2013春牛津译林版七下《unit6 outdoor fun》word教案1.doc

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1、Unit 6 Outdoor fun 名词 击中,撞 经过 野营 注意,察觉 足够的,充分的 骑自行车运动 使惊奇,使措手不及 介词 骑马 开始变得,变成 在.旁边,靠近 溜冰 决定 到 .里面 家兔 进入 穿过,通过 洞 忘记 向,朝 手表 伸手(脚)够到 其他 侧,边 爬,攀登 哎呀,天哪 帐篷 失败 她自己 木头,木材 形容词 词组 一段时间,时 期 户外的 快点,赶快 朝代,王朝 独自的,单独的 站起身,起立 世纪,百年 低的,矮的 逃脱,离开 省 锁上的 通过 动词 意大利的 搭,竖立 急忙,匆忙 激动地 从那时起 抱怨 甜的 手机 骑 副词 一点,少许 经过,通过 那么,那样 太.

2、 而不能 落下,掉落 在外面 Part 1 (P68 -69) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.户外的_ 2.赶快_ 3.抱怨_ 4.那么,那样_ 5.野营_ 6.骑自行车运动_ 7.骑马_ 8.溜冰_ 9.骑(马,自行车等)_ 10.在外面_ II. 重点词组 1.快点,赶快_2.太重了_3.帮我提着它_ 4.抱怨太多了_5.那么重_6.户外乐趣_ 7.户外活动_8.去骑马_9.去野营_ 10.喜欢呆在外面_11.美丽的湖泊和小山_ 课堂知识点拨 1.You complain too much. 译:_ 解析 1 too much - 太多,过分(副词短语,修饰动词) 链接 too muc

3、h -太多的(修饰不可数名词) 辨析 too many -太多的 (修饰可数名词) 练习 a. 在这上面你不必花太多钱。You dont _ _ spend _ _ money _ it. b. 昨天我买了太多的蔬菜。I _ _ _ _ yesterday. c. 晚会不要过分准备。_ prepare _ _ _ the party. 解析 2 complain - 抱怨( 不及物动词) 链接 complain to sb. - 向某人抱怨 complain about sth. - 抱怨某事 练习 a. She never complains to us about her hard (艰难

4、的) life. 译: _ b.不要总是抱怨你的作业太多。_ always _ _ your _ _ homework. 2. -What do you like about camping.? -I like being outside. 译: _ 解析 What do/ does + 主语+ like about.?- 喜欢.的什么 (方面)? 练习 a.-你喜欢中国的什么?-人民和美食. _ _ you _ _ China? _ and _. b. Lily 喜欢二中什么方面?-乐于助人的老师和友好的学生。 _ _ Lily _ _ No.2 Middle School? _ teach

5、ers and _ student. Part 2 (P70 -72) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.家兔_ 2.洞_ 3.在.旁边,靠近 _4.经过;通过_ 5.经过 _ 6.哎呀,天哪_7.手表_8.落下,掉落_ 9.到达;击中,撞 _ 10.她自己_ 11.独自,单独_ 12.低的,矮的_ 13.锁上的_ 14.注意,察觉_15.到.里面_16.侧,边_17.穿过,通过 _ 18.使惊奇,使措手不及_ II. 重点词语 1.站起身,起立_ 2.逃脱,离开_ 3.通过_ 4.一个阳光灿烂的日子_ 5.坐在河边_ 6.听见一个声音_ 7.向上看_8.一只穿着大衣的白兔_9.走过_ 10.

6、从它兜里掏出一块表_11.看了看时间_ 12.跟着兔子穿过田野_13.跳进一个大洞_ 14.下落很长时间_15.撞到了地面上_ 16.发现她独自一人_17.到处_ 18.把钥匙插到里面_19.在(两边的) 另外一边_ 20.努力穿过那扇门_21.用钥匙来打开小门_ 课堂知识点拨 1. She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by. 译: _ 解析 1 look up - 向上看;( 在词典中)查找 链接 look for - _ look after - 照顾;保管 look at - 看 look out - 向外看;小心

