2014人教新目标英语七下unit 4《What did you do last weekend》学案.doc

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1、Unit 4 What did you do last weekend 学案 课 题 Unit 4 What did you do last weekend? Section B period 4 学 习 目 标 1. Knowledge: Master more phrases about wekend activities. 2. Ability: Reading strategy.学会通过把握时间顺序来弄清故事发展的主线。 3.Emotion:Can use a timeline to tell the past events. 教 学 重 难 点 1. 一般过去式在听说读写各技能的运用

2、。 2. 正确使用一般过去式,特别是不规则动词的过去式。 自 主 预 习 预习交流(P29,2b) 1. 根据图片和文章标题等,预测新课内容。 2. 自学课文,勾出疑惑点。 预习 P29,2b,翻译。 1.high school 2.as a special gift 3.took us to India 4.visited many interesting places 5.had a wonderful time 6.went camping 7.took a long bus ride to a small village 8.put up our tent 9.made a fire

3、10.keep us warm 11.cook food 12.sat under the big moon 13.each other 14.went to sleep early 15.got a terrible surprise 16.looked out of our tent 17.so that 18.started to jump up and down 19.shouted to 20.woke the snake up 21.feel things moving 合 作 探 究 .复习检查 1. words(fly-ear)and useful phrases(P26-27

4、) 2. Free time: How was your weekend? What did you do? Where did you go? Who did you go with? 3.Guessing time .Pr e-reading Predicting: What do you think the passage is about? 3 号抢答读并 译单词 1&2 号进行每 日对话。 小组为单位抢 答 设计图片及展 示题目,让学 .While-reading Fast-reading : Read and answer the questions. 1. What was th

5、e special gift ? 2. What woke the snake up ? Careful-reading: Fill in the blanks Time Activities Last weekend My sister_ high school. Our parents_ us to India for a holiday. We_ many interesting places and_ a wonderful time. We_ camping in a small village in India. First We_ a long bus ride to a lak

6、e in the countryside. There we_ _ our tents and _ a fire to_ us warm and_ food on. On the first night We_ under the big moon and _ each other stories. I_ so tired that I_ to sleep early. The next morning My sister and I_ a terrible surprise. When we_ _ _ our tent, we_ a big snake_ near the tent. I w

7、as so_ that I_ _. We_ _ our parents to let them know about the danger. My dad_ to_ and_ in their tents. This_ the snake up and it_ into the forest near the lake. Post-reading: Task 1: Group discussion How was their weekend? Writing : How was your last weekend? 1. 请用 60 词左右叙述一下你印象中的一个美好周末,内容包括: 1)你过得

8、怎么样? 生学会预 测阅 读内 容。 (在英语中有 一项重要的阅 读策略就是预 测,在此处展 示让学生能学 会预测并有目 的性阅读) 速读掌握大意 细读,完成表 格。此处展示 另一个阅读策 略,即 timeline 通过此阅读策 略,让学生明 白在什么时间 做什么样的事 情,并且能注 意到动词时态 的用法。并在 此基础上进行 课文复述。充 分利用此时间 表。让学生达 到熟练。 在此环节只将 疑难点让学生 进行浏览,以 保证学生更效 地理解文段。 读后让学生思 考周末怎样安 排合理? 同时运用时间 表来写一下自 2)你干了什么? 3)和谁在一起? 己印象中的周 末。 巩 固 提 升 1. 这道题太难,以至于我不会做。 The problem was_different_I _work it out. 2.那时我们看到了一条蛇便向父母大喊救命。 At that time,we_a snake and_ _parents. 3.My parents gave me a big _(惊喜). 4.They _(camping) by a lake last trip. 5. This morning ,my mother_(wake) me up. 6.我们参观了很多名胜古迹,而且玩得很愉快。 We _ many _ _ and _ a _ time.


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