2013牛津译林版必修二unit 3《amazing people》word教案.doc

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1、Module 2 Unit 3 Amazing people 基本知识点 教学目标: 1. 掌握本单元的基本词汇,包括中英文和词性的转换,能在阅读中读懂文章。 2. 掌握基本短语,包括介词短语,动词短语,常用词的固定搭配。 3. 掌握基本句型,并根据所学句型能够翻译句子。 4. 掌握常见的动词时态和语态的基本用法,搞清楚一些时态的区别,记住一些在特定时态 语态中使用的常见词或表达,并能够做一些基本练习。 curse 诅咒,咒语,诅咒,咒骂 mummy 木乃伊 explorer 探险家 brave 勇敢的 adventurous 喜欢冒险的,冒险的 artist 艺术家 bright 聪明的,伶

2、俐的 curious 好奇的,求知欲强的 sail 航行,风帆 set sail 启航 Egyptian 埃及的,埃及人的,埃及人 gold 黄金 preserve 保存,保护,保持 discovery 发现 valley 山谷,峡谷 riches(复数)财富 as well as 也,以及 empty 倒空,空的 right away 立刻,马上 strangely 奇怪地,莫名其妙地 present 在场的,出席的 fever 发烧,发热 secretary 秘书 shortly 不久,很快 within 在。 。 。之内,不超过 coincidence 巧合,碰巧 scientific

3、科学的 virus 病毒 fresh 新鲜的 disturb 打扰,扰乱 result 结果,导致 illness 疾病 examine 检查,考察,仔细观察 certain 确定的,肯定的 fully 完全地,彻底地,充分地 finally 最后,终于 pay off 成功,带来好结果 ancient 古代的,远古的 compare 比较 express 表达,表示 childhood 童年,孩童时代 aeroplane 飞机 organize 组织 base 基地,大本营,底部,基础,以。 。 。 作基础 contact 联系,接触 maker 制作者,制造商 a great deal o

4、f 许多,大量的 survivor 幸存者 captain 船长 warning 警告,提醒 iceberg 冰山 survive 幸存,生还 westerner 西方人 once 一旦 orbit 轨道,绕。 。 。的轨道飞行 astronaut 宇航员 north-eastern 东北方的 army 军队,陆军 fighter 战斗机,歼击机,斗士,战士 pilot 飞行员 project 工程,计划,项目,课题 pick 挑选 candidate 候选人,申请人 survival 幸存,生还 rocket 火箭 prove 证明,证实 qualified 合格的,有资格的 task 任务

5、 psychological 心里的,心理上的 position 位置,职位 commander 指挥官,司令官,首长 quality 品质,质量 successful 成功的 indeed 的确,确实 manage 设法,努力,争取 live 实践,身体力行 一基本词汇: 1. 勇敢的 2. 好奇的,求知欲强的 3. 科学的 4. 打扰,扰乱 5. 检查,考察,仔细观察 6. 古代的,远古的 7. 比较 8. 表达,表示 9. 组织 10. 警告,提醒 11. 幸存,生还 12. 工程,计划,项目 13. 证明,证实 14. 位置,职位 15. 品质,质量 16. curse 17. adv

6、enturous 18. bright 19. preserve 20. discovery 21. fever 22. coincidence 23. virus 24. contact 25. survivor 26. orbit 27. astronaut 28. candidate 29. qualified 30. indeed 教学要求:给定中文的要求学生会读,会写,会用;给定英文的要求学生认识单词,有助 于学生词汇量的扩大。 二词性转换: 1. brave (名词 ) _ 2. preserve (名词) _ 3. discovery (动词) _ 4. compare (名词)

7、 _ 5. express (名词) _ 6. organize (名词) _ 7. warning (动词) _ 8. survive (名词) _ 9. successful (名词) _ (动词) _ 10. manage (名词 ) _ 教学要求:掌握基本词汇的名词,动词,形容词等的词性转换,有助于学生任务型阅读方 法和技巧的提高。 三单词拼写: 1. You shouldnt be c_ about the things that you shouldnt know. 2. -Im sorry to d_ you. -It doesnt matter. 3. The plane wa

8、s put off as a r_ of the bad weather. 4. All the people _ (在场的) at the meeting knew this thing. 5. This is a _ (科学的) research. 6. C_ with the sun, the moon is very cold. 7. Lets learn the new words and e_. 8. O_ published, the book will be a best-seller. 9. A friend in need is a friend i_. 10. The t

