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1、酒店英语 900 句前厅部分 Front office1、Greeting Guests 问候客人 1 Good morning,sir. 早上好,先生。2 Good afternoon,madam. 中午好,太太。3 Good evening,sir. 晚上好,先生。4 Good night,madam. 晚安,夫人。5 How are you? 你好吗?Fine,thank you,and you? 很好,谢谢,您呢?Fine,thanks. 很好,谢谢。6 How do you do? 您好?How do you do! 您好!7 Welcome to our hotel. 欢迎光临我们

2、饭店。8 May you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 祝您住店期间愉快。9 Hope you had a good trip. 希望您旅途愉快。10 Hope you have a good journey. 祝您旅途愉快。11 Its nice to meet you,sir. 见到您很高兴,先生。12 Pleasant to meet you,sir. My name is见到您很高兴,先生。我叫13 Welcome you back,sir. 欢迎您回来,先生。14 Nice to see you again,madam. 很高兴又见到您,夫人。15 Go

3、odbye,thank you for coming. Please come again. 再见,感谢您光临,希望您再次光临。16 Have a nice day. 祝您今天愉快。17 Have a good evening. 祝您度过一个愉快的夜晚。18 Have a good weekend. 祝您周末愉快。19 Good night and have a good rest. 晚安,祝您休息好。20 Good night and pleasant dreams. 晚安,祝您做个好梦。21 Good night and rest well. Hope you will come back

4、 tomorrow. 晚安,祝您休息好,明天再来。 22 Hope you a pleasant journey home. 祝您回程愉快。23 Happy landing. 一路顺风。24 What can I do for you,sir?先生,请问我可以帮您吗?25 May I help you?我可以帮您忙吗?26 May I be of any assistance?我可以为您做些什么?27 Is there anything I can do for you?我能为您做点什么?28 Here you are,sir. 先生,给您。29 Sorry to have kept you

5、waiting so long,sir. 对不起,先生,让您久等了。30 Thank you for waiting,sir. 谢谢您的等候,先生。31 Thank you. 谢谢。Its my pleasure. 不用谢,很乐意为您效劳。32 Its my duty. 这是我应该做的。33 Thats all right. 不用谢。34 Not at all. 不用谢。35 Dont mention it. 不必介意。36 Im afraid not. 恐怕不行。37 Its not possible. 这不可能。38 Im really sorry,but you see my diffi

6、culties. 真对不起,但希望您能体谅我的难处。39 Im really sorry to hear that. 真抱歉听您这样说。40 I beg your pardon. 对不起,请您再说一遍好吗?41 Pardon me,sir?先生,对不起,请您重复一遍,好吗?42 Ill look into it. 我将会调查此事。43 How are you?Im glad to meet you here. 您好!在这里见到您真高兴。44 We havent seen you for a long time. How are you getting along? 我们好久没见面了,您好吗?4

7、5 Wish you a successful visit. 祝您访问成功。46 Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!47 Happy new year!新年快乐!48 Wish you good luck!祝您好运!49 Wish you a happy festival! 祝您节日愉快!50 After you,please,sir. 先生,您先请。51 Thank you for your compliment. 谢谢您的赞扬。52 Thank you for your kind understanding. 谢谢您的谅解。53 Whats the matter?May I hel

8、p you? 怎么了?我可以帮你吗?54 I have come to say goodbye. 我是来告别的。55 Id like to say goodbye to you all. 我要向你们大家告别了。56 Goodbye then, and dont forget to keep in touch. 那么再见,别忘记了保持联系。57 Goodbye then,and remember me to your parents. 那么再见,代我向您父母问好。58 How long will you stay here?您在这里住多久?59 May I show you to your ro

9、om,sir?Hope youll enjoy your stay in our hotel. 先生,我带您到房间去,好吗?祝您在我们饭店居住愉快。60 Wendy,Id like you to meet my friend,Sam. 温迪,我给你介绍一下我的朋友,山姆。61 How do you like Beijing?您觉得北京怎么样?62 Whats your first impression of China?您对中国的初步印象如何?63 How do you like our hotel? 您觉得我们饭店怎么样?64 Help yourself to dinner,please.

