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1、Title Module 1 Unit 1 Whats the weather like? Teaching contents: 1. Whats the weather like? 2. Its 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. let students grasp the adj. words: hot cold raining windy sunny 能力目标: A.Talk about weather B.Pay attention to the usage of hot cold r

2、aining windy sunny Teaching aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会询问及回答天气情况 Main points: Help students grasp the key sentences: Whats the weather like? Its hot. Its sunny. Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Teachers

3、 Activity Students Activity Re-preparation Teaching steps I.Warming up and Revision 1、 Greeting 2、ask and answer What do you do at Chinese New Year? 1、 Greeting. 2、 the students answer: I watch TV. I have a big dinner. I have dumplings. 3、 Organize pupils to review the seasons. II.Leading-in 1 Ask a

4、bout todays weather: Is it hot? Is it cold. Then learn to say “weather” Look and listen to the story. Find out the sentence about weather beginning with “Its ” 2 Learn to ask about weather. Point to the sentence “Its hot .” “Its sunny.” “Its windy” one by one, and ask “Whats the weather like today?”

5、 Help them answer. Copy the question on the board and learn to ask. Parctising asking and I have firecrackers. 3、 spring summer autumn winter Ss repeat the words. Its windy . Its cloudy . Its snowing. Its cold. Ss repeat the words and sentences. Listen and pause answering in different ways. 3 Ask st

6、udents to find out another word about weather. Then learn to say “raining”. Then ask “Is it really raining?” Get them to answer and explain why. after each utterance for students to repeat and xplain the difficult words and sentence necessary. On the BB Module 1 Unit 1 Whats the weather like? Whats

7、the weather like? Its hot cold raining windy sunny Teaching notes Title Module 1 Unit 2 I like swimming. Teaching contents: 1. What do you like doing in? 2. I like . 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. let students grasp the words: skiing rowing a boat 能力目标: A.Talk ab

8、out weather B.Pay attention to the usage of sports Teaching aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论不同天气状况下人们喜 欢的体育活动。 Main points: Help students grasp the key sentences: What do you like doing in? I like . Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards t

9、ape recorder stickers ect. Teachers Activity Students Activity Re- preparation Teaching steps I.Warming up and Revision 1、 Greeting 2、Go over the story by listening and repeating. 3、ask and answer 1 Complete Activity One 1、 Greeting. 2、Whats the weather like? Its . and Two. Listen to the dialogue in

10、 Activity One. “Whats the difference between the two pictures.” Add “in summer” and “in winter ” to the question “Whats the weather like here?” Learn to say “What do you like doing in summer/ winter?” . Show students the pictures in Activity Two one by one. And help them say “I like_in summer / wint

11、er.” 2 Complete Activity Three. Listen to the poem. Listen and ask them try to follow. And get the students answer the questions. Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer. Find out sentences about the weather and activity,then practice. Read the poem line by line, explain when

12、 necessary. On the BB Module 1 Unit 2 I like swimming. What do you like doing in ? I like. Teaching notes Title Module 2 Unit 1 Shes listening to the radio. Teaching contents: Hes/Shes doing. 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. let students grasp the words: singing re

13、ading listening playing watching 能力目标: A.Talk about on_going activities B.Pay attention to the usage of family members Teaching aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论他人正在进行的活动. Main points: Help students grasp the key sentences: Hes/Shes doing. Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and correc

14、tly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Teachers Activity Students Activity Re- preparation Teaching steps 1. Sing a song. Its raining. 2. Greetings. T: Good morning! What day is it today? Whats the weather like? 3. Review the old words that are relative to todays Sing tog

15、ether. Greeting. Its . Mother father brother lesson.(Family members and activities.) 1. Listen to the sound, and guess what is happening. Record some sounds before class, such as the sounds from the radio, someone is talking or reading and so on. T: What can you hear? T: This is. Shes or Hes doing S

16、TH. (Describe the pictures.) 3. Present the task. T: Can you tell us what is happening in your pictures? Now, lets learn from Daming and see how he do as a commentator Listen, point and repeat. (Using the CD- ROM and the cassette.) Copy the actions. S1 does the actions from the sentence cards he see

