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1、英语:Unit3 Australia 教案(1) (新人教版选修 9) Teaching Aims: 1. Topics : History and geography of Australia/ Wildlife/ Tourism/ Customs and culture 2. Reading: a. Glimpses of Australia b. Australias dangerous creatures c. Greenhill High School Notice Board. 3. Grammar: The Predicative (words, phrase, nonfinit

2、e, clauses) Special Focus: 1. enlarge vocabulary: associate, associate with, Canberra, barrier, brochure, adequate, ecology, autonomous, federal, defense, citizenship, celebration, tolerate, tolerance, migrant, via, superb, rusty, tropical, splendor, heritage, aboriginal, out of respect, fortnight,

3、reservation, highway, cradle, rainfall, agriculture, sow, bachelor, correspond with, enclosure, desperate, shrink, barbecue, talk into, wind, limb, paralyze, recover, funnel, snatch, amongst, vinegar, unconscious 2. practice reading skills: learn to get the main idea of a passage in a few minutes; l

4、earn to analyze the structure of an essay. 3. improve writing ability Additional materials: From Text to Test 高考链接 1 On 26 January, Australia Day, in over 200 locations across the nation, more than 9,000 people will become Australian citizens. (P22) across 用作介词或副词,意为“ 横过;穿过”。是指从“从一边到另一边”穿过/横过一个平面。 拓

5、展注意 across 和 over、through 的区别:over 强调“ 越过/跨过”高的物体;through 着重 指从物体中间“穿过” 。例如: He helped the old lady across the road. She climbed over the fence. The train went through the tunnel. He pushed his way through the crowd to the door. 高考示例 He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowd of p

6、eople to get to her. (湖南 2005) A. across; across B. over; through C. over; into D. across; through 2Australia is home to more than 170 different kinds of snake and 115 of these are poisonous. (P27) more than 意为“超过;比多;不只是;不仅”。例如: The speed is more than 120 miles per hour. 时速超过了 120 英里。 More than one

7、school has closed. 不只一所学校关门了。 Wine cost more than beer. 葡萄酒比啤酒贵。 The villagers were more than glad to help those tourists. 乡亲们很愿意帮助那些游客。 高考示例 Lizzie was _ to see her friend off at the airport. (全国 ) Aa little more than sad B. more than a little sad C. sad more than a little D. a little more sad than

8、 点拨 more than 意思是“不仅仅”; a little 修辞形容词 sad。 3You might think that with all these dangerous animals Australia is an unsafe place to live in or visit. (P28) 动词不定式 to live in or visit 作定语,修辞前面的名词短语 an unsafe place。尽管他们之间是 动宾关系,仍要用主动形式。 高考示例 There are five pairs _, but Im at a loss which to buy. (上海 199

9、9) A. to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing 4. However, this is far from the truth. (P28) far from 相当于 “very much not; a long way from being; not at all”,意为“远远不,一点也不”。 far 用作副词,表示程度上的“ 深,远”。例如: Im far from pleased with your behavior. 我对你的表现很不满意。 She is not a good father- far fr

10、om it! 他不是一个好父亲-远远不是! They worked far into the night. 他们工作到深夜。 The film is far better than the book. 改编的电影比原著强多了。 高考示例 John is very lazy. He falls _ behind in his students. (广东 2005) A. very B. far C. more D. still 语法复习 表语 (一)表语的定义 表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如 be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem

11、 等)之后。 (二)表语的表现形式 表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语 从句表示。 (1)名词 Our teacher of English is an American.我们的英语老师是美国人。 He is an astronaut.他是一位宇航员。 (2)代词 Is this yours? 这是你的吗? Thats all I want to tell you.我要告诉你的就是这些。 (3)形容词 The weather has turned cold.天气变冷了。 Guilin is the most beautiful city that I

12、 have ever visited.桂林是我到过的最美丽的城市。 (4)分词 The speech is exciting.这演讲激动人心。 The teacher was pleased with my spoken English.老师对我的英语口语很满意。 (5)数词 Three times seven is twenty one.3 乘 7 等于 21。 He is always the first to enter the office.他总是第一个进办公室。 (6)不定式 His job is to teach English.他的工作是教英语。 Their plan is to

