2013秋外研版八上module1《how to learn english》word学案.doc

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1、Module 1 Unit 1 一、目标导向:表示提建议的句型有: 1、 How/What about doing ? 2、Would you like to do sth ? 2、 Lets do sth 3、 Why dont you do sth? 4、 Why not do sth? 6、You should/shouldnt do sth 7、Its a good idea to do sth. 二、自主尝试(translation) 1. 为什么你不买些笔记本呢? 2. 为什么你不听收音机呢? 3. 为什么我们不纠正我们的错误呢? 4. 老师应该帮助小朋友们过马路 5. 贝蒂帮我学

2、英语。 三、因势利导( Fill in the blanks) (1) She should (go) to school early. (2) Why dont you (play) basketball? (3) How about (eat) noodles? (4) There are five (mistake) in your homework (5) She is going to (help) his father. (6) Its a good idea to (get) up early (7) He (play) football very well (8) My mot

3、her has six (pen friend). 四、及时巩固(translation) 1. Robin doesnt speak Chinese so Ill have to _ (翻译). 2. _ (改正) the mistakes of your homework is very important. 3. Can you _ (重复) your questions? 4. Make sure you give _ (每个) word its right _(发音). 5. Can you give me some _ (建议) about buying a house? 6. W

4、ho _ (其他的) was at the party? 7. I have two _ (录音机). 8. Youve got some _ (极好的) CDs here. 9. He works in a province _ (管弦乐队). 10. 为什么你不把你的错的地方写在你的笔记本上呢? _ you _ the mistakes in your notebook? 11. 把这篇文章翻译成英文怎么样呢? _ this writing into English? 12. 不要尝试与坏人交朋友。 _ make friends with bad men. 13. 不要忘了每天要完成作业。

5、_finish homework every day. 14. 你应该帮你的妈妈做点家务活。 You _ your mother _ some housework. 15. 假期去旅行是个好主意 _ travel on your holiday. Module 1 Unit 2 一.目标导向(掌握下列词汇用法) Ask for advice about doing 询问关于的建议 Advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 Improve my/ your/ his/ her/ our/ their English 提高英语 Enjoy watching English fil

6、ms 喜欢看英文电影 This is a great way to do sth. 这是做某件事的好方法。 Guess the meaning of the new words. 猜新词的意思。 Enjoy myself/ yourself/ himself/ herself/ ourselves/ themselves/ yourselves have a good time 玩的很开心 Start a conversation 开始交谈 Take a deep breath 深呼吸 Smiling always helps. 微笑总是很有用。 A piece of paper / eigh

7、t pieces of paper 一张纸/ 八张纸 Find it easy to have a conversation 发现开始一段对话很简单 Make you shy 让你很害羞 The best piece of advice 最好的一条建议 Understand my English teacher 听的懂我英语老师所说的内容 American and British accents 美式和英式英语 二. 自主尝试(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. You shouldnt _ _ (考虑)the things youre not good at. 2. My teacher gave

8、 me _ _(一些建议) and I _ them _(写下) in my study diary 3. _ _ _ _(这是个好主意) to write the new words in groups. 4Practice more and I think you will _ _(做得更好). 5. _ _(别忘记) to finish the work on time. 6. If you dont understand you can ask the teacher _ _(帮助)。 7. I dont know _ _ _ (怎样翻译)the sentences into Engl

9、ish. 8_ _ _ (我们为什么不) go for a walk? 三.因势利导(按要求变换句型) 1. You can improve your English by listening to the radio.(对划线部分提问) _ _ I improve _ English? 2. Why dont you have a rest? (写同义句) _ _ _ a rest? 3. You should go to bed early. (改为否定句) You _ go to bed _. 4. I check my vocabulary notebook every day. (对

10、划线部分提问 ) _ _ do you _ your vocabulary notebook? 5. She should speak more English in class. (改为一般疑问句) _ she _ more English in class? 6. Please send your questions to the Language Doctor. (写同义句) _ the Language Doctor your _, please. 7. Sam cant speak to the foreign teacher because he is shy. (对划线部分提问)

11、 _ _ Sam speak to the foreign teacher? 8. They did some concerts in China last year. (改为否定句) They _ _ _ concerts in China last year. 四及时巩固(单项选择) 1. ( ) Its a good way _ English in the morning every day. A. look B. to look C. read D. to read 2. ( ) Our teachers often advise us _ computer games a lot.

12、 A. to play B. playing C. not to play D. not playing 3. ( ) Please take out your notebook and_. A. write it down B. write down them C. write down it D. wrote it down 4. ( ) Dont forget _ the lights when you leave. A. turning on B. turn off C. to turn off D. to turning off 5. ( ) It _ me 15 minutes _

13、 English every morning. A. took, to read B. takes, to read C. took, reading D. takes, in reading 6. ( ) You should _ English in class. A. to speak B. speaking C. speak D. not speak 7. ( ) What did your teacher give you last term? _. A. Some advices. B. A lots of advice C. A piece of advice D. Advice

14、s 8. ( ) _ you _ the radio in English? A. How about, listening to B. Why not, listen C. Will, listen D. Why dont, listen 9. ( )Its hard for Lingling to understand TV programs _ English. A. on B. in C. at D. around 10. ( )How can I practice _ ? A. speaking English B. listen to English songs C. to wat

15、ch English film 11. ( ) Does he _ English moves? A. enjoy to watch B. enjoys seeing C. likes watching D. enjoy watching 12. ( ) Which is wrong? _ is a good idea to learn English. A. Listening to real English songs B. Watching American films C. Reading lots of newspaper in English D. Translating ever

16、y words 13. ( ) Can you tell me _ English well? A. how to learn B. what to learn C. how can I learn 14. ( ) Look, Mr. Li is _ the visitors _ our school. A. show , around B. showing, around C. showed, around 15. ( ) I want to know _. A. where is the park B. how can I get to the park C. where the park

17、 is. 16. ( ) _ did you get on your 14th birthday? A. What else B. What also C. How else D. When else 17. ( ) Why not write the correct words next to the mistakes? A. You are right. B. Good idea. C. youre welcome. D. Im sorry. 18.( ) What questions do you have _ learning vocabulary? A. to B. over C. at D. about 19. ( ) Im not good at _ . A. understand real English B. singing English songs C. read English stories D. sending emails at my friends 20. ( ) How about buying some food and _ a picnic in the park? A. have B. has C. had D. having


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