9、heory he stuck to p_ true at last. 11. His ability does not l_ up to his fame. 12. Can you p_ out your brother in the crowd? 13. We m _ to cross the river at last. 14. It was a _of him to run into the burning house to rescue the baby 15. The d_ of America is very important in history. 16. We _ (清空 )

10、the tomb of everything it contained-we were rich and famous right away. 17.It is a miracle for the old woman to s_(幸存)the earthquake after 7days were gone. 18. Many League Members were _(组织)to clear away rubbish on the campus. 19. The parents hard work at last p_ off when the boy was admitted to Bei

11、jing University. 20. Ill work hard to show that I am q_ for the job. 教学要求:学生能根据每个句子的中文写出英文,根据首字母写出单词,有助于学生词汇 用法的理解和掌握。 四基本短语: 1. 通过他们的思想和行为使我们的世界变得更好 change our world for the better through their thoughts and actions 2. 获得诺贝尔和平奖 win a Nobel Peace Prize 3. 木乃伊的咒语 the curse of the mummy 4. 充满冒险的旅行 an

12、adventurous travel 5. 对.感到好奇 be curious about 6. 好奇做某事,极想做某事 be curious to do sth 7. 出于好奇 out of curiosity 8. 起航,开船 set sail ( for sp ) 9. 把水果保存在罐子里 preserve fruit in a can / 把食物保存在冰箱里 preserve food in a fridge 10. 维护和平 preserve peace / 维护公共秩序 preserve the public order 11. 科学发现 make scientific disco

13、veries 12. 科学方法 scientific method / 科学种田 scientific farming / 科学突破 scientific breakthrough 13. 在峡谷里 in the valley 14. 也,又,还(连接两个主语 ) as well as / 也,又,和(放在句末 ) as well 15. 纯属巧合 pure coincidence 16. 把坟墓里含有的一切东西都倾空 empty the tomb of everything it contained 17. 生病 fall ill / 睡着 fall asleep 18. 目前,现在 at

14、the present time = at present 19. 出席,到场 be present at / 缺席,不在场 be absent from 20. 把.呈送给某人;把.交给,颁发,授予某人 present sth to sb = present sb with sth 21. 发高烧 have a high fever 22. 不久,很快 shortly after = soon after 23. 新鲜的食物 fresh food / 新鲜的空气 fresh air / 鲜花 fresh flowers / 淡水 fresh water 24. 结果 result in /

15、由导致 result from 25. 结果 as a result / 由于,因为 as a result of 26. 检查学生的作业 examine students homework / 检查植物的生长 examine the growth of plants 27. 某个 a certain + 可数名词单数 28. 对.确定,有把握 It / Sb + be certain that = Sb + be sure that 29. 做某事有把握 be certain to do sth 30. 在童年时期 in ones childhood 31. 成功,带来好结果,还清 pay

16、off 32. 偿还 pay back / 付钱 pay for 33. 访问,拜访 pay a visit to + sp 34. 把人造卫星送入轨道 send a man-made satellite into orbit 35. 组织一支军队 organize an army / 组织一次活动 organize an activity / 组织一次聚会 organize a party 36. 以.为基础 be based on / upon 37. 与.保持联系,接触 keep in contact with / get into contact with 38. 患难见真情 A fr

17、iend in need is a friend indeed. 39. 大量,许多 a great deal of / an amount of / a great many / plenty of / a quantity of / quantities of / a number of 40. 提醒或警告某人某事 warn sb of sth 41. 提醒某人(不)做某事 warn sb ( not ) to do sth 42. 希望工程 Project Hope 43. 发射火箭 launch a rocket 44. 吸入 breathe in 45. 上气不接下气 out of

18、ones breath / 屏住呼吸 hold ones breath / 深吸一口气 take a deep breath 46. 使.成为现实 make a reality= turn into a reality 47. 产生,发生 come about 48. 出现,开发,出版 come out 49. 生存技巧 survival skills 50. 使某人赢得中国第一飞行员的席位 win sb the position as Chinas first astronaut 51. 死者的安息地 the resting place of the dead 52. 仍然活在某人的心中 b

19、e still alive in ones heart 53. 搬回到 move back to 54. 名列前茅 score among the very top 55. 找出,选出 pick out 56. 单词和短语 words and expressions 57. 把 A 和 B 做比较 compare A with / to B 58. 把 A 比作 B compare A to B 59. 和比起来,和比较而言(放在句首作状语) compared to / with 60. 有资格做,胜任 be qualified for 61. 载入史册 go down in history

