2013冀教版(三起)六上《lesson 28 oh chirstmas tree》word教案.doc

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1、Lesson 28 Oh Christmas Tree教学设计 授课教师:葸爱华 教学目标: 1. 知识目标:四会单词 invite, star,(过去式)buy bought,(现在分词)shop-shopptting , put up 装扮,装 饰 2. 能力目标:能够口头表达装点圣诞树的过程。 3. 学习策略目标:在交流动手中体验学习英语的乐趣,培养学生 大胆开口说英语的能力。 二、教学重点:四会单词和装饰圣诞树的过程。 难点:动手装饰圣诞树,并说出过程。 三、教具:录音机、图片、多媒体课件圣诞树、圣诞灯、圣诞礼物 等 四、教学过程: 1.Class Opening and review

2、: Greeting: T: Tomorrow is Christmas day,What is the date tomorrow? S: It is December twenty fifth. T: Merry Christmas! Ss: Merry Christmas! Ok,who can say something about Christmas?. Look at the screen.It is December twenty fifth,tomorrow is Christmas. Yesyerday I bought a Christmas tree , would yo

3、u like to put up a Christmas tree? First , lets see some beautiful trees. 2.New words buybought,shop-shopping,inviteto邀请 Part2:Listen and answer:(播放录音机) What do we need for Christmas tree? Where does the star go? The steps of putting up a tree? 教师演示知道学生说出装饰圣诞树的过程 First,we put on the lights. Then,we

4、put Christmas things on the tree. We put the star on the top. Now lets put our gifts under the tree. 3.Pratice: (1)图片排序 (2)过程排序 4. 拓展与运用 Draw a Christmas tree and put up it and write the steps. Show:show the tree and say the steps 5 Sing a song. “Chrismas tree” 6.Homework: Put up a Christmas tree and write the steps. Sing a song. 五:板书设计 Lesson28:Oh,Christmas Tree! First,put on the lights. Then,put Christmas things on the tree. Third,put the star on the tree. Fourth,put our gifts under the tree.


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