2014秋江苏译林版六上《Unit 3 Holiday fun》word四课时教案.doc

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1、Unit 3 Holiday Fun (Period 1) Teaching contents 教学内容: Story time I went to T: How was your holiday? S: It was T: What did you do there? S: . 教师先问学生问题,接着让同桌之间相互询问。 请几组同学对话 Step2 Presentation 1.T: Oh dear. Your holiday is very good, lets enjoy some pictures.(教 师展示一些有关节日的图片,为后面的做铺垫) S: Yes. T: Well, Do

2、 you know them? 请学生一一介绍,并带读 New Years Day, May Day, Childrens Day ,Halloween. S: Read the New words. T: Would you like say something about them?(请学生讨论) S: 可以小组讨论每个节日的文化背景知识。 T: What did you do for the.? S: I T: Did you? S: Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 询问两、三个学生后,教师出示 Easter,summer holiday Christmas holid

3、ay,图片,让学生读一读并讨论这三个节日的文化背景 知识。 Teach: Easter,summer holiday Christmas holiday, 2.出示图片引导学生问答。 I visited .for the summer holiday. He went tofor the We made many colourful eggs for the 3.The difference between main school holidays in the UK and in China 通过表格对比放假的时间,再让学生说说去年学校假期你做了 什么。 Step3 Cartoon time

4、 We can do many things in our school holiday. What about Sam and Bobby? 1. Watch and answer It is time for dinner .Bobby comes home late. T: Lets watch a cartoon and answer the question. 1.Where did Bobby go? S; He was in the park .They had a fashion show. 2.What did Bobby and Sam wear? S: Bobby wor

5、e a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. 2. Did the show go well at last? Why? S: No, it was wonder at first ,but then there was heavy rain. 3. Read in groups 4. Acting time T: 小组表演。 1. 表演原文 2. 改换服装 3. 增加台词 Step 4 Consolidation 1. 再次读短文将对话改编成短文进行填空。 It is time for dinner .Bobby comes home late .He _ in t

6、he park. They had a_ _ there. Tina is _ about the show, she asks Bobby. ;What did you wear ?Bobby _a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.But Sam didnt ,he wore a lot of _.Thats interesting. It was wonderful at first ,but then there was _ _. Step 5Homework: 1.向你的家人说说 Culture time 中节日的文化知识以及了解更多节日 的文化背景知识。

7、 2.抄写 Cartoon time 一英一中,并表演。 Blackboard design 板书设计: Unit 3 Holiday fun A: Where did you go ? B: I went to A: What did you do ? B: I Unit3 Holiday Fun (Period 4) Teaching contents 教学内容: Sound time, Checkout time I went to T: How was your holiday? S: It was T: What did you do there? S: . 教师先问学生问题,接着让

8、同桌之间相互询问。 请几组同学对话 b. Try to wirte. T: I know a lot about your holiday. Do you want to know something about my holiday. S: Miss Ang, where did you go? What did you do ?. (给予学生时间相互讨论想问的问题) T: I went to BeiJing for the holiday. I saw the summer palace. There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of

9、nice food with my family. It was great fun. (教师边说,边板书句型,给予学生后面写作做个示范) Step 4 Consolidation 1. 再次仿照范例将对话改编成自己的短文。 My holiday I went for the holiday. I saw there. I . It was great fun, 展示并完成 ticking time 中内容。 Step 5Homework: 1.向你的家人或者朋友说说自己在节日中做的事情。 2.根据课堂范例,尝试写出自己节日中所做的事情。 Blackboard design 板书设计: Unit 3 Holiday fun I went to BeiJing for the holiday. I saw the summer palace. There were many flowers and trees. I had a lot of nice food with my family. It was great fun.


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