17、s. The other Ss guess what he or she is doing. Ss: She / He is doing sister And get the students answer the questions. Show them the corresponding pictures and describe them. Work in pairs. Then try to act the text out. Ss read the text after the tape with the books open. (Remind them to point to th

18、e corresponding sentences.) Practice in different ways and then ask them STH. Then encourage the others to take S1s role. Lets watch TV. Look at the pictures on the television.(CAI), and guess what is showing on TV? What is he/ she doing? Then the teacher show them the pictures with sentences. to fi

19、nd the answer. Find out sentences about the activity,then practice. Read the text line by line, explain when necessary. On the BB Module 2 Unit 1 Shes listening to the radio. Hes/Shes listening reading playing Teaching notes 本课学习了现在进行时,二年级学生对语法知识的掌握总是在似懂非 懂之间,因此教师要多创造该时态的语境,多进行句型操练,让他们找到 感觉,胜过大讲特讲语法

20、知识. Title Module 2 Unit 2 Im drawing a picture. Teaching contents: 1. What are you doing ? 2.Im . 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. let students grasp the words: writing drawing colouring 能力目标: A.Talk about “Im doing sth.” B.Pay attention to the usage of V+ing Teach

21、ing aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论自己正在做某事. Main points: Help students grasp the key sentences: Im V+ing . Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Teachers Activity Students Activity Re- preparation Teaching ste

22、ps I.Warming up and Revision 1Review the words of weather. 2Free talk: What do you do at the weekend? swim, run, watch TV, sing, dance, read a book, play football/, play the Hot sunny raining cold windy snowing And get the students answer the questions. flute, listen to music. Listen to the dialogue

23、 in Activity One. Read the words: listening, reading, writing, playing, talking, doing. T: What are you doing? T: Writing a letter? Please come here and let me have a look. Now, what are you doing? Show the letter. T: Look, whats this in English? Show the picture. T: Is it a letter? No, it isnt. Its

24、 a picture. T: I like drawing pictures. Now, what am I doing? T: Im drawing. T: I like colour red. I want to colour the girls shirt. Now, Im (colouring). Chant Drawing, drawing. Im drawing. Colouring, colouring. Im colouring. Practice in different ways and then ask them to find the answer. One stude

25、nt is writing. S: Im writing a letter. S: Im drawing a picture and Im colouring the picture. (Its a letter.) Read the word picture. Learn to do and say drawingdrawing a bird/ tree/ bookIm drawing a picture. Learn to do and say colouringcolouring the face/ shirt/ pictureIm colouring. Writing, writing

26、. Im writing. Text 1.Point to Beckys picture. T: Whos she? Whats she doing? Whats the girls name? How old is she? Whats she doing? Whos her friend? Where is Fangfang? Learn to say the chant and do the actions. Listen to the tape. Read after the tape. Answer the questions. On the BB Module 2 Unit 2 I

27、m drawing a picture. Im writing. Im colouring. Im drawing. Teaching notes 本课继续学习巩固现在进行时,对比 Whats she doing ? what are you doing?及回答.学习歌曲 Im listening to music.效果很好. Title Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isnt tidying his room. Teaching contents: 1. Sam isnt tidying his room. 2.Is he doing his homework? No, he is

28、nt. 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. Can discuss at affair or actions that take place Focus Key words:“tidy room homework secret card“. 能力目标: Be able to talk about activities talking place now Teaching aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文培养会谈论正在发生的事情或动作. Main points: Help students gr

29、asp the key sentences: 1. Sam isnt tidying his room. 2.Is he doing his homework? No, he isnt. Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Teachers Activity Students Activity Re- preparation Teaching steps :

30、 Warming up and Revision 1. Say “ hello“ to children 2. Sing a song “Im listening to music“. 3.Review the present tense of the verbs : Leading-in 1、 Greeting. 2、 the students sing together Ss repeat the words. Ss answer the Show a picture of Sam tidying his room and ask students: Whats Sam doing? Is

