2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 8)word学练案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 8)word学练案.doc_第1页
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2015秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 8《Fashion》(Period 8)word学练案.doc_第2页
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1、英语学科 7A Unit 8 Period8 Self-assessment 学讲预案 一 .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学) 度过 懒惰的 (女)短上衣 领带 借给 女士_ 先生_ 舒适的_ _ 紫色的_ 受喜爱的_在。 。 。之中_灰色的_ 精干的_ 酷的_ 围巾_ 丝绸_正 午_ 汉堡包_ 保持_ 柠檬_ 西 瓜_ 巧克力_牛肉_ 胡萝卜_ 糖 果_ 肉_ _ 健康_适合的_ 手套_柔和的_ 光滑的_可爱的_ (有檐的)帽子_西瓜_ 巧克力_ 牛肉_ 夹克衫_昏暗的_模特, 模型_ 包括_ 灰色的_绝妙的_ 柔软的_ 二 .Cooperative learni

2、ng (合作助学) 1. 不同款式的衣服_ 2. 既轻便又舒适_ 3. 西蒙过来了。_4. 在年轻人中很流行_ 5. 与很相配 _ 6.be very popular among sb. 7. 看起来精神/酷/时尚/_8. 由制成_ 9. 他们两个都_ 10. 一件红色的丝质女衬衫_ 三 .Extensive learning (拓展导学) 1.spend (1) 花费 : 在上花费时间和金钱 ,花费时间和金钱做某事 他花 5 元钱买那本书。 He _the book.He_the book. The book _. 每天我花费 2 个小时做作业。I _ my homework every d

3、ay. (2) 度过: 周末你可以在床上多呆两个小时。You can_ at weekends. 2.考虑 think about 我正在考虑穿什么? Im _ 考虑做某事 She is thinking about _(do) some housework for the poor woman. 3.从。 。借某物(借进来)borrow sth from借给某人某物(借出去 lend sb sth = lend sth to sb (1) I cant find my pen. Can you _ me yours? (2) Can I _your bike? =_ _ _ _ your b

4、ike 4.between: 在两者之间 ;among: 在三者或三者以上当中 (1)在两餐间: (2)在凯特和我之间 : (3)牛仔裤在年轻人中是非常流行的。 Jeans are very popular _ young people. (4) 他是他们中间最优秀的。He is _. 5.由制成(能看出原材料) be made of (1) 由棉花/丝/羊毛/皮革制成 (2) 这件衬衫是棉制的。 由.制成(看不出原材料) be made from The boat _ paper and paper _ wood. 在某地制造 be made in 中国制造: 日本制造: 练习:(1)-Is

5、 the tie made _silk? -Yes. It is made _ Italy. (2)-Wow, the scarf feels so soft. -Its made _silk and made _ Suzhou. 四 .Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学) 一)词汇运用 1. One modal wears a pair of red _(皮革) boots. 2. Dont you think that man looks _ (酷)in the black coat? 3. That boy looks funny in th

6、e _ (五颜六色)shirt. I dont like it. 4. Is that a_(羊毛) coat? It must be very warm. 5.I like _(棉) clothes. They are easy to wash. 6. I think these shoes are very _(舒服). They are just the right size. 7. That _(丝) blouse is good for summer, when it is hot. 8. I am going to climb a hill. I need a pair of _(

7、软底运动鞋) 9.The woman wants to know what _ (do) next. 10. What size _(be) your trousers? 11. Lily usually _ (spend) two hours _ (do) her homework. 12. May I _ (borrow) your bike? 13. Listen! A baby _ (cry). 14. The students wear clothes from different _(country) in the fashion show. 15. We call the tre

8、e with _(colour) things Christmas tree. 16. We hope you enjoy _(today) show. 17. I will spend ten more minutes _( wait) for you at the school gate. 18. They are talking about _(visit) England now. 19. He often asks me _(study) hard. 20. The woman is going to buy a pair of _(trainer) for her daughter. 五 . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)


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