2013牛津译林版选修十unit 1《building the future》word单元学案.doc

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1、Module10 Unit 1 Building the future 单元学案 一.重点单词 1._ adj.政治 2. _ adv.现在,目前 3. _ adj.全球的,世界性的 4. _ n.失业 5. _ adj.营养的 6. _ n.灌溉 7. _ adj.依靠的,依赖的,随而定的 8. _ vt.偿还,报答,回 报 9_vt./vi.(使)变弱,削弱 10. _n.创造力 11._adj.电的, 用电的 12._ adj.有毒的 13._vt./vi.操作,手术 14._adj.传统的,常规 的,老套的 15._ adj.系统的,有计划 16._vt.夺走(生命) 17_ vt.将

2、定为目标 18. _ vt. 发起运动 19._ vt. 给提供动力 ,驱动 20. _ adj 可供选择的 二. 重点短语. 1. _以非常快的速度发展 2. _给施加压力 3. _另外,此外 4. _根据 5. _处在抉择的关键时刻 6. _导致收成损毁 7. _毫无疑问 8. _为饥荒收难者募集资 金 9. _一生填饱肚子 10. _集中于 11. _负债 12. _年长者 13. _展示, 炫耀_ 14. _将付诸实施 15. _处于危险状 16. _只要 17. _努力争取 18. _促成, 导致 19. _处于危险中 20. _在可预见的未来内 三. 词汇复习 1. doubt (

3、回归课本) It is without doubt and on amazing achievement, but is it enough?(P2) (归纳拓展一) n. (C/U) 怀疑, 疑惑, 不确定 doubt about/as to sth. 关于 的怀疑 doubt (about/as to) +whether/if (用于肯定句) 对某事是否 持有疑问 doubt that (用于否定/疑问句 ) 怀疑 (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列句子. I _ his words. 对于他的话是否真实我有些怀疑. _ he is the best man for the job. 他是

4、不是担任那项工作的最合适人选,有些怀疑. _ his success. 毫无疑问, 他一定会成功. _ we did the right thing. 毫无疑问我们做得对. (归纳拓展二) beyond/out of doubt(副) 毫无疑问地, 确实地 in doubt(形) 不肯定,不确定 no doubt(副) 确实地 ,必定地 without doubt(副) 无疑地, 必定地 (归纳拓展三) vt. 怀疑, 疑惑, 不相信 doubt + n. doubt + whether/if (用于肯定句) doubt + that (用于否定/疑问句) (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列句

5、子. _. 似乎没有理由怀疑她所说的话. _ he will keep his word.我怀疑他是否回遵守诺言. I _ she would come.我从未怀疑过她会来. (重点提示) doubt 无论是作名词还是动词用,用在否定/ 疑问句中后面如接 that 从句; 作动词用时, 在肯 定句中后接 whether/if 从句, 作名词用; 否定句中有接 whether 从句只能用于肯定句. (归纳拓展四) adj. doubtful 在怀疑的,不确定的 doubtful about (doing) sth. 不确定 , 怀疑 doubtful whether/if/that 未必; 难说

6、; 不大 可能 2. on top of (回归课本) On top of this, according to the United Nations, hunger and malnutrition claim ten million lives every year.(P2) (归纳拓展一) prep. on top of 除此之外,而且 on (the) top of 在上面 (以练促记) 根据所学的知识完成下列练习. He lost his wife _ he got ill. 他的妻子过世, 更糟的是, 他自己又生病了. He put his books_. 他把他的书放在她的上面.

7、 (归纳拓展二) on top adj./adv. 在上面 on top of the world adj. 非常幸福的 from top to toe/bottom adv. 从头到脚 3. claim (回归课本) hunger and malnutrition claim(P2) (归纳拓展一) claim sth 值得,需要,夺去生命,要求 sb claim (that) 声称 ;断言 sb claim to do 声称曾经 (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习. The earthquake _.那次地震夺走了数千条人命. They _.他们要求报酬. He claimed (th

8、at) he had seen the picture.= He _ the picture.他声称他曾看过这幅 画. (归纳拓展二) n. 要求, 主张 (C/U) (要求的) 权利,资格 make a claim 提出主张/要求 give up a claim 放弃要求 4. target (回归课本) which targets people most at risk (P2) (归纳拓展一) vt. target sb./sth. 把 作为目标 Our bombers went out today to target the enemy airport. 我军轰炸机今天出击, 以敌人的