10、请用餐。65 We hope you will come and stay with us again. 希望您再次光临我们饭店。66 We hope you had an enjoyable stay,sir. 先生,希望您在这里住的愉快。67 Have a pleasant journey home. 祝您旅途愉快。68 Thank you for choosing our hotel,I hope you enjoy your stay. 谢谢您光临我们饭店,希望您在这里住的愉快。69 Thank you very much,sir. Goodbye,hope you have a go

11、od flight. 先生,非常感谢您。再见,希望您航程愉快。70 We are very happy to have you here. Mr. brown. I do hope you are enjoying your stay with us. 布朗先生,我们非常高兴您住在我们饭店,我真心希望您在这里住的愉快。71 See you tomorrow, sir. 先生,明天见。72 Pleasant journey home. 祝您归途愉快。73 Is there anything else that I can do for you?您还有别的事情要我帮忙吗?74 Will it tr

12、ouble you?这会打扰您吗?75 Would you mind if I ?如果您不介意,我可以吗?76 If we have any shortcoming,please point it out. 照顾不周,请多指正。77 Im sorry to disturb you. 对不起,打扰了。78 Im sorry,Its our fault. 对不起,这是我们的错。79 Thanks for your reminding. 谢谢您的提醒。80 Well try our best to take some measures so that you can be satisfied. 我们

13、将立即采取措施,使您满意。2、Room Reservation 客房预订 81 Good morning,Room Reservation,may I help you?早上好,客房预订处,请问我可以帮助您吗?82 What kind of room would you like(prefer)?您希望要什么样的房间?83 Would you like a room with a front view or a rear view?您是要窗户临街的房间,还是要背街的房间?84 Do you want a single room or a double room?您是要单人间还是双人间?85 W

14、ould a double room do?双人间可以吗?86 Would you like breakfast in our hotel?您要不要在饭店吃早餐?87 In whose name is the reservation made?是以谁的名义订的房间?88 How do you spell your name,please ?请问您的名字怎么拼写?89 Im sorry,but we dont have any record of your reservation. 对不起,我们这里没有您预订的记录。90 Im sorry,we have no record of a reser

15、vation in your name. 对不起,没有以您名字预订房间的记录。91 Do you have a letter or fax confirming the reservation?您是否收到过确认您订房的信件或传真?92 Who made the reservation,please?请问是谁预订的房间?93 From which country?从哪个国家预订的?94 Do you remember the name of the reservation clerk?您是否记得预订员的姓名?95 When did you make the reservation?你是什么时候订

16、的房?96 What was the date of the reservation?请问您预订房间的日期? 97 Would you like Full American Plan or Continental Plan? 您希望是美国收费方式还是欧式收费方式?98 How long do you plan to stay?您计划住多久? 99 How long will you be staying?您将要住多久?100 For how many nights?您要住几个晚上?101 For how long?您准备住多长时间?102 How many guests will there

17、be in your party altogether?你们一起有几个人?103 I can book you a single room for the 15th and 16th . 我可以为您在 15 日、16 日两天订一个单人房间。104 We can confirm a room for the 15th and 16th. 我们可以确认您 15 日、16 日订的一个房间。105 Its all right for the 15th ,but not the 16th. 15 日的订房没问题,但 16日恐怕不行。106 Just a moment,please. Ill check

18、the room availability. 请稍等,我去查一下房间预订情况。107 Thank you for waiting,sir. 先生,谢谢您耐心等待。108 Sorry to have kept you waiting,sir. 对不起,先生,让您久等了。109 Unfortunately we are fully booked for July,15 th. 遗憾的是我们 7 月 15日客房已全部订满。110 Im sorry,I cant book you a room for July,15 th. 对不起,我无法为您订 7 月 15 日的客房。111 We are full