31、 he reading? Now, lets listen and look. :Listening 2) “Look at Picture 4 , where is the train going ? ”引出“The train is going down a hill.”和方位词“down”; 3) “Look at Picture 5 , where is the train going ? ”引出“Its going past a hospital.”和方位词“past”. (设计说明:教师提出的几个问题帮助学生掌握了关键信息,为之后的听 说练习做好了准备。通过小组合作解决问题,这种探

32、究式的学习方式,不仅提 高了学习的趣味和效率,也为学生搭建了自主学习的平台。) 6.教师可以进一步讲解几个方位词的用法,让学生明白它们之间的区别, 然后个别抽读,了解学生掌握单词的情况,及时纠正学生的发音。 7.学生在理解和掌握了生词和词组之后,教师再放录音,每句话后停顿, 请学生跟读,模仿录音,注意及时矫正学生的发音和语音、语调。 (设计说明:教师对新单词的教授不是仅仅停留再单词上,而是将单词融 入到句子中,让学生整句理解,这样可以帮助学困生再次学习;此外跟读录音 朗读有助于学生模仿地道的语音和语调,养成良好的英语朗读习惯。) Step 3.Prctice 教师把全班同学分成两组,朗读对话,

33、再请学生两人一组进行表演。教师 可以让几组学生到讲台前进行表演,鼓励学生在表演时加上适当的动作和表情。 请全班学生评出“最佳表演小组”,教师给予奖励。 (设计说明:这个环节的设计旨在培养学生运用所学语言的能力。这种开 放性的练习设计,促使学生主动思维,大胆想象,活跃了学生思维,给学生留 出了很大的运用知识的空间。) Step 4.Activity 1.教师在黑板上用简笔画画一对小山和一座标有“hospital”的建筑物, 在左边的山上画一辆火车,在右边的远处画上一个停站牌,然后展示一条从上 山、下山、经过医院最后到达停站牌的路线。 2.教师在黑板上写上下面的句型结构: The train is

34、ing. 3.教师可以利用手中的粉笔,学生的铅笔或者橡皮当作火车,顺着刚才演 示过的线路缓慢移动,在移动时,根据情况给学生介绍一下,例如: Train (moves up the hill) S: The train is going up the hill. Train (moves down the hill) S: The train is going down the hill. 4.教师演示数遍之后,可以把全班分成几个小组,让学生表演“双簧”, 一个同学在上面演示,一个学生则根据台上同学的演示进行同步描述,看看那 个小组的同学最有默契,配合得最好。老师给予一定的奖励。 (设计说明:在

35、带有游戏色彩的情景中学习,学生的求知欲望和好奇心得 以激发,这样既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了新知识,使学生真正融入到了课堂 学习活动之中。) 5.教师可以引导学生回忆自己曾经坐车或者爬山的经历,重点回忆自己到 达目的地的路线,并运用所学的方位词尽量描述路线,首先在小组内交流自己 的经历,然后在全班交流。 (设计说明:通过让学生谈论自己日常生活中所经历的,引导他们将英语 学习与生活实际相联系,做到学用结合,在做中学,在玩中学。) Step 5.Summary 教师和学生一起归纳本单元所学的语言项目。 Step 6.Homework 1.能自己或和小伙伴合作表演本单元的对话。 2.学生可以根据自己的

36、爱好在生活中观察,能将所学的知识与生活联系起 来,真正做到学以致用。学生可以模仿课文做描述,并用简笔画记录观察物品 的行进路线,再把自己的观察结果描述给家长老师或同学听。 (设计说明:教师应该给予同学们积极的鼓励,并为其提供必要的帮助和 指导。同学们可以在自习课上自由交流他们的结果。) Book 4 Module 8 Unit 2 were turning around. Teaching contents: Were turning around. Were . 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words

