2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 4《Do it yourself》(Reading2)word导学案.doc

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2015秋牛津译林版英语八上Unit 4《Do it yourself》(Reading2)word导学案.doc_第3页
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1、年级:初二 主备:冯建平 审核:吴蕴 时间: 2013.10.14 课题:Unit4 Reading(II) 课型:新授 课时安排:一课时 学生姓名_ 家长签名 _ 【学习目标】 1. 掌握课文的语言点。 2.引导学生的 DIY意识 【课前热身】一、大声朗读下列词组或句子,并在课文中划出来。 1 我的表弟对“自己动手做” 很着迷。My cousin is crazy about DIY. 2 他喜爱修补东西和装饰它的房子。He loves to repair things and decorate his house. 3 有一次,他尝试在他的卧室安装一盏更亮的灯,但他犯了一个错误。 He o

2、nce tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. 4 他的整个房子都断电了。His whole house had a power cut. 5 又有一次,他想在他卧室的墙上钉一幅画,但他损坏了水管并使房间都充满了水。 Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water. 6 他把它刷成了蓝色。He painted it

3、 blue. 7 他的妈妈说,“停下来。 ”但是他继续刷着。His mum said, “Stop it.” But he kept on painting. 8 现在起居室不仅墙是蓝色,连天花板和地板也成了蓝色。 Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a blue ceiling and floor. 9 他花了五个小时把架子钉在墙上。He spent five hours putting up the shelf on the wall. 10 它们不能呆在上面,因为架子的一端比另一端高得多。 They couldnt s

4、tay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other. 11 我买了一些关于“自己动手做”的书给他并也建议他学习有关“自己动手做”的课程。 I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a course in DIY. 12 但这只是使他生气他说他已经了解了关于它的一切。 But this just made him angryhe says he already knows everything about it.

5、13 相反,我自己在阅读所有的书而且每周六都在去上课。 Instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday. 14 现在关于“自己动手做” 方面的知识,我知道的比我表弟多得多! Now I know much more about DIY than my cousin! 15 当我需要在床的上方搁一个架子时,他说, “没问题”。 When I wanted a shelf above my bed, he said, “No problem!” 16 她的表弟在房间里安装一盏新灯失败了。

6、 Her cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom. 二、试着完成书本 P46 的练习。一定要认真完成哦! 通过预习,哪些方面你还存在疑问? _ 【学海拾贝】 1. My cousin is crazy about DIY. “对(做)某事着迷”译为 _ 2。He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. A put in “安装”,是动副短语,名词可位于中间,也可位于后面,但代词宾格必须放在中 间。 如,安装一个水管_;

7、安装它_ B “犯错 ”译为_/_ 3. Another time, he wanted to put up a picture on his bedroom wall, but he hit a pipe and filled the room with water. A put up 意为“张贴;举起;抬起”,名词可中可后,但代词宾格只能位中间。 如,举起你们的手_/_ 把它贴在墙上 _ 另外,put down 意为_ put on 意为_ put off 意为 _ put out 意为_ put away 意为_(take off 意为 _) B hit “撞”的过去式还是_,类似还有

8、_ C fill 是动词,意思是“ 装满 ”,与 with 组成短语 fill-with-,意为“用-装-, 如,让我们用水装满瓶子。Lets _the bottle _water. 房间里烟雾弥漫。Smoke _ the room. 那个小男孩用泥土把洞填了起来。The little boy _ the hole _ the earth. 另外,常用词组“装满、充满”有两种近似表达_ 和_. 如,这个房间里烟雾缭绕。The room _ _ _ / _ _ _ smoke. 4. Now the living room has not only blue walls but also a b

9、lue ceiling and floor. not only -but (also)-表示“ 不仅-而且-;既-又-”,用于连接两个性质相同的单 词或短语。 如,她不仅喜欢唱歌,还喜欢跳舞。She likes _ _ singing _ _ _.注意,当 not only -but (also)-连接两个主语时,谓语动词的单复数形式原则上要 与其相近的主语保持一致。 如,不仅他,还有我也擅长画画。_ _ he _ _ I _ drawing. 5. I bought some books about DIY for him and I also advised him to take a c

10、ourse in DIY. A “买给某人某物”译为_/_ 买一本莫言的书给他_ B advise 为动词,建议做某事_ 建议某人做某事 _; advice 为不可数名词,一则建议_ 一些建议_ C “参加-课程”译为_如,参加美术课程(学习) _ 6. Her cousin failed to put in a new light in his bedroom. fail 失败,不及格,倒闭,破产;fail to do sth./fail in doing sth.失败/未能做某事, 如,他的计划失败了。His plan _.我没能解出这道题。I _ _ work out the probl

11、em. 7 Now I know much more about DIY than my cousin! “副词 much+比较级”体现比较的程度。 如,大得多_ 漂亮得多_;多得多的书 _多得多的水 _ 8 Instead, I am reading all the books myself and attending lessons every Saturday. A instead 为副词,意为 “反而、却 ”, 如,他昨天没去公园。相反,他呆在家里。 Yesterday he didnt go to the park. _, he stayed at home. B attend 是动

12、词(过去式为 attended) ,意为“经常去、出席、参加”, “参加一个会议” 译为 _ 【堂清巩固】动词填空 1 The doctor _ the old man to give up smoking.(advise) 2 He often advises us _ in the street.(not play) 3 If you _ careful, they may hit you.(not be) 4 There _ little water in the future, will there?(be) 5 I am sorry. I failed _ out the problem.(work)


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