2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 3《A day out》(Reading1)word导学案.doc

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1、年级:初二 主备:施海燕 审核:吴蕴 时间:2013.9.24 课题:Unit3 Reading 1 课型:新授 课时安排:一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】 1. 掌握课文中出现的生词,词组等。2. 初步认识不定式和反身代词的用 法。 【课前热身】 一、大声朗读下列单词。 1 够好,蛮不错(adv.) fine 2 加入,参加(v.)join 3 我自己 myself 4 照耀,发光 (v.)shine (过去式 shone) (现在分词 shining) 5 晴朗的,清晰的(adj.)clear 副词: clearly 6 天,天空 sky 7 旅行 ,旅程(n.) journ

2、ey 8 乏味的(adj.) boring 9 最后 (adv.) finally 10 到达 arrive 到达 arrive at/in 11 迫不及待 cant wait ( to do sth.) 12 下车 get off (反义词 get on) 13 令人感兴趣的事(或人) ;兴趣 interest 14 景点 place of interest 15 不相信自己的眼睛,非常惊讶 not believe ones eyes 16 主要的 main 17 名胜, 风景(复) sights 18 文化(n.) culture 形容词 :cultural 19 网络 Internet

3、20 页,页面, 页码 page 21 主页 home page 22 你们自己 yourselves 23 他们自己 themselves 24 独立地,独自 by oneself 二、大声朗读下列词组,并在课文中划出来 1 我在这很好 Im doing fine here .2 邀请我参加他们的学校旅行 invite me to join their school trip 3 邀请某人做某事 invite sb. to do sth. 4 做某事玩的愉快 enjoy oneself doing sth. = have a great time doing sth. = have fun

4、doing sth. 5 晴朗温暖的一天 a fine warm day 6 在晴朗的蓝天下闪耀 shine in a clear blue day 7 很多车辆,交通拥挤 a lot of traffic 8 有点乏味 a little boring 9 到达 arrive at/in=get to =reach 10 迫不及待做某事 cant wait to do sth. 12 上公交车/ 下公交车 get on the bus/get off the bus 13 整个世界 the whole world 14 在 前面(范围之外) in front of 15 在。 。 。前面(范围

5、之内)in the front of 16 一百多个景点的模型 models of more than a hundred places of interest 17 来自全世界 from all over the world 18 变的很兴奋 become very excited 19 由钢铁 制成 be made of steel 20 看起来就像我们家乡的那座一样雄伟 look as great as the one back home 21 不能相信我的眼睛 cant/couldnt believe my eyes 22 令人惊讶的一天 an amazing day 23 看到世界上

6、的主要名胜 see main sights of the world 24 在仅仅一天之内 in just one day 25 歌舞表演 the song and dance shows 26 了解许多不同的文化 learn a lot about different cultures 27 看到旅行的照片 see some photos of the trip 28 在网上 on the Internet 29 把他们放在他的主页上 put them on his home page 30 你们自己去看看 go and see for yourselves 31 拍照 take photo

7、s 三、试着完成书本 P33 的练习。一定要认真完成哦! 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 一大声朗读课文,回答下列问题: 1. Who invited Linda to join the school trip? _ 2. How long did it take to get to the World Park by bus?_ 3. Whats the model Eiffel Tower made of?_ 4. Was it an amazing day? Why?_ 5 What did Linda see in the World Park?_ 6. How c

8、an Lindas mother know more about the trip?_ 7. Who put the photos on the Internet? _ 【堂清巩固】 1. We enjoyed o_ in the park yesterday. 2. The p_ of the USA lives in the White House. 3. I want to i_ my friends to my party. 4. There is a lot of t_ on the city roads. 5. He will g_ off quickly as soon as t

9、he bus stops. 6. There are many p_ of interest in China. 7. Daniel taught h_ how to make a home page. 8. There are many shops in the m_ street of the town. 9 _(最终), we _( 到达) at the park by car. 10 You can see many photos of the trip on the _(网络)。 11 Is Jiangyin Bridge made of _(钢) 12 He is sitting

10、on the grass and looking at the blue _(天空) 13. 吴老师邀请我参加了他们去世界公园的旅行。 Mr. Wu _ me to _ their trip _ the world cup. 14. 路上交通繁忙。 There was _ _ _ on _ _ 15. 里面有来自全世界的一百多个名胜的模型。 There are_ _ _ _100_ _ _ _ all over the world. 16. 金门大桥看起来就象我美国家乡的真的一样。 The golden Gate Bridge looked _ _ _ the one _ in the USA

11、 17 这座桥是钢做的,重量超过十万吨 The bridge _ _ _ _ and _ _ 100,000 tons. 18 I cant wait _(open) my present on Childrens Day 19 Its a fine day today. The sun _(shine) in the clear blue sky. 20 It took us about six hours _(get) to Qingdao by bus. 21 If you want to keep healthy , you need _( exercise) more. 22 Kit

12、tys friend Linda invited me _(join) their Dancing Club. ( )23 The little girl could look after _ though she was only five years old. Ashe B her C hers D herself ( )24 English is very _ and I am _ it A interested; interested B interesting; interested C interesting; interesting D interested; interesting 25.中国有许多景点。 There are many _ _ _ in China 26.每年世界各地的人们来游览长城。 People _ _ _ _ _ _ the _ _ every year.


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