, foreign teachers are prohibited from abs

13、taining additional teaching employment and engaging in activities such as interview, commercial business, and consultation service in outside commercial ventures. 第十四条 外籍教师应当按期完成合同所规定的教学及相关任务,保证工作质量。如因学院工作安排,如开展运动会、进行劳动或 其他重大活动等校方原因致使外籍教师未能上课的,不扣除外籍教师的工作量;但如学院安排补课,外籍教师应该服从安排。 14. Foreign teachers sh

14、all fulfill successfully on schedule teaching and its relevant tasks assigned to them by the college. If due to colleges arrangement, such as Sports Meetings, School Cleaning Week, and other significant events and activities, foreign teachers classes are removed, it will not influence the counting o

15、f basic teaching periods, but if the college arranges foreign teacher to make up the classes, she/he shall obey the arrangement. 第 十五条 外籍教师应当遵守中国宗教政策,不得从事与其身份不符的活动。 15. Foreign teachers shall observe the religious policy of China, and not engage in any activity unbefitting a teacher. 第三章 待遇和奖励 III T

16、reatment and Reward 第十六条 外籍教师待遇以下列文件或情况为依据,具体制定: (一)国家外国专家局、财政部共同发布的外国文教专家工资和生 活待遇管理办法(外专发 1996247 号); (二) 国家外国专家局财政部关于调整外国文教专家工资的通知 ; (三)湖南省各大中专院校外籍教师工资颁发标准; (四)我院现状及发展情况。 16. Foreign teachers treatment is formulated in accordance with documents and situation as following as: 16.1 “Administrative R

17、egulations on Treatment in Pay and Life Necessities of Foreign Experts“ issued by Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Finance Ministry of State; 16.2 “Notices on the Adjustment of the Payment of Foreign Experts by Foreign Affairs Bureau and the Finance Ministry of State; 16.3 salary standard of various h

18、igher schools in Hunan Province; 16.4 the actual situation and development of the college. 第十七条 根据外籍教师的工作经验、教育、职称及相关业务水平等背景,外籍教师享有合同中规定的工资、飞机票、旅游补助、超课时及带薪假期的待遇。 17. Foreign teachers will enjoy salary, air-ticket and traveling subsidy, extra-period fee, medical insurance and one-month holiday salary

19、all stipulated in the contract in accordance with their background such as experience, qualifications, professional title, and the level of related business and so on. 第十八条 在合同期内,外籍教师按规定领取工资。任何没有 完成规定的教学要求和义务,将根据其表现做出相应的工资扣除。 18. During the contract period, foreign teachers will receive monthly paym

20、ent. Any person, who fails to comply with teaching requirements and obligations, will have their pay reduced correspondingly according to their performance. 第十九条 外籍教师可以免费居住学院提供的至少一室一厅一厨一卫和国家规定的相关生活设施的房屋,免费享用房屋内闭路电视及网络。 19. Foreign teachers will enjoy a flat for free with one sitting-room, one bed-ro

21、om, one kitchen, one toilet and with necessary furniture, and also enjoy Internet and TV for free. 第二十条 外籍教师 参与学院组织的评比活动,获得相关奖项, 可以获得与中国教师同等的学院规定的物质与精神上的奖励 。 20. Foreign teachers will receive material and spiritual rewards stipulated as Chinese teachers if they win the relevant award in competitions

22、 organized by the college. 第二十一条 外籍教师获得政府颁发的奖项可以获得学院优先续聘权和学院规定的相关奖 励。 政府奖项如下: (一)省教育厅颁发的芙蓉奖; (二)省外国专家局颁发的潇湘友谊奖; (三)国家外国专家局颁发的国家友谊奖 21. Foreign teachers will have the priority to be reemployed and as well as the relevant rewards stipulated by the college when they win the following government awards

23、as: 21.1 Lotus Award issued by the Education Department of Hunan Province 21.2 Xiaoxiang Friendship Award issued by Hunan Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs 21.3 National Friendship Award issued by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs 第二十二条 外籍教师每周工作五天,周六、周日休息, 同时享受我国法定节假日和西方圣诞节。 学院

24、在上述节日内给外籍教师放假,不扣除外籍教师教学工作量,也不安排补课。 22. Foreign teachers work five days a week and have every Saturday and Sunday off, and enjoy legal holidays and Christmas day with salary when the college will no arrange them to make up classes in above mentioned days. 第四章 招聘及解聘程序 IV Employment and Dismissal Proce

