2014秋湘少版英语四上《Unit 3 Look at that elephant》教学设计.doc

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1、Unit3 Look at this elephant Period 1 教材分析: 1、 教材内容:湖南少年儿童出版社小学英语四年级上册 Unit3 Look at this elephant.中的 Part A 和 Part B 部分。 2、 内容分析:本课以湘教版小学英语四年级上册第三单元 Part A Lets listen and say 和 Part B Lets learn 为基本内容,在学生已经基本掌握动物名词的情 况下,注重引入形容词和句式。围绕动物园里看到各种动物这个话题,教 会学生使用适当形容词描述动物形态,大小和特征,将新词带入句式中, 组织学生对话。学生要掌握基本词组

2、 a big elephant, a small mouse, a funny monkey, a strong tiger, a beautiful bird. 基本句式:Look at that/this elephant. Its big. 教学方法: 本课主要应用情境教学法和任务教学法。导入环节设计一个情境,让孩子 们身处动物园中,自然过渡到动物单词以及相应形容词的教授。加上课前准备 了很多动物面具和图片,配合丰富多变的游戏,学生都积极举手发言,渴望表 现自己,获得扮演动物角色的机会。我还引入竞争模式,让学生分组比赛答题, 充分调动学生表演积极性的同时,张弛有度地管理课堂,保证学生在一

3、个活泼 有序的环境下自然掌握新知识。本堂课主要是教会学生应用相应形容词简单描 述动物特征。在学生初步掌握主要句型和词语后,我尽量让学生练习句子,适 当带入形容词,为课文的学习奠定了良好的基础。练习环节,我采用竞争的形 式,不仅给优秀学生单独表现的机会,而且关注了大多数学生的需要,抓住大 部分孩子注意力,充分调动学生的课堂积极性。总之,采用情景教学和任务教 学结合的方式,我创造了宽松愉悦的学习环境,培养了学生团队协作能力,也 激发了孩子学习英语的兴趣和快乐学习的热情。 Teaching aims : 1) A. New words and phrases: a big elephant ; a

4、small mouse; a funny monkey; a strong tiger; a beautiful bird. B. Sentence patterns: Look at that/this. Its big/ funny/ strong 2). Learn to describe the animals and communicate with others freely; 3). Learn to cooperate with others and love animals. Teaching emphases and difficulties: 1) Words and s

5、entence patterns(pronunciation) 2) Learn to describe animals with new adjectives Teaching tools: PPT, pictures, videos Teaching methods: Tasks approach, Audio-lingual method, games, competition. Teaching steps: 1) Warming up A. Sing a song: Moo, moo B. Greeting: Good morning boys and girls. Today, M

6、iss Huang will take you to a wonderful place. Look at that picture, lots of animals live there. Guess. Oh, how clever you are! Zoo, Its the zoo. Do you want to go with me? Ok! Lets go! 2) Presentation and drills A.Listen and answer Listen carefully! Whats it? OhIts coming. 播放大象叫声 Whats this?这是什么? (让

7、学生抢答)One, two , you please. Elephant. Look at this elephant , its big.(板书和图片)指着图片, The ears are big , legs are big ,body is very big.(做出极为夸张的动作,让学生理解 big),带读三遍。 分组读,指名读。 Whats that? Look at that mouse ,its small.动作夸张(板书和图片)试着用动作 告诉孩子 big 和 small 的区别和特点。带读.。分组读,指名读。 播放猴子叫声 Whats that? Look at that mo

8、nkey, its funny.(板书和图片),试 着做出有趣的动作,引导孩子说出 funny 的意义。带读。分组读,指名读。 同样方法教授新的词组 a strong tiger, a beautiful bird. B Lets practice 每组小组长读出每个词组后教自己的组员,之后进行小组之间的比赛,哪组读 得好的奖励。 C. Lets chant Big, big, a big elephant Small, small, a small mouse Strong, strong, a strong tiger Funny, funny, a funny monkey Beauti

9、ful, beautiful a beautiful bird 3) Practice A.带读 Look at this elephant, its big.稍微点出 that 和 this 的区别,再引导学生 读一句 Look at that mouse, its small.让学生站起来充当小老师带读剩下的三句, 给予语言和手势的提示。 C.播放 A 部分录音,回答问题 1、How many kinds of animals are there? 2、What are they? 再次播放 A 部分录音,学生整体跟读。 4) Consolidation A game Peter comes to the zoo. He wants a guide. Now can you help him? 一位学生戴动物 图片帽子进行表演,老师演 Peter,老师走到哪组面前,哪组就对某种动物进行 表演,其他同学对这种动物进行介绍,运用所学句型:Look at this/that Its Well done. So much for today. 板书设计: Unit 3 Look at this elephant 大象图 big 老鼠图 small Look at that/this 猴子图 Its funny 老虎图 strong 小鸟图 beautiful


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