9、机场 作为轰炸目标. (归纳拓展二) n. 靶子, 目标 an easy target 容易击中的目标;容易受攻击的人 5. alone (回归课本) food aid alone is not enough(P3) (归纳拓展一) adj. 只有; 仅仅 (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习. You cannot _. 你不能单靠吃肉生活. _ answer the question. 只有她能回答这个问题 . (重点提示) 当 alone 作此意解时, 只能置于相关名词或代词之后 ,而 only 只能作前置定 语. (归纳拓展二) adj./adv. 独自的,孤独的,单独的 (辨析比较

10、) alone 作形容词用,意思为 “单独,独自一个人”, 不带感情色彩 . lonely 只作形容词用 ,意思为 “孤独的,寂寞的”, 表示主观上 “孤独,寂寞”,可作定语,也可作 表语. (注意) 作形容词时, alone 不能和 very 连用,应要说 much alone, very much ;而 lonely 则可 以受 very 的修饰. (归纳拓展三) leave/let alone 不理会 6.go (回归课本) There is a saying that goes(P3) (归纳拓展一) vi.(文句等) 表达为 + (adv.) 流传, (谣言等) 散布 + (adv.

11、) (事情)进展,进行 + (adv.) (机械等) 动, 运转 + (adv.) (通道等) 通, 达, 延及 + (adv.)( 不可用进行时) (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习. _. 他所说的话在此地流传. His lecture _. 他的演讲进行顺利. I dropped my watch and now _. 我的手表掉在地上, 现在不走了. This route _. 这条路线延伸到东部. (辨析比较)go, read, say, write go 意为 “(文句等)表达为”, 强调( 诗或歌中词/ 调) 唱,说或指( 故事等)发生情况如何, 如, How does th

12、at song go? 那首歌怎么唱 ? The story goes that shes been married five times. 据传她结过五次婚. read 意为 “ 应读作 ,写着,写成是 ”, 强调的是 “告示,信或段落等书写的内容.如, The sign read “No admittance”.告示牌上写着禁止入内”. Ive changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows我已经修改了最后一段,现在是这 样写的 say 意为 “写道,说,指示”,强调 “ 书面材料或可见的东西” 所提供的信息,很多情况下能与 read

13、 连用. The notice said “Keep out”.告示上写着 “禁止入内”. The clock said three oclock.时钟显示三点整。 The book doesnt say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。 Write 意为 “写道”,强调 “书面陈述,以(文字) 说”. 如, In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved. 他在最近的一部书里写道,那个理论后来已被证明不能成立. (归纳拓展二) 变成(某种状态) + adj. 处于(某种状

14、态) + adj. His face _. 他气得满脸通红. Many people _ all over the world.世界上很多人还在挨饿. 7.handy(回归课本) I enjoy writing stories on my mothers handy old typewriter, and I have always wanted to write novels.(P9) (归纳拓展一) adj. 手边的, 近便; 有用的; 易使用的; 手巧的 (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习. _ ? 你手头有钢笔吗? This dictionary _. 这本词典很好用. She _

15、 her needles. 她擅长针线活. (归纳拓展二) come in handy vi. 有时侯会有用 Dont throw that away - it might come in handy.别把它扔掉- 它或许有用. 8 thousands of (回归课本) Now thousands of tourists(P11) (归纳拓展一) thousands of 数以千计的 tens/hundreds of thousands of 数以万计的 t housands upon thousands of 数以万计的 (归纳拓展二) a thousand and one 大量的, 好多

16、的 one in a thousand 少有的, 千里挑一的 by the thousands adv. 成千上万地 9.electrical (回归课本). to have a shower, to boil water, to power electrical equipment and to turn oil into petrol. (P14) (辨析比较) electrical/electric/ electronic electrical adj. “ 与电有关的”, 作定语. 如, electrical engineering 电机工程 an electrical enginee

17、r 电机工程师 electric adj. “ 电的(由电操纵或由电产生的 ) electric power 电力 an electric car/fan/lamp/outlet 电车/电风扇/ 电灯/电源插座 electronic 是形容词, 意思是 “电子的”. 如, electronic computer 电子计算机 electronic mail 电子邮件 electronic organ 电子琴 10.run out ( 回归课本) some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the forese