7、 练习 a.向上看,你就能看见蓝天白云。_ _, and _ _ _the blue sky and white clouds. b.恐怕你得在词典里查这个词。Im _ you _ _ _ _the word in the dictionary. 解析 2 see sb. doing sth. - 看见某人正在干某事 链接 see sb do sth. - 看见某人干某事 练习 a.我去年经常看见 Bob 乘地铁去上学。I often _ Bob _ to school _ underground _ _. b.刚才我看见 Bob 正在乘地铁去上学。 I _ Bob _ to school _

8、 underground _ _. 解析 3 pass - 经过,通过;传,递 pass by - 经过,过去 链接 pass sth to sb. = pass sb. ath.- 把某物递给某 人 练习 a. 刚才他看见一辆公交车正在经过。 He _ a bus _ _ _ _. b. 明天我将让 Lucy 把这封信递给你。 I will _ Lucy _ _ the letter _ you tomorrow. 解析 4 by - 经过(副词);在 旁边;不迟于;通过方式 (介词) 练习 a. Suddenly, he heard someone walk by quickly. 译:_

9、 b. Therere some children playing by the river. 译:_ c. By 1935, therere about 2,000 TVs in use. 译:_ d. You can learn English by listening to songs. 译:_ e. They went to England by plane last month. 译:_ 2. Alice did not want to let the rabbit get away, so she jumped down the hole too. 译:_ 解析 1 let sb.

10、 do sth. - 让某人干某事 链接 make sb do sth. - 使某人干某事 练习 a. 让我们后天去湖上划船吧。 _ _ _ a boat _ the lake _ _ _ _. b. 这个有趣的故事使我们哈哈大笑。The _ story _ _ _. 解析 2 so - 因此,所以 (连词) 注意 英语中,连词 so 和 because 不能同时出现在一个句子中 练习 a. Its cold outside, so I have to stay at home. (同义句) _ its cold, I have to stay at home. b. He was late

11、for my party, because he took the wrong bus. (同义句) He took the wrong bus, _ he was late for my party. 链接 so - 那么,那样 (副词) 同义词 - that 练习 a. 别担心!这个包没有那么重。_ _. The bag isnt _/_ _. b. 这个老人不能走那么远。The old man _ _ _/_ _. 3. She found herself alone in a long, low hall. 译:_ 解析 alone - 独自的,单独的( 形容词) 拓展 alone -

12、 独自地,单独地( 副词) 练习 a.人们注意到这位老人总是独自一个人在家。People _ the old man _ always _ at home. b. Amy 不敢独自走夜路。Amy _ _ to _ _ at night. 4. There were doors all around, but they were all locked. 译:_ 解析 all around - 四周,到处 locked - 锁着的( 形容词) 链接 lock - 锁( 名词);上锁(动词) 练习 a. 他两个小时前用锁把门锁上了。He _ the door _ the _ two hours _.

13、 b. 看!这个门没有锁。 Look! The door _ _. 5. Alice saw a small key on the table, but it didnt fit any of the doors. 译:_ 解析 fit - 适合(动词) 链接 fit - 合适的,健康的(形容词) 练习 a. 这双鞋很适合我穿。This _ _ shoes _ me very well. b. 这些玩具很适合这些孩子们。The toys _ the children _ _. c. 我们应该学会如何保持健康。We _ learn _ _ _ _. 6. Then Alice noticed a

14、 small door and put the key into it. 译:_ 解析 1 notice - 觉察到,注意到 (感官动词) notice - 通知(名词) 链接 notice sb. do sth. - 注意到某人干了某事 notice sb. doing sth. - 注意到某人正在干某事 练习 a. 墙上有一张通知。There _ _ _ _ the wall. b. 刚才我注意到 Lily 锁上了门。 I _ Lily _ the door _ _. c. 我注意到一个穿红衣服的男孩正在经过。 I _ a boy _ _ _ _. 解析 2 into - 进入.里(强调动

15、态) 链接 in - 在. 里(强调静态) 练习 a. 一个男孩正走进教室。 A boy _ _ _ the classroom. b. 教室里有一个男孩。 _ _ a boy _ the classroom. 7. Alice tried to go through the door, but she was too big. 译: _ 解析 1 try - 尝试,努力 链接 try to do sth. - 努力干某事 拓展 try doing sth. - 尝试干某事 练习 a. 我一直盼望着尝试一下独自做饭。 I always look forward to _ _ alone. b.