20、62. 实现梦想 live ones dream = realize ones dream 63. 名副其实 live up to ones name 64. 仰慕,敬仰,尊敬 look up to 65. 有做某事的权利或机会,接近,可以使用 have access to + n 66. 从某种程度上说 to some extent = to a certain extent 67. 正在使用 be in use 68. (电话) 接通 put through (to ) 69. 当谈到,当说到 when it comes to + n / Ving 70. 全心全意地 with ones

21、heart and soul 71. 被暴露在,被暴光在 be exposed to 72. 随时帮助某人,随时听从某人吩咐 at ones service 73. 发出;泄露 let out 74. 试图做某事 attempt to do sth 75. 对流利,流畅 be fluent in 76. 由组成,构成 consist of / be made up of 77. (问题,计划,方案或建议) 被提出 come up / 提出(问题,计划,方案或建议)come up with 78. 喜欢;照料 care for / 在意;关心 care about 79. 给某人施加压力 put

22、 pressure on / 在的压力下 under the pressure of 80. 与一致,相符 in accordance with 81. 在法庭上 in court 82. 按体重 by weight / 按打 by the dozen 83. 井井有条,秩序井然,有序 in order / 无序,混乱 out of order 84. 抓住,握住 take hold of 85. 面对,面临 in face of 86. 处于尴尬的境地,处于进退两难的境地 be in a dilemma 87. 擦掉,擦去 wipe out 88. 扔掉,赶走 throw out 89. 不

23、让进入,留在外面 keep out of 90. 用甜甜的微笑向某人致意 greet sb with s sweet smile 91. 关于,与相关 in connection with 92. 渴望 be desperate for 93. 渴望做某事,不顾一切拼命做某事 be desperate to do sth 94. 打开 turn on = switch on / 关闭 turn off = switch off 95. 把重点转移到 switch its focus to 96. 目前,暂时 for the moment / 此刻,此时 at the moment 97. 一会

24、儿 for a moment / 不久,马上 in a moment 98. 还要过多久时间才It be + 时间段 + before 99. 对有天赋 have a gift for 100. 尽全力,尽最大可能 to the best of ones ability 教学要求:学生会写,会默本单元的常用短语,注意介词短语和动词短语的固定搭配,尤 其要掌握考试和练习中的高频词组,有助于学生提高选择题的正确率。 五完成句子: 1. 如果这些病毒被人体吸入,他们就会导致疾病甚至死亡。 _ _ _, the viruses can _ _ illness and death. 2. 他生病后不久就

25、被老板解雇了。 _ _ _ _ _ _ , the boss fired him. 3. 我极想知道他是否待在美国。 _ _ _ _ _ whether she stayed in the United States. 4. 正是他在心里测试的高分最终使他获得中国首位宇航员的席位。 _ _his high scores on the psychological tests_finally _ him his _ _ Chinas first _. 5. 有一点可以肯定,图坦卡蒙国王墓之谜至今还没有能够完全破解。 _ _ _ _the mystery of Tutankhamuns tomb h

26、as never been fully explained. 6. 我们挖走了墓里装的一切。 We _ the tomb _ everything it _. 教学要求:熟悉本单元的常用句型结构,并能举例或翻译,有助于夯实学生的基础知识。 六基本语法: 1. I saw Jane and her boyfriend in the park at eight yesterday evening. Impossible. She _TV with me in my home then. A. watched B. had watched C. would watch D. was watching

27、 2. Cathy is taking notes of the grammatical rules in class at Sunshine School, where she _ English for a year. A. studies B. studied C. is studying D. has been studying 3. _ you _ him around the museum yet? Yes. We had a great time there. A. Have shown B. Do show C. Had shown D. Did show 4. The une

28、mployment rate in this district_from 6% to 5% in the past two years. Ahas fallen Bhad fallen Cis fall in Dwas falling 5. John had to have his car repaired in a garage because it_seriously. Adamaged Bwas being damaged Chad damaged Dhad been damaged 6. When you get the paper back, pay special attentio

29、n to what _ . Ahave marked B. have been marked Chad marked Dhad been marked 7. Did you see a man in black pass by just now? No, sir. I _ a newspaper. A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading 8. Jack bought a new mobile phone the other day. _? Thats his third one in just one month. A. Had h