18、eable future. (P14) (归纳拓展一) vi. (事物) 用尽 ,结束,完了,( 期限 )到期 vt. 使(某人) 跑得筋疲力尽 (以练促记) 根据所学的知识完成下列练习. Our food_. 我们的粮食快用尽了 . The contract_ on June 30. 那合同将于 6 月 30 日期满. Smith_ before he reached the goal. 史密斯还没到终点就筋疲力尽了. (辨析比较) run out vi. run out of vt. 将 用光,买光,缺乏 Our food will soon run out. We will soon r

19、un out of our food. (重点提示) 相近意思的词组有: give out vi. ( 食物等 ) 用尽; 筋疲力尽 use up vt. 用尽,吃光 (sth) run short(某物)快用完,(钱) 不够用了 (sb) run short of sth 快用完( 某物) 11. push for (回归课本) This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources. (P15) (归纳拓展) push (sb) for sth. 不断要求,争取 ,催促 They _ on

20、GM foods.他们正强烈要求取缔转基因食品. Im going to have to push you for an answer._. 12. kind of (回归课本) Today , different kinds of windmills(P15) (归纳拓展一) a kind of 一种 kinds of 多种 (重点提示) This kind of book is interesting.= Books of this kind are interesting. 这种书很有趣. (归纳拓展二) kind of =sort of adv. 多少有一点,有几分 I feel ki

21、nd of cold. 我觉得有点儿冷. 四. 句型复习 1. sothat 引导结果状语从句 ( 回归课本) The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine.(P2) (归纳拓展一) 结果状语从句一般有 so, so that ,sothat, suchthat 引导,放在主句之后. (归纳拓展二) such (so)as 与 such(so)

22、that 的区别; such(so)as 引导定语从句,as 在句中是关系代词,从句的成分; such(so)that 引导结果状语 从句,that 只作连接词用 . (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习. This is such an interesting film_ is popular with all the people. He shut the window with such a force_ the glass broke. 2.one ,it , that (回归课本) This is a simple idea, but one which is hard to pu

23、t into practice. (P19) (归纳拓展) one 代替可数名词, 泛指 “ 任何一个”, 常用来替代前面上文中的 “ a/any +名词”, 特 指时用 the one ;one 用于指同类中的一个 ; 前面可以加修饰语,但应与 a,the,this 等连用. it 既可以代替可数名词,也可以代替不可数名词,它代替的是前面提到的同一物 , 也可以 代替上文中提到的某个句子或句子中的一部分; 前面不加修饰语. that 代替前面提到的可数或不可数名词, 复数为 those,表示特指,一般来讲,that 所替代 的名词是被定冠词所限定的. (以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.

24、 These books are so useful that I decide to buy _. There was only one copy so I bought _ at once. I prefer the weather of Nanjing to _ of Beijing. 注意: 当 one 用作同位语时 ,后面定语从句中关系代词的使用一定要慎重.如, Liu Xiangs breaking the world record was an exciting moment,_ all of us will never forget. A. that B.one that C.

25、 what D. 不填 例 1- The last one _ pays the meal. - Agreed! (07 全国 I) A.arrived B. arrives C. to arrive D. arriving 【点拨】 本题考查不定式的用法. 【解析】当名词前有 last, only,序数词或最高级等词修饰时, 通常用不定式作定语. 答案: C 例 2- What should I do first? - The instructions _ that you should mix flour with water carefully first. (06 浙江高考) A. g

26、o B. tell C. write D. say 【点拨】本题考查动词辨析. 【解析】 “ 说明书上说或写着时”要用 read 或 say. 答案: D 五、高考链接 【典型例题】The murder was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back。 A. being tied B. having tied C. to be tied D. tied 【点拨】本题考查 “with + n. +复合结构” 的用法. 【解析】 with +名词(代词)+分词+介词短语结构。当分词表示伴随状况时,其主语常常 用 with 来引导。由于本句中名词 “

27、手“与分词“绑“ 是被动关系,因此用过去分词,选 D. 【考点演练】 一、单项填空 1After running for a whole day, his physical strength_. A used up B ran out of C. has run out D has given 2. The contract also received so much attention around the world that it _ politicians _ something about the famine. A. under great pressure; to do B. u

28、nder great stress; doing C. put huge pressure; to do D. put great pressure; for 3. She was frightened of the big dog, even though it_ barked at her. A alone B lonely C rarely D merely 4. America has something similar_ our countrys economic development but different _ political policies. A. from, to