19、y booked for all types of rooms on that night. 我们酒店那天的客房已全部订满。112 We wont be able to guarantee you a room for July 15th. 我们不能保证7 月 15 日有房间给您。113 If there isnt any room,we can get you on the waiting list or we can find you a room in another hotel. 如果没有空房间,我们可以将您放入等候名单中,一旦有空房就马上给您安排,或者为您在其他饭店找个房间入住。11

20、4 For a single room,the price would be 30 USD. 单人房间的价格是 30美元。115 The total cost would be 100 USD. 全部费用是 100 美元。116 There is a 15 percent reduction for drinks. 饮料减价 15。117 Im sorry,we dont have connecting double rooms,but we have large adjoining rooms. 对不起,我们没有相通的双人房间,但我们有大的相邻房间。118 Im sorry,we dont

21、have saunas in our hotel,but we have massage service. 对不起,我们没有蒸汽浴,但我们有按摩服务。119 Would you like us to send you a brochure?我们给您寄一份介绍我们饭店的小册子好吗?120 May I have your name and initials,please ?请问您的姓名的首写字母?121 Whos the reservation for?您为谁预订房间?122 Gould you give me your address and telephone number,please? 请

22、问您的地址和联系电话?123 How will you be paying the bill(account )?您将如何付款?124 Youll have to send us a deposit of 50 USD. 您需要寄给我们 50 美元的押金。125 Is the company willing to cover all the expenses?公司是否愿意支付所有的费用?126 When will you be arriving?您将何时到达?127 Will you be coming by plane?And the flight No. please?您将乘飞机来吗?航班

23、号是多少?128 May I have the airline flight number and arrival time?我可以问您航班号和到达时间吗?129 We look forward to seeing you(serving you). 我们期待着您的光临(或:为您服务) 。130 The room may have been reserved in the name of the person who made the reservation. 也许您的房间订在为您预订的那个人名下了。131 Our hotel has a fine view of the city. 从我们饭

24、店可以看到城市的优美景色。132 Our hotel overlooks one of the main avenue in the city. 从我们饭店可以俯瞰城市中的主要大道之一。133 Our hotel is beautifully situated. 我们饭店环境优美。134 Our hotel is located in the centre of the city. 我们饭店位于市中心。135 This is the peak season. Im sorry,but could you call us again later on this week?We may have

25、a cancellation. 现在是旅游旺季,很抱歉,您在这周后几天再打电话过来好吗?也许会有人取消预订。136 We dont have any single room available. Would you mind a double room instead?我们没有单人间了,如果是个双人间您介意吗?Im afraid we have no credit arrangements with your company. We will need an advance deposit by bank draft or in cash before the reservation date

26、. 抱歉,我们与贵公司没有信用合同,所以希望您再这个预订日期前以银行汇票或现金形式付给我们一笔保证金。3、Registration 入住登记 137 Good afternoon,we warmly welcome you to our hotel. 下午好,欢迎光临。138 Would you please complete this registration form?请您填写一下这张登记表,好吗?139 Could you please put your nationality there, sir?先生,请将您的国籍写在这。140 May I ask you to put your n

27、ame in block capitals?请用大写字母写您的名字好吗?141 Whats your occupation,please?请问您的职业?142 Whats your address in your native country,please?请问您在本国的地址? 143 Could you sign your name,please?请您签一下名,好吗?144 Ill need your signature. 我需要您的签名。145 Sign here,please. 请在这签。146 Would you put your signature here,please ?请您在这

28、签一下名,好吗?147 May I see your passport,please?我可以看看您的护照吗?148 Have you got any identification?您有什么可以证明您身份的吗?149 Here is your key,hope you enjoy your stay in our hotel. 这是您的钥匙,祝您住店愉快。150 Could you please put your key on the Reception Counter when you are out for the sake of safety?为安全期间,请您在外出时把房间钥匙放到接待台来

