2013人教版选修九unit4《exploring plants》word教案.doc

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1、英语:Unit4 Exploring plants教案(1) (新人教版 选修 9) 教学内容: Plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries 语言材料分析: 本册书针对的是高三学生。本节为本单元第二课时,主要介绍了欧洲 18 和 19 世纪的 植物探险。本文简要地介绍一些著名的探险家和他们所取得的成果。文章属于总分的结 构。通过本文的学习,学生可以扩大视野,了解一些植物探险方面的知识。但是这篇文章 篇幅上很长,信息量很大对学生理解该文造成了一定的难度。因此,在本课前要考虑这一 问题,帮助高三学生提高阅读速度和对细节信息的分析。 Teachi

2、ng goals: 1. Language target: A. Key words and phrase: exotic, conflict, container, restriction, date back to, appeal to B. Key sentences a. Collecting “exotic” plants, as they are called, dates bake to the earliest times. b. However, it was not until the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries that the

3、 exploration of the botanical world began on a large scale. c. One of the collectors was Father Farges, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that has appealed to him. d. The European classes took great interest in collecting plants. e. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages. 2. A

4、bility goals A. Students get some information on plant exploration. B. Students get the main idea, find and infer information according to the reading material. C. Students express their ideas after reading. D. Students help, cooperate and communicate with each other. Teaching important points To en

5、able students to understand the reading material by using predicting, skimming, scanning, analyzing, summarizing and inferring after reading. Teaching difficult points 1. To enable students make use of given information to express their opinions on the passage. 2. Help students observe language poin

6、ts and prepare for the grammar revision. Teaching methods Task-based learning approach, competition, group work, discussion Teaching aids Multi-media computer platform, group cards Teaching procedures Step 1. Lead-in (3) A. Divide the whole class into small groups. B. A video clip Focus: To arouse s

7、tudents interest and give the task to students. Step 2. Pre-reading (3) Predict according to the title. The author may tell us _ in this passage. A. some plants from other countries B. the events happening in plant exploration C. how to explore plants D. famous plant collectors Focus: Students can m

8、ake prediction after observing the title carefully. Step 3. While reading Part 1. Fast reading Read for the main idea and solve the task given in pre- reading. (Students work in groups and work out the questions). Part 2. Detailed reading (20) (Students write down the words, phrases and sentences th

9、ey cant understand and work in groups to solve them and work out the multiple choices questions). Task 1. Scanning 1. Plant collectors met many difficulties except_. A. diseases and near-starvation B. the conflicts with local people C. restrictions on the movement of Europeans D. lack of money 2. Wh

10、o is not a collector mentioned in the passage? A. Father dIncarville. B. The Queen of England. C. Robert Fortune. D. E H Wilson. 3. The following plants were taken to Europe except_. A. the tree of Heaven B. the Dove Tree C. the tea plants 4. The first recorded plant exploration happened _. A. in th

11、e 18th century B. about 1500 years ago C. about 3500 years ago D. about 2500 years ago Focus: To develop students ability to search for detailed information. Task 2. Analyzing 1. The passage is organized in the order of _. A. time B. place C. character Focus: To develop students ability to analyze t

12、he whole passage. Task 3. Inference 1. What do you think the author will talk about if he adds a paragraph to this passage? A. The effects of the plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries. B. The plant exploration in the 20th century. B. Information about the Dove Tree. Focus: To help student

13、s read beyond the reading material and make their own judgment according the reading material. Task 4. Language observation 1. What is the meaning of the underlined part in the sentence “One of the collectors was Father Farge, who collected 37 seeds from a tree that had appealed to him”? A. that sur

14、prised him B. that he had never seen before C. that attracted him D. that he thought was very valuable 2. The earliest record of plant exploration in history dates from 1500 BC. The earliest record of plant exploration in history _ _ _1500 BC. 3. People didnt begin to explore plants on a large scale

15、 until the 18th and 19th centuries. It was _ _ the 18th and 19th centuries that people began to explore plants on a large scale. 4. The parts in red are used as_ in the sentences. A. the subject B. the object C. the predicative 1.He collected seeds of trees. 2. French Catholic missionaries were begi

16、nning to set themselves up in China. 3. The European classes took great interest in collecting plants. 4. Large numbers of seeds failed to grow after long sea voyages. 5. often we do not realise that many of them come from countries far away. Focus: To help students infer the meanings according to t

17、he context. To help students observe the feature of the object and prepare for the grammar learning Step 4. Post-reading Help Liang Qiming find out who made the greatest contribution in plant exploration in the 18th and 19th centuries. 1. Discussing in groups 2. Giving opinions. Step 5. Assignments 1.Try to add a short paragraph as the end of the passage. 2. Get some information about plant exploration in the 20th and 21st centuries on the Internet.


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