29、B. with , from C. to, from D. from, with 5 Olympics will be hosted in Beijing. We didnt have enough money to watch the live game, _, well see it on TV. A. Therefore B. Luckily C Furthermore D Instead 6. Such a decision about new holiday_ three traditional festivals have been added is well received b

30、y the whole nation. A why B that C whether D as 7. Taiwan suffered such a big earthquake in June _ few residents had ever experienced before. A as B which C and it was D that 8. Japan is different from china mainly _ it is a bureaucratic country. A in that B for that C in which D for which 9. - How

31、is your life in Australia? - oh. Everything _. A is gone smoothly B goes smooth C goes smoothly D is gone smoothly 10. the explorers soon reached _was once a vast ocean _ there were no people living. A what; where B what; when C where; which D where; which 11. My computer doesnt work again , Ill hav

32、e to have it _once. A. set B. repaired C. fix D. mend 12. the sky was flooded with black clouds, and _it poured a heavy rain. A. following B. followed C. to follow D. follows 13.Many great people, such as Newton and Edison had experiences of this kind, _themselves _to be mad. A. with; regarding B. w

33、ith ; regarded C. for ; regarding D. like; regarded 14. These years Ive been working very hard in order to _ my own career some day. A. turn up B. fix up C. set up D. make up 15. the volcano eruption last year, as was reported, _peoples lives. A. claimed B. survived C. missed D. saved 二、完型填空 A land

34、free from destruction(破坏 ), plus wealth, natural resources ,and labor supplyall these were important 1 in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution.2 they were not enough. Something 3 was needed to start the industrial process. That “something special” was men4 individuals w

35、ho could invent machines, find new 5 of power, and establish business organizations to reshape(改造)society. The men who 6 the machines of the Industrial Revolution 7 from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 8 inventors than scientists. A man who is a 9 scientist is primarily inte

36、rested in doing his research 10. He is not necessarily working 11 that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is 12 trying to make something that has an actual 13. He may try to solve a problem by using the theories 14 science or by experimenting through correct a

37、nd error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a 15 result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb, or one of 16 other objectives. Most of the people who 17 the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both s

38、cientists and inventors. Even those who had 18 or no training in science might not have made their inventions 19 a ground work had not been laid by scientists years20. 1. A. cases B. reasons C. factors D. situations 2. A. But B. And C. Besides D. Even 3. A. else B. near C. extra D. similar 4. A. gen

39、erating B. effective C. motivating (动机) D. creative 5. A. origins B. sources C. bases D. discoveries 6. A. employed B. created C. operated D. controlled 7.A. came B. arrived C. stemmed D. appeared 8. A. less B. better C. more D. worse 9. A. true B. practical C. pure D. clever 10.A. happily B. occasi

40、onally C. unwillingly D. accurately 11. A. now B. and C. all D. so 12. A. seldom B. sometimes C. usually D. never 13. A. plan B. use C. idea D. means 14. A. of B. with C. to D. as 15.A. single B. only C. specialized D. specific 16.A. few B. those C. many D. all 17.A. proposed B. developed C. supplie

41、d D. offered 18.A. little B. much C. some D. any 19.A. as B. if C. because D. while 20.A. ago B. past C. ahead D. before 三、阅读理解 A Paris (Reuters)- Its summer in Paris and the French capital is preparing to offer bikes for anyone who wants to take a ride. By July 15, the city plans to park 10,648 bik

42、es at 750 stations and nearly double that by 2008 ,with riders able to take bikes from one station and drop them off at another. Work on “Velib”(short for free bike in French) is just starting, but it is already sparking enormous interest.The concept evolved from utopianbike-sharing programs in Euro

43、pe in the 1960s, aimed at reducing the use of cars and cutting down on traffic congestion and air pollution.The most famous case was Amsterdam- a failure because bikes were either stolen or too beaten-up to ride. Now many cities are giving it a go again by partnering with advertising firms that will

44、 provide bikes equipped with anti-theft systems in return for city-wide advertising opportunities. In the residential 15th district in southwestern Paris, a parking spot next to a corner caf is being adapted to become a fleet of beautiful grey bicycles. “I think the program is a good thing , and it

45、helps reduce the number of cars on the street,” said Jean-Michel Bourdet, who owns a nearby video store. “I used to ride bikes all the time, but they all kept getting stolen. I am going to start riding again,” he said. 1. What is the purpose of this bike-sharing program? A. offer free ride for the poor people B. offer free ride for those who dont want to use public transportation C. cut down on traffic jams and air pollution. D


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