2014秋江苏译林版五上《Unit 3 Our animal friends》word教案2.doc

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1、教学内容 Unit 3 Our animal friends(Fun time & Grammar time)教材版本 译林版教学课时 共 4 课时 第 2 课时 课 型 新授教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说并理解单词:have-has, doesnt=does not, 2. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.教学重点1. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she ha

2、ve ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.2. 能简单的用第三人称单数描述动物。教学难点1. 能够听懂、会说、会读句型:Do have ? Yes, do./No, dont. Does he/she have ? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesnt.2. 能简单的用第三人称描述动物。教学准备 多媒体课件教 学 过 程 修注栏Step1 Revision【复习巩固】T: Good morning, class. In the last class, we have learned the text. What is t

3、he name of the story? Can you describe your animal friends? I have animal friends. Its.It has.【设计意图】课开始时直接切入主题,复习上节课所学过的 Story time。Step2 Fun time1. T: lets ask some questions about it.(教师示范)Do you have an animal friend, xx?Does it have.?Ss:.【设计意图】通过对旧知的复习提问,获取小动物的体貌特征信息,为下面的一般疑问句学习做铺垫。2. T show som

4、e animal pets, make a dialogue with SsT: Look at the dog. Does it have four legs?Ss: Yes, it does.T: Does it have a short tail?Ss: No, it doesnt.T: Does it have long ears?课始和学生一起复习课文,复习的形式可以多样,分组表演、背诵等。学生间互相编对话猜动物,灵活运用,教师要鼓励学生认真听,比一比谁能听出错Ss: No, it doesnt.【小组合作】3. Ss make dialogue in pairs and do th

5、e survey on P30.4. Ask some Ss to show their survey.Xx has a parrot. It has a long tail, a big mouth and two wings. It can fly and talk. Danny has a rabbit. It has ling ears, red eyes and a short tail. It can run and jump.【设计意图】通过小组合作的问答活动,获得信息,引导孩子们达到复述课文和巩固语言知识的目的。Step3 Grammar time【自主探究】1. Fill i

6、n the blanks.We have some grapes.They have a parrot.He has a football.It has two legs.Do you have a cat? Yes, I do.Does he have a fish? No, he doesnt.【设计意图】让孩子们独立完成句子的填写,用以检测学生对 have/has 的理解情况2. Check the answer.3. Read the sentences .We have some grapes.They have a parrot.He has a football.It has t

7、wo legs.Do you have a cat? Yes, I do.Does he have a fish ? No, he doesnt.4. Look at P29Summary the sentence: have 对应的是:I, you, we they, has 对应的是:it, he, shedont = do not doesnt = does not【设计意图】通过练习,更容易理解总结含有 have 的一般疑问句。Step4 Consolidation1. Listen and circle 误。鼓励学生自己总结含有 do 的一般疑问句的用法,并在小组中讨论要注意哪些细节,避免哪些错误。2. Listen, read and match.Step5 Homework1. 用 Dohave?和 Doeshave?各造两个句子,并分别做肯定和否定回答。2. 听 U2 录音,背诵 Story time,会读 Cartoon time。独立完成,培养学生的读题和听力习惯。板书设计Unit3 Our animal friendsI/We/You/They have.He/She/It has.Do ? Yes, do./ No, dont.Does ? Yes, does./ No, doesnt.教学反思


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