2012秋人教版英语七上unit 8《when is your birthday》word学案.doc

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1、Unit8 导学案(第 15 周) 第一课时 学习内容Unit8(sectionA1a-2c) 学习目标 1. 熟悉并记住十二个月份的名称及其缩写,了解英语中日期的表达。 2 .记住基数词变序数词的特殊变化 3. 运用句型 When is birthday? My/His/Her birthday is询问并回 答某人的生日。 4. 通过复习形容词性物主代词,会运用名词所有格。 学习重点难点 1.When 引导的特殊疑问句询问别人的生日。 2.12 个月份的拼读 一、预习导航 1.When is your birthday? When 做疑问副词“什么时候,何时”,常用来提问-_,引导特殊疑问

2、句, 它主要用来提问年月等较为笼统的时间,如果询问生日时,可以用 when 提问, 其结构为_有两种回答方法 My birthday is/Its 2序数词的用法 英语中,表示顺序的词叫_,序数词前一般要带冠词_,但如果前面有形 容词性物主代词如 my/your/his/her 时,则不用 the,序数词一般是在基数词词 尾加-th,其中特殊变化记法如下: 1,2,3,特殊记,8 去 t ,9 去 e,以 y 结尾改 ie,five,twelve 两兄弟,常以 f 代 ve。若是遇见几十几,只变各位就可以。 做一做,比一比。写出对应的序数词。 one_ two_ three_ five_ ei

3、ght_ nine_ twenty_ thirty_ 3日期的表达法 英语中,“几月几日”要先说 _ , 再说 _ ,其中月份是专有名词, 开头第一个字母要_,而日要用序数词,书写时序数词前 the 可省略,但读 时 the 必须读出来. 如:Her birthday is _ A. March tenth B. June twoth .July oneth D. April forth 4. 名词所有格 名词所有格表示关系,与物主代词的作用相同,一般在名词的词尾加s 构 成,可做定语修饰名词,当名词以-s 结尾时,只加 。在名词后加s 表示- 的,表示一种所有关系 你妈妈的生日 your m

4、others birthday Tom 的书桌 Toms desk Mary 的生日 Marys birthday Xiaoming 的书 Xiaomings books 鲍勃的书_我妹妹的手表_ 拓展提升 在几月份前用介词_,具体在几月几日前用介词_。 试一试。1.在九月_2. 在九月十日_ 2、互动探究: 1、小组讨论并评讲预习作业。 2、利用课件学习月份的词语 3、Listen and repeat in 1a. 4、Listening 1b.2b and 2c. 3、展示提高 1、在小组内对话,然后展示关于生日的话题 2、就听力 2c 编队话,然后相互询问父母的生日 四。课后反馈 1A

5、 A .翻译月份并写出其缩写形式。比一比,看谁做得又快又准。 一月 _ 二月_ 三月_ 四月_ 五月_ 六月_ 七月_ _ 八月_ 九月_ 十月_ 十一月_ 十二月_ B写出下列数字的序数词形式: 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 5_ 8 _ 9_ 12_ 20_ 30_ C.选择: 1When is your birthday? -My birthday is _ A.April one B.April the one C. April first D.the April first 2._ birthday is July 15th . A. My brothers B. My brothers

6、C. My brother D. My brother is 3. _ do you go to school ? -_ September 1st . A. When ; On B. How; In C. When ; In D. How ; On 4.When is your fathers birthday ? -_ birthday is January 2nd. A. She B. Her C. His D. Your 第二课时 学习内容SectionA(2e-3c) 学习目标 1.记住并会运用序数词。 2.学会运用询问年龄的句型及答语: How old+ be 动词+人称代词或名词

7、? Im/ She is/He is . (years old). 3.学会用英语表达自己的名字,年龄及出生日期。 学习重点 1、学会运用询问年龄的句型及答语: How old+ be 动词+人称代词或名词? Im/ She is/He is . (years old). 2、学会用英语表达自己的名字,年龄及出生日期。 学习难点序数词的读和写 一、预习指导: (一)温故知新 翻译下列句子 1.你的生日是什么时候? _? 我的生日是 11 月 11 号. _. 2.刘平的生日是什么时间? _. 她的生日是 9 月 5 日。_. (二)在文中找出下列短语和句子。 1.生日快乐_ 2.你想来参加我的

