2015秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《A you》word教案3.doc

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1、 授课日期 课型 Grammar 授课教师 教学课题 总课时: 4 第 3 课时 教 学 目 标 教学重点 Be 动词 教学难点 如何引领学生掌握 be 动词 教学方 法 发现法 教学准备 Ppt students sheet 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 时间安排 教 学 过 程 Step1 Say and write “Im from Canada.” On the board, then ask a student:“ Where are you from?” and write the answer on the board. Point to Im and He/Shes o

2、n the board. Ask “What do they stand for?” Elicit “I am, He/She is. Ask Ss to look at the table in Exercise6. Read through with Ss. Lead Ss to pay attention to the contractions. Ask the Ss to look at the Exercise 6 , complete item 1 as a class. Then ask Ss to finish it using contractions. then check

3、 in pairs, then in class Step2 Exercise 7 Ask Ss to look at the questions in the chart in Exercise6, then lead Ss to understand the word order in the questions, then write: are/China?/from/you. On the board to guide Ss to write a Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. Read through with the

4、teacher and pay attention to the contractions. Complete Exercise 6 using contractions. then check in pairs, then in class Follow the teacher to look at the questions in the chart in Exercise6 to understand the word order in the questions and form a question, then write the questions used the words.

5、引领 学生复习 和学习含“be 动词”主系表 句 型的肯 定句, 否定句,一般 疑问句和特殊 疑问句及 be 与别词结合时 的缩写形式 创设情境,给 学生练习和熟 悉 be 的用法 通过一些句子 让学生明白 be 动词的问句结 构 通过训练学生 用所给单词写 出正确问句来 帮 助学生更好 6 6 8 8 question as an example, then ask Ss to write the other questions, then check by asking three Ss to write their questions on the board. Step3 Exerci

6、se 8 Ask Ss to look at key expressions, play the recording for the students to listen and repeat. Then say: now please complete the dialogue. Then check in class. Step4 Lead Ss to read the dialogue, then ask them to role- play the dialogue in pairs, then ask several pairs to act out in class without

7、 books. Step5 Bring in photos of different countries. Have Ss “take on” the characters of the people in the photos. First give an example, then ask them to make dialogues using key expressions to introducing themselves and asking each other questions. Monitor and give help if necessary. Step 6 Homew

8、ork 将课上口头会话进行完善,誊写 在作业本上。 Read key expressions after the recording. Complete the d ialogue. Then check in class. Read the dialogue, then role- play the dialogue in pairs Make dialogues using key expressions to introducing themselves and asking each other questions according to the photos given by th

9、e teacher. Finish the homework 理解熟悉 be 动词的问句形 式 学生跟读目标 语言,进一步 记忆目标语言, 熟悉发音。 运用目标语言 完成对话。 给学生提供练 习语言的机会 创设较真实的 交流场景,给 学生提供较真 实的练习运用 语言的机会 巩固复习 7 9 1 板 书 设 计 Get Ready A Lesson 2 1. Im=I am ; He / She /Its= He / She /It is ; we / you / theyre = we / you / they are 2. Im not=I am not ; He / She /It isnt= He / She /It is not ; we / you / they arent = we / you / they are not 课 后 反 思 情境创设很适合学生,学生能在情境中 感知,体会,发现 be 的陈述句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问 句的句式结构,因而目标达成较好。


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