37、B. Can discuss at affair or actions that take place Focus Key words:“stop see turn around touch “. 能力目标: Be able to talk about positions. Teaching aims: 情感目标:通过学习课文会描述方位. Main points: Help students grasp the key sentences: Were . Difficult points: Enable students to use the drills fluently and corre

38、ctly. Teaching aids: CD-Rom ,some cards tape recorder stickers ect. Unit 2 were turning around 【教学目标】 (一)知识目标: 1.能听懂、会说和会读以下句子: We are going up. We are going down. We are turning around. 2.能听懂课本中的简单指令并做出相应的动作。 (二)能力目标: 1.通过说唱本单元的儿歌、童谣,培养学生听、说和唱的技能,同时提高 学生自主学习能力。 2.在各种训练活动中,培养学生运用语言的能力。 (三)情感目标: 1.引导

39、学生体会、了解学习英语的兴趣,激发学生热爱生活的情感。 2.培养学生的合作意识。 【教学重点】 1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: We are going up. We are going down. We are turning around. 2.会说唱本单元的英语儿歌和童谣。 【教学难点】 1.正确区别几个方位词及其用法。 2.能熟练快速地说出本单元的英语指令且能迅速做出相应的动作。 【教学意图】 1.增加已学知识的复现率,培养学生对重点词汇和句子的认读能力。 2.培养学生的说唱能力,活动具有一定的灵活性。 3.通过多种形式的活动激发学生的学习兴趣。 【教具准备】 1.教材相配套的教学录

40、音带。 2.教学挂图。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师分别把两只不同颜色的铅笔、铅笔盒、书本放在教室前面的讲桌上。 2.让两位同学到教室前面来,告诉学生,让学生根据老师的指令,相应的 移动讲桌上的两支铅笔。例如: T: The red pencil is under the pencil case. S1:(moves the red pencil under the pencil case) T: The blue pencil is under the table. S2:(move the blue pencil under the table) T: The

41、 blue pencil is in the pencil case. S3:(moves the blue pencil into the pencil case) 3.先师生示范,然后让学生相互合作进行练习。几组练习之后教师让学生 三个人一组,一个人扮演指挥官发指令,另外两个同学一个扮演蓝铅笔,一个 扮演红铅笔,根据指挥官的指令做出相应的动作。 (设计说明:通过师生互动的热身活动,为本单元的下一步教学做了很好 的铺垫,教师也可以扮演一个角色,融如到学生之间,拉近与学生之间的距离, 消除了学生的紧张情绪。) Step 2 Presentation 1.教师叫上三个同学来,分别给这三位同学一张

42、写有汉语的小纸条,让学 生在台前根据纸条上的内容做出相应的动作。 2.学生做出的动作分别是,指指天,指指地,在原地转圈。学生做完后, 教师问下面的同学:“同学们知道刚才三位同学做的这些动作用英语怎么说吗? 不知道没关系,我们先一起来学习今天的课文吧!只要你认真学,学完了你就 知道答案了。” (设计说明:通过一个小的互动,很自然地把学生引到学生课文中来。) 3.教师将本节课的挂图挂在黑板上给学生呈现出来,放录音,让学生边看 图听录音。 之后让学生说一说图上的小朋友都在做什么。学生可能不会说出:“They are turning around .”此时可以教授新词组“turn around”,教师

43、在讲解这 个词组时可以做动作帮助学生理解意思,教师为学生示范每个单词的发音,并 要求学生一起拼读。注意纠正学生的发音,必要时可以用夸张的口型或放慢语 速给学生做示范,请学生模仿跟读,注意纠正学生的语音、语调。然后个别抽 读,了解学生掌握单词的情况,及时纠正学生的发音。 (设计说明:单词教学的精细化可以提高学生词汇学习的效果) 4.学生理解和掌握了生词和词组后,教师再放录音,每句话后停顿,请学 生跟读,模仿读音,注意纠正学生的语音、语调。 (设计说明:这种循序渐进的教学方式,可以为学习有困难的学生理解词 组或句子提供帮助,使每位学生都能学到知识,符合关心每一位学生的发展的 理念。此外跟录音朗读有

