2014秋江苏译林版六上《Unit 4 Then and now》word教案.doc

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1、六年级新译林版 Unit4 Then and now 第一课时 Step1 Free talk Good morning, boys and girls. 1. T: Im your English teacher, We know each other well. Can you try to say something about me? Ss: You are tall. You like surfing the Internet. You can teach English T: Good. Look at this picture. Whos that? S: She is T: I

2、ts me. She was your English teacher thirty years ago. What could I do then? Lets take a look.(PPT 播放一组照片) T:What do you think of me? Can you do the judgments? (1). Thirty years ago, my hair was short. (2). Thirty years ago, I could dance. (3). Thirty years ago, I could speak English. (4). Thirty yea

3、rs ago, I could teach. Ss: Judge and correct. 2. T: What could I do thirty years ago? Ss: You could(根据刚才看过的图片回忆说) T: Here are some pictures of me. Lets see. Step2 New lesson 1.整体感知 T: I have changed a lot, right? Today, we will see more changes about these people. Look! Who are they? (看图说) T: What i

4、s the passage about?(生尝试说) T: What is the title of this passage? Here are three choices. Lets watch and choose.(给出三个选 项,看卡通,选择标题) T: Which one do you choose? S: B. Then and now.(揭题,带读标题) 2.自主分段学习 (1)阅读理解 T: What differences happened? Open your books and turn to Page38. Read the story by yourselves a

5、nd fill in the blanks.(学生阅读并完成) T: Have you finished? Please say it in pairs just like Su Yang and Yang Ling. Ss: Six years ago. Mike couldnt (2)当堂反馈 T:Who can try?(出示 Mike 图片) S: Mike couldnt write. Mike can do many things. T: How many years ago? S: Six years ago. T: What could he do six years ago?

6、 S: He could T: What can he do now? S: He T: Now lets read this part. (Read the first part.) (出示 Mr Brown 图片) S: Twenty years ago, Mr Brown wrote letters to friends. He used the telephone at home S: Now, he writes e-mails. He has a mobile phone. T: Good.(图片)a telephone, a mobile phone(带读) T: Whats t

7、he difference between a telephone and a mobile phone? S: We put our telephone at home or in the office. We can take our mobile phone to anywhere. T: What else? Which one do you prefer, the telephone or the mobile phone? S: T: We can use the mobile phone to call people anywhere. What does it mean? He

8、re are two choices.(给出两个英文解释,让学生学会用英文解释英语) T: Which one do you choose? S: He can call people no matter where they are. T: Now lets read this part.(Read the second part) (出示 Grandpa 图片) S: Thirty years ago, Grandpa listened to the radio. He read newspapers. S: Now, He reads and watches news on the In

9、ternet. He reads e-books. T: Thirty years ago, grandpa got news from the radio and newspaper. But now, we have something new. S: Internet/Computer.(带读 Internet, e-book) T: Grandpa uses the Internet to get news. What else can we do with the Internet? S: We can use it to T: Whats the difference betwee

10、n a book and an e-book? S: A book made from wood. Books sometimes are very heavy. E-books are machines. They are expensive, but we can read a lot of books in one e-book T: Which one do you prefer? S: T: Now lets read it.(Read the third part) (出示 Mrs Brown 图片) S: Twenty years ago, Mrs Brown made frie

11、nds at schools. She bought things from shops. S: Now, she has e-friends from all over the world. She does shopping on the Internet. T: Now, she has e-friends from all over the world. What does it mean? Ill also give you two choices (给出两个英文解释,让学生选择) S: She has e-friends from different countries in th

12、e world. T: Mrs Brown likes going shopping. Why she does shopping on the Internet now? S: Perhaps. Shopping on the Internet is very convenient. The price is reasonable. You have more choices. T: Now lets read the last part.(Read the last part) 3.整体回顾课文 T: You see, they have changed a lot. What do yo

13、u think of their life? Why? This time, lets read after the computer and think about this question. Read after the computer sentence by sentence. Ss: Read it together. T: What do you think? You can discuss in groups first. Ss: Their life is( colourful, cool, modern, happy),because Step3 Practice T: T

14、his time, lets work in 4.Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.(分组练习朗读,然后四人一组,上台借助板书进 行反馈) Step4 Task 1. T: You act well. Lets make it more interesting. Make a Live Show. This is CXTV. Welcome to todays Daily Talk Show. What are we g

15、oing to talk today? Then and now. Our Guests today are Browns family. Who will be the host? We can have some hosts, and I can be the first one. Who can be Mike?(选四人, 做示范) Do you have any questions to Browns family?(板书互动问题) 2. T: Four of you in a group. Try to make this TV show. And you can prepare to ask or answer some questions like this. Otherwise, who would like to be the host? Try. Step5 Homework 1. Listen and read Story time. 2. Retell Story time on P38. 3. Bring two photo (during your kindergarten years and in the present), and think of the changes between two photos on P40.


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