8、生日聚会吗? _? 3. 你多大了?_? 我十二岁了_. 4. 他们的生日在一月 _. 二、 互动探究: 1.检测预习成效。 2.学生读课文,合作讨论重点难点,标注出自己不懂得知识点,老师点拨。 3.生日游戏。 4.做 3a-3b 练习巩固所学知识 5.自己总结当堂所学知识。 三、展示提高 【The Birthday Game 生日游戏】 1.小组内每个成员把自己的名字,生日和年龄写在卡片上。 2.把写好的卡片收集起来,找学生读卡片上的生日和年龄,不读出名字,用和 his /her 开头,让其他同学猜是谁的卡片。 3、按小组成员的年龄从大到小排列,然后依次汇报。 四当堂检测 A-_ is yo

9、ur mother?-She is forty. A. How old B. How C. How are D. What age B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1 When is _(he) birthday? -Its September _(ten). 2 How old are you ? -Im twelve _(year)old. 3 When is your birthday? -Its November_(twelve). C.用所给词的正确形式填空 (10 分) 1. Today is her _(eight) birthday. 2. This is _(I) mother

10、. 3. Lets _(watch) TV. 4. That _(sound) good. 5. Do you _(like) basketball? 6. Henry _(have) a penfriend. 7. I have a pair of _(sock). 8. These are my _(photo). 第三课时 学习内容SectionB(1a-2a) 学习目标 1.重点 单词短语: English test , school trip , birthday party, basketball game, how old 2. 运用 when 引导的特殊疑问句讨论各种节日。 3

11、.能在小组中积极与他人合作,共同完成任务。 学习重点学习并掌握关于活动或重要节日的词汇和句型。 学习难点用英语谈论日常活动 学习过程 一预习指导: ( 一)写出下列数字的序数词的缩写形式 one_ two _ three _ five_nine_ twelve_twenty_fifteen_ (二)在 Section B 中找出下列短语. 1.英语测验_2.学校旅行_3.Sally 的生日聚会 _ 4. basketball game _ 5艺术节_ 6.英 语节_7.运动会_8.学校开放日_ 你还知道哪些节日名称吗?用英语写下来和大家分享一下。 _ 二互动探究: 1、课前热身:小组内进行一条

12、龙对话练习。 AHow old are you? B. Im 12 years old. A. When is your birthday? B. My birthday is July 5th. A. How old is she? B. She is 13. A. When is her birthday? B. Her birthday is May 2nd. A. How old is he? B. He is 14. A. When is his birthday ? B. His birthday is August 5th. 2、通过课件复习月份,介绍节日 3、Match the

13、 pictures with the events. Then Discuss in groups. 4.Listen and circle,then fill in Johns Calendar in 1b and 1c. 三、展示提高 用 1c 的听力内容编对话,表演。 四当堂检测: A写出所给词的适当形式。 1.When is_(Dave) birthday? 2.My birthday is October _ (one) 3.When is _ (he) birthday? 4.How old are you ? -Im twelve _(year)old 5.The second

14、month of the year is F_ B选择填空 ( )1. Li Mings birthday is _ April 11. A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )2. My birthday is _ March. A. on B. at C. in D. of ( )3. When were you born(出生)? I was born _. A. September, 1989 B. in July 7,1989 C. in November 4 D. on June 1, 1989 ( )4. The boy is only _. Today is hi

15、s _ birthday. A. five; five B. fifth; five B. C. fifth; five D. five; fifth ( )5. _ today? Its Monday. A. What day is B. Whats the date C. When is D. How is ( )6. September is the _ month of a year. A. nineth B. nine C. ninth D. nineteenth ( )7._ is the fourth month of a year. A. January B. February

16、 C. March D. April ( )8. There are _ months in a year. A. twenty B. twelve C. twelfth D. twentieth ( )9.-_ is New Years Day? -Its January 1st. A. What B. When C. How D. Which ( )10. Sunday is the _ day of a week. A. third B. second C. first D. last ( )11. This is our _ test this term. A. three B. th

17、ird C. the third D. No. 3 ( )12. Students dont go to school _ Sundays. A. in B. at C. on D. To 第四课时 学习内容SectionB(2b-selfcheck) 学习目标1、复习巩固谈论日期的句式 2、更熟练地谈论学校和个人的活动安排 3、能把学到的语言知识与实际生活结合起来,使 学习过程生活化。 学习重点学习并掌握有关节日活动的词汇和句型 学习难点用英语谈论日常活动 学习过程 1、预习导航 A、新词自查:根据句意和提示完成句子 1.Lily likes _(美术)very much. 2.Do you