16、 如果你努力学英语,你就能上大学。_ you _ _ learn English, you can _ _ _. 解析 2 through (介) -(从物体内部) 穿过 辨析 across (介) -(从物体表面横向)穿过 over-(从物体上面) 跨过 练习 a. 看!一个老太太正在过马路。Look! _ old woman is going _ the road. b. 一个八岁的小男孩正在穿过窗户进房间。_ 8-year-old boy is going _ the window into the room. c. The two boys jumped over the wall a

17、nd ran away. 译: _ 8. Alice opened a small door with the key. 译:_ 解析 with - 用(介词) 链接 with - 和;伴随;带有 (介词) 练习 a. I slept with my parents when I was young. 译: _ b. They own a big house with a beautiful garden. 译: _ c. You mustnt draw on the wall with chalk. 译: _ Part 3 (P73-74) 课前自主学习 重点单词 1.搭,竖立_ 2.帐篷_

18、 3.和他的朋友们练习打排球_ 4.昨天下午_5.呆在家里_ 6.上周_ 7.上月_8.在湖边搭帐篷_9.整夜呆在外边_ 语法知识点拨(一般过去式 ) 1.含有 be 动词的一般过去式的句式变化: 句式 构成 例句 肯定句 主语+was/were+ 其它+ 过去的时间状语 They _ (be) young 10 years ago. 否定句 主语+was/were +not+其它+过去的时间状语 I _ (be not) at school yesterday. 一般疑问句 Was/Were +主语+ 其它+过去的时间状语? Yes,主语 +was/were. No, 主语+wasnt/we

19、rent. _ (be) you born(出生) in 1999? Yes, I _. / No. I _. _ (be) they happy? Yes, they _. 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句? Where _ (be) your father last Sunday? 2.含有行为动词一般过去式的句式变化: 句式 构成 例句 肯定句 主语+过去式+其它+过去的时间状语 He _ (play) basketball yesterday. 否定句 主语+did not/didnt+动原+其它+过去的时间状语 They _(not work) in the shop last

20、 year. 一般疑问句 Did+主语+动原+其它+ 过去的时间状语 肯定回答:Yes,主语+did. 否定回答:No,主语+didnt. _ he _ (borrow) the book just now? Yes, they _. / No, they _. 特殊疑问句 疑问词+一般疑问句? When _ he _ (go) to work yesterday? 句型转换: 1. There were some tigers in the forest.(变为否定句) There _ _ tigers in the forest. 2. Kate was in the classroom

21、just now.(一般疑问,否定回答)_ Kate in the classroom just now? No, _ _. 3. I was born in Xinxiang. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ born? 4. I asked my father to fix my desk the day before yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ your father to fix _ desk the day before yesterday? 5. She spent two hours reading the book this morning.(改为否定

22、句) She _ _ two hours _ the book this morning. 6. I came to school at 7:20 am yesterday morning. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ you _ to school yesterday morning? 7. Bob will buy some pens in the shop next Sunday. (把 next Sunday 改为 last Sunday) Bob _ some pens in the shop _ _. 8. Does Tom often play football? (加上 w

23、hen 引导的时间状语) _ Tom often _ football when he was 10 years old? Part 4 (P75-76) 课前自主学习 I. 重点单词 1.木头,木材_ 2.一段时间,时期_ 3.朝代,王朝_ 4.世纪,百年 _ 5.意大利的_ 6.省_ 7.手机_ 8.感到激动的_ 9.从那以后_ II. 重点词语 1.有着悠久的历史_ 2.开始扎风筝_ 3. in the Warring States period _ 4.make a bird out of wood_ 5.历史上第一个风筝_ 6.用竹子扎风筝_ 7.in the Eastern Han

24、 dynasty_ 8.一个造纸的新方法_ 9.in the 13th century _ 10.一个叫的意大利人_ 11.变成一项非常流行的活动_ 12.become famous for_ 课堂知识点拨 1a famous man made a bird out of wood. 译:_ 解析 make sth. out of sth. - 用某种材料制做成某物 = use sth. to make sth. 练习 a. His student used bamboo to make kites. = His student _ _ _ _ _. b.中国人很久以前就会用木材造纸。 Chi