29、好吗?151 Could you keep your room key until you check out?请您在住点期间自己保管钥匙,直到离店。152 The porter will show you to your room.行李员会领您去您的房间的。153 Your room number is 502. on the fifth floor. 您的房号是 502 房,在 5楼。154 The porter will take your luggage and show you the way. 行李员会为您提行李,并为您领路。155 Im afraid your room is n

30、ot ready yet. Would you mind waiting,please ?We are very sorry for the inconvenience. 恐怕您的房间还没有整理好,希望您不会介意在这里等一下,给您带来的不便真对不起。156 Our checkin time is 12 noon,Im afraid we have no vacant rooms now. would you mind waiting until then?我们登记入住的时间是中午 12 点,恐怕现在没有空房,烦请您等到那是好吗?157 Unfortunately,we are fully bo

31、oked for tonight,would you like me to get you a room in another hotel?很抱歉,我们今晚的房间已全部订满,我帮您联系另外一家酒店,好吗?158 Please wait a moment,I have to check if there is a room available. 请稍等,我要查一下看是否有空房间可以出租。159 As a hotel policy, we require one days room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation. 饭店规定没有

32、预订的客人入住需交一天的房费押金。160 The room rate is 135 per day including 10 service charge. 房费是每天135 美元,包括 10的服务费。161 Room-to-room calls can be made from your room,please dial room number directly. 在房间内可拨打房间与房间的电话,请直接拨号。162 Half-day room rate will be charged if you check out after 12:00 noon. 如果您在中午 12:00 点以后退房将

33、加收半天房费。163 Full-day room rate will be added if you check out after 6:00pm.如您在下午 6 点以后退房将收全天房费。164 No additional charge is required for children under 12 sharing parents room without extra bed. 12 岁以下儿童与父母同床不收加床费。165 All reservation are held until 6:00pm unless guaranteed or informed earlier,as a hot

34、el policy. 饭店规定,除保证类预订或提前预订外,其他预订均保留房间至预订日当天下午 6 点。166 Rates are subject to change by the hotel management without a prior notice. 饭店房价若有变更,恕不另行通知。167 We have special corporate rates for certain commercial accounts. 我们对某些商业团体实行特别价格。168 Please show me your passport or some other identification. 请让我看一

35、下您的护照或其他能证明您身份的证件。4、Room Change or Extension 换房或续住169 Please show me your passport or some other identification. 请让我看一下您的护照或其他能证明您身份的证件。170 Im due to check out tomorrow,but Id like to extend my stay by two or three days. 我应该明天离店,但我想延长两至三天离店。171 May I have your name and room and room number,please ?请

36、问您的姓名和房号。172 Just a moment,please. Ill check our room available for the next three days. 请稍等,我查一下后三天的各房可出租情况.173 Thank you for waiting,sir. Im afraid our hotel is fully booked for the next week. 让您久等了,先生,谢谢。恐怕下周我们饭店的客房都订满了。174 But we may have cancellations,could you check with us at 8:00pm this even

37、ing. 但我们可能取消预订的客房,您今晚 8 点再与我们核对一下好吗?175 Im sorry,but we are expecting several tour groups to arrive today,we are booked solid. 对不起,今天我们将有几个旅行团队到达,我们的房间已全部订满。176 Shall I contact another hotel for you?让我帮您联系另一家饭店,好吗?177 Could I keep the room this afternoon?My fight doesnt leave until 6:15pm,and I dont

38、 want to wait around at the airport all day. 我能把房间保留到今天下午吗?我的航班要到下午 6:15 分才起飞,我不想整天呆在机场。178 If we werent so heavily booked,we could let you stay in the room free of charge. 假如我们的客房没有订满的话,我们可以让您免费住半天。179 If you really want to keep your room this afternoon,well have to charge you 50 of the price. 如果您真

39、想保留房间到今天下午,我们得加收您半天房费。180 Never mind,then. You can keep your luggage at the Bell Service until 5:00pm free of charge. 不要紧,您可以免费将您的行李寄存在行礼部到下午 5 点。181 Im afraid that air conditioner in your room needs repairing. We would like to request you to change your room. 恐怕您房间的空调需要维修,我们想请您换一下房间。182 What time i

