2015秋北师大版英语七上Get Ready《B your friend》word教案3.doc

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1、授课日期 课型 Everyday English 授课教师 教学课题21 世 纪教育网 总课时: 4 第 3 课时 教 学 目 标 在本课学习结束时,学生能够: 1. 根据情境,恰当地表达问候与感谢; 2. 用简单的语言进行问路和指路; 3. 树立主动打招呼的意识,养成文明礼貌的习惯。 教学重点 表达问候与感谢和进行问路与指路的语言 教学难点 如何引领学生掌握运用语言 教学方法 引领启发法 教学准备 Ppt students sheet recorder 教师活动设计 学生活动设计 设计意图 时间安排 教 学 过 程 Step1 Greets Ss naturally to elicit Ss

2、 answers. Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you! How are you? Borrows a pen from a student, and then expresses thanks naturally. Asks Ss to brainstorm more expressions on greetings and expressing thanks. Step2 Gives the instructions clearly and completes the first blank as a model. Ask Ss to

3、 finish the rest, check the answers in class and tell the reasons. Helps Ss review the words by showing pictures. science, birthday, balloons Follow the teacher to think and answer Brainstorm more expressions on greetings and expressing thanks. Finish the rest, check the answers in class and tell th

4、e reasons. Learn the words and sentence: science, birthday, balloons Here are 在自然的语境中,激 活学生已知的表达问 候和感谢的功能句。 :Z*xx*k.Com 通过教师示范,帮助 学生明确题目要求。 学生在一定语境中熟 悉问候与感谢的语言 功能 . 学生通过回答问题, 获取对话基本信息, 并复习 Here are 句型。 学生在图片的提示下 进一步复习并学习生 词。 521 世纪教 育网 821 世纪教 育网 Ss listen to the recording, and then read dialogues a

5、fter it. Ss role-play the dialogue in pairs, then in class. Step3 Presents three pictures of different situations on PPT. 1. Youre greeting your teacher. 2. You are giving flowers to your mother. 3. Its your friend Toms birthday. Ask Ss to choose the situation at random. Presents a modal, then ask S

6、s to role-play the situation, using the key expressions in pairs Then ask each pair to present their dialogue in class. Step4 leads to the topic by asking questions. Where does Dialogue 2 in Ex.1 probably happen? (to elicit the possible answer: in the library) Shows the signs of directions and asks

7、Ss to tell their meanings and deal with the word straight. Then shows a simple map of the school, points to “library”, and asks: Can you tell the way? Lead Ss to try to tell the choose a situation, then role-play the situation, using the key expressions in pairs. Each pair presents their dialogue in

8、 class. Reply to the teacher Learn the signs of directions, then try to tell the way to the library put the sentences in the 跟读,进一步熟悉语 言和培养语感 教师创设贴近学生生 活的情境,让学生在 较为真实语境中运用 所学语言,恰当表达 问候和感谢。 21 世纪教育网 通过第一部分的内容 导入第二部分的话 题,激活学生已知的 问路和指路的功能 句,激发学生的学习 兴趣。 学生通过图片复习相 关词汇,巩固和梳理 问路和指 路的功能 句。 在语境中理解问路和 指路的功能句,

9、并为 后面的口头输出活动 8 3 5 3 way to the library. Step6 Explains the instruction by directing a student to do the first one. Then put the sentences in the correct order, and then check the answers in class. Ss listen to the recording, and then role-play the dialogue in pairs. Step7 Ask Ss to go over the dial

10、ogue again and tick the correct circle on the map. Check the answers in class. Asks Ss to recall the expressions on asking for and giving directions. Play the recording for Ss to read after it. Step8 homework 1.跟读录音 2.完成学 案上的三个对话 correct order, then listen to the recording to check answers Read the

11、dialogues after the recording, then role- play the dialogue in pairs. Go over the dialogue again and tick the correct circle on the map. Listen to the recording, and then read after it. 做铺垫。 21 世纪教育网 学生在语境中 进一步理解如何 使用相关功能句 指路。 引导学生在课堂及时 巩固和梳理所学内容。 帮助学生巩固相 关的功能句,模仿语 音、语调及语气。 巩固复习。 4 4 4 1 板 书 设 计 课 示范到位,学生跟得不错,效果良好,目标基本达成。 后 反 思


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