2013冀教版(三起)五上《lesson 9 let’s look at a map!》word教案.doc

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1、Lesson 9: Lets Look at a Map! 一、教学目标: 1、知识目标:学生可以读,写,说出并听懂词汇 map, country, north, south, east 和 west。 2、能力目标:学生能正确指认英,美,中,澳,加几个国家的 位置并能说出英语名称;能用英语表达生活中和 地图中的方向。 3、情感目标:培养学生与人合作,互相帮助的情感态度和国际 意识。 二、教学重、难点: 初步掌握位置,五个国家的名称,并用英语正确描述方向。 三、教 具:单词卡片、中国地图、世界地图、录音机、五 个国家的彩色贴图。 学 具:学生课前查关于讲英语的国家的资料,如国家 名称,基本情况

2、等。 四、教学过程 1、Greeting: T:Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Today I am very happy to stand here. Are you happy? S:Yes/No(通过用英语打招呼,让学生很快的融入 到英语课堂快乐的氛围中) 2、Warming up: up up stand up; down,down,sit down;right,right,pointright;left,left,point left.(利用歌谣将学生的注 意力很快吸引到课堂上来,并复习 up,down,right,left 这几个

3、本 节课需要用到的单词。) 3、导入: Today I will show you a gift. But we should guess. Its a piece of paper, we can see China ,Canada and many countries and cities. But we cant see people on it. what is it? (由猜谜语引入新内容, 让学生积极的用英语思维去思考,当学生猜出答案“地图”时, 教师可以自然导入新课,同时也使学生在积极思考的过程中体 验到学习英语的乐趣。 ) 4、新授与操练: countries:, United

4、 states, Australia, United Kingdom north, south, east 和 west。 T: Now, class, Whats this ?(出示一张大地图) S: Its a map.(这里通过单个读、整体读、同桌读等方式练 习拼读) T:OK class, Look at this map(出示中国地图) S: Its China. T: Yes, this is a map of China. Follow me, please. S: This is a map of China. T: Now look at the blackboard. Th

5、is is a map of the world. World, whats meaning? S:世界。 T: Good! Lets spell the word.(通过多种形式读这一单词。) T:Look here. What color is China? S: Its red. T: Yes, thats our “country” , Yes?(教师反复强调 our country) S: Yes. (这里学生通过教师的体态语,大概猜出了是“国家” 的意思) T: Ok, read after me “country” S: country.(通过读时声音强弱、长短的变化进行趣味性“

6、读” 的操练,充分调动起学生读的兴趣,同时培养良好的语音语调。 ) T: China is where we live. Yes? (鼓励学生在一定的情景中猜 出句子意思) S: Yes. T: We live in China. We love China.(让学生大声说这两句话, 在课堂中利用有利时机,对学生进行热爱祖国的思想感情的教 育。) T: Lets look at this country, Jenny lives in this country. Can you guess? S: Oh, Its Canada. yes? T: Thats right. .What color

7、 is it? S: The green country is Canada.(教师可视距下课时间长短来 介绍各个国家的特色,拓展学生的知识面。 ) T: OK look at the purple country. this is the countrys flag 国旗. (教师可出示美国国旗图案)They speak English. Can you guess? S: 美国。 (通过教师的提示让学生通过自己动脑猜出国家名 称,并加深记忆) T: Then Read after me “United States 、U.S” (让学生了解美 国的简称 U.S) S: United Sta

8、tes, US. T: This country is _?(教师用手指蓝色部分) S: This country is blue. T: What country is it?(通过课前预习可让同学自己说) S:英国。 (如果有学生知道可以发挥这部分学生的主体作用, 让他们当小老师教大家) T: United Kingdom, we can say_? S: U.K T: This is Australia 加拿大. Can you say something about it ? T: Well done class. What color is it ? S: Australia is

9、yellow. T: (由指南针图片导出 north, south, east, west,:I want to go on a trip to the U.S. Now I live in China. Where is the U.S.? North points up ,and south points down; west points left, and east points right. (在句子的操练中,传统的形式就是简单的机械读,这样会 使学生对英语产生厌烦的心理,保证不了良好的学习效果。而 chant 就能抓住学生想说得欲望,有节奏,又韵律的歌谣,增强 了“读”的趣味,加深

10、学生对词和句子的记忆。 5.听录音,回答问题 T:Lets listen to the tap, then answer some questions.(学生听录 音,模仿标准的语音语调,培养了听的习惯,同时通过听去理 解课文,并回答问题) (1)_ is where we live. (2)_ points up. _ points down. _ points left. _ points right (3)the United States = the _ (4)the United Kingdom = the _ 6.总结: 给孩子们或让孩子们自己总结今天所学内容,能够更好的让 学生理

11、解今天所学习的内容。 7 扩充句型 East or West, home is best. 7.Homework: 朗读今天学过的课文,自制一个标是地图上各个方位的方向 标 8板书设计: Lesson 9: Lets Look at a Map! 一、 New Words: world country United States = U.S. United Kingdom = U.K. Australia north south west east 二、 New Sentences (1)China is where we live. (2) This is a map of the world. (3)the green country is Canada (4) North points up. South points down. West points left. East points right 三、 East or West, home is best.


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