44、助于学生模仿地道的语音和语调,也能为学生说好英 语大好基础。) Step 3.Prctice 1.教师把课本第一部分的韵句分别写在六张卡片上。 2.教师让六个同学到前面来,把六张做好的卡片分给这六位同学。 3.教师把班上的其他同学分成六个小组,每位拿卡片的同学选择一个小组, 作为自己的亲友团,自己站在这个小组的最前面作为该小组的代表。 4.教师放录音,学生认真听,当听到和自己卡片相同的句子时,小代表需 要高举自己手中的卡片给小组同学看,亲友团则重复这句话,并做出相应的动 作。例如: Tape: We are going up. S1(holds up the paper to his/her

45、group) S in that group(put their hands up):We are going up. Tape: We are going down. S2(holds up the paper to his/her group) S in that group(put their hands down):We are going down. (设计说明:通过游戏练习重点内容,不仅是学生感兴趣的活动,而且给 学生留出了很大的运用知识的空间。) Step 4.Listen and song 1.教师放录音,让学生听歌曲,第一遍听的时候,教师可以随着音乐做动 作,帮助学生试着听懂

46、歌词大意并熟练歌曲旋律。 2.再放一遍录音请学生看图和歌词,试着逐句跟唱。 然后让学生试着将自己认为重要的句子或着不认识的句子、单词勾出来, 鼓励学生根据自己勾的疑点和难点对歌曲进行提问,然后小组或同桌之间讨论 解决。 (设计说明:教师让学生在听的过程中画出不懂的句子,然后通过小组或 同桌讨论解决问题。这种探究式的学习方式,不仅提高了学习的趣味性和效率, 也为学生搭建了自主学习的平台,培养学生自主学习和解决英语学习中遇到的 难题的能力。) 3.教师可以根据学生提出的问题,集中总结一下。对学生的提问进行整体 讲解和动作示范,必要时教师可以辅以夸张的语气和肢体语言。 4.放第三遍录音学生整体跟唱,

47、在每一句后面停顿,以便学生模仿,鼓励 学生自己给歌曲编上动作,边唱边表演,以加深对歌曲的理解。 (设计说明:调动了学生的多种感官,让学生从中接受语言信息,激发学 生的学习兴趣,活跃了课堂气氛,培养了学生主动参与的意识,同时学生的发 散性思维也得到很好的训练。) 5.最后小组间进行比赛,评出“最佳表演奖”和“最佳歌唱奖”,教师把 课前准备好的小礼物发给学生以示奖励。 (设计说明:教师要及时给予学生恰当的评价,不仅能让学生得到鼓励, 同时还可以让学生看到自己的不足和自己的努力方向。) 6.学生唱完歌曲后,教师可以和学生一起根据本单元歌曲的旋律重新填充 歌词例如: Shake, shake, sha

48、ke your head, Shake it up and down. Shake, shake, shake your body, Now jump and down. Step 5.Activity 1. 教师和学生一起看课本 33页第四部分,先让学生看书 理解游戏的意思。 然后让四个同学到讲台前模仿图上的内容做动作,坐在座位上的学生根据 这四个学生的动作模仿例句分组问答,以此类推,操练句型 2.教师和学生做游戏“我是小火车”。教师选择部分学生扮演“小火车”, 在教室里放上一些表示不同地点的标志物,当这些“小火车”在教室里经过这 些标志物的时候,扮演“小火车”的学生运用所学的知识描述当时的

49、状态,如 “The train is going up a hill.” Step 6.Summary 教师和学生一起归纳本单元所学的语言项目。 Step 7.Homework 1.让学生运用所学方位词描述自己曾经做飞机、火车、公共汽车、出租车 到达目的地的过程。 2.熟练说唱本单元学习的童谣歌曲。 Title Book 4 Module 9 Unit 1 Turn left! Teaching contents: Turn left! Turn right! Go straight on ! 知识目标: A. Get students to grasp a new dialogue and some new words B. Can discuss at affair or actions that take place Focus Key words:“left right go stra


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