18、 have a music_(节日)in your school? 3.There are many_(东西)in the box. 4.I will study hard this_(学期). 5.October is the tenth_(月)of the year. 6.My mother is very_(忙碌的). 7.Have a good _! 8.Wu Mings father is_(那儿) ,too. B.阅读 2b-selfcheck,汉译英。 1.这学期我们为你们准备一些有趣的、有意义的活动. _ _2.在 9 月 21 日下午, 我们组织一次学校郊游。 _ 3.你们的

19、父母可以来学校。 _ 4.我们在图书馆有一场售书活动 _ C、思考一下:Do you have any activities in our school? What are they? 二、互动探究 1.讨论并评讲预习作业 2.阅填写下面的表格。 3.Listen again,answer these questions. 1)When do they have a school strip? _ 2)Are the students busy in October? _ ?_ _ 3)Can their parents come to school on October22nd?Why? _

20、 4)When do they have an art Festival? _ 4.Read the text,then discuss the questions in 2c. 5.Discuss the questions in 3b,then write your own note to a friend. 3、展示提高 1.Retell the text. 2.Show your composition 4、课后反馈 A.Finish 3a and Selfcheck. B、句型转换 1.Im fourteen years old.(就划线部分提问) _ 2.We have an Ar

21、t Festival each year.(变成一般疑问句) _ 3.She likes basketball game.(变成否定句) _ 4.Is Teachers Day in October? (作出完整回答) _ C. 完形填空(10 分) The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Years Day. It usually 41)_ in February. Everyone in 42)_ likes the Spring Festival very much. When Spring Festival comes, Li Lei usuall

22、y 43) his parents clean their house and do some 44)_ and other housework . 45) that day 46)_ in China eats 47)_ , New Years cake some other 48)_ food . Li Lei like New Years cake , but Wang Lin says jiaozi is better than New Years cake. The Chinese people 49) the New Years cake and jiaozi in their h

23、ouses. 50) _ happy they are! ( ) 41.A. come B. gets C. comes D. goes ( ) 42.A. America B. China C. England D. Australia ( ) 43.A. asks B. tells C. carries D. helps ( ) 44.A. Cleaning B. fishing C. reading D. shopping ( ) 45.A. On B. In C. Of D. At ( ) 46.A. everyone B. someone C. no one D. everythin

24、g ( ) 47.A. eggs B. meat C. jiaozi D. mooncakes ( )48.A. delicious B. good C. fast D.best ( ) 49.A. eat B. do C. buy D. sell ( ) 50.A. Much B. Very C. What D. How VII. 阅读理解 (20 分) A)读对话,选择问题的正确答案(10 分) Mr Wu: Good morning, Bruce. Sit down, please. May I ask you some questions? Bruce: Certainly. What

25、 do you want to know? Mr Wu: First, When were you born, Bruce? Bruce: On June 22,1980. Mr Wu: Secondly, where were you born? Bruce: In Sydney, Australia. Mr Wu: Where was your father born? Bruce: He was born in Sydney, too. Mr Wu: When was he born? Bruce: Sorry, I dont know. But I know hes about for

26、ty years old. Mr Wu: I see. What does your father do? Bruce: Hes a doctor. He works in a hospital here. Mr Wu: Is your mother working in China, too? Bruce: No, she works in Sydney. Shes coming to China soon. Mr Wu: Oh, thats very good. I have no more questions. Thank you, Bruce. Bruce: Youre welcome

27、, Nr Wu. Good-bye. Mr Wu: Good-bye. ( ) 51. When was Bruce Born? _ A. On July 22 B. In 1980 C. In July D. On June 23 ( ) 52.Where was Bruce born? _ A. In China B. In Australia C. In America D. In England ( )53.When wasBrucesfather born? _ A. In 1962 B. In 1952 C. In 1965 D. In 1955 ( ) 54. What does

28、 his father do? _ A. Hes a worker. B. Hes a teacher. C. Hes a doctor. D. It doesnt tell us. ( )55.Where is Bruces mother working now? _ A. In China B. In Australia C. In America D. In England 阅读下列邀请函并回答问题 (10 分) 56. When is Anns party ? _ 57. At what time is it going to start? _ 58. Where is she going to have her party? Its My Birthday! Ann White hopes you can come to her party! Time:4:30 Date: Sunday, February 16 th Place: Flat 13 A Dong Qian Building Telephone: 890621 _ 59. Whats her telephone number? _ 60. Whats her address(地址)? _ 1.


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