40、s the most convenient for you to change your room,sir? sorry for the inconvenience. 对您来说什么换房最方便,先生? 给您带来不便真抱歉。183 We could move your luggage to the new room while you are out,but could you take any valuables with you?在您外出期间,我们可以帮您把行李搬至新房间内,不过您要事先把贵重物品带走。184 You may pick up your new room key 502 from

41、 the Reception Counter when you return. 您回来时可以在接待台领您新房间 502 号的钥匙。185 Could you leave your former room key at the Front Desk when you go out,please? 您外出时请把您原房间钥匙放在总台好吗?186 Thank you very much indeed,sir. We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you have a nice day. 真的非常谢谢您,先生。给您带来不便真抱歉,希望您愉快。187

42、 Well extend the reservation for you.我们可以为您延长预订。188 Well make the room change for you.我们可以给您换个房间。189 You may keep the room till 3:00pm,if you wish.如果您愿意,可以将房间保留到下午 3:00。190 How many nights do you wish to extend?你希望延长住店几个晚上? 191 How much longer would you like to stay?您想再住多久?192 The hotel is full and

43、there will be someone taking your room. Well keep your luggage if you like. 我们饭店现已住满,您的房间已预订给别人,如果您愿意,我们可以为您保管行李。 (适用于客人想中午结帐后保留房间至下午的情况)193 Im afraid youll have to vacate your room by 11am,I must apologize for the inconvenience. 非常抱歉,恐怕要请您在商务 11 点前搬出房间了。给您带来不便,我表示歉意。Your room has been booked for to

44、morrow. Would you mind changing a room?您的房间明晚已预订给别人了。请您换一个房间,好吗?5、Information 问询服务 194 A:Excuse me,where can I send a cable?对不起,请问在哪可以发电报。B: Walk straight ahead,there is a post office on the right.直走,在您右手边有一个邮局。195 A:I want to change some money,where is the bank?我想兑换一些钱,请问银行在哪?B:Go upstairs from her

45、e and then turn left. Its next to the post office. 请从这里上楼然后左拐,就在邮局旁。196 You can get your money changed at the cashiers office.您可以在收银处兑换外币。197 There is a shop on the ground floor. It sells both Chinese and foreign cigarettes. 商店在一楼,有中、外香烟出售。198 There is a coffee shop on the second floor and snacks ar

46、e served there all day.咖啡厅在二楼,全天供应快餐。199 We have a Chinese restaurant and a western-style restaurant. Which one do you prefer?我们有中餐厅和西餐厅,您更喜欢哪一种?200 There is a recreation centre on the ground floor. You can play billiards、table tennis、bridge and go bowling. 一楼有康乐中心,在那里可以打台球、乒乓球、桥牌和保龄球。201 Breakfast

47、is served in your room from 7am till 10am. If you wish to have breakfast in your room,ask for Room Service on the phone. 早餐送餐服务是从早上 7 点至上午 10 点。如果您想在房间用早餐,请打电话要送餐服务。202 For all enquiries just lift your telephone receiver and ask for Reception. 您如果需要问询什么事,可以打电话给前厅接待。203 Apart from the recreation cent

48、re,we also have a health club on the second floor. 除了娱乐中心以外,我们在二楼还有一个健身俱乐部。204 You can buy some stamps and postcards in the post office.您可以在邮局买邮票和明信片。205 A: Could you direct us to the restaurant?请问去餐厅怎么走? B:Yes,Ill show you the way myself. 我亲自领你们去。206 A: wheres the coffee shop,please? 请问咖啡厅在哪?B: Go straight through the cafeteria and restaurant and youll find it just in front of you. 径直走,穿过自助餐厅和餐馆您会看到它正在您面前。207 A: I wonder if you could tell me where the health club is?您 是否能告诉我健身房在哪?B: Its round here to the left. Follow the sign marked s


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