25、nese _ make _ _ _ _ a long time _. = Chinese _ _ _ make _ a long time _. c. 我妈妈会用橘子做灯笼。My mother can _ lanterns _ _ _. 2. He found a new way to make paper. 译:_ 解析 a way to do sth. - 一个做某事的方法(动词不定式做后置定语) 链接 on ones way to -_ 练习 a. He tries to find a good way to learn English. 译:_ b.朗读是学英语的最佳方法。_ is _

26、 best _ _ learn English. 3. Weifang, a city in Shangdong Province, has become famous for making kites from then on. 译:_ 解析 1 become famous for- 因为而变得出名 练习 a. 十年前姚明因为 NBA 而出名。Yao Ming _ _ _ _basketball 10 years _. b. 因为大熊猫中国世界闻名。China _ _ _ pandas _ _ _ _. 解析 2 from then on - 从那以后 思考 from now on - _

27、练习 a. 从那以后,她再也不怕蛇了。She _ _ _ snakes _ _ _ _ _. b. 从今往后,我打算努力学习。I _ _ _ learn English _ _ _. 4. I am so excited. 译:_ 解析 excited - (感到)激动的(形容词) 常用来修饰人 链接 exciting - 令人激动的(形容词)常用来修饰事物 练习 a. 这本书使我感到激动。 The book _ _ _. b. 昨天的比赛令人激动。_ match _ _. c. 学生们听到这个令人兴奋的消息很激动. The students _ all very _ when they _

28、the _ news. 5. Its dangerous to swim in the lake. 译:_ 解析 Its + 形容词 + (for sb) + to do sth. - (对某人来说)做某事是.的 练习 a.对我们来说把英语学好很重要。_ _ _us _ _ English well. b.对 Bob 来说做数学作业很难。 _ _ _ Bob _ _ math homework. 6. Remember to take your mobile phone. 译:_ 解析 remember to do sth. - 记得去干某事( 事情还没做) 辨析 remember doing

29、 sth. - 记得干过某事( 事情已做) 拓展 forget to do sth. - _ forget doing sth. - _ 练习 a. Tom!Remember to lock the door when you leave. 译: _ b. I remember locking the door, but it is open now. 译: _ c. 昨天他忘记写作业了。He _ _ _ his homework yesterday. d. 真有趣他忘记写过作业了。Its _ that he _ _ his homework. Part 5 (P78 -79) I. 重点单词

30、 1 一点,少许_ 2.甜的_ 3.开始变得,变成_ 4.足够的,充分的 _ 5.决定_ 6.进入_7.向,朝_8.忘记_9.太.而不能. _ 10.伸手够到_11.爬,攀登_12.失败_ II. 重点词语 1.回到桌子那儿_ 2.喝了一点_ 3.尝起来甜的_ 4.又喝了一些_ 5.感觉有点不舒服 _ 6.向下看_ 7.变得越来越小 _ 8.足够小_ 9.穿过那扇门 _ 10.决定进到花园里 _ 11.朝那扇门走去_ 12.伸手够钥匙_ 13.努力爬上去_ 14.一块蛋糕._ 课堂知识点拨 1. Alice didnt know what to do. 译:_ 思考 what to do 在句

31、中作动词 know 的_语。 练习 a. Do you know how to use it? 译:_ b. 我不知道首先做什么。I don t know _ _ _ _. c. 你能告诉我们下一步去哪儿吗? _ you _ us _ _ _ next? 2. A note on the table said “DRINK ME“. 译:_ 解析 said - say - 说(强调说的内容), 此处 say 是习惯用法,英语中还有:信上说;书上说;通知上说 辨析 tell - 告诉 speak - 说话,说语言 talk (about) - 谈论 练习 a.Bob 自言自语说:“太奇怪了。 ” Bob _ _ _, Its _. b.我打算告诉你一些奇怪的事。 I am going to _ you _ _. c.学生们说好英语是很重要的。 Its _ that students _ _


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