25、dure 第二十三条 需要聘请外籍教师的系部,须在每学期结束前两个月向教务处提交外籍教师需求申请报告。 23. Foreign teachers are employed in accordance with application for their position to the Teaching Affairs Office submitted by the department where foreign teachers are to be required two months before the end of every semester. 第二十四条 外籍教师应 60 岁以下

26、身体健康,具有学士以上学位,一年以上教学经验或有外语语言教学资格证书,语言规范,流利。其中,从事英语教学的外籍教师须来自英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等口音纯正的英语母语国家。应聘者需提供以下资料:护照复印件一份, 最高学历证书或专业资格证明材料复印件, 24. Applicants to work at the college must be under the age of 60, be in good general health, and have a bachelor degree or above and at least one year of work experience or

27、 teaching the relevant foreign language certificate. And English teacher should come from English native speaking countries such as Britain, U.S., Canada, Australia, and so on. Applicants should submit the following documents as: one photocopy of the current passport showing its expiry date, photoco

28、pies of the last degree certificate, CV with the names and contact details of two referees, teaching the relevant foreign language certificate (or equivalent), reference letter from your present or most recent employer, recent health check report, recent electronic photo. 第二十五条 学院与外籍教师签定学院根据国家相关政策制定

29、的聘用合同。 合同的基本内容应包括: (一)外籍教师聘期的起止日期; (二)每周授课时数; (三)应享受的各种待遇; (四)外籍教师需遵守的法律、法规、校纪、校规等; (五)在华期间的要求及违反合同规定应负的责任等。 25. The contract signed by foreign teacher and the college is stipulated according to States policy, including 25.1 the duration of employment; 25.2 teaching periods per week; 25.3 remunerati

30、ons and benefits concerned; 25.4 laws, regulations and schools rules observed by foreign teachers; 25.5 requirements during the period in China and responsibilities in case of breaching the contract. 第二十六条 外事办公室为拟聘外籍教师办理外国专 家来华工作许可证。 所需材料如下: (一)外国专家来华工作许可申请表; (二)中、外文个人简历; (三)外国专家的护照复印件; (四)最高学历证书或专业

31、资格证明材料复印件; (五)经中国驻外使、领馆的外国卫生医疗机构填写的并盖公章的外国人体格检查表或中国政府指定的卫生检疫部门出具的一年有效期内健康检查证明书复印件(如只能提供私人医生出具的健康证明,则在入境后补交由我国卫生部门出具的健康检查证明书); (六)聘请单位签定的聘用合同复印件; (七)如遇随行家属,需提供其护照的复印件; (八)被授权单 位签证通知表。 26. The Foreign Affairs Office is responsible for handling “Work Permit for Foreign Experts to Work in China“ for the

32、 wanted foreign teacher, and its materials needed are as the following as: 26.1 application Form for Work Permit for Foreign Experts to Work in China; 26.2 resume in Chinese and a foreign language (include education and work experience); 26.3 a copy of the passport for the foreign expert; 26.4 photo

33、copies of certificate for the highest education or professional qualification; 26.5 photocopy of physical examination form filled out and seal-stamped by foreign health and medical organizations attested by Chinese embassies and consuls abroad, or photocopy of health certificate with a one-year vali

34、dity period made out by the health and quarantine departments designated by Chinese government (if only healthy certificate issued by private medical practitioners can be provided, foreign teacher shall make up health certificate made by the health and quarantine department after entering China); 26

35、.6 photocopy of standard employment contract entered into by expert and the employing unit; 26.7 if foreign experts are accompanied by family members, they should provide the photocopies of the family members passports; 26.8 Visa notification form for the authorized unit. 第二十七条 外籍教师凭外国专家来华工作许可证等在我国驻

36、外使馆申请办理工作签证入境。下列情况需要到香港办理 Z 工作签证: (一) 持非工作签证已经入境的; (二) 工作签证已经过期的。 27. With “Work Permit for Foreign Experts to Work in China“ and other documents, foreign teachers apply for vocational (Z) visa to China in Chinese embassies to enter China. Foreign teachers need to Hong Kong to apply for vocational (

37、Z) visa to China if: 27.1 enter into China not with vocational (Z) visa to China; 27.2 vocational (Z) visa has expired. 第二十八条 外籍教师入境后,在外事办公室的协调下,需到当地出入境管理检验检疫局进行健康体检,获得健康检查证明 书。下列情形外籍教师须重新办理健康检查证明书: (一)改聘且健康检查证明书已经过期失效的; (二)续聘且健康检查证明书已经过期的; (三)在合同期间有出入境记录,且国家、省外事领导部门要求重新体检的。 28. After entering China