30、e B. Did he C. Does he D. Has he 9. Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where _ yet. A. hasnt been decided B. havent decided C. isnt being decided D. arent decided 10. The play had already been on for quite some time when we _ at the New Theatre. A. have arriv

31、ed B. arrived C. had arrived D. arrive 11. Did Alan enjoy seeing his old friends yesterday? Yes, he did. He _ his old friends for a long time. A. didnt see B. wouldnt see C. hasnt seen D. hadnt seen 12. Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time? Yes, since she _ the Chinese Society. A. has joined B

32、. joins C. had joined D. joined 13. So far this year we _ a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent. A. saw B. see C. had seen D. have seen 14. Do you have any problems if you _ this job? Well, Im thinking about the salary. A. offer B. will offer C. are offered D. will be offered 15. Im sur

33、e Andrew will win the first prize in the final. I think so. He _ for it for months. A. is preparing B. was preparing C. had been preparing D. has been preparing 16. Judy is going to marry the sailor she _ in Rome last year. A. meets B. met C. has met D. would meet 17. He _ as a national hero for win

34、ning the first gold metal for his country in the Olympics. A. regarded B. was regarded C. has regarded D. had been regarded 18. Recently quite a lot of experts _ that another law on wildlife protection _ as soon as possible. A. suggested; must be passed B. have suggested; be passed C. were suggested

35、; must be passed D. suggested; being passed 19. He _ fault with other people though he doesnt do his work properly. A. always finds B. has always found C. is always finding D. always found 20. When Mark opened the door, he saw a women standing there. He _ her before. A. never saw B. had never seen C

36、. never sees D. has never seen 21. He _ more than 5000 words when he entered the university at the age of 15. A. has learned B. would have learned C. learned D. had learned 22. We have sometimes accidents on this line, but no accidents _since last winter. A. occur B. have occurred C. have been occur

37、ring D. are occurring 23. Her students _busily when Miss Brown went back to get a book she _ in the classroom. A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left 24 I arrived late; I _ the road to be so icy. A. wouldnt expected B. havent expected C. had

38、nt expected D. wasnt expecting 25. John and I _ friends for 8 years. We first got to know each other at the Christmas party. But we _ each other a couple of times before that. A. had been; have seen B. have been; have seen C. had been; had seen D. have been; had seen 26. John told Mary that he _ wha

39、t he was going to do during the vacation. A. was just asked B. was just asking C. had just been asked D. had just asked 27. What _ you _ at this time tomorrow? A. are doing B. will do C. are going to D. will be doing 28. He has just arrived, but I didnt know he _ until yesterday. A. will come B. was

40、 coming C. had been coming D. comes 29. The new bridge _ by the end of last month. A. has been designed B. had been designed C. was designed D. would be designed 30. - Have you handed in your schoolwork yet? - Yes, I have. I guess it _ now. A. has graded B. is graded C. is being graded D. is grading

41、 教学要求:了解几种常考时态的基本用法,如一般过去时、现在完成时、现在完成进行时、 过去完成时、一般将来时、将来完成时等的基本用法,并能够在真实的情景中灵活使用各 种时态进行日常交际。同时要让学生搞清楚几组动词时态的区别,如过去进行时和一般过 去时,一般过去时和过去完成时,现在完成时的区别。 七单项选择: 1. The assembly hall is big enough _, but well have to move if we have more students. A. for the moment B. for a moment C. in a moment D. at the m

42、oment 2. Greatly moved by what the teacher said, _. A. his heart was full of gratefulness B. tears came to his eyes C. his eyes were filled with tears D. the boys could hardly get back his tears 3. It was near the place _ there was a small river _ we found the dying tiger. A. where; where B. where;

43、that C. that; where D. that; that 4. It was dawn _ we arrived in Paris, half of _ we have covered before. A. that, which B. that, where C. when, which D. when, where 5. _ it is to go hiking! A. What much fun B. How fun C. What fun D. How great fun 6. I stood on the coast, _ by the sight of the sunri

44、se. A. being puzzled B. puzzled C. puzzling D. being puzzling 7. Is this the reason _ for his being late? A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained 8. The price _, but I doubt whether it will remain so. A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going dow

45、n 9. The son took charge of the hotel after his father _. A. died away B. die out C. passed away D. passed by 10. How strange his name _ to us Chinese! People would consider him _ a Japanese. A. listens; as B. listens; being C. sounds; to be D. sounds; being 11. Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, _. A. even B. either C. then D. though 12. Your success has resulted _ your hard work. His angry words resulted _ a fight. A. fro


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