13、 finish the experiment in a week.他们的计划是一周内完成这项实验。 (7)动名词 His hobby is playing football.他的爱好是踢足球。 My wish is studying law in a university.我的愿望是在大学学习法律。 (8)介词短语 The machine must be out of order.机器一定出毛病了。 He is against our plan.他反对我们的计划。 (9)副词 Time is up. The class is over.时间到了,下课。 My father isnt in. H

14、e is out.我父亲不在家,他出去了。 (10)表语从句 The truth is that he has never been abroad. 实际情况是他从未出过国。 新课标省市高考新题型简介及适应性训练: A 篇章结构 阅读下面短文,并将文后标有 A-F 的句子(或段落)插入文章中标号为 71-75 的合适位置, 使短文结构完整。其中有一个句子(或段落)是多余的。 Dengue fever is a mosquito-borne(有蚊子传播的) infection. The disease is characterized by high fever, headache, bone

15、or joint and muscle pains, and rash. Dengue haemorrhagic(大出血的) fever is a potentially deadly complication(并发症) that is characterized by high fever, haemorrhagic phenomena, often with enlargement of the liver, and in severe cases, circulatory failure. 1 Dengue haemorrhagic fever occurred in 1779-1780

16、. Dengue haemorrhagic fever was first recognized in the 1950s during the dengue epidemics in the Philippines and Thailand. 2 The disease is now endemic in more than 100 countries in Africa, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific. 3 4 WHO currently estimates t

17、here may be 50 million cases of dengue infection worldwide every year. There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. 5 With appropriate intensive supportive therapy, mortality(死亡率 ) may be reduced to less than 1%. A. The global prevalence(流行) of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. B.

18、 Some 2500 million people two fifths of the worlds populationare now at risk from dengur. C. The first reported epidemics of dengue fever occurred in 1779-1880. D. However, careful clinical nagement by experienced physicians and nurses frequently saves the lives of DHF patients. E. Public health aut

19、horities have emphasized disease prevention by mosquito control. F. Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific are the most seriously affected. 参考答案 CAFBD 阅读下面短文,并将文后标有 A-F 的句子(或段落)插入文章中标号为 71-75 的合适位置, 使短文结构完整。其中有一个句子(或段落)是多余的。 A mental health researcher who has studied depressed mothers in Pakistan pl

20、ans an effort next year to help them. Doctor Atif Rahman is in the Department of Child Psychiatry (精神病治 疗法) at Royal Manchester Childrens Hospital in England. Doctor Rahman led a team that linked depression (消沉) in women with lover weight in their babies during the first year of life. 1 The study id

21、entified one hundred and sixty of the women, or one in four, as depressed. They had lost interest or pleasure in normal life. They always felt sad or tired. They had problems eating or sleeping. They felt guilty and thought about killing themselves. 2 Re-examinations took place at two, six and twelv

22、e moths of age. The health workers also re-examined the mental health of the mothers. Babies whose mothers remained depressed grew less than the babies of the other women. The babies of depressed mothers were also more likely to get sick with diarrhea (腹泻). The findings appeared in September in Arch

23、ives of General Psychiatry (精神病学档案). 3 Other studies in South Asia have found that depression affects almost twice as many women in developing countries. Conditions in poor countries can make it more difficult to care for a baby. Doctor Rahman says depression can make it even more difficult for a mo

24、ther to do things such as boil water to kill harmful arganisms (微生物). 4 These women visit new mothers for up to a year. The workers offer advice about things like health and cleanliness. 5 The program will be tested for three years to see how well it succeeds. A. Now Doctor Rahman wants to add speci

25、al support for depressed mothers. The idea is that the health worker will listen to the mothers problems and suggest some easy things at first that she can do for her baby. B. Earlier studies showed that ten to fifteen percent of pregnant women and new mothers in Western nations suffer from depressi

26、on. C. For ten years, Pakistan has employed what are called “lady health workers”. D. The team studied six hundred and thirty-two women from small villages in Rawalpindi. The women were in good physical health and in the last three months of pregnancy. E. The researchers compared these women with one hundred and sixty others who were not depressed. Health workers then weighed and measured the babies of both groups at birth. F. The study showed that depression in women had nothing to do with lower weight in their babies. 参考答案 DEBCA


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