38、, with the help of Foreign Affairs Office, foreign teacher shall take physical examination in the local Exit-entry management inspection and quarantine bureau to achieve the health certificate. Foreign teachers shall renew the health certificate in the following situation as: 28.1 reemployment as we

39、ll as the health certificate being expired and invalid; 28.2 employment for extended period as well as the health certificate being expired and invalid; 28.3 having exit-entry records during the contract period as well as physical reexamination required by State or provincial Foreign Affairs Bureau.

40、 第二十九条 学院外事办公室为外籍教师办理外国专家证,所需材料如下: (一)原外国 专家来华工作许可证申请表; (二)与聘请单位签署标准合同原件; (三)外国专家 Z 工作签证有效复印页; (四)外国专家近期证明免冠照片(有家属也需提供); (五)外国专家来华工作许可证存根; (六)外事领导部门认为有必要提交的其他材料。 29. The Foreign Affairs Office of the college is responsible for handling “Foreign Expert Certificate“ with the following materials needed

41、 as: 29.1 original application form permit for foreign expert to work in China; 29.2 original of standard employment contract entered into by expert and the employing unit; 29.3 the valid photocopy of “Z“ work visa on the passport of foreign expert; 29.4 two recent full-face hatless bust photos of t

42、he foreign expert (the accompanying family member shall also provide two photos); 29.5 the stub of work permit for foreign expert to work in China (the part kept by the applicant); 29.6 other necessary documents required by Foreign Affairs Department. 第三十条 学院外事办公室为外籍教师办理居留许可证,所需材料如下: (一)工作单位公函(红头函);

43、 (二)外国专家证原件及复印件; (三)最近入境记录的的原件和复印件; (四)申请人的有效护照原件及复印件; (五)自入境之日起首次申请居留许可需提供境外人员健康检查证明书; (六)外国人签证、居留许可申请表; (七)公安机关认为有必要提交的其他材料。 (八)如外籍教师为新聘或转聘的,需本人前往协同办理。 30. The Foreign Affairs Office of the college is responsible for handling residence certificate for foreign expert with the following materials as

44、: 30.1 official working letter of employment unit; 30.2 original of Foreign Expert Certificate and its photocopy; 30.3 original of the latest entry record and its photocopy; 30.4 original of applicants valid passport and its photocopy; 30.5 the health certificate 30.6 Visa and Residence Permit Appli

45、cation Form 30.7 other necessary documents required by Public Security Organ. 30.8 Foreign teacher shall go to handle it if he/she is employed for the first time or reemployed. 第三十一条 上述规定相关证件办理妥当后,学院与外籍教师所签定的聘用合同即行生效,外籍教师方可上岗。 32. The contract signed by the foreign teacher and the college shall take

46、 effect upon in condition of all above related wanted documents handled well, then foreign teacher can work officially. 第三十二条 外籍教师任教期间,原则上学院不随意解聘外籍教师。如遇下列情形除外: (一)外籍教师教学方法不恰当,教学效果差,经系部与其及时沟通、外事办公室协调后,仍然没有改进,学生意见较大的; (二)教学态度恶劣的,经批评指正后,坚持不更改的; (三)造成重大教学事故的; (四)在课堂上有传教行为,经制止仍不悔改的。 32. During the contra

47、ct period, foreign teacher shall not be dismissed in principle, except the following circumstances as: 32.1 foreign teacher adopts inappropriate teaching method, therefore a bad teaching effect is caused. After timely communication by the department and coordination by Foreign Affairs Office, foreig

48、n teacher does not improve the teaching and bad influence exerts among students; 32.2 after criticism, foreign teacher insists on not changing his/her bad teaching attitude; 32.3 serious teaching offence is caused; 32.4 foreign teacher insists on missionizing in the class after being asked to stop.

49、第三十三条 无论外 籍教师是否续签合同,应在合同终止前三个月书面报告给外事办公室。 33. Regardless of whether foreign teacher will renew the contract, she/he shall report in writing to the Foreign Affairs Office before three months of termination of the contract. 第三十四条 合同终止日,外籍教师必须将外国专家证,工作证等相关证归还给外事办公室,并且填写离职申请。 34. At the date of termination of the contract, foreign teacher shall return “Foreign Expert Certificate“, identity card and the rel


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